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Megan McCracken

Prof Detter-Smith
July 8 2016
Indiana Academic Standards2014 Lesson Plan Alignment Template
Subject: Science, Parts of a Plant


Grade: 2nd or 3rd

Teachers: Megan McCracken School: IPFW

1. Grade level Indiana Academic Standard 2014 the lesson targets include: Teacher
asks questions, makes sure students are involved and knowledgeable before continuing
with lesson. Teacher asks students about plants and what they do
2. Learning Target: Students will be able to know parts of the plant, what those parts do
for the plant, and have the ability to use their creativity to make their own plant, which
gives them hands-on practice with the lesson.
3. Relating the Learning to Students: Plants are all around us in the community and the
students will be able to engage within the real world and communicate what they have
learned to others around them
4. Assessment Criteria for Success: Students will know if they have completed their task
if they can successfully identify the parts of a plant on their own and create a plant that
also helps them better understand where they are located on the plant.
5. Content Area Literacy Standards for History/Social Studies, Science & Technical
6. Academic Vocabulary: root, stem, flower, leaf, life cycle of a plant
7. Examples/Activites/Tasks: students will create their own flower, name their own flower,
and incorporate the parts of a plant on their creation. After, they are given a worksheet
that challenges them more on matching and being able to match the names to a picture.
8. Resources: An interactive whiteboard and a camera/projector. The PDF files/worksheets
Leaf Shapes, Parts of a Plant, and Life Cycle of a Plant.
9. Access and Engagement for All: Making sure all students are engaged because teacher
will ask all students questions, have them all work on their own projects, go around and
talk to each student about the plant that they have created, and have them all present their
plant so they each feel included in the lesson.

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