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English Class Rules and Expectations

Mrs. Herrboldt - Room ### - Tea Area High School

School e-mail: (best way to get ahold of me!)
Dear Student and Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
Hello! Welcome to English! It is my hope and expectation that you carry the
knowledge and skills you have learned over the years and apply them to your
advantage here at Tea Area. Please read my policies and procedures for the
2016-17 school year. Read them together, then sign and date the bottom portion
and return. This is a graded assignment; if returned on time, the first recorded
mark will be an A.
Required Supplies: these things should be brought to class EVERY day.
Chromebook & Charger - your charger should never be left in your locker
Pens or Pencils in dark colors that are easy for me to read
Notebook for non-Chromebook assignments
Folder to store graded assignments in
Classroom Rules:
No food - there is a scheduled time for lunch. This is also school policy.
3 bathroom passes per quarter - there is also time to go in-between classes
Water only - drinks other than water will be taken and returned at the end
of the day
No cellphones, no texting - if I see it; Im taking it
All other school rules apply - see student handbook for details
Classroom Behavior/Participation:
I expect that you will be well behaved. Good behavior means:
Sitting in your desk working on the bell ringer when the bell rings
Coming to class prepared with an independent novel to read during down
Raising your hand to contribute to the discussion or to ask a question
Working independently and staying on task when asked to do so
Displaying respectful behavior (to yourself, to me, and to the students
around you)

Late Work Policy:

This policy is easy to remember: Late work = Titan Hour and -3 points per day u
turned in.
Just as bill collectors do not accept late bills/payments without a consequence, I
do not accept late work without a consequence as well. Assignments are due A
THE BEGINNING OF THE PERIOD; not at the end of the period or at the end of the
Academic Dishonesty:
Academic dishonesty includes plagiarism, cheating, or submitting another persons
material as ones own violates school policy and is unacceptable in this class and in
the academic community in general. Per the student handbook, any act of
academic dishonesty will result in severe negative consequences including but not
limited to, a lower grade in the class, a zero on the assignment, or a redo of the
assignment for 50% of the credit. W
henever you draw on the ideas or language of
another writer, you must clearly indicate your source.
Tardy/Unprepared Students:
I follow the schools tardy policy. This means that if you enter my classroom after
the bell has rung, you are tardy. If you are not in your seat working on the bell
ringer, you are also tardy. There is absolutely no leaving my classroom in the first
or last ten minutes. If you need something or if you forget something or need to go
to the bathroom, let me know before class and I will be more than willing to let you
Pre-arranged and Excused Absences:
A pre-arranged absence is an absence that is arranged in advance. If you are an
athlete or involved in other traveling activities such as music you will have to
arrange with your teachers when you are going to be absent. Its tricky for
teachers to make sure that student travellers have EVERYTHING they need before
they leave on a trip. Sometimes plans change and some activities are in class or
participation based. I will always do my best to get you the work you need before
you leave on a trip.
Please follow these rules:
Do not interrupt my class to ask about a pre-arranged absence. Please be smart
and chose a time when its appropriate.
It is absolutely your responsibility to get the work before you leave, I will not
track you down to make sure you have your homework.
Your work is due upon returning to school period.
A student who has an excused absence has as many days as he/she was gone in
which to complete the assignment(s) he/she missed. However, a student who was

present for a paper or project assignment and then was gone for one day of the
five he/she had to complete the paper will not receive extra time to complete
his/her project.
Grading Policy:
A = 93-100% B = 85-92% C = 77-84% D = 69-76% F = 0-68% - Grades are updated
and posted on a regular basis. There are times when it may seem like it takes me a
long time to enter grades; please be patient. I have 83 freshman English students
and another 47 sophomore English students. If you feel as though I have forgotten
about an assignment or you are getting anxious for me to grade something, send
me an email to remind me. Extra credit opportunities present themselves
throughout each quarter and can raise students grades; however, extra credit is
not given in place of regular credit.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RETURN THIS PORTION: We have read through Mrs. Herrboldts Class Expectations
& Rules, and understand that students will be held accountable to everything listed
here as well as all of the school rules/policies listed in the student handbook.
------------------------------------------------------------(Student Signature)


-------------------------------------------------------------(Parent Signature)


(Student Printed Name)

(Parent Printed Name)

Is there anything you would like to me know about your son or daughter that could
help me better assist he or she in the classroom??
Leave comments below:

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