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A C o m p re h e n s i v e

Review of the
A d v e r s e E ffe c t s
of Systemic
C o r t i c o s t e ro i d s
David M. Poetker,



*, Douglas D. Reh,


 Steroid  Prednisone  Corticosteroids  Glucocorticoids
 Adverse effects  Complications  Steroid physiology  Review

Corticosteroids are commonly prescribed by practitioners in many medical specialties

for the treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions. The use of corticosteroids in the
treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis is well described and based on their antiinflammatory effects.1 The duration of corticosteroid therapy in these conditions is often less
than 1 month, in contrast to the treatment of chronic respiratory diseases (ie, asthma,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) or autoimmune disorders (ie, rheumatoid
arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Crohn disease, and ulcerative colitis), which
can last for years.
Although systemic corticosteroids provide an effective therapy for chronic sinusitis,
they also have associated adverse effects that have been well studied and described.13
The objective of this article is to present a comprehensive review of the physiology of
systemic corticosteroids and the known side effects associated with their use.

Redistribution of adipose tissue is a common effect associated with prolonged corticosteroid treatment (Table 1). These changes are known as cushingoid changes, and

Division of Rhinology and Sinus Surgery, Department of Otolaryngology and Communication

Sciences, Medical College of Wisconsin, 9200 West Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53226,
Department of Surgery, VA Medical Center, 5000 West National Avenue, Milwaukee, WI
53295, USA
Division of Rhinology and Sinus Surgery, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck
Surgery, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, 601 North Caroline Street, Baltimore, MD 21287,
* Corresponding author. Division of Rhinology and Sinus Surgery, Department of Otolaryngology and Communication Sciences, Medical College of Wisconsin, 9200 West Wisconsin
Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53226.
E-mail address: dpoetker@mcw.edu
Otolaryngol Clin N Am 43 (2010) 753768
0030-6665/10/$ see front matter. Published by Elsevier Inc.



Poetker & Reh

Table 1
Summary of common complications following systemic corticosteroids



Morphologic changes Cushingoid changes

Truncal obesity
Facial adipose tissue (moon facies)
Dorsocervical adipose tissue (buffalo hump)

Variable reports about incidence and required dosage


Increased blood sugar levels

Degree of increase in blood sugar level variable and not well



Bacterial, fungal, and viral infections

Multiple effects on leukocytes

Usually requires prolonged courses

Wound healing

Decrease monocytes/macrophages
Delayed wound healing

Decrease phagocytosis and cytokine production

Delay reepithelialization, decrease the fibroblast response, slow
capillary proliferation, and inhibit collagen synthesis

Bone metabolism

Decrease bone density

Avascular necrosis

Effect usually transient

Can present months after use
Reported after as few as 6 days
Reported after as little as 290 mg prednisone (total dose)



Reported after as few as 2 months of use

Usually requires months to years of use
Up to 5% develop pressure increases within weeks

Skin changes

Dermal thinning, skin fragility, and ecchymosis


Usually reversible with discontinuation



Peptic ulceration

No conclusive evidence to support associations

Gastritis symptoms more common with steroid use

Adrenal suppression

Multiple systemic effects, blood pressure changes, water

retention, lack of stress response

Individual variability in the dose that can lead to adrenal

Incidence of clinically evident adrenal insufficiency is believed to
be much lower than the incidence based on objective measures


Type IIb muscle fiber atrophy

Usually involves the proximal limbs

Usually resolves 14 months after steroid cessation


Increased blood pressure

Myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular disease

Cause uncertain, usually transient

Epidemiologic studies demonstrate increased risk
Cause unclear


Mild effects: agitation, anxiety, distractibility, fear, hypomania,

indifference, insomnia, irritability, lethargy, mood lability,
pressured speech, restlessness, and tearfulness
Severe reactions: mania, depression (suicidal ideations), a mixed
state, aggressiveness

Incidence: 27.6% (range 13%62%)

Adverse Effects of Systemic Corticosteroids

Incidence: 5.7% (range 1.6%50%)

A past reaction is not predictive of a future reaction
Past tolerance is not predictive of future tolerance
Studies have not been able to correlate a history of psychiatric
illness with a psychiatric reaction to prednisone
Duration is variable
Severe symptoms may take weeks to resolve
More than 90% recover from these symptoms



Poetker & Reh

include truncal obesity, facial adipose tissue referred to as moon facies, and dorsocervical adipose tissue referred to as buffalo hump.4 The rate at which this occurs is
variable. It has been reported to occur in 15% of patients in less than 3 months
time, with doses equivalent to 10 to 30 mg of prednisone per day.4 A different study
found that 13% of patients taking up to 12 mg of prednisone daily for more than 60
days developed moon facies, with up to 66% of the patients demonstrating this
complication from corticosteroid use over 5 years.5 A meta-analysis of randomized
controlled trials found that these changes occur more frequently in patients receiving
steroids than in patients receiving placebos.6 Higher doses and longer duration of
corticosteroid use seem to increase the frequency of adipose tissue redistribution.
Patients taking daily prednisone demonstrated adipose redistribution or
corticosteroid-induced lipodystrophy at incidences of 61%, 65%, and 69% at 3, 6,
and 12 months, respectively, with mean doses of 32 mg, 19 mg, and 11 mg at the
respective time points.7 This study further demonstrated that the risk was higher in
women, patients less than 50 years of age, and patients with either a high initial
body mass index or a high calorie intake.

Corticosteroids increase blood sugar levels by increasing hepatic gluconeogenesis

and by decreasing glucose uptake in peripheral tissues.8 Corticosteroids stimulate
proteolysis, promote the release of gluconeogenesis-stimulating enzymes, and inhibit
adipose and muscle tissue glucose uptake.8 Furthermore, acute exposure to corticosteroids causes insulin resistance by decreasing the ability of adipocytes and hepatocytes to bind insulin. This effect can occur within 12 hours of beginning therapy,
although it has been found to decrease with prolonged corticosteroid use.8 Synthetic
corticosteroids such as prednisone and dexamethasone are 4 and 30 times more
potent, respectively, than natural corticosteroids such as hydrocortisone at
decreasing carbohydrate tolerance.8
Correlations have also been made to steroid dose and the development of diabetes,
with daily and cumulative dose likely independent risk factors.4 Several studies have
demonstrated a statistical correlation between hyperglycemia and exogenous corticosteroid use.4,6,8,9 On cessation of corticosteroids, the inhibition of glucose uptake
and metabolism in peripheral tissues usually returns to normal.8 Despite their common
use, the effect on blood glucose levels and the degree of hyperglycemia caused by
steroids have not been clearly elucidated.

The mechanism by which corticosteroids decrease inflammation may also lead to

immunosuppressive effects. Steroids decrease the peripheral concentration and function of leukocytes. Whereas circulating neutrophils increase as a result of enhanced
release from bone marrow and reduced migration from blood vessels, the number
of other leukocytes such as lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, and eosinophils
decrease. This decrease in peripheral leukocytes is a result of a migration from the
vascular bed to lymphoid tissue.10 Corticosteroids can further affect neutrophil function by reducing their adherence to vascular endothelium as well as their bactericidal
activity.11 Corticosteroids further inhibit the function of macrophages and other
antigen-presenting cells by limiting chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and the release of
cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor a and interleukin-1.10,11 Corticosteroids
have also been shown to decrease the expression of inflammatory mediators such
as prostaglandin, leukotriene, and platelet-activating factor, and at higher doses

Adverse Effects of Systemic Corticosteroids

have been shown to inhibit B-cell production of immunoglobulins.10,11 The administration of corticosteroids on an alternate days has been shown to reduce their negative
impact on leukocyte function.11
A meta-analysis by Stuck and colleagues12 reviewed 71 clinical studies to assess
for the relative risk of corticosteroids on the rate of infections. They found that the
overall rate of infections was 8.0% in the control group and 12.7% in patients receiving
corticosteroids, a statistically significant increase. Their review found that patients
who received a daily dose of less than 10 mg per day or a cumulative dose of less
than 700 mg of prednisone did not have an increased rate of infectious
A meta-analysis of more than 8700 patients by Conn and Poynard6 found that
bacterial sepsis occurred 1.5 times more frequently in patients using corticosteroids
than in those using placebo (P<.01). The mean daily dose was the equivalent of
35 mg of prednisone and the mean total dose was 2200 mg of prednisone for these
patients.6 Although the disease processes for which the patients are being treated
may themselves be independent risk factors for increased infection, few studies in
the aforementioned meta-analyses included patients with autoimmune diseases,
which are known risk factors for increased infections.6,12
Several studies have demonstrated that patients treated with glucocorticoids are at
increased risk for developing invasive fungal infections, pneumocystosis, and viral infections, especially in patients who have undergone bone marrow transplantation.4,1317
ODonnell and colleagues13 retrospectively reviewed 331 allogeneic bone marrow recipients and found that the major risk factor for candidemia or aspergillosis was prednisone
treatment (0.51 mg/kg/d). None of the 36 cases of systemic fungal infections were in the
paranasal sinuses. Several studies from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
and University of Washington demonstrate an increased risk of invasive mold infections
(including Aspergillus and Zygomycetes) as well as an increased risk of death from these
infections in bone marrow transplant patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids (R2
mg/kg/d prednisone or methylprednisolone).14,16,17


Wound healing occurs in an orderly fashion. The initial response to a surgical injury is
an inflammatory reaction in which the wound is invaded by polymorphonuclear leukocytes and lymphocytes. These cells are then replaced by macrophages from circulating blood monocytes. The presence of the macrophages is essential for normal
wound healing. Within 48 hours, reepithelialization and angiogenesis occur as part
of the proliferation phase, which includes extensive capillary budding and proliferation
of fibroblasts in the wound site. Collagen deposition begins within 4 or 5 days, and is
responsible for the initial wound strength. Collagen deposition is followed by the
formation of covalent bonds and scar remodeling, which leads to additional wound
strength and maturation.18
Corticosteroids inhibit the natural wound-healing process in several ways. First,
they decrease the circulating monocytes, thus decreasing the influx of macrophages.18,19 Studies suggest that the reduced number of macrophages may
decrease phagocytosis as well as growth factor/cytokine production.20,21 In addition, corticosteroids can delay reepithelialization, decrease the fibroblast response,
slow capillary proliferation, and inhibit collagen synthesis and wound maturation,18,20,22 ultimately leading to delayed wound healing and decreased tensile



Poetker & Reh

Several topical and systemic agents such as epidermal growth factor, transforming
growth factor b, platelet-derived growth factor, and tetrachlorodecaoxygen have been
shown to counteract the effect of corticosteroids on wound healing.18 Systemic
agents such as vitamin A and insulinlike growth factor 1 also may counter the impact
of corticosteroids on wound healing.21

The role of steroids in bone loss is well described and may occur through several
different mechanisms. First, they cause a negative calcium balance via an antivitamin
D effect by reducing intestinal calcium absorption and increasing urinary calcium
excretion. This negative calcium balance stimulates parathyroid hormone production,
which increases osteoclast activity, accelerates bone absorption, and releases
calcium into the circulation at the expense of bone mass. In addition, steroids inhibit
osteoblast activity, negatively affecting trabecular bone formation. This effect places
bones, such as vertebral bodies, femoral necks, and distal radii, at increased risk
for fracture.23,24
Corticosteroids also suppress the production of adrenal androgens, decreasing
their beneficial effect on bone formation. Prednisone doses higher than 20 mg per
day decrease the production of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which decreases
the production of luteinizing hormone, leading to a secondary hypogonadism state.
This secondary hypogonadism decreases testosterone production, further decreasing
bone formation and increasing bone resorption.24
Corticosteroids have been found to cause apoptosis of osteoblasts and osteocytes.
This effect has been shown to occur within 1 month of use; however, it slows after 6 to
12 months.25 A reduction in bone formation based on markers of bone metabolism has
been demonstrated with as little as 5 mg of prednisone daily for as short as 2
weeks.25,26 van Staa and colleagues26 found a dose-related reduction in osteocalcin
levels, a marker of bone formation, within the first 24 hours of prednisone therapy. This
effect was rapidly reversible with cessation of prednisone therapy.
Paglia and colleagues27 studied bone resorption and formation in 14 elderly men
who were placed on courses of prednisone for less than 30 days at a mean cumulative
dose of 338 mg of prednisone. The investigators found statistical differences in the
steroid group, with significant increases in markers of bone turnover and decreases
in markers of bone formation. In addition, osteocalcin levels were inversely correlated
with the cumulative dose of prednisone.27 A second study measured the dose-related
changes in serum osteocalcin in patients with asthma on a 12-day course of oral prednisolone with doses increasing every 4 days.28 They found that after 4 days of 5 mg
daily, there were no significant differences in osteocalcin levels; however, a significant
decrease was noted after 10 mg, and the levels continued to decrease after daily
doses of 20 mg.28
The clinical significance of these changes in markers of bone metabolism as they
relate to changes in bone mineral density has been debated. A study performed by
Laan and colleagues29 compared bone mineral densities in patients treated with or
without corticosteroids for their rheumatoid arthritis. The investigators found that postmenopausal women taking a mean daily dose of 6.8 mg of prednisone (mean cumulative dose was 22.5 g) for a mean duration of 7.9 years (range 1.131.9) had
a statistically significant decrease in trabecular bone mineral density, cortical bone
mineral density, and a statistically significant increase in vertebral deformities
compared with patients not using prednisone. Male patients taking a mean daily
dose of 7.1 mg of prednisone for a mean duration of 4.2 years (range 0.99.2) had

Adverse Effects of Systemic Corticosteroids

no statistically significant difference in bone mineral density or vertebral deformities

compared with patients not using prednisone.29 Although these data conflict with
earlier studies, the investigators used quantitative computed tomography, which is
more accurate than traditional bone density studies in assessing bone mineral densities. Limitations of this study include insufficient premenopausal women to include for
statistical analysis, a relatively small sample size, and the fact that patients receiving
prednisone had clinically more severe rheumatoid arthritis, which itself is a risk factor
for reduced bone mineral density.
Data are conflicting as to whether daily dose or cumulative dose has a more significant clinical effect on bone density. A meta-analysis by van Staa and colleagues26
demonstrated a stronger correlation between cumulative steroid dose on bone
mineral density than daily dose. Fracture risks have also been shown to increase
based on dose, duration, age, gender, and body weight.4 Several studies have
demonstrated that supplemental calcium and vitamin D, as well as bisphosphonates
can help reduce the corticosteroid-induced loss of bone mineral density.4
Corticosteroid use has also been associated with avascular necrosis or osteonecrosis. This complication has been correlated with cumulative dose, and has been
seen primarily in the head of the femur, although other weight-bearing and non
weight-bearing bones can be affected.23 The exact cause is not fully understood,
but is thought to include embolic events in the blood supply, a hyperviscous state
of the blood, cellular cytotoxic factors, hypertrophy of marrow fat cells, which
increases the pressure in the femoral head, resulting in decreased blood flow, or
generation of bone edema, all leading to impaired perfusion of the bone.23,30,31
A retrospective review of patients treated for osteonecrosis of the femoral head in an
orthopedic clinic identified 15 patients who had been treated with a single course of
glucocorticoids over a 3-year period, before presentation.32 All patients were male;
13 had received prednisone, 2 dexamethasone. The mean age was 32.2 years (range
2041 years), the mean cumulative dose was 850 mg of prednisone (range 2903300
mg), and the mean duration of therapy was 20.5 days (range 639 days). The patient
who presented after the lowest cumulative dose of prednisone, 290 mg in 7 days, was
one of the latest presenters. He presented with pain 23 months after corticosteroid
treatment for poison ivy. The mean time from treatment to symptoms in the study
was 16.6 months (range 633 months).32 Another retrospective series of 1352 patients
treated with corticosteroids for neurosurgical issues identified 4 cases of avascular
necrosis, a risk of 0.03%. The mean age was 26 years (range 2131 years), the
mean cumulative dose was equivalent to 673 mg of prednisone (range 389990 mg
of prednisone equivalents), and the mean duration was 20 days (1527 days).33 The
time for onset of symptoms in this group ranged from 4 to 27 months, with a mean
of 14.5 months.

Corticosteroids can have extensive ophthalmic effects, depending on the route of

administration. Systemic administration of corticosteroids can lead to cataract formation, increased intraocular pressure, myopia, exophthalmos, papilledema, central
serous chorioretinopathy, and subconjunctival hemorrhages.34 The most commonly
encountered ophthalmologic side effects include cataract formation and increased
intraocular pressure or glaucoma. The correlation between corticosteroids and posterior subcapsular cataracts was first described in the 1960s, with the incidence dependent on dose and duration of corticosteroid use. Although studies have shown that
doses as low as 5 mg of oral prednisone taken for as little as 2 months can lead to



Poetker & Reh

cataracts, most report doses of 10 mg or more daily for at least 1 year before the onset
of cataract formation.34 Many causes of steroid-induced cataract formation have been
proposed. One theory suggests that steroid molecules bond covalently with the lysine
residues of the lens, leading to opacities. Another proposed mechanism states that
corticosteroids inhibit the sodium-potassium pump in the lens, leading to an accumulation of water and coagulation of lens proteins.34
Increased intraocular pressure can lead to visual field loss, optic disk cupping, and
optic nerve atrophy. The correlation between increased intraocular pressure and glaucoma was first identified in the early 1950s.34 Corticosteroids cause significant
increases in intraocular pressure in approximately 5% of patients within the first few
weeks of therapy.24 Eventually, between 18% and 36% of the population will develop
at least a moderate (5 mm Hg or greater) increase in pressure with prolonged steroid
treatment.24 Factors associated with a greater risk of increased intraocular pressure
induced by corticosteroids include open-angle glaucoma, diabetes mellitus, high
myopia, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, migraine headaches, and first-degree
relatives with open-angle glaucoma.24,34 The route of administration seems to play
an important role; topical ophthalmic and systemic administration have a high correlation with the incidence of glaucoma. The exact mechanism by which corticosteroids
cause glaucoma is unknown. One theory suggests that corticosteroids may have
a negative effect on the trabecular meshwork by causing the buildup of proteins
such as glycosaminoglycans, fibronectin, elastin, laminin, and collagens or by
preventing the appropriate expression of prostaglandins, collagenase, plasminogen
activator, and stromelysin, enzymes that help break down outflow obstructions.24,34
When the trabecular meshwork does not allow for proper drainage, fluid is retained
and pressures increase.

Cutaneous complications caused by corticosteroids include Cushing syndrome, skin

atrophy, striae, ecchymoses, and changes in mechanical properties of the skin. Less
commonly, pustular acne, tinea incognito, and Stevens-Johnson syndrome may
occur.24 Corticosteroids cause a reduction in mitotic activity of the keratinocytes in
the germinal layer and flattening of the rete ridges. They may also cause a loss of
ground substance and reduction of fibroblast size. These changes ultimately cause
thinning of the dermis and increase the fragility of the skin. In some cases, a steroid
effect on microvascular endothelial cell development causes telangiectasia formation,
whereas the loss of ground substance decreases the structural support for vessels
and increases their dilation, leading to ecchymosis.24 Atrophy and ecchymoses are
often reversible on the discontinuation of corticosteroids, but striae are not. Striae
are visible linear scars that occur as a result of inflammation and edema of the dermis.
Collagen and elastin are then deposited along these lines of mechanical stress,
causing scar tissue formation.24
The frequency with which these complications occur is not entirely understood;
however, they seem to be more common with systemic corticosteroids than topical
or inhaled corticosteroids. One study demonstrated cutaneous changes in 37 of 80
(46%) patients on a mean dose of 31 mg of prednisone over 3 months. These changes
included hirsutism, spontaneous bruising, and altered wound healing. Of the patients
with hirsutism, all were female, and the risk tended to increase with age.35 A second
study demonstrated almost a 5-fold increase in ecchymoses with corticosteroid use;
another study found a 4-fold increase in the frequency of Cushing syndrome, acne,
and hirsutism.5

Adverse Effects of Systemic Corticosteroids


Despite the commonly held perception that steroid use increases the risk of peptic
ulcer disease, several large meta-analyses of randomized, placebo-controlled trials
have failed to show this association.5 Specifically, Conn and Blitzer36 performed
a meta-analysis of 26 placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trials and found no
correlation between corticosteroid use and peptic ulcer disease. This study was
followed by a meta-analysis of 71 similar placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trials
by Messer and colleagues.37 This study demonstrated a 2-fold increase in peptic ulcer
disease with corticosteroid use. Messers data were reviewed by Conn and Poynard
who could not find a statistically significant association. They performed a follow-up
meta-analysis of 93 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials and found
no statistically significant association between ulcer development and prednisone
use.6 These studies did find that patients using prednisone complained of peptic
ulcertype symptoms more frequently than the control patients. The investigators
suggest that this could be due to superficial ulcers that were not deep enough to be
detected by barium studies in the pre-endoscopic era.6 The lack of association
between corticosteroids and peptic ulcer disease was confirmed by Piper and
In addition to gastric issues, pancreatitis has been reported with the use of corticosteroids.4 The exact incidence and the mechanism by which the corticosteroids cause
pancreatitis is unknown.

In the normal, nonstressed adult, the adrenal gland secretes 10 to 20 mg of cortisol per
day, which translates to approximately 5 to 7 mg of prednisone per day.10,39 Exogenous steroids increase the circulating corticosteroid levels, which can lead to a negative feedback on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis at the levels of the
hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. This effect can lead to a decrease in production
of corticotropin-releasing hormone from the hypothalamus and corticotropin or adrenocorticotropic hormone from the pituitary gland.40 Decreased production of adrenocorticotropic hormone then leads to decreased cortisol secretion from the adrenal
There seems to be inconsistency in the dose of exogenous corticosteroids that can
lead to adrenal suppression. This inconsistency is believed to be due to individual variability, as well as the specific synthetic corticosteroid administered, with some having
a more dramatic effect than others.4,41 Post mortem studies have shown atrophy of
adrenal glands following as few as 5 days of corticosteroid therapy.4 A retrospective
review of rheumatologic patients identified no definitive cases of adrenal suppression
with prednisone doses less than 5 mg per day, even if that dose is taken for many
months.42 The study previously referenced by Wilsons group demonstrated no significant decreases in plasma cortisol levels following a 4-day course of 5 mg of prednisolone daily.28 When the doses were increased to 10 mg and then to 20 mg per day,
each for 4 days, there was a significant decrease in plasma cortisol levels.28
Other studies have demonstrated that short courses for less than 30 days, with
doses ranging from 15 to 50 mg of prednisone per day, can result in significant adrenal
suppression in patients.4 This suppression can then last for many weeks after the
course is completed. Longer-term, lower-dose synthetic corticosteroids can also
lead to adrenal insufficiency, requiring months for adrenal recovery.4 The incidence
of clinically evident adrenal insufficiency is unknown but it is believed to be much lower
than the incidence based on objective measures.4



Poetker & Reh


Muscle weakness associated with corticosteroid use is believed to be caused by type

IIb muscle fiber atrophy.4,5,43 Corticosteroids interfere with skeletal muscle oxidative
phosphorylation, protein synthesis, muscle membrane excitability, and carbohydrate
metabolism.4,43 The onset is usually asymptomatic with the muscles of the proximal
limbs affected first.44 Rarely are the distal limb muscles, sphincters, or facial muscles
affected, and smooth muscle does not seem to be involved at all. Patients often notice
difficulty with tasks such as climbing stairs. This effect gradually resolves over 1 to 4
months after cessation of the corticosteroids and affected muscles regain their
strength.44 This effect has been shown to be dose dependent, with the corticosteroid
effect lasting from days to months after the cessation of therapy.4
One study demonstrated a 64% incidence of muscle weakness on formal muscle
testing in patients with asthma taking more than 40 mg of prednisone daily and
a 12% incidence in those taking less than 40 mg of prednisone daily.44 Although
myopathy was worse in patients using more than 40 mg daily, doses as low as
10 mg daily, dosing every other day, and recurrent bursts of prednisone all caused
evidence of muscle weakness in some patients.44 These results are consistent with
a case-control study that demonstrated a 6.7-fold increase in reported frequency of
muscle weakness in patients with lung disease taking corticosteroids for longer
than 6 months.45 The latter study demonstrated increased risk of muscle weakness
with increased daily and cumulative doses of prednisolone.45 Other studies have
contradicted these results. Picado and colleagues46 demonstrated no significant
difference in respiratory or skeletal muscle force, endurance, or histologic appearance
in patients with asthma taking an average daily dose of approximately 12 mg of prednisone (mean duration approximately 8 years) compared with those not using oral


Corticosteroids have been associated with increases in blood pressure, although the
mechanisms have not been clearly elucidated. One debated theory is that mineralocorticoids increase plasma volume by binding to mineralocorticoid receptors in the
renal distal tubular epithelial cells, resulting in increased sodium reabsorption and
water retention with subsequent extracellular volume expansion.4,5,47 The incidence
of secondary hypertension due to corticosteroids has not been adequately described.
One study did look at individuals taking mean daily doses of prednisone between 6.7
mg and 8.4 mg, and found no association with the development of hypertension.5 The
Conn and Poynard meta-analysis demonstrated a statistically significant increase in
hypertension in those patients treated with corticosteroids.6
Two large observational studies from the United Kingdom analyzed the correlation between systemic corticosteroids and cardiovascular disease.48,49 Both
studies demonstrated significant increases in the risk of myocardial infarction and
cardiovascular disease with the use of systemic corticosteroids. This risk increased
in both studies based on average daily dose; however, only the Wei study demonstrated an increased risk with a higher cumulative dose. Only 1 of the 2 studies
demonstrated an increased risk of cerebrovascular disease with the use of corticosteroids; the second reported a slight decrease in the risk of cerebrovascular
disease.48,49 This risk was found to be associated with cumulative dose, and
seemed to be higher in patients with increased baseline risk such as cardiac or
pulmonary disease.

Adverse Effects of Systemic Corticosteroids


Corticosteroids cause cognitive as well as psychiatric disturbances. Cognitive deficits, such as memory disturbances, may emerge as early as 4 days after starting
steroids, and appear to be dose dependent and reversible on termination of the medication.50 The most common psychiatric manifestations include agitation, anxiety,
distractibility, fear, hypomania, indifference, insomnia, irritability, lethargy, mood
lability, pressured speech, restlessness, and tearfulness. Most psychiatric side effects
occur within the first week of therapy and the time of onset has not been correlated
with dose.51 Although these effects can cause significant detriment to an individuals
daily quality of life, they are not considered severe reactions. Severe reactions include
mania, depression, or a mixed state.50 Most individuals developing psychiatric manifestations on short courses report euphoria or hypomania, whereas those on longterm therapy tend to develop depressive symptoms.50
There is a dramatic variability in the incidence of steroid-induced psychiatric side
effects reported in the literature, reflective of the unpredictability of these reactions,
the wide range of steroid doses, and inconsistencies in effect definitions. A metaanalysis reported an incidence of 27.6% (range 13%62%) of individuals who experienced mild to moderate psychiatric complications from corticosteroid use, whereas
only 5.7% (range 1.6%50%) reported severe complications.52
Corticosteroid dose was found to be the most significant risk factor associated with
psychiatric reactions, with 1 series of 676 patients reporting a 3.1% incidence. Of the
patients with acute psychiatric reactions, 62% demonstrated inappropriate euphoria,
9.5% were severely depressed, and 28.6% were maniacal.53 When psychiatric symptoms were analyzed based on prednisone dose, there was a 1.3% incidence in those
patients receiving a daily prednisone dose less than or equal to 40 mg, a 4.6% incidence in those receiving 41 to 80 mg of prednisone, and an 18.4% incidence in those
receiving more than 80 mg.53 The investigators found that reduction of the dose
resulted in resolution of symptoms in all cases. A past reaction is not predictive of
a future reaction, nor is past tolerance of prednisone predictive of future tolerance.50
Additional studies have not been able to correlate a history of psychiatric illness with
a psychiatric reaction to prednisone.51
The association between corticosteroids and psychiatric side effects was supported
by the meta-analysis of Conn and Poynard. They reported that with a mean daily dose
of 35 mg of prednisone, psychiatric side effects occurred 2 times more often than in
those receiving placebo (P<.02).6 A smaller prospective study found similar results,
with more than half of the 80 patients demonstrating neuropsychiatric disorders during
their 3-month course of prednisone (>30 mg per day).35 Most of these reactions
occurred early in the course of therapy, and most involved irritability and anxiety.
However, 6 patients had severe episodes, 5 of whom required hospitalization. Of the
6, 3 had severe manic episodes, 2 had severe depression with suicidal thoughts, and
1 had aggressiveness.35 Of these 6, only 1 patient had a history of minor depression.
Duration of the psychiatric disturbance is variable with delirium resolving within
days, whereas severe symptoms such as depression or mania may take up to 6 weeks
to resolve.50 More than 90% of individuals with psychiatric reactions to corticosteroids
recover from these symptoms.51 Patient education about potential psychiatric side
effects is crucial for early reporting and management.

Topical use of corticosteroids is a common practice among otolaryngologists. These

topical preparations can include more potent corticosteroids such as betamethasone



Poetker & Reh

and dexamethasone, each with several times the glucocorticoid potency of prednisone, as well as higher concentrations of commonly used topical steroids such as
budesonide.54 Regardless of the specific preparation, the goal is to deliver a high
dose of corticosteroid to the tissues without the systemic side effects.
The systemic effects of these medications are determined by their bioavailability
after topical administration as well as the degree to which they are metabolized by
the first pass effect in the liver. It is commonly believed that approximately 30% of
the topically applied nasal steroid sprays stay in the nasal cavity and can thus be
absorbed.55 The exact amount that becomes systemically absorbed is difficult to
ascertain. The remaining 70% is distributed to the oropharynx and swallowed, either
directly or through the mucociliary clearance of the sinonasal epithelium. The ingested
drug gets absorbed by the gastric mucosa and passes to the liver where the amount
metabolized by the liver varies by agent. Traditional topical medications such as
mometasone furoate and fluticasone propionate have exceptionally small bioavailabilities, each less than 1%, whereas beclomethasone dipropionate has a much higher
bioavailability of 44%.56 Budesonide, when used intranasally, has approximately
34% bioavailability.57 Dexamethasone and betamethasone are believed to have
even higher bioavailabilities.
The effect of topical intranasal sprays on the HPA axis has been studied extensively.5861 There have been more than a dozen studies measuring adrenal suppression in adults and children as young as 2 years of age that have demonstrated no
effect on the HPA axis from the aforementioned intranasal corticosteroid sprays.59
There are at least half a dozen case reports in the literature discussing adrenal
suppression and/or Cushing syndrome with the use of more potent topical preparations such as betamethasone or dexamethasone drops.6266 It was hypothesized
that dexamethasone may have a high rate of direct absorption through the nasal
and respiratory mucosa in addition to the uptake in the gastrointestinal tract.66
Many of these cases were believed to be caused by medication overdosing, which
can occur as a result of inconsistent dosing and delivery from the use of drops.67
Two recent studies have investigated the effect of budesonide nasal irrigations on
the HPA axis. Sachanandani and colleagues68 assessed the adrenal function of 9
patients before and after 30 days of topical budesonide. Patients were asked to mix
0.25 mg of budesonide with 5 mL of saline, then administer 5 mL of the mixture into
their nasal cavity. Using the cosyntropin stimulation test, the investigators were unable
to identify any evidence of adrenal suppression. Similarly, Welch and colleagues69
demonstrated no evidence of adrenal suppression using serum cortisol and 24-hour
urinary cortisol in 10 patients irrigating their sinuses with 0.5 mg of budesonide mixed
into 240 mL of saline solution twice daily.
There have been at least 2 reports of significant growth retardation that correlated
with the use of the betamethasone drops intranasally.64 Both patients demonstrated
a return to normal growth velocity once the betamethasone use was stopped.
However, the patients were not observed long enough to determine their adult

This article presents a comprehensive review of the side effects of exogenous corticosteroids and their relative frequencies. Otolaryngologists commonly prescribe corticosteroids to treat various conditions and diseases. For this reason, it is essential that the
specific effects of these drugs, including their relative frequencies, severities, and
associated doses, are better understood. It is also imperative that the informed

Adverse Effects of Systemic Corticosteroids

consent process includes the more significant and more common reactions described
here. Unfortunately, there exists a paucity of data on the adverse effects associated
with shorter courses and smaller doses of corticosteroids. Further prospective studies
analyzing these effects are necessary.

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