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Condition and Performance Rating

Procedures for Nonrubble
Breakwaters and Jetties

Construction Engineering
Research Laboratory

Doug Pirie, Donald Plotkin, Joseph Kubinski,

Stuart Foltz, and David McKay

Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

November 2005

Repair, Evaluation, Maintenance, and

Rehabilitation Research Program

Technical Report REMR-OM-26

November 2005

REMR Management SystemsCoastal/Shore Protection Structures

Condition and Performance Rating Procedures for

Nonrubble Breakwaters and Jetties
Doug Pirie
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
South Pacific Division
San Francisco, CA 94105

Donald Plotkin
U.S. Army Engineer Research and
Development Center
Champaign, IL 61826-9005

Stuart Foltz
U.S. Army Engineer Research and
Development Center
Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
Champaign, IL 61826-9005

Joseph Kubinski
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Detroit District
477 Michigan Avenue
Detroit, MI 48226-2575

David McKay
U.S. Army Engineer Research and
Development Center
Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
Champaign, IL 61826

Final Report
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

Prepared for

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Washington, DC 20314-1000


Civil Works Research Work Units 32672/67890

Monitored by

Facilities Maintenance Branch

U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
P.O. Box 9005, Champaign, IL 61826-9005

Tables ..................................................................................................................................v
Preface ............................................................................................................................. viii

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1
Background......................................................................................................................... 1
Objectives ........................................................................................................................... 1
Scope.................................................................................................................................. 2
Approach ............................................................................................................................ 3
Mode of Technology Transfer ............................................................................................. 3

REMR Management Systems .................................................................................................. 4

Application of the Maintenance Management Systems ..................................................... 4
Performance-Based Evaluation.......................................................................................... 5
The Condition Index ........................................................................................................... 6
Condition Index for Nonrubble Breakwaters and Jetties .................................................... 7
Interpreting and Using The Condition Index....................................................................... 9
Suggested Actions.............................................................................................................11

System Instructions and Definitions .................................................................................... 12

Steps in Using the Rating System .................................................................................... 12
Basic Components............................................................................................................ 14
Operations and Maintenance Items ................................................................................. 26
Design Storm .................................................................................................................... 27
Rating and Index .............................................................................................................. 27

Defining Reaches, Subreaches, and Structure Criteria ..................................................... 28

Defining Reaches and Subreaches.................................................................................. 28
Establishing Functional Performance Criteria .................................................................. 31
Establishing Structural Requirements............................................................................... 31

Structural Rating Procedures ................................................................................................ 33

Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 33
Structural Rating Categories............................................................................................. 39
Loss of Elevation or Alignment.................................................................................................... 40
Structural Damage or Defects ..................................................................................................... 42
Material Defects/Deterioration..................................................................................................... 46
Loss of Fill Level ......................................................................................................................... 50
Loss of Scour and Wave Protection ............................................................................................ 52


Loss of Foundation Support ........................................................................................................ 53

Rating Tables .................................................................................................................... 53

Using the Structural Rating Form ..................................................................................... 54
The Inspection Process .................................................................................................... 64
Determining Structural Ratings......................................................................................... 64

Functional Rating Procedures............................................................................................... 69

Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 69
Functional Rating Categories ........................................................................................... 70
Harbor Area................................................................................................................................. 73
Navigation Channel..................................................................................................................... 76
Sediment Management ............................................................................................................... 77
Structure Protection .................................................................................................................... 79
Other Functions........................................................................................................................... 81

Storm Events .................................................................................................................... 82

Design Storm .............................................................................................................................. 82
Intermediate Storms (2X Design Storm Frequency).................................................................... 83
Low Intensity Storm Conditions................................................................................................... 84

Using the Functional Rating Form.................................................................................... 84

Steps in the Functional Rating Process............................................................................ 89
Background/Data Collection........................................................................................................ 89
Analysis....................................................................................................................................... 90
Functional Rating ........................................................................................................................ 91

Determining Functional Ratings ....................................................................................... 91

Rating Tables .................................................................................................................... 99

How Index Values Are Calculated ....................................................................................... 124

The BREAKWATER Computer Program........................................................................ 124
Structural Index............................................................................................................... 124
Cross-Section Component Index .............................................................................................. 124
Reach/Subreach Index.............................................................................................................. 125
Structure Index .......................................................................................................................... 125

Functional Index ............................................................................................................. 126

Reach Index .............................................................................................................................. 126
Structure Index .......................................................................................................................... 126

Condition Index............................................................................................................... 127


Summary and Recommendation ........................................................................................ 128

Bibliography.................................................................................................................................. 129



CI scale ....................................................................................................................... 7

Types of structures and major components .............................................................. 19

Structural CI rating scale........................................................................................... 33

Rating guidance for loss of elevation or alignment ................................................... 34

Rating guidance for structural damage or defects .................................................... 35

Rating guidance for material deterioration or defects ............................................... 36

Rating guidance for loss of fill level........................................................................... 37

Rating guidance for loss of scour and wave protection ............................................ 38

Rating guidance for loss of foundation support ........................................................ 39

10 Functional CI rating scale ......................................................................................... 69

11 Rating categories and process elements for Harbor Areas ...................................... 71
12 Rating categories and process elements for Navigation Channels .......................... 72
13 Rating categories and process elements for Sediment Management ...................... 72
14 Rating categories and process elements for Structure Protection............................ 73
15 Example functional evaluation spreadsheet ........................................................... 100
16 Rating Guidance For: HARBOR AREA.................................................................. 103
17 Rating Guidance For: NAVIGATION CHANNEL.....................................................111
18 Rating Guidance For: SEDIMENT MANAGEMENT ...............................................115
19 Rating Guidance For: STRUCTURE PROTECTION............................................. 122


REMR Management System ...................................................................................... 5

CI process for a reach................................................................................................. 8

CI process for a whole structure ................................................................................. 9

Using CI values to track condition changes over time .............................................. 10

Jetty configurations ................................................................................................... 15

Breakwater configurations ........................................................................................ 15

7a Cellular sheet pile...................................................................................................... 16

7b Double wall sheet pile ............................................................................................... 16
7c Buttressed cantilever steel sheet pile ....................................................................... 17
7d Timber crib ................................................................................................................ 17
7e Timber pile and plank................................................................................................ 18
7f Concrete caisson ...................................................................................................... 18
7g Monolithic concrete ................................................................................................... 19

Floating ladder-type breakwater ............................................................................... 20

9a Timber crib in need of repair ..................................................................................... 21

9b Stone encapsulation.................................................................................................. 21
9c Steel sheet pile encapsulation .................................................................................. 21
9d Monolithic structure reinforced after failure............................................................... 22
10 Typical reaches of a jetty .......................................................................................... 29
11 Typical reaches of a shore-connected breakwater ................................................... 29
12 Typical reaches of a detached breakwater ............................................................... 30
13 Breach caused by settlement.................................................................................... 40
14 Drop in elevation causes a breach............................................................................ 41
15 Wall has been displaced by wave action .................................................................. 41
16 Settlement has caused a void................................................................................... 41
17 Misalignment caused by settlement, external loads, or a combination of both ........ 42
18 Connection lost between fastener and waler............................................................ 43
19 Perforation threatens structural integrity................................................................... 43
20 Fracture caused by external load.............................................................................. 44
21 Fracture caused by remote external load ................................................................. 44
22 Waler lost from the structure ..................................................................................... 45
23 Impact damage ......................................................................................................... 45

24 Vertical crack in panel ............................................................................................... 47

25 Spall caused when fragment becomes dislodged from concrete ............................. 47
26 Corrosion is the chemical deterioration of materials................................................. 48
27 Deteriorated embedded tie-rod exposed by crack in concrete structure .................. 48
28 Longitudinal splitting of timber waler......................................................................... 49
29 Timber pile cross section reduced by marine borer activity...................................... 49
30 Loss of stone fill leaves gaps in the structure ........................................................... 50
31 Loss of fill material leaves voids causing crest collapse........................................... 51
32 Gap in sheer piling causes loss of backfill ................................................................ 51
33 Retained stone fill can be lost if timber crib fails....................................................... 52
34 Undercutting of the structure can lead to instability .................................................. 53
35 Structural rating form (front) ...................................................................................... 55
36 Structural rating form (back)...................................................................................... 56
37 Completed structural rating form (front) .................................................................... 57
38 Completed structural rating form (back).................................................................... 58
39 Completed structural rating form (front, second example)........................................ 59
40 Completed structural rating form (back, second example) ....................................... 60
41 Structural Feature Rating Checklist (front)................................................................ 61
42 Structural Feature Rating Checklist (back) ............................................................... 62
43 Functional rating form (front)..................................................................................... 85
44 Functional rating form (back) .................................................................................... 86
45 Completed functional rating form (front) ................................................................... 87
46 Completed functional rating form (back) ................................................................... 88
47 Example commercial and recreational harbor .......................................................... 93
48 Example completed FI form (front) ........................................................................... 95
49 Example completed FI form (back) ........................................................................... 96


The research documented in this technical report was initiated as part of
the Operations Management problem area of the Repair, Evaluation,
Maintenance, and Rehabilitation (REMR) Research Program. The work was
performed under Civil Works Research Work Unit 32672, Development of
Uniform Evaluation for Procedures/Condition Index for Civil Work
Structures. The effort was completed in the Civil Works O&M Management
Tools Research Program. The work was performed as part of Civil Works
Research Work Unit 67890, Simplified Condition Index.
The original sponsor was Mr. Harold Tholen, U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, Directorate of Civil Works, Operations Division (CECW-O). Mr.
James D. Hilton (CECW-OD) took over after Mr. Tholens retirement in late
Fiscal Year 2000 (FY00). Mr. Charles M. Hess (CECW-O) was Chief of the
Operations Division, Directorate of Civil Works.
The research effort was coordinated by Mr. Donald Plotkin, Construction
Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL). After his departure, the research
was completed by Mr. Stuart Foltz and Mr. Dave McKay, Facilities Maintenance Branch (CF-F). Mr. Doug Pirie is now an independent consultant.
Mr. Mark W. Slaughter was Chief, CF-F and Dr. Alan W. Moore was
Director, CERL.
CERL is an element of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The Commander and
Executive Director of ERDC is COL James R. Rowan, EN, and the Director of
ERDC is Dr. James R. Houston.


1 Introduction
In an effort to improve maintenance techniques and practices for inland
waterway and coastal structures, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
established the Repair, Evaluation, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation
Research (REMR) program, which was funded from 1984 to 1998. Within the
REMR program is a group of projects dedicated to the development of
computerized maintenance management systems for coastal and inland
waterway navigational structures. The general intent of these REMR
Management Systems is to provide maintenance managers at all levels with
tools to promote easier and more effective maintenance and budget planning.
Additional objectives are to create uniform procedures for assessing the
condition of structures and to create assessment methods that will allow the
condition of structures, and their parts, to be expressed numerically to take
best advantage of the benefits available from the use of microcomputers in
maintenance management.
The condition and performance rating procedures described here evolved
over several years through the joint effort of a number of people throughout
the Corps coastal operations and maintenance (O&M), engineering, and
research community. Representatives of each Coastal Engineer Division
have been part of the advisory group guiding the project, and suggestions
from people in every Coastal Engineer District have been used to produce the
rating system documented here. It is expected that field application of these
condition rating procedures will lead to further refinement and improvement
over time.

The objectives of this phase of the project were to:
a. Establish a rational, standard procedure for evaluating the physical
condition and performance of nonrubble breakwaters and jetties.

Chapter 1 Introduction

b. Create a method for determining numerical condition and

performance ratings, which in turn would be used to produce
Condition Index (CI) values for the structures.
This report describes the system created to accomplish these objectives.
It also describes a process for collecting the information needed to make the
condition and performance evaluations. Some of the required information is
not used directly in producing CI values, but is considered necessary for a
good inspection, analysis, and evaluation.

The condition rating system described here represents the second stage
in developing a maintenance management system for coastal navigation and
protection structures. The first stage consisted of the development and
fielding of a rubble mound breakwater management system. The computer
software (called BREAKWATER) that was developed for rubble breakwaters
and jetties has not been modified to include nonrubble structures.
The complete O&M budget planning process (and thus a complete
maintenance management system) must incorporate the following major
factors, generally evaluated in this sequence:
a. structure condition,
b. structure performance,
c. risk/reliability,
d. economics, and
e. policies and priorities.
The evaluation system described here covers the first two factors for
nearly all types of breakwaters and jetties except rubble mound construction,
including cribs, pile and plank, sheet pile, caissons, monoliths, and various
hybrids. Results from this evaluation system are intended to feed methods
for handling factors c, d, and e. Unfunded efforts include the creation of
similar systems for seawalls, bulkheads, groins, and revetments.

Chapter 1 Introduction

The research for this project was conducted as a joint effort between the
Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) and the Corps coastal
divisions and districts. Assisting in development was the Coastal Structure
Advisory Group (CSAG), which included representatives from each of the
nine Coastal Engineer Divisions, the Coastal Engineering Research Center,
and Corps headquarters.
Concepts for the condition rating procedures were generated by the
authors, the CSAG, and other members of the Corps coastal community.
These concepts were refined through experience and field testing by the
Engineer Districts. The procedures documented here were the result of many
iterations of development and refinement. The intent was to produce a
system specific enough so all structures would be assessed in the same
manner, and yet broad enough to allow for the many variations inherent in
coastal structures.

Mode of Technology Transfer

It is recommended that these evaluation procedures be distributed to the
field through an Engineer Circular and incorporated into an Engineer

Chapter 1 Introduction

2 REMR Management Systems

REMR Management Systems are intended to provide maintenance
managers at all levels with tools to promote easier and more effective
maintenance and budget planning. They are decision support tools to help
managers determine when, where, and how to effectively allocate
maintenance and rehabilitation dollars for Civil Works facilities. These
systems are being developed to provide:
a. More objective condition assessment procedures,
b. Corps-wide consistency in structure assessment,
c. A means for comparing the condition of facilities and tracking change
in condition over time,
d. A means for O&M project development based on consistent structure
condition and performance criteria, and
e. Computer software for storing and organizing data, performing
calculations, and producing a variety of reports (on structure
condition, budgets, maintenance and repair records, etc).
The primary objective of the REMR Management Systems is to help
managers obtain the best facility condition for a given budget level. The
basic system features are shown schematically in Figure 1.

Application of the Maintenance Management Systems

The REMR Management Systems are intended to help determine when
structures will warrant repair action, and the appropriate type and extent of
repairs. Structure or project deficiencies that cannot be corrected through
standard maintenance or repair actions are beyond the scope of these
systems and must be handled through other processes.

Chapter 2 REMR Management Systems

Figure 1. REMR Management System.

Performance-Based Evaluation
The evaluation process described in this manual is performance-based.
Its main purpose is to answer the question: Is the structure in good enough
condition to provide the intended performance? To answer this question it is
essential to establish the performance requirements for each structure:
a. What function(s) is the structure intended to perform?
b. What level of performance is expected for each function?
Once these performance requirements are established, the physical
condition of the structure is assessed. Any structural defects found are then
evaluated according to their effect on loss of structure function, which in turn
leads to a decision on the need for repair.
In a performance-based system, the difference between current structure
condition and as-built (or like new) condition is not, in itself, a deciding factor

Chapter 2 REMR Management Systems

on the need for repair. Rather, it is a structures documented loss of function

as a result of structural deterioration that is most important.

The Condition Index

One objective of REMR Management Systems is to create assessment
methods that will allow the condition of structures, and their parts, to be
expressed numerically to take best advantage of the benefits available from
the use of microcomputers in maintenance management. This numerical
language for expressing the condition of facilities is the CI.
Index numbers (or condition ratings) for all structures covered by REMR
management systems are based on the general CI scale shown in Table 1.
While each structure, structure part, or rating category has its own scale and
corresponding condition descriptions, all CI scales contain the same three
zones and seven condition levels, and their general interpretation remains
the same. Index values in all scales (from the most general to the most
specific) are properly interpreted as representing the conditions found at the
time the structure was inspected and rated.
The main objectives of the CI system are to:
a. Create a more uniform method for evaluating and describing the
condition of coastal structures.
b. Create a concise reporting system that indicates the deficiencies a
structure may have, which parts of the structure are deficient, and the
relative severity of the deficiencies.
c. Create a convenient means for comparing the condition of structures
over long time periods.
Referring to the general CI scale (Table 1), structures rated within Zone 1
(70 to 100) are fully functional. Those rated in Zone 2 (40 to 69) have
significant functional deficiencies, but their functions are still considered
adequate to perform their primary missions. Structures rated in Zone 3 (0 to
39) are functionally inadequate.

Chapter 2 REMR Management Systems

Table 1. CI scale.







85 to 100


No noticeable defects. Some aging or

wear may be visible.

70 to 84


Only minor deterioration or defects are


55 to 69


Some deterioration or defects are evident, but function is not significantly


40 to 54


Moderate deterioration. Function is

still adequate.

25 to 39


Serious deterioration in at least some

portions of the structure. Function is

10 to 24


Extensive deterioration. Barely Functional.

0 to 9


No longer functions. General Failure

or complete failure of a major structural


It is intended that this system conform with the assessment that

knowledgeable inspectors would make based on the results of their own
visual inspections (and additional data, when available).

Condition Index for Nonrubble Breakwaters and Jetties

For coastal structures, the CI is determined from a Functional Index (FI)
and a Structural Index (SI). The FI indicates how well a structure (or reach*)
is performing its intended functions, while the SI for a structure or structural
component indicates its level of physical condition and structural integrity.
Before the first inspection and ratings are made, each structure must be
divided along its length into permanent reaches as discussed in Chapter 4.
These reach boundaries will apply to all future CI inspections and ratings. In
addition, structure performance requirements must be defined, as well as the
minimum structural integrity level that will permit proper performance.
(See Steps in the Functional Rating Process in Chapter 6.)
The structural and functional rating and index process is diagramed in
Figures 2 and 3. Starting at the bottom of Figure 2 and working upward, an

Chapter 2 REMR Management Systems

inspector (or inspection/engineering group) produces ratings in structural

categories for each reach of a breakwater or jetty. These ratings are
determined primarily from visual inspections of the structure, along with the
rating guidance provided in this report. (Additional information such as
hydrographic surveys or underwater inspections may also be useful.) The
ratings for each reach are entered into the management computer program,
which will calculate SI values for superstructure, substructure, and
foundation, and then an SI for the reach.
A functional analysis is then made, using field inspections, local reports,
and other observations of how the structure performed during the last budget
cycle. Functional ratings are based on the loss of function due to structural
deterioration, which was documented during the structural rating process.

Figure 2. CI process for a reach.

Chapter 2 REMR Management Systems

Figure 3. CI process for a whole structure.

As with structural ratings, the functional ratings are also entered into the
management computer program. From the SI and FI for each reach, the
program will determine the SI, FI, and CI for the whole structure, as
diagramed in Figure 3.

Interpreting and Using The Condition Index

The CI is primarily a planning tool, with the index values serving as an
indicator of the structures general condition level. The CI values are also
intended for monitoring the structures change in condition over time and to
serve as a means for comparing the condition of different structures.
For some purposes, there may be more interest in values at the lower end
of the CI process (the structural ratings within each reach, as shown in
Figure 2). For other purposes, there may be more need for the values nearer

Chapter 2 REMR Management Systems

the top (the index values for whole reaches or structures, as shown in Figure
3). In either case, the CI values for any structure should be thought of as
including all levels of detail.
One of the main uses of CI values is to track changes in condition over
time, as illustrated in Figure 4. With historical trends, and knowledge of
structure environment, future rates of deterioration may be estimated and
used to plan the timing of repairs and corresponding maintenance
expenditures. To achieve this purpose, it is essential that the ratings (and
calculated index values) represent conditions as recorded at the time the
structure was inspected (or, for functional ratings, proven by recent events).
Any attempt to include expectations of future condition would distort the
values and make them useless as a record of actual structure condition, and
thus useless for estimating deterioration rates.

Figure 4. Using CI values to track condition changes over time.


Chapter 2 REMR Management Systems

It is important to understand that the process of determining condition is

different than the process of deciding what action, if any, to take because of
structure condition. If two breakwaters (Structures 1 and 2, for example) are
both in moderately good physical condition, they both may have SI values of
about 65. If Structure 1 has shown progressive deterioration over the past 5
years and is in a heavy wave environment, it may warrant repairs in the near
future. If Structure 2 is in a more moderate wave environment and its
condition has been stable over the past 5 years, it may not warrant any
action. The greater need for action does not make Structure 1s condition
worse than that of Structure 2. Thus, it should be clear that condition
influences maintenance and repair (M&R) actions only in combination with
additional information, such as knowledge of structure history, operating
environment, budget levels, policies, etc.
The condition ratings and index values are simply a numerical shorthand
for describing structure physical condition and functional performance, and
they represent only one part of the information required to make decisions
about when, where, and how to spend maintenance dollars. It must be
emphasized that the CI system is not intended to replace the detailed
investigations needed to fully document structure deficiencies, to identify
their causes, and to formulate plans for correcting them.

Suggested Actions
Once the condition of structures is understood and documented, the next
steps in the maintenance management process are to initiate action to correct
unsatisfactory conditions and to begin planning for future M&R needs. For
this purpose, the CI system for coastal structures includes a set of five
suggested actions as part of the structural and functional rating process.
While the CI ratings and index values are used to describe and report
conditions, the suggested actions allow inspectors and raters to indicate what
they think should be done about those conditions. These action categories are
explained in Chapters 5 and 6 in the sections covering the use of the rating

Chapter 2 REMR Management Systems


3 System Instructions and

Steps in Using the Rating System
Steps 1-5 are Initial (mostly one time only):


Use the 11 Functional Rating Categories (Chapter 6).



Decide which parts of the structure perform which of the 11 functions.

Divide where major functional changes occur (see Chapter 4).
Subdivide where differences in construction occur (e.g., cross section,
armor size or type, underlayer, or core) (see Chapter 4).
Further subdivide to maximum 500-ft size (minimum 200 ft).


Decide what level of performance is expected for each function that

applies to the structure. (See Chapter 4, Establishing Functional
Performance Criteria, Chapter 6, and Rating Tables.)
Table 15: (SPRDSHT2.FNC) Left Side. (See Chapter 6, Storm Events.)
Based on required performance levels, set minimum acceptable cutoffs for
functional ratings as shown conceptually by dashed horizontal line in Figure


Chapter 3 System Instructions and Definitions



Decide how much deterioration can be tolerated without either dropping

below minimum required function levels or creating serious risk of structural
instability: an initial estimate. (See Chapter 4, Establishing Structural
Requirements, Chapter 5, and Tables 4 9.)
Table 15: Center.
Set minimum acceptable cutoffs for structural ratings, as shown
conceptually by dashed horizontal line in Figure 4. These cutoffs trigger
timing for repair evaluation.
Steps 6 8 are repeated as required:


Determine current physical condition.

Use the six Structural Rating Categories and their Rating Tables (see
Chapter 5 and Tables 4 9). Use Structural Rating Form (one for each
SIs are calculated (see Chapter 7).
Determine to what extent structural deterioration has affected function
(see Chapter 6).
Use Table 15: Right Side.
Use the Functional Rating Form (One for each full reach) and the
Functional Rating Tables (Tables 16 19 shown in Chapter 6).
FIs are calculated (see Chapter 7).
If significant loss of function has occurred due to structural deterioration,
consider repair options.

Chapter 3 System Instructions and Definitions




Table 15: Center. Relate Performance to Structural Deterioration will

be perfected through long-term, repeated analysis.
Based on structural and functional evaluations (Steps 6 and 7), review
structural requirements set in Step 4 and adjust as needed.

Basic Components
Breakwaters and jetties are constructed to: maintain navigation channels
across ocean inlets, control shoaling by preventing sediment from being
driven into harbors and channels by waves and currents, create quiet waters
for marinas and harbors, and provide shore protection along eroding
coastlines. The following basic definitions are derived from those given in the
Shore Protection Manual (U.S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center
Breakwater. This structure is placed directly in the path of waves
to create a quiet area of shelter, usually for a harbor, port, or
marina. In some cases the sole purpose of a breakwater is to
alleviate shoreline erosion by absorbing the energy of waves. A
breakwater may be connected to shore at one end or entirely
detached and more or less parallel to the shore.
Jetty. This structure is used to train and control strong currents
that flow through tidal inlets, harbor entrances, or the mouths of
major rivers. Usually constructed in pairs, jetties serve both to
confine the channel to a narrow location and to prevent sand and
other sediments from collecting in the channel and forming shoals.
Weir Jetty. This structure is a variation on the jetty concept in
which a section of the jetty near the shoreline is deliberately built
low to allow sediments to pass over the weir and into a designated
sand trap that was previously dredged to provide room for this
inflow. This greatly facilitates subsequent maintenance dredging
and bypassing of sand past the inlet.


Chapter 3 System Instructions and Definition

Figures 5 and 6 illustrate the use of these structures. Each of these is a

schematic representation of various types of structures. Simple jetty
systems of one or two structures are shown in Figure 5a and b. Figure 5c
shows a weir jetty system and sand trap. Figure 6 shows dual jetties with
attached and detached breakwaters.



Figure 5. Jetty configurations.

Figure 6. Breakwater configurations.

Chapter 3 System Instructions and Definitions


Figures 7ag illustrate some of the many variations of non-rubble

breakwaters and jetties. Table 2 provides additional description of the
superstructure, substructure and foundation of each type of structure shown
in the figures. Figure 8 shows a less conventional alternative, a Floating
Ladder Type Breakwater. Figures 9ad show a failing timber crib and
alternatives that may have been used to make the repairs, including Figure
9d where only the foundation of the timber crib remains in the rehabilitated
structure that has been repaired using concrete monoliths, steel sheet pile,
and a tie rod anchored on the landside.

Figure 7a. Cellular sheet pile.


Figure 7b. Double wall sheet pile.

Chapter 3 System Instructions and Definition

Figure 7c. Buttressed cantilever steel sheet pile.

Figure 7d. Timber crib.

Chapter 3 System Instructions and Definitions


Figure 7e. Timber pile and plank.

Figure 7f. Concrete caisson.


Chapter 3 System Instructions and Definition

Figure 7g. Monolithic concrete.

Table 2. Types of structures and major components.
Type of Structure


(Three dimensional structure

where outer protective structure encloses inner fill.)

Cap (Material Type)

Cap to Sub-connections
Foot Blocks
Cap Blocks

Includes: cribs, doublewall

sheet-pile, timber pile &
plank, etc.
See Figures 7a, 7d, & 7e
(Basically 2-dimensional thin
or single vertical thickness of
protective sheeting)
includes: steel sheet-pile
concrete sheet-pile
timber pile and plank
buttressed cantilever ssp
See Figures 7b, 7c, 7d, & 7e
Concrete Caisson or Monolith
See Figures 7f & 7g

Inspection Ports
Hand Rails
Mooring Points
Aids to Navigation
Fender Piles and Wales

Pile Cap Narrow
Pile Cap Wide
Cap Blocks
Hand Rails
Mooring Points
Aids to Navigation
Fender Piles and Wales

Cap (Material Type)

Inspection Ports
Hand Rails
Mooring Points
Aids to Navigation
Fender Piles and Wales

Chapter 3 System Instructions and Definitions

Sheeting Material
Tees & Special Piles
Seat Angles
Crib or Cellular Fill
Tie Rods
Seat Angles
Horizontal Cribbing
Toe and Wave Protection
Foundations Piles
Foundation Mattress
Planks (Sheeting)
Tie Rods
Buttress Piles or Sheeting
Toe and Wave Protection
Foundation Mattress

Concrete Walls
Granular Fill
Mass Concrete Fill
Toe and Wave Protection
Foundation Mattress
Bearing Piles


Figure 8. Floating ladder-type breakwater.


Chapter 3 System Instructions and Definition

Figure 9a. Timber crib in need of repair.

Figure 9b. Stone encapsulation.

Figure 9c. Steel sheet pile encapsulation.

Chapter 3 System Instructions and Definitions


Figure 9d. Monolithic structure reinforced after failure.

It is important to note that construction and cross-sectional composition

of such structures may differ considerably from that shown on Figures 7, 8,
and 9. Where significant differences do occur, the inspector may need to
adjust the interpretation of some rating categories and decide ratings
accordingly. (Likewise, as-built drawings do not always reflect actual construction.) Definitions of key components shown on the figures are as follows:
Anchors or Tie-Backs. Large diameter, threaded steel rods that tie
the face of a sheet pile wall to a point of anchorage behind the
wall. In land-based bulkhead construction the anchor is within
the fill material retained by the wall. For sheet pile breakwater
sections, it is more common for the anchor rods to pass entirely
through the structure to an opposing sheet pile wall on the other
side of the breakwater. The anchor rod then ties these opposite
walls and the intervening fill together into a single gravity
structure. The point of attachment between the anchor rod and
the sheet pile is generally reinforced using a waler.
Armor Layer. The armor layer is the outer layer of the structure,
typically constructed with the largest stones, or with prefabricated
concrete units. A rock armor layer commonly has a thickness of at
least two armor stones. For structures constructed with uniform
sized stone, the outer two layers will be considered as armor, with
all underlying layers considered as core.


Chapter 3 System Instructions and Definition

Batter Piles. Piles used as brace members in sheet pile and timber
and plank construction.
Cap. A horizontal structural member at the top of a sheet pile
wall that provides additional strength in the horizontal direction
and a uniform, finished surface at the top as opposed to the
irregular edge of adjoining sheet pile sections after they have been
driven in.
Channel/Harbor Side. The side of a nonrubble structure that is
opposite the primary direction of wave advance.
Composite Breakwater. In a typical composite breakwater, most of
the underwater portion is a conventional rubble mound or stonefilled timber crib. The upper portion, however, would be of
different construction (hence the term "composite") such as a large
concrete gravity section or sheet pile wall. There is an enormous
variety of these kinds of structures. Sometimes the bulk of the
structure may be a massive concrete monolith with rubble toe
protection that is invisible from the surface. In other cases, the
structure may be composed almost entirely of rubble with a
relatively small concrete parapet.
Core. The core is the interior portion of a rubble-mound structure.
It generally consists of a widely graded mix of small stones. This
widely graded mix makes the structure relatively impermeable to
wave energy (which would otherwise pass directly through the
voids in larger stones), prevents movement of sand through the
structure, and creates a filter layer (or mat) to support the
underlayer and armor stones on the foundation soils. For
structures constructed with uniform sized stone, the outer two
layers will be considered as armor, with all underlying layers
considered as core.
Crest. The top portion of the cross section of a structure that is
usually constructed above the design water level.
Foundation Layer. The foundation consists of a layer of small
graded stone, sometimes with geotextile underneath, placed on
the in-situ soil to form a base on which the structure is built. The

Chapter 3 System Instructions and Definitions


foundation layer helps reduce structure settlement and lateral

movement at the base.
Gravity Structure. A structure, or component of a larger structure,
which resists movement by waves or currents primarily or solely
because of its great mass. Gravity structures are often built as
single homogeneous units, such as concrete monoliths.
Alternately, a gravity structure can be an assemblage of smaller
units that are tied together in a structural array, but which act in
unison as a single, consolidated gravity unit. A stone-filled, timber
crib is an example of a porous, heterogeneous gravity structure. A
gravel-filled, cellular steel sheet pile breakwater is an example of a
nonporous, heterogeneous gravity structure.
Head. The outer end or terminus of a breakwater or jetty.
Parapet. A gravity or pile structure that is built at the top of a
breakwater to extend its height and limit or prevent wave
overtopping. A typical application would be a large concrete
gravity wall placed atop a low rubble breakwater. Other
applications are a pile and plank or sheet pile structure with brace
and batter piles for support.
Reach. Part of a structure that is uniform in its functional
purposes, type of construction and cross sectional dimensions over
its length. Once defined, the number of reaches (and their limits)
should remain constant over time, as they serve as primary
references for condition rating.
Root. The landward reach or origin of a structure which forms a
permanent anchor or land connection. The root may be in contact
with water on its channel/harborside, as in Figures 10 and 11
(shown in next chapter).
Seaward Side. The side of a nonrubble structure that faces the
main force of the waves.
Sheet Pile. A slender, flat pile (sheet) that is driven into the
ground or seabed, which, when meshed, interlocked, or combined
with other sheet piles, will form a wall or face of a breakwater.


Chapter 3 System Instructions and Definition

Steel sheet piles are usually used for breakwater construction.

Timber, aluminum, and concrete are common for bulkhead
construction within harbors. The sheet piles can form the solid
interface between the fill material and the water. In steel sheet
pile construction, the sheets, in combination with the cap and the
anchors can provide all of the structural strength needed to
retain the fill. Sheet piles can also be used as an internal
diaphragm in a rubble structure with the upper portion of the
sheet piles forming a parapet to prevent overtopping. More
commonly, the sheet piles can be driven in closed geometric shapes
(when viewed in plan) to form circular or rectangular cells.
Subreach. For management purposes, reaches may be divided into
subreaches due to changes in type of construction, cross sectional
dimensions, or to maintain rated segments of relative uniform
length throughout the structure. Once defined, the number of
subreaches (and their limits) should remain constant over time, as
they serve as primary references for structural rating.
Timber Crib. A structure which is built using multiple layers of
horizontal timber lattice and stone fill. This forms a bin, or crib,
which retains the stones that fill the crib. The timbers hold the
structure together and the stones provide the weight that is
needed for stability.
Toe. The bottom portion where the structure meets the existing
Trunk. The main body of the structure, which extends between
the root section at the landward end and the head at the seaward
Underlayer. The underlayer is a layer of smaller stones directly
beneath the armor layer, commonly about one-tenth the weight of
the units in the armor layer. The underlayer helps absorb the
wave forces and prevents the smaller underlying core stones from
being lost through voids in the armor layer. (Not all rubble
structures have a separate underlayer.)

Chapter 3 System Instructions and Definitions


Waler. A large timber member or structural metal section such as

a channel, which is placed horizontally across the face of a sheet
pile or timber wall. The waler distributes the applied loads along
the wall. For steel sheet pile walls, the waler also serves as the
attachment point for anchor (or tie-back) rods.

Operations and Maintenance Items

The following items are considered in several functional rating categories
(see Chapter 6) and thus are not rated separately. Because they have a great
influence in the evaluation of structure performance, they warrant separate
definition and explanation.
Dredging Costs. The decision to dredge (or do more frequent or
additional dredging) is commonly an alternative to: (1) accepting
actual or potential navigation delays or hazards, or (2) incurring
the cost of structural repair or modification. Dredging costs serve
as one means for evaluating structure performance.
Sand Bypassing. Without dredging, many improved navigation
entrances would eventually reach an equilibrium state in which
sand would naturally bypass the structures, deposit sediment in
the channel (or at the channel entrance), and eventually nourish
the downdrift beaches. Some projects have a structural
configuration designed to facilitate sand bypassing or they
incorporate a sand bypassing system to reduce channel
sedimentation and protect the adjoining shoreline. The
effectiveness of natural bypassing is included in the functional
ratings for Harbor Area, Navigation Channel, Sediment
Management, and Structure Protection.
Shoaling (Sediment). Shoaling is the buildup of excessive
sediment in and around the channel or harbor. Shoaling may
reduce the maximum available draft or reduce the channel to a
width too narrow for safe passage, or may otherwise lead to
navigation difficulties and delays. In addition, where depths are
reduced due to shoaling, hazardous breaking wave conditions may
develop in the channel.


Chapter 3 System Instructions and Definition

Thalweg Location. The thalweg is the deepest portion of the

navigation channel. The purpose of the navigation structures,
particularly jetties, is to maintain the thalweg in a uniform and
consistent position for predictable and safe passage by vessels. If
the structures are only partially effective, the thalweg may tend to
migrate and create a navigation hazard.

Design Storm
Performance in each functional rating category is measured in reference
to three levels of storm events. The design storm is the largest storm (or
most adverse combination of storm conditions) the structure (or project) is
intended to withstand, without allowing disruption of navigation or harbor
activities, or damage to the structure or shore facilities. The design storm is
usually designated by frequency of occurrence or probability of occurrence.
Authorizing documents, design notes, project history, and current requirements should be used to confirm the appropriate design storms for a project.
Chapter 6 contains more detail on this subject.

Rating and Index

This evaluation system uses ratings and indexes. As used here, a rating
is a value selected by an inspector or engineer, usually from a table of
condition or performance levels. A rating category is an evaluation category
requiring the selection of a rating.
An index, or index value, is a number calculated from several ratings.
The calculation is made using a standard rule or formula. The index
represents a summary or weighted average of the individual ratings.

Chapter 3 System Instructions and Definitions


4 Defining Reaches, Subreaches,

and Structure Criteria
Defining Reaches and Subreaches
To implement the condition rating process, each structure must first be
divided along its length into reaches and, further, into subreaches with
permanent boundaries. This step need be done only once. After reaches and
subreaches are defined, their limits are not changed unless major structural
or functional changes are made to the structure. Reach and subreach limits
are based on three criteria and are chosen as described below. Figures 10,
11, and 12 show examples of applying these criteria.
a. By function: Determine the functions provided by different portions of
the structure. This is done through an office study using authorizing
documents and project history in combination with the functional
descriptions in Chapter 6. Set the reach limits where functional
changes occur. Structure functions are chosen from the list of 11
rating categories within the 4 main functional areas, as described in
Chapter 6. Of the 11 rating categories, select only those on which the
structure has a significant effect. As structure and reach purposes
vary, it should be expected that different reaches will have a different
number and different types of functions assigned to them. Further,
the assigned functions need not include all of the four major functional
areas or all of the categories listed within each functional area.
b. By construction: Further division into subreaches is made based on
changes in structural characteristics. Using past inspection reports,
photographs, and drawings (which have been field verified), note
where there are significant changes in type of construction, type or
size of armor, cross sectional dimensions, or geometry; these points
should define further divisions.
c. By length: Final divisions are made based on length. Where function
and construction are uniform over a long length, divisions should be
made so that subreaches will not be overly long; 500 feet is a
suggested maximum, and 200 feet a suggested minimum.


Chapter 4 Defining Reaches, Subreaches, and Structure Criteria

Figure 10. Typical reaches of a jetty.

Figure 11. Typical reaches of a shore-connected breakwater.

Chapter 3 Defining Reaches, Subreaches, and Structure Criteria


Figure 12. Typical reaches of a detached breakwater.

NOTE: Due to its unique function (and typically different construction),

the head of a structure is always considered a separate reach. Where
there is no difference in construction at the outer end of a structure, a
recommended length for the head reach is 50 to 100 feet. The general case
assumed here is that the head does not have adequate length to
materially impact waves and currents in the harbor or navigation channel
it is a sacrificial element that only protects the trunk. In exceptional
situations where these assumptions may not apply, explanation should be
given and other appropriate functions may be assigned to the head.
A convenient method for numbering reaches is to begin at the landward
end and use both consecutive numbers and letters: 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 2C, etc.,
where the number indicates common function (a reach), and the letter
indicates further division (a subreach) due to structural changes or maximum
length requirements. This system is used in Figures 9, 10, and 11.
It is important to emphasize that the same reach definitions are to be
used for both structural and functional ratings, so the reach limits should be
selected with this in mind. In addition, permanent stationing markers
should be applied to each structure to assure uniformity in reporting the
location and limits of structure defects and to facilitate future inspections.


Chapter 4 Defining Reaches, Subreaches, and Structure Criteria

Establishing Functional Performance Criteria

Once structure functions have been determined, the next step is to
determine the expected performance level for each rating category. These
criteria must be based on how well the structure could perform when in
perfect physical condition. Design deficiencies cannot be corrected through
the M&R process and should not be considered in this analysis. Begin by
reviewing the authorizing documents and structure history. Check if the
original expectations have been changed, or if they need to be changed.
When defining performance requirements, refer to the section Design
Storm and the rating tables in Chapter 6 to see how performance is
measured in the different functional categories. Determine to what extent
the structure should control:
a. waves, currents, seiches,
b. sediment movement, and
c. shoreline erosion and accretion.
To help decide required wave, current, and sediment control; determine
the normal dredging frequencies and sand bypassing requirements; decide
what size ships should be able to pass through the entrance and channel
under normal conditions and during higher wave or storm conditions; and
determine if any flooding of shoreline facilities should be expected during
storm events and, if so, to what extent.

Establishing Structural Requirements

Structural ratings are produced by comparing the current physical
condition, alignment, and cross sectional dimensions of a structure to that of
a like new structure built as intended, according to good practice, and with
good quality materials. Seldom, though, does a nonrubble coastal structure
require full structural integrity to have continuity in function. In fact, most
nonrubble structures are built with some allowance for damage before
function is compromised, and many are overbuilt for constructability. Thus,
structural damage does not automatically equate to loss of function.

Chapter 3 Defining Reaches, Subreaches, and Structure Criteria


After determining performance requirements, it is necessary to determine

what minimum cross-sectional dimensions, crest elevation, and level of
structural integrity are needed to meet those requirements. Initial efforts in
determining these dimensions can be aided by estimating the impact on
functions if the reach under study were to be completely destroyed. Project
history, authorizing documents, public input, and analysis may be required to
identify these dimensions. As this is not an exact science, some engineering
judgment will be necessary to produce a reasonable estimate. Once
established, these structural requirements are used to help identify sources
of functional deficiencies in the existing structure. Table 15 contains columns
to record this information.


Chapter 4 Defining Reaches, Subreaches, and Structure Criteria

5 Structural Rating Procedures

The structural rating procedures are used to determine the appropriate
rating for six categories that apply to the superstructure and substructure for
each reach or subreach of a structure. From these ratings, structural index
(SI) values are calculated, as described in Chapter 7, for each of the main
structural components (superstructure and substructure), for each reach or
subreach, and for the whole structure. The SI values are indicators of
physical condition and structural integrity. These values are expressed as
numbers from 0 to 100 and are interpreted according to the general SI scale
shown in Table 3.
For each structural rating category, the inspector determines ratings from
a field inspection, using the structural rating tables (Tables 4 9). Each of
these tables follows the format and general interpretation of the SI scale in
Table 3, but the wording is specific to the category being rated. SI values are
then calculated from the field ratings.
Table 3. Structural CI rating scale.





Structural Index

Condition Level

85 to 100


No significant defects - only slight

imperfections may exist.

70 to 84


Only minor deterioration or defects

are evident.

55 to 69


Deterioration is clearly evident, but

the structure still appears sound.

40 to 54


Moderate deterioration.

25 to 39


Serious deterioration in some portions of the structure.

10 to 24


Extensive deterioration.

0 to 9


General failure.

Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures



Table 4. Rating guidance for loss of elevation or alignment.


Minor or No Damage

85 to 100

70 to 84

At most, there are small deviations from the as-built alignment. The crest may
show a slight gradual differential settlement or horizontal alignment deviation
of less than a couple inches in one or two places. There are no misalignments
between adjacent sections of the structure.
Along the reach there is some waviness in the crest elevation and/or horizontal
alignment. Slight leaning or misalignments between adjacent sections may be
visible, but are of no practical significance. No signs of recent movement are
Moderate Damage

55 to 69

40 to 54

Slight leaning or misalignment is visible between several sections of the structure with significant alignment or angular deviation in a few limited locations.
Indications of a small amount of recent movement may be visible. The freeboard, or distance from the crest of the structure to the normal water level, has
been reduced by up to 10% of its design value.
Leaning and horizontal misalignment may be visible at many sections, with
significant deviations in several locations or pronounced deviation in one location. Significant recent movement may have occurred. The crest has an irregular appearance when viewed down its length. For vertical movement, the
freeboard has been reduced by up to 25% of its design value, and large storm
waves easily overtop the structure.
Major Damage

25 to 39

10 to 24
(Very Poor)
0 to 9


The crest is very irregular, with significant horizontal and vertical misalignment.
At least one serious breach may be present and additional smaller breaches
may have formed. The freeboard at the most serious breach has been reduced by up to 40% of its design value. Storm waves frequently overtop the
structure. Leaning may be pronounced in several sections and may threaten
stability in one location. Significant recent displacement of components may
have occurred.
Leaning or misalignment of major structural components threatens structural
stability. More than half the reach has breaches that reduce the freeboard up
to 75% of its design value. In non-storm conditions waves commonly overtop
the structure.
Leaning or misalignment of major structural components has resulted in structural failure. Parts of the reach are at or below normal water level due to major
breaches. The reach no longer provides significant wave protection.

Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures

Table 5. Rating guidance for structural damage or defects.


Minor or No Damage

85 to 100
70 to 84

The structure has suffered no damage. The main structural members (i.e.,
piles, walers, caps, sheetpile) are in excellent condition and intact. Only slight
imperfections may exist, with no visible signs of distress.
Noncritical components show minor signs of distress due to loading of structure. Minor impact damage may be present or minor damage to a few structural members. Some signs of strain at connections may be visible.
Moderate Damage

55 to 69

40 to 54

Noncritical components show significant deformation or other signs of distress

due to loading of structure. Some impact damage may be present enough to
noticeably deform a structural member of result in a small hole in sheetpile.
Minor deformation of connections. Walers may show significant wear some
damage, but members are still sound.
Critical components show deformation or other signs of distress due to loading
of structure, such as structural cracks or fractures in parapets or caps due to
ice loads or vessel impacts. A few isolated connections may be broken. Significant voids behind sheetpiles. Gaps at interlocks or holes in the structure
are evident. Structure has been significantly weakened.
Major Damage

25 to 39

10 to 24
(Very Poor)

0 to 9

Critical components show significant major signs of distress due to loading of

structure. Serious collision damage may be present. Gaps or holes in the
sides of the structure are large enough to permit loss of fill material. Several
isolated or a few adjacent tendons or tie-backs have broken. Walers and the
points of attachment between the tendons and the wall are broken in several
places and are distressed in many others. If subjected to peak design loads,
failure of structure is likely. Sheetpiles are missing or moving with wave
Critical components seriously weakened or are breaking. Connections are
generally weak or several nearby have broken. Tendons or tie-backs have
broken or pulled through the wall in many locations. Continued normal operating loads may fail structure. Thin sheet structures are missing major component sections and allowing energy to bypass.
General structural failure.


Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures


Table 6. Rating guidance for material deterioration or defects.


Minor or No Damage

85 to 100

70 to 84

At most, some aging or wear is evident. Only slight imperfections may exist
and surface corrosion in steel, small hairline cracks or scaling in noncritical
areas of concrete, weathering in timber. May have concrete honeycombing
not exposing reinforcement.
Minor surface cracks and spalls may be visible on concrete surfaces. Steel
surfaces have minor pitting of exposed pieces. Timber members are sound
with no evidence of rot, although minor splitting or checking may be visible.
No members have broken or significantly weakened.
Moderate Damage

55 to 69

40 to 54

In isolated cases cracks in concrete allow corrosion of reinforcing steel; rust

staining may be visible, but is limited in extent. Steel surfaces have minor
scaling; pitting may be widespread on exposed pieces. Timber members are
sound, but splits and large checks are visible in several places. No members
have broken due to degradation or deterioration, although several appear to
be approaching what appears to be an overstressed situation. Steel sheets
are corroding at the interlocks and starting to thin.
Concrete has deep cracks in several locations; spalling is widespread. Rust
staining from rebar corrosion is visible. In a few locations, concrete near the
surface may have ruptured, exposing corroded rebar beneath. Occasional
cracks may be deep enough to expose rebar at depth. On steel, rust scale is
heavy on exposed pieces. Timber members appear to be suffering from rot or
marine borer activity; splitting may be common. A few members have broken
due to deterioration and overstress. Interlocks and junctions between sheets
are thinning or impact spalling.
Major Damage

25 to 39

10 to 24
(Very Poor)
0 to 9

Concrete is heavily cracked or spalled. Rebar corrosion is evident in most

locations. Bars near the surface have corroded so heavily that the surface of
the concrete has completely ruptured and spalled in many places. In steel,
corrosion results in significant section loss, threatening failure of a few
components. Timber is rotting or severely split. If marine borer activity is
present, significant loss of section has occurred in submerged timber. Rebar
connecting major concrete components is seriously corroded and loss of
junction is likely with the next storm energy.
Large pieces of concrete have broken due to deterioration; rebar corrosion is
extensive. Corrosion has heavily damaged steel pieces; few remain functionally intact. Marine borers or rot have left some timber members with little remaining strength. Cracked and broken members may be common.
General material failure.



Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures

Table 7. Rating guidance for loss of fill level.


Minor or No Damage

85 to 100
70 to 84

At most, slight settlement of fill material may have occurred (for timber crib or
sheetpile structures). There are no gaps in the structures through which
retained fill might be lost.
Slight settlement, displacement, or degradation of fill is evident. A small
amount of fill may have been lost from sheetpile structures or timber cribs, but
cap and sidewall support is still solid.
Moderate Damage

55 to 69
40 to 54

Settlement, displacement, or degradation of fill is readily apparent. One or

more voids may have formed. Cap or sidewall may be losing support in small,
isolated locations.
Significant voids can be seen within the fill of cellular sheetpile or timber crib
structures. Large sections of cap, sheetpiling, or sidewalls are beginning to
lose support due to fill settlement, displacement, or loss.
Major Damage

25 to 39
10 to 24
(Very Poor)
0 to 9

Large voids within the structure are evidence of major fill loss. Large sections
of cap have settled, and some sections of sidewall have lost support.
Large loss and displacement of fill from timber crib or sheetpile structures.
Large areas of cap have settled or displaced, and sections of sidewall have
failed due to fill loss.
General failure from loss of fill.


Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures


Table 8. Rating guidance for loss of scour and wave protection.


Minor or No Damage

85 to 100

70 to 84

At most, slight displacement or scattering of toe blanket has been detected in

isolated portions of the toe. Slight displacement of wave protection armor
stone with <1/4 armor size movement or depressions.
Some minor toe stone displacement degradation, or settlement of toe. Any toe
scour that has been observed is not serious and represents no threat to the
structure. Any waviness or movement of the wave protection armor is on the
order of 3/4th of the dimensions the armor and bridging is on the order of <1/2
of the armor size.
Moderate Damage

55 to 69

40 to 54

Toe stone displacement has left bottom toe of structure exposed in small isolated areas or loss of individual or small groups of wave armor units have allowed more wave exposure of the structure to storm wave energy, but structure stability is not yet threatened.
Toe scour is clearly evident along at least one large section of the reach.
Wave protection stones are missing to a degree that underlayers are exposed
or the structure is exposed to attack by moderate waves (to beyond design
expectations). Reach stability is threatened.
Major Damage

25 to 39
10 to 24
(Very Poor)
0 to 9


Toe scour has resulted in general subsidence and leaning. Structure is losing
stability and may be further undermined by moderate storm conditions. Wave
protection is minimal and moderate storm waves are impacting and damaging
the primary structure.
Toe scour or increased wave energy exposure has led to localized failure of
the structure in at least one location. Failure of adjacent areas would likely
result from low level storm conditions or nonstorm conditions.
Toe scour and/or increased exposure to wave energy has led to failure of a
significant portion of the reach.

Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures

Table 9. Rating guidance for loss of foundation support.


Minor or No Damage

85 to 100

No foundation settlement.

70 to 84

No significant evidence of foundation settlement.

Moderate Damage
55 to 69

Slight foundation settlement may have occurred.

40 to 54

Foundation settlement may have resulted in noticeable loss of structure alignment or elevation. Reach stability is threatened.
Major Damage

25 to 39
10 to 24
(Very Poor)
0 to 9

Foundation settlement has resulted in general subsidence and leaning.

Structure is losing stability and may be further undermined by moderate storm
Foundation settlement has led to localized failure of the structure in at least
one location. Failure of adjacent areas would likely result from low level storm
conditions or nonstorm conditions.
Foundation settlement has led to failure of a significant portion of the reach.


Structural Rating Categories

Structural rating categories are described below. Lettered sections that
accompany the rating categories correspond to the lettered items on the
inspection form. Where multiple categories apply to the same distress, rate
the distress for each of the categories. Do not limit the impact of the distress
to one rating category. For example, leaning of a parapet wall may simply be
the result of parapet damage or the cause may extend further into the
superstructure or into the substructure. Deficiencies within a category
should be selected and described as best as information allows. For example,
it may not be possible to distinguish between voids, loss of material,
displacement, and settlement.
A nonrubble breakwater generally becomes much less effective when
damaged. Unlike rubble structures, which can often suffer damage without
significant risk of progressive deterioration and loss of function, nonrubble
structures can be quickly destroyed once they are significantly damaged. The
actual damage mechanisms vary widely because of the many kinds of

Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures


construction of nonrubble breakwaters. For instance, a homogeneous,

nonporous structure such as a mass concrete breakwater can suffer few
damages other than breakage of the concrete itself. On the other hand, sheet
pile cells can incur various kinds of mechanical damage that can then lead to
loss of the fill material retained behind the cells and destabilization of the

Loss of Elevation or Alignment

This category covers geometric deviation from the as-built condition: a
vertical, horizontal, or angular change in the position of the structure. It is
most commonly observed by comparing the position of major components or
structure sections relative to each other as well as relative to a fixed
reference. A change in structure geometry often indicates that other
deficiencies are present as well. For rating purposes, elevation or alignment
deficiencies are described as follows:
a. Settlement. This is the vertical movement of components or a drop in
elevation of the structure due to a consolidation of the subgrade
materials or foundation. A large, localized drop in elevation may
produce a breach: a depression (or gap) in the crest to a depth that
permits significant wave energy past the structure. (A breach is not
present unless the gap extends across the full width of the crest.) See
Figures 13 and 14.

Figure 13. Breach caused by settlement.


Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures

Figure 14. Drop in elevation causes a breach.

b. Displacement. This is the horizontal movement of components

caused by external loads on the structure (Figure 15).
c. Leaning. This is the angular or rotational movement of components
caused by differential settlement or external loads, or a combination
of both. See Figures 16 and 17.

Figure 15. Wall has been displaced by wave action.

Figure 16. Settlement has caused a void.

Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures


Figure 17. Misalignment caused by settlement, external loads, or a combination of both.

Structural Damage or Defects

This category covers damage or defects in the superstructure caused by
the application of external loads, including damage caused by modifications
to the structure and vandalism. For rating purposes these deficiencies are
described as follows:
a. Deformation/load damage. Bent, buckled, crushed, twisted, or
elongated members that have deformed from repeated wave attack
and/or structure dead load.
b. Connection/interlock loss. Connections with missing bolts or
connections show signs of being overloaded (for example elongation of
bolts, sheared bolts, or torn welds). See Figure 18. This deficiency
would also include an unzipping or opening in sheet pile interlocks.


Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures

Figure 18. Connection lost between fastener and waler.

c. Holes. Holes, notches, or other modifications to a structure which are

in locations that jeopardize the integrity of the member. See Figure
d. Fractures. A break, crack, or split in a structural member caused by
the application of external loads. Fractures may be caused by loads
applied to the structure at a remote location but transmitted to the
member through the structure. See Figures 20 and 21.

Figure 19. Perforation threatens structural integrity.

Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures


Figure 20. Fracture caused by external load.

Figure 21. Fracture caused by remote external load.


Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures

e. Member loss. Members that have been removed from the structure.
This includes timbers, walers, and sheet pile caps. See Figure 22.

Impact damage. Components which were damaged by the

application of external loads such as vessel impact, wave action, ice
loading, or mooring loads. Figure 23 shows typical damage.

g. Vandalism. Damage that is the result of deliberate action.

Figure 22. Waler lost from the structure.

Figure 23. Impact damage.

Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures


Material Defects/Deterioration
This category is described as deficiencies in the material of a component
of the superstructure or substructure. Defects are described as deficiencies
intrinsic to the material (i.e., deficiencies that are not normally expected
during the life of the material). Deterioration is described as deficiencies in
the material which were anticipated (i.e., caused by normal corrosion or
wear). The following are the most commonly observed deficiencies related to
material defects/deterioration:
a. Cracks. Separations in the material of a structural component caused
by any of a number of reasons. The type of cracking is indicative of
the cause and should be carefully documented. Definitions of different
types of cracking in concrete are relatively standard and can be found
in a number of publications such as Technical Report REMR-OM-4
(1989). Some types of cracking are longitudinal, transverse, vertical,
diagonal, pattern, and D type. See Figure 24.
b. Spalls. Flat voids in the surface of concrete caused by a fragment
coming dislodged from the mass of the concrete. See Figure 25.
c. Corrosion. Chemical deterioration of material. See Figures 26 and 27.
d. Checking/splitting. Longitudinal cracking through timber members.
See Figure 28.
e. Rot/borers. Decomposition or decay of timber structural members.
See Figure 29.

Scaling. Local flaking or peeling away of the near surface portion of

concrete or mortar.

g. Honeycomb. Voids left in the concrete due to failure of the mortar to

effectively fill the spaces among coarse aggregate particles. This is a
material defect.
h. Lamellar tearing. The separation of material resulting from throughthickness strains induced by weld metal shrinkage or applied loads.


Abrasion. Wear on a structure due to abrasion.

Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures

Figure 24. Vertical crack in panel.

Figure 25. Spall caused when fragment becomes dislodged from concrete.

Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures


Figure 26. Corrosion is the chemical deterioration of materials.

Figure 27. Deteriorated embedded tie-rod exposed by crack in concrete structure.


Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures

Figure 28. Longitudinal splitting of timber waler.

Figure 29. Timber pile cross section reduced by marine borer activity.

Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures


Loss of Fill Level

If left uncorrected, missing fill can lead to a serious loss of structural
mass to resist wave loadings and can also leave other parts of the breakwater
unsupported and susceptible to damage. It can also cause cracking or
breakup of surface material and limit access or present a major hazard for
some secondary uses of the structure.
a. Settlement. This is the vertical movement of components or a drop in
elevation of the structure due to a consolidation of the fill materials or
b. Voids. Voids should be noted regardless of whether they result from
material loss, settlement, degradation, structural failure, or other
c. Degradation. The retained stones on the outer surface of a timber crib
may fracture, which would allow the remaining pieces to move
through the gaps in the timbers. Degradation of the stones may also
lead to settlement. See Figure 30.
d. Material loss. Sand fill could gradually escape through small holes or
gaps in a steel sheet pile structure. See Figures 16, 31, and 32.

Figure 30. Loss of stone fill leaves gaps in the structure.


Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures

Figure 31. Loss of fill material leaves voids causing crest collapse.

Figure 32. Gap in sheer piling causes loss of backfill.

e. Structural failure. As an example, if part of a timber crib cell fails,

then the retained stone fill can be lost. Figure 33 shows a typical

Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures


Figure 33. Retained stone fill can be lost if timber crib fails.

Loss of Scour and Wave Protection

Nonrubble structures frequently have rubble stone to protect against
scour that would lead to undercutting of the structure. The rubble may also
protect against excessive wave load, particularly for non-rubble structures
that have been rehabilitated using rubble.
a. Settlement: This is the vertical movement of components or drop in
elevation of the structure due to a consolidation of the fill materials or
b. Displacement: Movement of the stone may expose the fill or the
structural members to excessive wave loadings.
c. Degradation: Fracturing of the stone reduces its ability to resist
currents and wave loadings.


Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures

Loss of Foundation Support

a. Settlement. This is the vertical movement of components or drop in
elevation of the structure due to inadequate foundation materials. See
Figures 13 and 14.
b. Displacement. Undercutting of the structure can remove materials
leading to instability. See Figure 34.
c. Degradation. This includes damage to foundation layer blankets and

Figure 34. Undercutting of the structure can lead to instability.

Rating Tables
Tables 4 through 9 provide guidance for assigning numerical ratings to
the six structural rating categories. The descriptions in the tables correspond
to ratings at the center of the value range for each level.
Nonrubble structures include repaired structures such as the one shown
in Figure 9b that may look like rubble structures on their exterior surfaces.
The nonrubble rating categories and deficiencies do not cover rubble

Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures


construction in nearly as much detail as the rubble rating procedures in TR

REMR-OM-24. This is partly due to comments since the rubble CI was
fielded that suggest that further detail is often not needed. If an inspector
should determine that the further detail is needed, the two systems could
either be applied separately or jointly. It is suggested that, if applied jointly,
only the superstructure and substructure cross sections be used and that
overlapping rating categories be dropped. The equations for calculating the
index ratings would then have to be modified to include the added rating

Using the Structural Rating Form

The structural ratings are made using the field form shown in Figures 35
and 36 (front and back, respectively). One form is needed for each reach or
subreach in a structure. Figures 37 40 (fronts and backs) show two
examples of completed forms. Because of the variability in construction of
nonrubble structures, it is suggested that the Structural Feature Checklist
for Nonrubble Breakwaters and Jetties in Figures 41 42 (front and back) be
used to supplement the inspection records for each structure.


Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures


Page _____ of _____

PROJECT: _____________________________________________ REACH: _______ STA: _______ TO _______

DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE: __________________________________________________________________
INSPECTED BY: ______________________________________________ DATE: __________ TIME: __________
WEATHER: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
WAVE CONDITIONS: _______________________________________________________________________ SWL: __________
(water level, wave height, etc.)

INSPECTION PROCEDURE: _________________________________________________________________________________

(walking, boating, other)

















Scour/Wave Protection

Elevation/Alignment: a) Settlement; b) Displacement; c) Out of Plumb; d) Loss of Units; e) Other
Structural: a) Fractures; b) Holes; c) Connection/Interlock Loss; d) Member Loss; e) Poor Connections;
f) Load Damage/Deformation; g) Impact Damage; h) Vandalism; i) Other
Material: a) Nonstructural Cracks; b) Spalls; c) Corrosion; d) Rot/Borers; e) Checks/Splits; f) Scaling, g) Other
Fill: a) Settlement; b) Voids; c) Degradation; d) Loss of Fill; e) Other
Scour/Wave Protection: a) Settlement; b) Displacement; c) Degradation; d) Other
Foundation: a) Settlement; b) Displacement; c) Degradation; d) Other
Some deficiencies may be caused by the existence or condition of integrated or appurtenant structures. If that is
the case, describe the impact that the integrated or appurtenant structure has on the inspected structure in the comments. Major integrated or appurtenant structures which could have an impact on the inspected structure should be
inspected separately.
Items which should be inspected and commented on include: Aids to Navigation, Warning Signs, Gates, Walkways,
Stairs, Railings, Mooring Structures, etc.
Comment Numbers
AUXILIARY STRUCTURES (walkways, stairs, railings, aids to navigation, fender piles, fendering
Figure 35. Structural rating form (front).

Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures


Action Key: IA = Immediate Action; A = Action; M = Monitor; I = Investigate; N = No Action



Comments and Sketches

Figure 36. Structural rating form (back).


Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures


Page __1__ of ___2_

PROJECT: ____Plotkin Bay Resort Harbor_______________ REACH: __4A___ STA: _20+20_ TO __24+00_
DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE: ___North Jetty____________________________________________________
INSPECTED BY: __Joe Kubinski________________________________ DATE: __10-22-04_ TIME: __0900____
WEATHER: ____windy___________________________________________________________________________________
WAVE CONDITIONS: ________ 1-3 ft waves, low tide _________________________________________ SWL: __________
(water level, wave height, etc.)

INSPECTION PROCEDURE: ____Walked length of jetty, viewed from opposite jetty also_____________________________
(walking, boating, other)




















B, E, F




Scour/Wave Protection






Elevation/Alignment: a) Settlement; b) Displacement; c) Out of Plumb; d) Loss of Units; e) Other
Structural: a) Fractures; b) Holes; c) Connection/Interlock Loss; d) Member Loss; e) Poor Connections;
f) Load Damage/Deformation; g) Impact Damage; h) Vandalism; i) Other
Material: a) Nonstructural Cracks; b) Spalls; c) Corrosion; d) Rot/Borers; e) Checks/Splits; f) Scaling, g) Other
Fill: a) Settlement; b) Voids; c) Degradation; d) Loss of Fill; e) Other
Scour/Wave Protection: a) Settlement; b) Displacement; c) Degradation; d) Other
Foundation: a) Settlement; b) Displacement; c) Degradation; d) Other
Some deficiencies may be caused by the existence or condition of integrated or appurtenant structures. If that is
the case, describe the impact that the integrated or appurtenant structure has on the inspected structure in the comments. Major integrated or appurtenant structures which could have an impact on the inspected structure should be
inspected separately.
Items which should be inspected and commented on include: Aids to Navigation, Warning Signs, Gates, Walkways, Stairs, Railings, Mooring Structures, etc.
Comment Numbers
AUXILIARY STRUCTURES (walkways, stairs, railings, aids to navigation, fender piles,
fendering etc.)
Figure 37. Completed structural rating form (front).

Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures


Action Key: IA = Immediate Action; A = Action; M = Monitor; I = Investigate; N = No Action



20+40 to

Reach 3A has a breach of the cap down to LWD 0.0 from Station 20+40 to
23+40. The concrete cap, foot blocks and cap blocks are now located on the
lakeside rock armor and some 2-3 ft of quarry run stone fill of the core is also
The timber piles, wales, tie rods and timber sheeting seem to be in good
shape. The lake side toe and wave absorbing armor is in good shape. Excessively steep waves impact the channel side.

20+20 to 23+

A scour hole has been noted for the last 2 annual surveys on the channel
side and a re-survey is called for. The thalwag seem to be shifting toward the
jetty. The channel side toe protection and wave absorbing armor is largely

At beach approach

Warning signs are called for to alert the public of the danger until the damage
is repaired.

20+40 to

Top of wales and timbers suffered minor damage when cap blocks were removed by excessive wave impact forces.

Comments and Sketches

Figure 38. Completed structural rating form (back).


Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures


Page __1___ of __2___

PROJECT: __Portland Harbor____________________________ REACH: __3A___ STA: _18+00_ TO _23+00__

DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE: ____South jetty___________________________________________________
INSPECTED BY: ____Don Plotkin_______________________________ DATE: ___5-22-05___ TIME: _Afternoon_
WAVE CONDITIONS: _______None___________________________________________________ SWL: __________
(water level, wave height, etc.)

INSPECTION PROCEDURE: _____ Walked length of jetty, viewed from opposite jetty also. Divers performed underwater
inspection ______________________________________________________________________________________________
(walking, boating, other)




























Scour/Wave Protection




Elevation/Alignment: a) Settlement; b) Displacement; c) Out of Plumb; d) Loss of Units; e) Other
Structural: a) Fractures; b) Holes; c) Connection/Interlock Loss; d) Member Loss; e) Poor Connections;
f) Load Damage/Deformation; g) Impact Damage; h) Vandalism; i) Other
Material: a) Nonstructural Cracks; b) Spalls; c) Corrosion; d) Rot/Borers; e) Checks/Splits; f) Scaling, g) Other
Fill: a) Settlement; b) Voids; c) Degradation; d) Loss of Fill; e) Other
Scour/Wave Protection: a) Settlement; b) Displacement; c) Degradation; d) Other
Foundation: a) Settlement; b) Displacement; c) Degradation; d) Other
Some deficiencies may be caused by the existence or condition of integrated or appurtenant structures. If that is
the case, describe the impact that the integrated or appurtenant structure has on the inspected structure in the comments. Major integrated or appurtenant structures which could have an impact on the inspected structure should be
inspected separately.
Items which should be inspected and commented on include: Aids to Navigation, Warning Signs, Gates, Walkways, Stairs, Railings, Mooring Structures etc.
Comment Numbers

AUXILIARY STRUCTURES (walkways, stairs, railings, aids to navigation, fender piles,
fendering etc.)

Figure 39. Completed structural rating form (front, second example).

Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures


Action Key: IA = Immediate Action; A = Action; M = Monitor; I = Investigate; N = No Action
Comments and Sketches




Four damaged panels above MHHW. Cracked but not holed or missing. Not
affecting beach sands or sediment transport. Not of significance relative to
wave energy transmission. Looks like vessel or floating log impact cause

Rebar in area of impact damage at junction of cap and sheets and cap and
buttressing piles have epoxy coating of rebar broken and rebar is rusting
leaving heavy rust staining evidence.

Diver survey on 10-15-98 at tide stage +6 MLLW found 20 foot stretch where
half of the quarry run stone toe protection blanket width was missing. Divers
(J. Oliver & D. Pirie) found evidence of the channel moving closer to the toe
of the channel. They also reported that the ebb current could be also be affecting this loss of channel side toe blanket.

Figure 40. Completed structural rating form (back, second example).


Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures


PROJECT: _________________________________________________

REACH: _______

Page _____ of _____

STA: _______ TO _______

DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE: ___________________________________________________________________________

INSPECTED BY: ___________________________________________________
WEATHER: _______________________________

DATE: __________ TIME: __________

WAVE CONDITIONS: _________________________ SWL: __________

INSPECTION PROCEDURE: ______________________________________________________________________________

Steel Sheet Pile









Concrete Cap

Concrete Cap

Stone Cap

Stone Cap

Sheet Pile Cap

Cap Blocks

Sheet Piling

Foot Blocks

Tees & Special Piles


Seat Angles


Tie Rods

Planks (Sheeting)




Tie Rods

Scour Protection






Scour Protection
Foundation Mattress
Bearing Piles/Batter Piles














Concrete Cap

Scour Protection

Concrete Walls

Foundation Mattress


Bearing Piles/Batter Piles

Figure 41. Structural Feature Rating Checklist (front).

Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures


Key to Deficiencies:
Loss of Alignment: a) Settlement; b) Displacement; c) Out of Plumb; d) Other
Structural Defects/Damage: a) Fractures; b) Holes; c) Interlock Loss; d) Poor Connections; e) Deformed Members;
f) Displaced Members; g) Member Loss; h) Load Damage; g) Impact Damage; h) Vandalism; i) Other
Material Defects/Deterioration:
Loss of Fill Level:

a) Nonstructural Cracks; b) Spalls; c) Corrosion; d) Rot; e) Scaling f) Other

a) Settlement; b) Voids; c) Degradation; d) Other


Key to Actions:

A) Immediate Action; B) Action Soon; C) Watch; D) Defer; E) Investigate Further

Figure 42. Structural Feature Rating Checklist (back).


Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures

For rating purposes, each reach or subreach cross section is divided into
three areas: the superstructure, substructure, and foundation. Each cross
sectional area is given 0 to 100 ratings in six rating categories, as shown in
the center of the form. All categories must be rated (otherwise, an SI cannot
be calculated).
Next to each rating block on the inspection form is a space for a comment
number. This number may be keyed to a comment given in the bottom
section, explaining the reason for the rating and describing what was
observed, as well as the station (or station range) for the defect location, and
a column for Suggested Action, referring to one of the five lettered actions
listed above the comment block.
The six rating categories have a list of descriptors following them that
serve to further characterize the defects found within a reach. If applicable,
the inspector should circle one (or more) descriptor(s) that best characterizes
the existing defects. Further description may be supplied by the inspector in
the comment space.
Below the rating block are additional items that should also be observed
while inspecting a structure. The foundation fault items may require
additional work before they can be completed. Related comments should be
recorded in the comment section at the bottom of the form.
The importance of providing thorough comments cannot be
overemphasized. Comments should note the location, character, size, and
actual or potential effects of structure defects. The comments serve as
backup and explanation for the ratings and suggested actions chosen by the
inspector. Comments also provide a good record for future reference.
Five Suggested Actions are given on the structural rating form, just above
the comment block. The inspector may use these to suggest what action may
be appropriate for the recorded defects. (A) Immediate Action means that
repairs are required right away to preserve structural integrity in an
emergency. (B) Action Soon means defects should be corrected during the
next budget cycle. (C) Watch means no repairs are required currently, but
the condition may be unstable or subject to rapid change and should be
monitored regularly. (D) Defer means that the affected area of the reach
appears stable and does not appear to threaten structural integrity, even if
condition should worsen somewhat. (E) Investigate Further means more

Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures


detailed inspection and analysis are needed to determine or verify the

severity of the condition or the appropriate action to be taken.
Inspectors are encouraged to suggest an action for each defect area on the
reach, but should follow local guidance in applying and reporting these. The
action items do not affect ratings or index values.

The Inspection Process

Completion of the structural rating form is intended to be part of a
regular, periodic structure inspection program conducted by the Coastal
Engineer Districts. The field observations and recorded information needed
to produce CI values are nearly the same as would be required as part of any
routine inspection.
Preparation for determining structure ratings should be the same as for
any regular, thorough inspection. The inspector (or inspection team) should
be familiar with the structure and past inspection reports before the
inspection begins. The beginning and end of each reach should also be
known. A copy of the latest inspection report should be brought to the work
site to help judge changes in condition.
Other items to help conduct an effective inspection and to document
findings include: project maps and photographs, still and video cameras, tape
measures, hand levels, and tidal information.
Ratings may be determined best by first walking the length of the
structure and making notes of observed defects, their station location, and
their severity. On the return walk, ratings may then be selected based on
having seen the whole structure and on a second opportunity to observe
defect sites.

Determining Structural Ratings

Structural ratings are selected from the appropriate rating table (Tables 4
through 9). These ratings are based on a comparison of the existing condition
(at the time of inspection) with an ideal or perfect condition. Thus, even a
brand new structure may not warrant ratings of 100 if, for example, some


Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures

armor units were damaged during placement or armor placement did not
fully meet design specifications.
When assigning ratings, choosing numbers in multiples of five is usually
preferred. Ratings at the top or bottom end of a condition level may also be
appropriate. The descriptions in the tables correspond to ratings at the
center of the value range for each level. All ratings must be based on the
condition of the structure at the time it was inspected.
For any rating category, it will be quite common that none of the
condition levels lists a case exactly matching the situation found in the field.
In such cases, the inspector selects the appropriate rating by first narrowing
the choice to the most appropriate one or two condition levels, and then
selecting the final rating. The general SI scale (Table 2) should also be used
to help judge the relative severity of the defect. The two most common
situations are:
a. The choice is narrowed to one condition level. The inspector must
then determine if the most appropriate rating is near the top, bottom,
or middle of the condition level. (Examining the condition levels just
above and below will help in deciding.)
b. Two adjacent condition levels look possible. The inspector must
determine if the rating is most appropriate near the bottom of the
higher condition level or near the top of the lower level.
For conditions or unique situations not covered in the rating tables, the
general SI scale should be used to determine the most appropriate rating.
The following two examples illustrate the thought process for selecting SI
Example 1
Reach 3A, between Station 20+20 to 24+00, of the example shown on
Figure 10, is part of a simple concrete sheetpile structure buttressed with
concrete batter piles on the channel side every 50 feet from 0+00 to 24+00.
The narrow concrete cap with a top elevation of +12 MLLW, was poured in
place around the epoxy coated rebar network connecting the sheets,
buttressing, and cap. An aid to navigation is located at the jetty tip with
power and control wiring being provided by submerged cables at the

Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures


structure toe. A full jetty length blanket of quarry run toe protection is
augmented with 5-ton stone to MLLW for a slight wave absorber for the outer
50 feet of the jetty tip.
This reach was inspected at a minus tide and found to be in relatively
good condition except for four damaged concrete sheet panels above MHHW
from Station 23+10 to 23+16. No wave energy is bypassing the structure and
the damage is too high above MHHW to affect sediment transport or beach
elevations. Here, the concrete was cracked but not broken from what looks
like vessel impact or floating log impact, and the joints between the
buttresses, cap, and panels are weeping rust sweat from what looks like
rusting rebar that has had its epoxy coating disturbed. The other aspect of
the reach, found by divers, was that the toe protection blanket of quarry run
was missing half of its width between Station 20+25 and 20+45. Either the
ebb current is excessively swift at this area of the structure and scouring
away the toe protection or the channel is migrating toward the structure.
The damage to the sheetpiles above MHHW is addressed in Table 5,
Rating Guidance for Structural Damage or Defects. The sheets are not
significantly damaged where units are missing, so the rating should be
above 40. The description for a rating of good is not quite bad enough to
describe the cracked, but not lost, sheeting. The stains from cracked and
rusting epoxy coated rebar is more than some signs of stain. To determine
whether the sheet damage is fair or marginal, consider that the damaged
components are critical components but have not yet been holed. The
damage is restricted to a noncritical elevation on the sheeting, so the rating
should be higher and in the 55-69 range. A rating of 60 is selected to
represent the rating of the four cracked sheet panels.
The damage to the connecting rebar, which is seen to be rusting in the
area above the impact area, is also rated using Table 5. Table 6 would be
used if the rusting had not been caused by impact and instead had been
caused by environmental wear and tear or material deficiencies. From
Table 5 find that the rebar is a critical connecting component and that the
rating should be placed at the high end of marginal or the low end of fair.
Because loss of the connections would likely lead to loss of the reach and the
belief that localized corrosion of epoxy coated rebar could lead to catastrophic
corrosion rates of the cracked joints, a rating of 55 is assigned.
The loss of toe scour protective stone of a half width loss over a 20 foot
length, is rated on Table 8. Although the scour has not reached the location
of the sheeting toe, the loss of protective material is a concern. None of the
descriptions fit exactly, but one can infer that the threat to stability factors
of fair and marginal ratings are to be considered. The structural stability


Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures

is not yet threatened. Therefore, a fair rating is suggested. If this loss is

something that has been slow to materialize, a rating toward 65 would be
appropriate. If it is something that happened over a few episodic events and
could be expected to become a serious problem more quickly, a rating of 60
would be attached. For this example, consider that the problem has been
watched for a number of years and is progressing slowly, so a rating of 65 is
given. The CI results are tabulated in Figures 3739.
Example 2
A timber pile and plank structure, with a cross section as shown in Figure
7e, is similar to those commonly found along the Great Lakes, in breakwaters
and jetties. The typical construction includes protection by stone armor
acting both as a scour protection and a partial wave absorber. Since the
armor does not come up to an elevation that would classify this structure as a
rubble mound with a timber pile and plank core, we should consider it
instead as a timber pile and plank with supplemental armor wave protection.
Reach 3A has a breach of the cap down to LWD 0.0 from Station 20+40 to
23+40. The concrete cap, foot blocks and cap blocks are now located on the
lakeside bottom and some 2 to 3 feet of elevation of the cores quarry run
stone fill is also missing. The timber piles, walers, tie rods, and timber
sheeting seem to be in reasonably good shape considering the loss of the cap.
The lakeside toe protection/wave absorbing armor also is in good shape. A
scour hole has been noted for the last two annual surveys on the channel side
and has eliminated most of the wave armor and toe scour protection. A resurvey is called for. The thalweg seems to be shifting. The loss of wave
protection from the loss of the channel side armor has led to increased wave
action on the structure and loss of the cap. Warning signs are needed to alert
the public of the danger until the damage is repaired.
The ratings for this example are again from Tables 49. Loss of elevation
in the form of loss of the entire cap rates a failed rating of 9. Cap structural
damage rating of 9 is from Table 5s failed classification of General
structural failure. The substructures structural damage rating of 60
resulted from a minor deformation of connections. Walers may show
significant wear or some damage, but members are still sound. The 50
rating for the loss of fill are from the determination that large sections of the
sidewalls are beginning to lose support. The 10 rating for scour is from a
determination that the wave energy absorbing aspect of the combined
toe/protection and stone armor have been minimized to a point where steep
waves are impacting the structure even on the fair day of the inspection.

Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures


This loss of protection has also led to a general failure of the jetty


Chapter 5 Structural Rating Procedures

6 Functional Rating Procedures

The structures functional performance is the most critical portion of the CI
for coastal structures, with the measure of physical condition (SI values) playing
a subordinate role. As previously shown in Figures 2 and 3, the SI values supply information to assist in determining functional ratings, which then lead to
functional index (FI) values and to the final CI. FI values are expressed as
numbers from 0 to 100 and have the general interpretation as shown in Table
Part of implementing the CI system is determining which major functions
and, in turn, which rating categories apply to each reach of a structure. As with
reach limits, once assigned, these functions should not change unless major
changes are made to the structure or project. The FI for the reach will then be
based on the same selected functional rating categories every time a functional
rating is done.
Table 10. Functional CI rating scale.
Loss Level






Condition Level

85 to 100


70 to 84


55 to 69


40 to 54


25 to 39


10 to 24


0 to 9


Functions well, as intended. May have
slight loss of function during extreme
storm events.
Slight loss of function generally.
Noticeable loss of function, but still
adequate under most conditions.
Function is barely adequate in general
and inadequate under extreme conditions.
Function is generally inadequate.
Barely functions.
No longer functions.

Functional ratings are produced using the rating tables (Tables 16 through
19) at the end of this chapter. While the wording in the descriptions for each
rating table is specific to the category being rated, each table follows the format
and general interpretation of the FI scale shown in Table 10. It is recommended

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures


that the functional rating form be brought to the field during the structural inspection for observations and comments that may affect the functional rating
produced back in the office.

Functional Rating Categories

Structure functions are divided into 4 major areas containing a total of 11
rating categories. The four functional areas indicate how well the structure
performs the following:
a. Controls waves and currents to permit full use of the harbor area.
b. Controls waves and currents to permit full use of the navigation
channel and entrance.
c. Controls movement, build-up, and loss of sediment within navigation
areas and along adjoining shorelines.
d. Protects nearby structures, or portions of itself, from wave attack or
erosion damage.
The self-protection aspects of functional area (d) are not used in
determining the CI, but are included as indicators of the potential for rapid
loss of function in the other functional categories. Functional deficiencies
that are not caused by structural deterioration are not included in the
ratings. Design deficiencies should be identified in the development of the
project spreadsheet and reported using the current guidance for that process.
When defining reaches (as outlined in Chapter 4), functions for each reach
of a structure are determined from the 11 rating categories within the 4 main
functional areas. A reach may have most of the 11 functions or only a few.
(The rating process is covered in following sections.)
Tables 11 through 14 summarize the rating categories and corresponding
process elements. Items in the Rating Categories column of the tables
represent types of damage or adverse conditions (functional deficiencies).
Items in the Process Elements column represent the potential causes of these
conditions. When a functional deficiency is noted, an investigation of the


Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures

process elements may help to further define the character and severity of the
problem and to determine appropriate remedial actions.
In addition to the four major functional areas, there is a group called
Other Functions. These are considered secondary to the main functions
and are not given numerical ratings, nor do they affect reach definitions or FI
values. Instead, comments are provided when functional deficiencies exist in
these categories.
Table 11. Rating categories and process elements for Harbor Areas.
Harbor Area Rating Categories

Process Elements

Harbor Navigation

Wave Conditions

*Limitations on vessel size and draft

*Long period fluctuations or oscillations:

*Vessel maneuvering difficulties

Harbor Use

- Harbor resonance
- Storm surge
- Seiching
*Storm waves:
- Height
- Period
- Frequency

*Delays due to wave or current conditions

*Limitations on vessel size and draft
*Reduced usable mooring area
*Reduced mooring density
*Vessel maneuvering difficulties

*Wakes from vessels.

*Wave transformation:
- Diffraction
- Reflection or standing waves
- Wave/current interactions

*Damage to structures
*Damage to other facilities

Moored Vessels
*Damage from waves, currents, seiches


Harbor Structures


*Damage or wear on piers, floating docks, and

mooring systems

*Tidal or fluvial:

*Overstressed mooring buoys and dolphins

*Broken mooring lines
*Vessels dragging anchors

- Training
- Dispersion
- Deflection
*Alteration of natural flushing characteristics.

*Erosion or loss of backfill behind bulkheads,

seawalls, revetments
*Scour at toe or excessive leaning of structures
*Direct structural damage
*Use restrictions

Other Facilities
*Direct structural damage
*Use restrictions

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures


Table 12. Rating categories and process elements for Navigation Channels.
Navigation Channel Rating Categories
Entrance Use
*Delays due to wave or current conditions
*Limited vessel size or draft, due to waves
*Difficulty or damage while navigating entrance
*Delays due to wave or current conditions
*Limited vessel size or draft
*Obstruction from displaced armor units
*Migrating thalweg
*Vessel collisions with structure or other vessels

Process Elements
Wave Conditions
*Seiches of long period

*Storm waves:
- Height
- Period
- Frequency
*Wave transformation:
- Refraction and focusing
- Diffraction and crossing
- Reflection
- Breaking
- Wave/current interactions
- Waves at unfavorable angles
*Tidal or fluvial:
- Training
- Dispersion
- Deflection
*Excessive velocity
*Cross-channel currents

Table 13. Rating categories and process elements for Sediment Management.
Sediment Management Rating Categories
Ebb Shoal
*Delays due to wave or current conditions
*Limited vessel size or draft, due to waves
*Difficulty or damage while navigating entrance

Process Elements

Flood Shoal
*Change in navigation channel dimensions
*Shift of channel location due to migrating thalweg

*Loss of deposition
*Transformation of bedforms:
- Ebb or flood tidal shoals
- Shore-parallel bars
- Sand waves

Harbor Shoaling
*Change in maneuvering channel dimensions
*Loss of depth in mooring areas
Shoreline Impacts
*Downdrift Erosion:
- Flanking
- Interior bank erosion
*Updrift Accretion
*Adverse effect on sand bypassing operations
*Sediment losses from system


- Magnitude
- Rate
- Location

Wave Conditions

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures

Table 14. Rating categories and process elements for Structure Protection.
Structure Protection Rating Categories

Process Elements

Nearby Structures

Wave Conditions

*Inner side of jetties or breakwaters

*Wave transformation:
- Diffraction
- Refraction

*Other jetties or breakwaters

*Jetty itself, in some cases, when armor is breached

*Wave runup

Toe Erosion

*Transmission through structure

*At structure head

*Seaward side

Current Conditions

*Channel side

*Rip currents on seaward side

*Ebb flow impingement

Trunk Protection (For Head or Root Only)

*Damage to trunk due to inadequate protection from head
or root reach

*Flow separation during flood with eddy forming and

developing a scour hole at the head

Flood Shoal

*Loss of deposition

*Change in navigation channel dimensions

*Transformation of bedforms:
- Ebb or flood tidal shoals
- Shore-parallel bars
- Sand waves

*Shift of channel location due to migrating thalweg

Harbor Shoaling
*Change in maneuvering channel dimensions
*Loss of depth in mooring areas

Wave Conditions

Shoreline Impacts


*Downdrift Erosion:
- Flanking
- Interior bank erosion
*Updrift Accretion
*Adverse effect on sand bypassing operations


*Sediment losses from system

The 4 functional areas (Harbor Area, Navigation Channel, Sediment

Management, and Structure Protection), and 11 rating categories are
described as follows.

Harbor Area
Harbor protection structures (usually breakwaters) are designed to
protect or shelter an area from large waves, currents, seiches, and
sedimentation, thereby forming a safe, navigable harbor. (Typical breakwater systems were illustrated previously in Figures 7 and 10.) Ratings
within this main function are based on how well the structure provides and

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures


protects a harbor during all conditions and for all vessels, as compared with
the design expectation or current requirements. Sedimentation is covered by
the Sediment Management function under the Harbor Shoaling category.
Harbor Navigation
This category indicates how well navigable conditions are maintained
within the harbor, as opposed to navigation outside the harbor. Difficulty in
maneuvering and restrictions on vessel drafts or lengths are indications of
problems. When these conditions are associated with waves or currents, in
lieu of sedimentation, overcrowding, or designed channel width constraints,
they indicate a deficiency in this category.
Harbor Use
Harbor use may be restricted by waves, currents, or seiches within the
mooring area or at support facilities (i.e., fuel docks, unloading docks, dry
docks, grids, etc). Use restrictions may occur during certain wave conditions,
which tend to be seasonal. For instance, frequent winter storms may lead to
wave conditions inside the harbor that make the harbor unsafe for normal
There are several facets to restrictions on harbor use. These are subcategorized in the following paragraphs and in the functional rating tables.
The design storm events and structure performance expectations often differ
among these subcategories, even though they are all part of harbor use.
Likewise, all three subcategories may not apply to all harbors.
a. Moored vessels
This subcategory indicates how well moored vessels are protected from
damage by waves, currents, and seiches. Functional deficiency may be
measured by the frequency and degree to which moored vessels sustain
damage due to excessive wave or current energy. Also, areas of the harbor
that cannot be used to their full potential may have reduced mooring density
or may have been abandoned by that part of the fleet sensitive to the
problems being encountered.


Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures

b. Harbor structures
This subcategory indicates how well the harbor structures are kept usable
and protected from damage. The berthing facilities used to dock or provide
moorings for vessels are part of this subcategory. Berthing structures include
fixed or floating docks, piers, mooring piles, dolphins or buoys, anchorages,
and other areas set aside to receive vessels.
Functional deficiency may exist if waves or currents are strong enough to
damage or impair the use of these facilities. Some indications of excessive
wave and current energy are: damage or rapid wear to floating docks,
chafing and wear on guide piles and mooring systems, overstressed mooring
buoys and dolphins, and cases of vessels dragging their anchors.
Also included in this subcategory are those facilities which help form the
harbor and allow its use for commercial and recreational navigation. Typical
are structures that provide the land-water interface such as bulkheads,
seawalls, and revetments. Certain kinds of repair facilities such as dry-docks
may also be included in this category and, in some cases, even the breakwaters and jetties. Indications of damage by waves or currents include direct
structural damage or erosion and loss of the backfill behind bulkheads and
seawalls. Toe scour (determined from a diving inspection, sidescan, or other
acoustic surveys) or excessive leaning of structures may also indicate damage
by currents or seiches. Direct structural damage may not be the only indication of a problem. Use restrictions may indicate that waves and currents are
c. Other facilities
Other facilities are those which are set back from the land-water interface
and which are part of the commercial and recreational activity surrounding
the harbor. These facilities support cargo movements, commercial fishing,
cruise vessels, recreational boating, etc. They include hard stand areas,
transit sheds, warehouses, terminals, ship repair facilities, offices, stores, and
restaurants. The condition of their foundations and surrounding property are
indications of adequate or inadequate protection.

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures


Navigation Channel
This functional area includes all entrances and navigation channels
within harbors, channels, maneuvering areas, and mooring areas. Ratings
within this main function are based on how well the structure controls waves
and currents to provide safe navigation during all conditions and for all
vessels, as compared with design expectations or current requirements.
Sediment control aspects are rated under Sediment Management. The
channel is separated into two segments: the entrance, including approaches,
and the channel between the harbor and entrance, if that segment is
Entrance Use
This category indicates the ability of the structure to maintain a safe
channel or harbor entrance by controlling waves and currents within the
limits provided in the authorizing documents or by economic reality.
Functional deficiencies are indicated if certain sizes or types of vessels are
unable to safely pass through the entrance, or are delayed in entering.
Another indication is a limit on allowable vessel draft, which can exclude
vessels in either extreme of the fleet for which the harbor was designed. The
impact of the ebb shoal and flood shoal on wave transformation can be a
major source of difficulty and is to be rated here.
If structures are performing poorly in controlling channel depth, that
portion of the problem is to be rated under Sediment Management. (See
Operations and Maintenance Items in Chapter 3.) If the entrance structures
do not adequately reduce waves (or limit breaking wave conditions), the
smallest vessels in the fleet may find it too hazardous to move through the
entrance. Where the restriction is a function of wave activity and not caused
by shoaling above project depth, it is properly rated here. Displaced armor
from a structure may also create channel obstructions. (The angle that the
entrance makes with prevailing winds and waves can also be a factor,
particularly if recreational sailing is an important activity.)
This category indicates how well the structure controls waves and
currents to provide a safe, navigable channel through which vessels may
operate without difficulty, delay, or damage. Indications of functional


Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures

deficiency include: strong cross channel currents or crossing wave trains that
may delay vessels until more favorable conditions prevail; channel
obstructions from displaced armor units; and reports of vessels impacting the
bottom (grounding), vessels colliding with the navigation structures, or each

Sediment Management
The ratings in this main function indicate how well the structure controls
the depth, character, and pattern of sedimentation in the navigation channel;
the depth of ebb and flood shoals in tidal entrances; and the buildup or loss of
sediments on nearby shorelines. For riverine or nontidal conditions, the
rating should also cover the eddy shoal development that occurs at those
Breakwaters and jetties modify the pattern of sediment distribution in
the waterways that are formed in conjunction with them and on the adjoining
shorelines. A structure may cause ebb and flood shoals to shift dramatically
and eventually stabilize in new locations if sediment supplies are stable.
How well the structure is managing the depth of the ebb and flood shoal in
the navigation channel can often be deduced by observing surveys and
comparing them to dredging records. Secondary effects of ebb and flood
shoals such as wave steepening, cross channel currents, and erosion impacts
are rated under Navigation Channel or Structure Protection.
Poor sediment management can also be discerned by unpredictable
channel locations and unstable channel depths and widths. Shoreline erosion
or accretion and oversteepening of shorelines are other indications of
sediment management problems.
Ebb Shoal
The ebb shoal forms seaward of the structures and is a product of
longshore currents and sediments interacting with the ebb flow currents
including riverine contributions and sediments. Its position can affect
navigation negatively by focusing waves in the channel, decreasing navigable
depths, forcing the channel thalweg to migrate, and forcing ebb flows to
increase wave heights. The negative effects of in-channel sedimentation are
largely managed by dredging, and a measure of the impact of the ebb shoal
can often be partially deduced from dredging records. Other indications of

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures


ebb shoal impacts are vessel delays due to wave steepness or wave breaking
in the entrance approach channel, vessel groundings, etc. To separate the
Sediment Management portion of ebb shoal impacts from the Entrance Use
category, only the loss of channel depth and width that can be corrected by
dredging and the shift in thalweg requiring repositioning of aids to navigation are rated in this category. Other impacts of the ebb shoal are to be rated
under Entrance Use and Structure Protection.
Flood Shoal
The flood shoal forms in the waterway landward of the structure head
and, similar to the ebb shoal, is normally a product of longshore sediments
and flood flow transfer of those sediments into the interior channel system.
Riverine sediments may also contribute to this shoal. Deposition of the flood
current sediments occurs at many locations and, to a large extent, is a
product of loss of transport capacity at expansions. Normally the shoal can
be found in two locations: immediately inside the contraction made by stagnation points at the jetty tips, and at the points where jetties terminate and
an expansion occurs at the landward end.
The shoals can have significant affect on cross channel currents, waves in
the channel, etc., even though they lie outside of the navigation channel. The
only items that are rated in the Sediment Management functional area are a
reduction in channel dimensions that impact navigation, and a shift in
channel thalweg that requires changes in aids to navigation. The relationship can normally be deduced by examining dredging records and surveys.
Both the ebb and flood shoal can also be related to some structural damage as
currents are shifted and erosion occurs at the toes of the structures. The toe
erosion or scour aspect is to be rated under Structure Protection. Cross
channel currents, crossing wave trains, oversteepened waves, etc., caused by
the flood shoal are to be rated in the Channel category. Focusing of waves to
the extent they disrupt harbor use is to be rated under Harbor Use.
Harbor Shoal
Sediment buildup in a harbor may be independent from the ebb and flood
shoals. Density, currents, upland runoff, winds, short waves, and vessel
agitation of sediments combined with very low velocity currents can all create
sediment deposit in maneuvering areas and mooring areas. Where


Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures

structures were placed to limit these types of shoals, a functional rating

should be developed.
Shoreline Impacts
Breakwaters and jetties modify the natural pattern of sediment distribution in the surrounding area. They also affect the sediment supply, its
location, and distribution on adjacent beaches. When these changes occur,
the adjoining shoreline tends to adjust to the new conditions created by the
structure's presence. This rating category indicates the ability of the structure to maintain adjoining shoreline profiles within acceptable limits. The
structures also force large amounts of sediment to transfer to their seaward
tips, so that much of the sediments associated with the ebb and flood shoals
are related to shoreline impacts.
Breakwaters built primarily for shore protection should be judged on how
well they succeed in stopping erosion of the protected shoreline without
causing undesirable erosion on the adjoining shoreline on either side of the
project. If a recreational beach is a part of the project, then some judgment
must also be made about how well the sand is being retained.
Measures to minimize shoreline impact include: mechanical sediment
transport systems, weir jetties with sand traps (in combination with dredging
of the sand trap), shoreline-to-shoreline dredge pumps, or on-shore or nearshore disposal areas. These systems are separate from the structures, and
their performance is not considered here; however, a structures adverse
effect on these systems would be rated within this category.

Structure Protection
Ratings within this main function indicate how well the structure
accomplishes the following, compared with design expectations, or in some
cases, present requirements:
a. Minimizes wave energy levels on adjacent structures.
b. Protects itself from erosion (scour).
c. For head reaches (and sometimes for a root section), protects the
trunk from structural deterioration.

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures


These ratings are used to help assess which structural repair actions are
needed. Only item [a] is included in calculating the functional index for the
structure; items [b] and [c] are usually already accounted for, in more detail,
in the structural ratings.
Nearby Structures
This category indicates how well the structure protects nearby structures.
With parallel jetties, one jetty may protect the inner side of the other jetty.
For example, at the Umpqua River in Oregon, the south jetty protects both
an inner training jetty and the inner side of the north jetty. Jetties or
breakwaters may also protect structures that are within their diffraction
shadow. A prime example of this is the main breakwater protecting an inner
breakwater at St. Paul Harbor in Alaska. A modest loss of main breakwater
length can cause structural failure of the inner breakwater.
Toe Erosion
This category indicates how well reaches control excessive removal of
sediments around the structure foundation. The flow contraction around the
heads of structures often creates a stagnation area and eddy near the head of
the structure. When this occurs large holes form, which can undermine the
foundation. Interaction between tidal currents, coastal and longshore
currents, coupled with surges, can also cause scour. Periodic seasonal
surveys should be adequate to determine the size of the problem and, when
coupled with a soils analysis, can be used to assess the severity of the
Jetties and breakwaters are also subjected to flow concentrations at
various locations throughout their length. Ebb flows may be shifted to the
structure due to the relationship of its geometry to the tidal prism or to the
flood shoal location. Conditions exist where both geometry and flood shoal
combine to intensify the flow concentrations along the jetty and to minimize
sediment entering the region. Under these conditions the depth of erosion
can be severe. On the shore side of structures, rip currents and gyres form
that can cause unexpected erosion or, in some cases, accretion. Wave
turbulence combined with semi-steady state flows can intensify erosion.
Erosion effects are sometimes visible on the structure as a breach due to
settlement, or as slope defects. Side-scan sonar imaging may be able to
detect scour before the structure is affected.


Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures

Trunk Protection
This category mostly applies to a structure head but may also apply to
root sections in some cases. It indicates how well the head (or root, if
applicable) prevents unraveling of the structures trunk.

Other Functions
In addition to the main functions described above, breakwaters and jetties
often have secondary functions, which are grouped together in this category.
These categories are not given numerical ratings (and are not used in
defining reaches), but are reported as comments on the functional rating
Public Access
Comments in this category should indicate any failure of structure
features to permit safe public access as intended in the project plan, or to
effectively limit public access where it is not desired. These features include
walkways, handrails, bicycle paths, gates, barrier fences, warning signs,
lights, markers, etc.
Recreational Use
Comments in this category should indicate any failure of the structure in
permitting recreational use as intended in the project plan. These activities
include: boating, fishing, swimming, etc. Conditions that degrade recreational use include dangerous wave or current conditions or shoals at a harbor
entrance, or for shore protection structures, failure to maintain a stable
public beach.
Environmental Effects
Comments in this category cover both positive and negative environmental impacts from a structures presence. Negative impacts include any
adverse effect the structure may have on the nearby environment or failure
to provide expected environmental benefits. Such effects may include
reduced water circulation and flushing in the protected area, resulting in
poorer water quality. The structures may also degrade the local environment
by accumulating trash and debris. In northern locations, particularly on the

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures


Great Lakes, the harbor structures could impede the passage of ice floes if a
major stream or river discharges into the harbor; in severe cases, ice jam
flooding could occur.
Positive impacts may include the shelter provided by a breakwater that
protects wetlands from wave attack and provides opportunities for habitat
enhancement. Other positive impacts include attachment of organisms
(habitat), increased diversity of environment, enhancement of fishing, diving,
bird watching, etc.
Aids to Navigation
Comments in this category should indicate any damage, deterioration, or
displacement of aids to navigation, deficiencies in access to them for
maintenance and inspection, and damage to their mooring systems.

Storm Events
Performance in each functional rating category is measured in reference
to three levels of storm events. Generally, ratings should be based on
structure performance during storms of the greatest intensity that have
occurred during the last rating period. Using three storm levels allows
ratings to be produced during intervals when only storms of less than design
intensity have occurred. Storms are to include the impacts of both local and
distant events (sea and swell).

Design Storm
The design storm is the largest storm (or most adverse combination of
storm conditions) that the structure (or project) is intended to withstand,
without allowing disruption of navigation or harbor activities, or damage to
the structure or shore facilities. For systems designed for seasonal use or for
interrupted use, the expected nonuse periods must be allowed for in arriving
at a design storm. Design storm conditions include: wave height, direction,
and period; water level; storm duration; and combinations of these factors.
The design storm is usually designated by frequency of occurrence or
probability of occurrence.


Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures

The design storm typically varies from one project to another, and for
different activities or areas within a single project. For example, disruption
of cargo handling or limitations on channel entrance use might be tolerated
more frequently than disruption in the harbor area. Thus the design storms
for the navigation channel, damage to harbor facilities, vessel damage, and
disruption of cargo handling are, or should be, at different return intervals.
Corps guidance is that channels and harbors will be safe and efficient.
Safe implies that no vessel damage should occur when vessels are moored in
accordance with good practice. Efficient implies reasonable economic
tradeoffs. As an example, past Corps practice has often been to design small
boat harbors to limit wave heights to 1.5 feet during storms that have a 50
percent probability of occurring during the economic life of the project. In
this case, for a 50-year design life, the design storm would have a return
interval of 73 years. Generally, the return interval allowed for facility or
vessel damage is on the order of once every 50 to 100 years.
Authorizing documents, design notes, project history, and current
requirements should be used to confirm the appropriate design storms for a
project. Current requirements may show a need for new authorization to
improve conditions, or current economic conditions may require dimensions
and storm conditions that would decrease the use from the level anticipated
during authorization.
For many harbor entrances, design depths and channel orientation are
indications of design intent. For example, a 10-foot channel will have
breaking waves at a wave height of 8 feet. At this wave height, about 4 feet
of channel depth is lost at the wave trough and waves are steep enough to
cause broaching of a craft with less than 5 feet of draft. Thus, with an 8-foot
wave, the channel is impassable for all vessels due to either limited depth (for
larger vessels) or excessive wave steepness (for smaller vessels). At this
location, an 8-foot wave height can then be tied to a storm of a certain
frequency or probability, and a tolerable frequency for closing the channel can
then be determined. In a similar fashion, safety in the harbor berthing area
and disruption to cargo handling could be analyzed.

Intermediate Storms (2X Design Storm Frequency)

This level refers to storms (or combinations of adverse conditions) of
intermediate intensity that occur on the order of twice as often as the design

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures


storm. This level is intended to represent a midway point between the

maximum storm levels (design storm) and small or minor intensity storms
that may occur more frequently, especially during certain periods of the year.

Low Intensity Storm Conditions

This level refers to storms (or combinations of adverse conditions) of low
intensity that may occur frequently throughout the year, and includes
common rain storms or periods of above normal winds. This level is the next
stage above normal nonstorm conditions.

Using the Functional Rating Form

The functional rating is made using the form shown in Figure 43 (front)
and Figure 44 (back). Figures 45 (front) and 46 (back) show a completed
form. One form is used for each reach in a structure. Numerical ratings are
entered for those functional categories that apply to the reach. When a
rating indicates a functional deficiency, a corresponding comment should be
provided in the Comments and Sketches block at the bottom of the form to
explain the rating.
As with the structural rating form, five suggested actions are listed above
the comment block. (A) Immediate Action means that repairs or actions
are required right away to preserve structure function or public safety in an
emergency. (B) Action Soon means functional defects should be corrected
during the next budget cycle. (C) Watch means no repairs are required
currently, but the condition may be unstable or subject to rapid change and
should be monitored regularly. (D) Defer means that the affected area of the
reach appears stable and does not appear to threaten functional integrity,
even if the condition should worsen somewhat. (E) Investigate Further
means more detailed analysis is needed to determine the degree of functional
loss or the appropriate action to be taken.
Inspectors are encouraged to suggest an action for each rated function,
but should follow local guidance in applying and reporting these. The
suggested actions do not affect ratings or index values.


Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures






Harbor Navigation


Harbor Use
a. Moored Vessels
b. Harbor Structures
c. Other Facilities


Entrance Use

Ebb shoal


Flood Shoal

Harbor Shoal
Shoreline impacts
Nearby Structures



Toe Erosion
Trunk Protection
Public Access


Has a structural inspection been

Recreational Use

recently completed ?



Aids to Navigation

Comment No.

Are there functional deficiencies which are not related to structural




Is there risk of further major loss of function within the next budget



SUGGESTED ACTIONS: A) Immediate B) Soon C) Watch D) Defer E) Investigate Further





Figure 43. Functional rating form (front).

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures



SUGGESTED ACTIONS: A) Immediate B) Soon C) Watch D) Defer E) Investigate Further




Figure 44. Functional rating form (back).


Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures






Harbor Navigation





Harbor Use
a. Moored Vessels
b. Harbor
c. Other Facilities


Plotkin Bay Resort Hbr


South Jetty


Entrance Use




Ebb shoal


Flood Shoal


Harbor Shoal


Shoreline impacts


Nearby Structures


Toe Erosion



Trunk Protection



S. Foltz


Public Access

Has a structural inspection


Recreational Use

recently completed ?



Aids to Navigation


Comment No.

Are there functional deficiencies which are not related to structural




Is there risk of further major loss of function within the next budget



SUGGESTED ACTIONS: A) Immediate B) Soon C) Watch D) Defer E) Investigate Further




Access to outer end of jetty (across this reach) is hazardous at all


Pedestrian access needs to be blocked and danger signs posted


Figure 45. Completed functional rating form (front).

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures



SUGGESTED ACTIONS: A) Immediate B) Soon C) Watch D) Defer E) Investigate Further




Aids to navigation need to be shifted to identify channel location.
See project background information



Deterioration in function expected to increase

Assessment of design and impact of intermediate storm levels needed
as structure may be lost if major breach recession occurs.


Rating based on low intensity storm experience. Further, evaluation

may indicate a lower rating.

Harbor navigation unsafe for small boats during low intensity storms.

Low intensity storms stop commercial activities and cause vessel and
facility damage.

Thalweg migration caused channel shift.
Coast Guard is moving buoys periodically to indicate channel position.


The loss of toe protection has led to loss of wave armor which led to
higher waves impacting jetty cap and loss of cap and some substructure cell fill of quarry-run stone. Sub-structure in now in danger of
loss if impacted by minimal storm wave activity. Loss of toe protection
caused by thalweg movement into the toe stone area and loss of toe
blanket into channel. Dredging contractors should be advised that toe
stone and armor stones are likely to be found in material to be
dredged during next dredging cycle.

Figure 46. Completed functional rating form (back).


Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures

The two questions above the comment block should be answered by

circling Yes or No. When answering Yes to the first question, a
corresponding comment should be made to identify the deficiency or changed
conditions or requirements that support the response. A Yes answer to the
second question also requires a comment and should correspond to a
Suggested Action of (A) Immediate Action or (B) Action Soon.

Steps in the Functional Rating Process

Background/Data Collection
Obtain the information required for the functional analysis:
Items (a) through (c) of the following list establish baseline performance
expectations for the project and structures:
a. Review the original intent or expectation of the design as described in
the authorizing documents (or as subsequently modified).
b. Review the descriptions for the functions assigned to the different
c. Review the structure's functional performance requirements and
structural requirements (as outlined in Chapter 4).
Items (d) through (h) establish evidence of existing performance
deficiencies and risk of near-term functional deterioration. (Use the lists in
Tables 10 through 13 as a guide on what information to look for, what
observations to make, and what questions to ask):
d. Examine inspection reports, dredging records, project history, and
other office records relating to project performance.
e. Review the structural ratings, SI values, and comments made during
the structural inspection. Note the lower ratings and any suggestion
or evidence of structural instability.

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures



Examine the project site. Look for evidence of navigation difficulties

or functional deficiencies (such as those listed in the descriptions of
the functional categories above).

g. Gather information from vessel operators, harbor masters, the Coast

Guard, Corps staff, etc. on any known navigation difficulties, facility
damage, or other project deficiencies.
h. Review the environmental setting in and around the project: wave
energy, water level variability, sediment transport, etc.

Use the information obtained in the previous steps to analyze the
structures functional performance. Filling in a spreadsheet, as shown in
Table 15, is recommended one for each reach.
a. Document the performance expectations and the actual structure
performance, when no structural defects have been present.
b. Estimate the minimum cross-sectional dimensions, crest elevation,
and level of structural integrity needed to meet the performance
requirements for the reach being examined. The center columns of
Table 15 are used to first estimate the impact on structure
performance if the reach were destroyed and, secondly, to record the
minimum reach dimensions necessary to provide acceptable
c. Determine for each reach which functional deficiencies exist and
estimate their severity. Use a table (similar to Table 15, in the
following rating example) to compare performance with no structural
defects to performance in the present condition.
d. Determine the extent to which the structure's physical condition is
responsible for functional deficiencies. (This is the criterion on which
numerical ratings will be based.)
e. Determine if changed requirements, site conditions, or design
inadequacies have adversely affected structure performance. (This is
used in responding to the questions below the rating section.)


Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures


Determine if there is a significant risk of further functional

deterioration before the next budget cycle can be completed. (This is
used in responding to the questions below the rating section.)

Functional Rating
Determine the functional ratings and complete a functional rating form
for each reach:
a. Based on the functional analysis performed, the guidance presented in
the next section, and Tables 16 through 19, determine the appropriate
numerical rating for each function assigned to the reach.
b. Check to ensure that each rating is made based only on a reduced
performance due to structural deterioration. (As a reminder: desired
structure or project modifications due to design deficiencies, major
changes in usage, etc., are beyond the scope of maintenance and
repair, and thus are not considered here.)
c. Provide comments on the rating form to explain the reason for
choosing the ratings and select the appropriate Suggested Actions.
d. Answer the two questions above the comment block.

Determining Functional Ratings

Functional ratings are made in reference to structure performance
criteria, either design intent or current requirements, as discussed in Chapter 4 and in the previous section. Design deficiencies are not rated here but
should become evident in the development of spreadsheets for the project and
are to be noted there. The reporting of design deficiencies should then follow
current guidance and be separated from this report.
Thus, to affect the ratings, functional deficiencies must be caused by
structural deterioration or, in some cases, changed requirements. In any
case, situations that a structure could not reasonably correct or control
should not be taken into account. In addition, ratings must be based on the
condition of the structure at the time it was inspected.

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures


Ratings are made using the rating tables that appear in the following
section. A rating of 100 indicates the structure is performing as well as it
would when no structural defects are present. When assigning ratings,
choosing numbers in multiples of five is preferred. Ratings at the top or
bottom end of a condition level may also be appropriate. The descriptions in
the tables correspond to ratings at the center of the value range for each
For any rating category, it will be quite common that none of the condition levels lists a case exactly matching the situation found in the field. In
such cases, the inspector selects the appropriate rating by narrowing the
choice to the most appropriate one or two condition levels, and then selecting
the final rating. The general FI scale (Table 10) should also be used to help
select the most appropriate rating. The two most common situations are:
a. The choice can be narrowed to one condition level. The inspector must
then determine if the most appropriate rating is near the top, bottom,
or middle of the condition level. (Examining the condition levels just
above and below will help in deciding.)
b. Two adjacent condition levels look possible. The inspector must
determine if the rating is most appropriate near the bottom of the
higher condition level or near the top of the lower level.
For conditions or unique situations not covered in the rating tables, the
general FI scale should be used to determine the most appropriate rating.
The following example illustrates the process for selecting FI ratings.
This example illustrates the type of information and observations needed
to determine functional ratings, how the ratings are selected, and using a
spreadsheet similar to Table 15 to aid in the analysis.
Background. A functional evaluation is being done for reach 3 (offshore
trunk) of a jetty similar to the one in Figure 9. The jetty protects the shallow
draft entrance and channel of a small commercial and recreational harbor, as
shown in Figure 47. The dredged channel is maintained to -15 feet LWD.
Commercial vessels that use the channel are primarily fishing trawlers with
the largest having a draft of 11 feet. In addition, the channel is heavily used


Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures

on weekends by recreational sail and powerboats that originate from marinas

within the harbor. The bulk of these pleasure craft have drafts of 6 feet or
less. A few fixed-keel sailboats have drafts of up to 10 feet.
Field Observations of Structural Integrity and Functional
Performance. A 300-foot breach has developed in reach 3, which was given
a structural rating of 10, representing major damage. The cap has been
swept into the lakeside waters and large sections of substructure core are
exposed. It is easy to imagine that another major storm could devastate a
much greater portion of the jetty in reach 3 and adjoining reaches. Waves
overtop the jetty through the breach and spill over into the navigation
channel extensively several times a year. When this happens, the wave
conditions in the channel are too dangerous to navigate for most of the
vessels in the harbor. In addition, sand is carried over the breakwater
through the breach so that a large shoal has developed in the entrance. The
shoal impinges on the channel, and groundings are probable when care is not
exercised. Strong currents through the entrance have distributed the sand
across broad areas of the channel, causing the channel thalweg to migrate. It
should be noted that sand is available for transport across the jetty because
of a large deposit on the updrift side of the project. The deposit is larger than
expected during design. There has also been erosion on the downdrift side of
the project, and additional sand was previously added to the north beach to
prevent undermining of seawalls at one or two locations and to protect
existing homes.

Figure 47. Example commercial and recreational harbor.

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures


Prior to the breach, wave conditions could be severe within the entrance
channel, but these conditions did not extend beyond the entrance except
under unique storm events. Project history indicates that the unique events
have been associated with long period swells approaching in a manner such
that the crests of the swells are almost parallel to the shoreline and
perpendicular to the jetty entrance. When these conditions occur, the waves
have translated up the entrance channel and into the harbor. This creates a
general disturbance within about 25 percent of the berths in the harbor that
are the closest to the entrance channel. At the time of final project design,
these areas of the harbor were identified as likely to experience disturbances
during certain design conditions and moorings were excluded from the area.
Despite recommendations otherwise, mooring facilities were later built and
have, in fact, experienced the predicted disturbances. During these events,
mooring lines quickly become chafed and occasionally break. The boats, if
unattended, will then drift from their moorings or be damaged within their
Wave reflection has historically been an occasional problem at one
exposed bulkhead during the unique events, and "green" water and large
amounts of white spray have overtopped the wall, particularly when wind
conditions are right. No serious toe erosion or other problems have occurred
during these conditions.
Shorter period storm waves may sometimes approach from the same
direction. For small storms expected to occur every few years, there is not
much difficulty except for vessels moving into the harbor through the
entrance channel. The harbor area itself is fairly well protected because
diffraction and refraction effects cause these waves to dissipate before they
reach the inner harbor.
Since the breach in the structure, waves from storms frequently enter the
channel, reflect and translate up the channel, and cause severe disturbances
in the harbor. During these periods, recreational vessels cannot leave their
slips, even to cruise only within the protected portion of the harbor. Vessel
damage occurs, mooring lines chafe through, and docks are damaged. Commercial fishermen who might return to the harbor ahead of the storm have
difficulty unloading their catch at the commercial dock and usually are
hindered until conditions subside.


Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures

The exposed bulkhead area that faces the entrance channel is now
subjected to heavy wave pounding on a more frequent basis. In these cases,
larger amounts of green water overtop the wall and flood the area behind the
bulkhead. Vehicles that normally park behind the bulkhead must be moved
to avoid damage, and a material storage area has to be emptied.
Functional Rating. Functional ratings are performed separately for the
harbor area itself, the navigation channel, sediment management, for selfprotection of the jetty, and for other functions. The resulting functional
ratings appear in the example completed functional rating form, shown as
Figures 48 and 49.

Figure 48. Example completed FI form (front).

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures


Figure 49. Example completed FI form (back).

The ratings were determined after completing a Spreadsheet for Functional Evaluation, shown as Table 15. This spreadsheet is used initially to
guide the choice of ratings from the functional rating tables (Tables 16
through 19), and then again, if the initial rating process indicates the need
for further analysis in any of the rating categories.
The spreadsheet summarizes structural performance under three
conditions: when there are no structural defects present (in a like new
condition), if the reach were substantially destroyed, and under current
conditions when structural defects are present. The first column lists the
functional rating categories. The left-hand section (Without Structural


Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures

Defect) summarizes structure performance as intended when designed and

then as experienced when built. This section also includes a column (Non
Str. Def.) to indicate if there are functional deficiencies that are not related to
structural deterioration.
The center section (If Reach Were Destroyed), not used in this example, is
intended to aid in evaluating the With Structural Defect case and for determining reach functions when the system is first implemented. It can also aid
in cross checking for correct reach functional assignments and in determining
(in the column to the right) the minimum structure dimensions needed to
provide satisfactory functional performance.
The right-hand section (With Structural Defect) summarizes structural
performance as presently experienced and, as needed, when recent changes
in physical condition have occurred and analysis is required to estimate current performance. The column titled Analyzed Storm Disruption Period is
not used in the initial analysis but is reserved for times when additional
analysis is suggested. If suggested actions are undertaken, the performance
effects are entered in this column, and a revised rating is then determined for
that functional category.
The right-hand column is used to show the increase in frequency of disruptions compared to the performance of the structure when in excellent
condition. This entry assists the rater in locating the appropriate rating in
the functional rating tables (Tables 1619). The disruption frequency
increase is based on the Analyzed Storm Disruption Period whenever this
additional analysis is done for a functional category.
If the numbers shown in the last column indicate >>2, disruptions are
said to occur even in low intensity storms. If the disruption frequency is
about 2, then intermediate storm conditions must be present to cause
disruption. A 0 or 1 entry would indicate that design storm conditions are
required to cause disruption.
Table 15 shows no problems under Without Structural Defect conditions,
except when long period swells are approaching directly in line with the
entrance channel. However, damage under these conditions was anticipated
during design and should not affect the rating. Jetties were not intended to
offer complete protection when waves approach in line with the opening
between the structures. The other project defect under Shoreline Impacts
has been remedied by a project modification made in 1989. In all cases,

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures


functional defects not associated with structural defects are not to be considered in the ratings.
To determine proper ratings, it is necessary to consider existing conditions when structural deterioration is present. Since actual experience of the
impact of the structural defects is often limited, it may be necessary to
expand the database through analysis estimating the probable effects in
cases where structure performance in present condition is not well known. If
estimated impacts are used, the If Reach Were Destroyed section must be
filled in before judgments on these impacts are made. The example uses only
experienced impacts, as should be the case for all projects during the first
iteration of the rating. The need for further analysis is a local decision and
should be based on economic, environmental, safety, and other factors.
In the example, the data from Table 15 suggest ratings from 10 to 54 for
Harbor Area categories (Table 16). Harbor Navigation is curtailed to a large
extent and receives a rating of 20 due to virtual cessation of use by pleasure
craft during low intensity storm conditions. (Table 17 shows a Disruption
Frequency Increase of much greater than 2.) In the Harbor Use category and
its three subcategories, several evaluations must be made. In the general
paragraph describing harbor use, it is noted that cargo handling is hindered
during storms of 2X the design storm frequency, which would put the rating
between 25 and 39. A value of 30 is assigned. Moored vessels are suffering
damage during low intensity storm events, but curtailment of operation is not
yet being experienced. This would suggest a rating between 25 and 39 (say
35). Some evaluation of the expected damage during a design storm and
intermediate level storm is appropriate as those conditions could control the
rating. This is also true for the remaining categories under Harbor Use.
Harbor structures are being damaged but the damage is moderate. This
places the Harbor Structure subcategory in the 25 to 39 range and 35 is
chosen. Other facilities are being damaged to a moderate degree and this
category is also given a rating of 35. As the lowest rating found under the
Harbor Use category is 30, the overall rating for Harbor Use is 30.
Under Navigation Channel, Entrance Use has not been affected and is
given a rating of 100 from Table 17. The channel inside the entrance has
certainly been affected by waves, resulting in two to three closures per year.
Even though these closures exceed twice the frequency of the design storm,
they are not frequent enough to be considered as low intensity storm events.
Therefore, the intermediate storm level is appropriate, and this column (in
Table 17) is used to evaluate the Channel rating category. Delays and non-


Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures

use periods appear best described by the 25 to 39 range. The lower end of
this range is used and the Channel category is rated at 30.
Sediment Management (Table 18) has been compromised, but only for the
Flood Shoal. Ratings for Ebb Shoal and Harbor Shoal remain high and are
given an 85. From the description of the project, updrift shoreline impacts
should be significant during major and intermediate storm levels, but no
impact of consequence is evident at this time other than minor shore recession as material is taken out of storage and deposited in the navigation
channel. This suggests a rating for Shoreline Impacts in the 70 to 84 range,
and a 75 is chosen. A note is added to the evaluation indicating immediate
need to evaluate higher intensity storms. The rating should be modified if
the evaluations indicate that a problem will occur with higher level storms.
The Flood Shoal rating falls in the 25 to 39 range. A rating of 30 is given, as
the shoaling requires significant effort to keep track of the migrating thalweg
and significant effort by navigators to avoid vessel damage.
Under Structure Protection (Table 19), the evidence of toe erosion is
significant and has led to the loss of channel side supplemental wave armor
and the complete loss of the super-structure. Consequence Toe Erosion is
rated at 15. Protection of nearby harbor structures may have been seriously
compromised. The rating of 70 for Nearby Structures is based on the
observed low intensity storm experience, and it is noted that the impacts of
more severe storms should be evaluated. (The final rating for Nearby Structures could be as low as 20 after these evaluations are made.)
Although Other Functions are not given numerical ratings, these items
should be given considerable thought and attention as they concern public
safety and environmental effects of the project. As noted in the comments
section, immediate action to alleviate public hazard may be needed.

Rating Tables
Tables 16 through 19 on the following pages are used to select the appropriate functional ratings. The descriptions in the tables correspond to ratings
at the center of the value range for each level. Ratings should be selected
with respect to the worst storm or wave/current/wind conditions experienced
at the project.

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures



Table 15. Example functional evaluation spreadsheet.


Structure/Reach: Example Jetty - Reach 3






Date: 3/26/96






Evaluator: J. O.






Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures


70-year event

70 year event


2 to 3 per year

Harbor Use

1 per year for


1 per year for

cargo unloading


2 to 3 per year
for cargo

a. Moored

70-year event

70 year event


2 to 3 per year



b. Harbor

70-year event
except at
where wave
problems were
anticipated on
a 1 to 3 year

70 year event
except at
bulkhead where
wave reflection
occur 1 to 3
times per year


2 to 3 per year



*Are There Functional Deficiencies That Are Not Related To Structural Defects?

1 Ratings to be based on worst conditions found in the three levels of storms.


Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures


Structure/Reach: Example Jetty - Reach 3


c. Other



10-year event
except where
wave oversplash was
anticipated on
a 1 to 3 year

10-year event
except where
oversplash was
anticipated on a
1 to 3 year

Date: 3/26/96





Evaluator: J. O.





2 to 3 times
per year






5 times per

5 times per year


5 times per


1 per year

1 per year


3 to 4 per year


Ebb Shoal

dredging cycle

dredging cycle


dredging cycle


dredging cycle

dredging cycle


cycle must be
modified or
aids moved on
a frequent
basis to
maintain safe



10-year cycle

10 year cycle


10-year cycle

No observed

1 Ratings to be based on worst conditions found in the three levels of storms.



Structure/Reach: Example Jetty - Reach 3





50-year project



Date: 3/26/96






Evaluator: J. O.



Project modified
for beach
nourishment at
5-year interval
in 1989


project life
with beach
as undertaken
in 1989


No change


Minor damage
in project life



change in the
level of

Toe Erosion





change in
frequency of
No change


Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures


2 per year

2 per year




al Use

2 per year

2 per year




ntal Effect





Aids To





1 Ratings to be based on worst conditions found in the three levels of storms.

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures

Table 16. Rating Guidance For: HARBOR AREA




(2x Design Storm Frequency



85 to 100

70 to 84


Recreational boats and other vessels

can be maneuvered without interruption
in the protected part of the harbor.
Vessels can enter of leave the harbor
immediately when outside conditions

Recreational boats and other vessels

can be maneuvered without interruption
in the protected part of the harbor. Vessels can enter or leave the harbor immediately when outside conditions warrant.

No difficulties or impacts for navigation.


Cargo loading operations, and other

maritime activities can continue without

Cargo loading operations and other

maritime activities can continue without

Operations within the harbor occur at optimum design levels at all locations.

a. Moored

Vessels at moorings, at berths, or

within slips experience no difficulty.

Vessels at moorings, at berths, or within

slips experience no difficulty.

There are no problems at mooting, berths,

or within slips.

b. Harbor

The harbor structures and docks can

remain fully occupied without jeopardizing vessels.

The harbor structures and docks can

remain fully open with no damages to
structures or vessels.

The harbor structures and docks are in

optimum condition and occupancy is not

No erosion, toe scour, wave overtopping, or other problems.

No erosion, toe scour, wave overtopping,

or other problems.

No erosion, toe scour, wave overtopping, or

other problems.

c. Other

No erosion or flood damages to facilities within the harbor.

No erosion or flood damages to facilities

within the harbor.

No erosion or flood damages to facilities in

the harbor.


Recreational boats, and other vessels

can be maneuvered without interruption
within the protected portion of the harbor. Minor problems may exist at a few
spots. Nearly all vessels can enter or
leave the harbor immediately when
outside conditions warrant, although
the deepest draft vessels may have to
exercise some caution in a few isolated
locations. Waves or currents may
cause difficult maneuvering conditions
in one or two places within the harbor.

Recreational boats and other vessels

can be maneuvered without interruption
within the protected portion of the harbor.
Vessels can enter or leave the harbor
immediately when outside conditions
warrant. There are no limitations on
vessel draft throughout the harbor and
there are no maneuvering difficulties that
could be attributable to wave or current

Navigation within the harbor is close to design levels at all locations. No difficulties,
due to waves or currents are generally evident. Nearly everyone interviewed about
local conditions would praise the harbor.

1 Ratings to be based on worst conditions found in the three levels of storms.




(2x Design Storm Frequency




Cargo loading operations and other

maritime activities can continue without
interruption within the protected portion
of the harbor. Minor problems may
exist at a few spots.

Cargo loading operations and other

maritime activities can continue without
interruption within the protected portion
the harbor.

Operations within the harbor are close to

design levels at all locations during normal
conditions. No difficulties, damages, or
impacts due to waves or currents are generally evident. Nearly everyone interviewed
about local conditions would praise the

a. Moored

A few vessels may experience minor

damages while in the harbor. An occasional vessel may drag anchor.

Generally, there will be no damages to

moored vessels within the harbor.

Moored vessels in the harbor have no problems and would not suffer damages.

Moorings, berths, slips and other facilities within the harbor can remain fully
occupied without jeopardizing structures. In a few cases, some minor
damages to docks or mooring systems
may occur.

No erosion, toe scour, wave overtopping,

or other problems.

No erosion, toe scour, wave overtopping, or

other problems.

No erosion or flood damages to facilities

within the harbor.

No erosion or flood damages to facilities

within the harbor.

b. Harbor

No erosion, toe scour, wave overtopping, with the exception of minor

amounts at scattered locations.
c. Other

No erosion or flood damages to facilities within the harbor, except minor

problems at scattered locations.

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures

1 Ratings to be based on worst conditions found in the three levels of storms.

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures




(2X Design Storm Frequency)




55 to 69


The smaller boats in the recreational fleet

would not leave their slips in such conditions. Nearly all vessels can enter or leave
the harbor immediately when outside conditions warrant although many vessels may
have to exercise caution in a few isolated
locations. Waves or currents may cause
difficult maneuvering conditions in one or
two places within the harbor.

Recreational boats can continue without interruption. Nearly all vessels can enter or leave
the harbor immediately when outside conditions warrant, although the deepest draft vessels may have to exercise some caution in a
few isolated locations. Waves or currents may
cause difficult maneuvering conditions in one
or two places within the harbor.

Vessels can enter or leave the harbor

freely. There are no limitations on vessel
draft throughout the harbor and there are
no maneuvering difficulties that could be
attributable to wave or current conditions. Recreational boating can continue
without interruption.


Generally, there are only minor damages

within the harbor. In one or two isolated
locations, more damage may occur. Cargo
loading operations can largely continue
without interruption within the protected
portion of the harbor.

Generally, there are no damages within the

harbor, except in one or two isolated locations.
Cargo loading operations, other maritime activities can continue without interruption within
the protected portion of the harbor, although
minor problems may exist at a few spots.

There are no damages within the harbor.

Cargo loading operations and other
maritime activities operate daily without
interruption within the protected portion
of the harbor.

a. Moored

Some berths may have to curtail operations

because of excessive vessel movements or
difficulties in remaining at the mooring.
Many vessels may suffer minor or incidental
damage. A few vessels may have more
damage. No vessel would be expected to
have severe damage.

A few vessels may suffer minor damages.

The majority of vessels would be unscathed.

No damages to moored vessels would

be expected.

b. Harbor

Moorings, berths and slips within the harbor

can remain fully occupied with only minor
damages during major storms. In a few
cases, more than minor damages to docks
or mooring systems may occur. An occasional vessel may drag anchor.

The mooring area can remain fully open with

only minor damages occurring occasionally to
moorings or vessels.

The mooring areas or berths would not

be expected to suffer damages and occupancy is not limited by wave or current

Minor erosion, toe scour, wave overtopping,

or other problems throughout the harbor.
Problems can be more important in localized areas.
1 Ratings to be based on worst conditions found in the three levels of storms.

No erosion, toe scour, wave overtopping, or

other problems, although localized minor problems may exist.

No erosion, toe scour, wave overtopping,

or other problems.




(2X Design Storm Frequency)




40 to 54

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures

c. Other

Minor erosion or flood damages within the

harbor. Damages can be more important in
localized locations.

No erosion or flood damages to facilities within

the harbor. Minor localized damages could
occur in a few areas.

No erosion or flood damages to facilities

within the harbor.


Most boats in the recreational fleet would

avoid going out in such conditions. Maneuvering conditions are difficult in number of
places within the harbor.

The smallest boats in the recreational fleet

would not leave their slips in such conditions.
Maneuvering conditions may be difficult in one
or two places within the harbor.

Vessels can generally enter or leave the

harbor freely. There are some limitations
on vessel draft within the harbor and
there are a few places where maneuvering is difficult.


Generally, some damage occurs throughout

the harbor. In several locations, moderate
damage may occur. Cargo loading operations can continue in most berths but are
somewhat hindered.

Generally there are only minor damages

within the harbor. In one or two locations more
extensive damage may occur. Cargo loading
operations can continue without interruption in
most instances.

There are few damages within the harbor. Cargo loading operations and other
maritime activities generally operate
without interruption. There are however
a few locations where operations are
often limited. A few recreational boat
slips may be unusable because of wave

a. Moored

Many berths may have to curtail operations

because of excessive vessel movement.
Some vessels may experience moderate
levels of damage while at moorings or
within berths. Large numbers of recreational craft could suffer significant damages.

Some berths may have to curtail operations

because of excessive vessel movements or
difficulty in remaining at the mooring. A few
vessels may suffer minor damages. Some
recreational craft could suffer moderate damages.

Vessels within the harbor could suffer

minor damage. The majority of damage
would be to smaller boats. Incorrectly
moored recreational boats would be the
most susceptible to damage.

b. Harbor

Mooring, berths and slips can remain fully

occupied with some damage. Moderate
damages to docks or mooring systems may
occur in a few cases. An occasional vessel
may drag its anchor or a mooring line may

Minor damage to mooring systems within the

harbor should be expected. In some cases
damages could be more than minor.

The moorings systems may suffer minor

damages at times in a few isolated

Minor erosion, toe scour, wave overtopping or

other problems can occur at a few locations.

No erosion, toe scour, wave overtopping

or other problems except for minor problems in isolated locations.

Some erosion, toe scour, wave overtopping, or other problems that can threaten
structural stability of bulkheads, revetments,
wharves and other structures may occur in
a few locations.

1 Ratings to be based on worst conditions found in the three levels of storms.

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures




(2X Design Storm Frequency)




c. Other

Some erosion or flood damage to facilities

including moderate damages in some areas.

Minor erosion or flood damage to facilities,

which can be moderate at a few locations.

No erosion or flood damage to facilities

within the harbor with the exception of
minor problems at a few locations.


25 to 39


Difficult maneuvering conditions prevail

throughout the harbor.

Most boats in the recreational fleet would

avoid going out in such conditions. Difficult
maneuvering conditions are common in a
number of places within the harbor.

Vessels must generally exercise care

when entering or leaving the harbor.
There are limitations on vessel draft and
many places where maneuvering difficulties occur.


Generally, moderate damage occurs

throughout the harbor. In several locations,
damage is significant. Cargo loading operations can continue in some berths, but
are significantly hindered.

Generally, some damage occurs throughout

the harbor. In several locations, moderate
damage may occur. Cargo loading operations
can continue in most berths, but are somewhat hindered.

Minor damage often occurs within the

harbor. Cargo loading operations and
other maritime activities can usually operate daily without interruption. In a few
places wave action often limits operations. Conditions are normally poor for
recreational vessels and many slips cannot be leased. Damage to mooring lines
and docks is common and persistent.

a. Moored

Most berths have to curtail operations because of excessive vessel movements or

difficulties in remaining at the mooring.
Most recreational boats have problems at
the slips. Some may be lost and many
boats will suffer significant damage.

Many berths may have to curtail operations

because of excessive vessel movements or
difficulties in remaining at the mooring. Overall, a large number of vessels, particularly recreational craft, suffer moderate damage. In a
few cases, this damage is significant.

Vessels within the harbor suffered only

minor to moderate damage. The majority of damage is to smaller boats, particularly recreational vessels whose lines are
not closely tended.

1 Ratings to be based on worst conditions found in the three levels of storms.




(2X Design Storm Frequency)




b. Harbor

Moorings, berths and slips within the harbor

can remain fully occupied, but with
moderate damage. In a few cases,
significant damage to docks or mooring
systems may occur. Some vessels may
drag their anchors, mooring buoys may be
displaced, and parted mooring lines may be
Moderate erosion, toe scour, wave overtopping, or other problems occur, which can
be significant in places.

10 to 24

Moderate damage to mooring systems within

the harbor is common. A few vessels may
drag their anchors and there may be occasional parting of mooring lines or displacement
of mooring buoys.
Some erosion, toe scour, wave overtopping, or
other problems occur, which can, in a few locations, threaten structural stability of bulkheads, revetments, wharves and other structures.

The mooring systems may suffer minor

damages. It would be unusual, however,
for a vessel to drag anchor, a mooring
line to part, or similar incidents to occur.
Minor erosion toe scour, wave overtopping, or other problems, which can, in a
few locations, threaten structural stability
of bulkheads, revetments, wharves and
other structures.

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures

c. Other

Moderate erosion or flood damage occurs

to facilities within the harbor, which can be
significant in places.

There is some erosion or flood damage to

facilities within the harbor. In a few locations,
the level of damage can be moderate.

Minor erosion or flood damage occurs to

facilities within the harbor. In a few locations, moderate levels of damage may


Maneuvering conditions are hazardous

throughout the harbor.

Maneuvering conditions are difficult throughout the harbor.

Vessels must always exercise care when

entering or leaving the harbor. There are
significant limitations on vessel draft and
maneuvering difficulties prevail.


Generally, significant damage occurs

throughout the harbor. In several locations,
damage is severe. Cargo loading operations cease because of excessive vessel
movements or difficulties in remaining at
the mooring. Any recreational boats within
their slips would be in extreme jeopardy.
Most or nearly all would be lost as well as
the docks.

Generally, significant damage would occur

throughout the harbor. Cargo loading operations cease with the possible exception of one
or two berths. Most berths have to curtail operations because of excessive vessel movements or difficulties in remaining at the mooring. Most recreational boats have problems at
their slips. Some will be lost and many boats
and docks will suffer significant damage.

Moderate damage often occurs within

the harbor. Cargo loading operations
and other maritime activities must usually be timed to allow for favorable conditions. Most berths are normally vacant.
Permanently occupied recreational ships
are out of the question in nearly all
cases. Docks are in poor condition.

a. Moored

Nearly all vessels within the harbor suffer

significant to major damage and there
would be a number of total losses. Smaller
craft would be particularly hard hit.

Most vessels within the harbor suffer significant damage, and there would be occasional
total losses of smaller vessels.

Damage to vessels within the harbor is

common. Damage is so severe that
few, if any, small recreational boats use
the harbor.

b. Harbor

Moorings, berths and slips within the harbor

suffer significant damage. In a few cases,

Significant damage to mooring systems within

the harbor occurs. Vessels dragging anchors,

The mooring systems may suffer moderate damage. It would be common for a

1 Ratings to be based on worst conditions found in the three levels of storms.

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures




major damage or complete losses to docks
or mooring systems occur. Vessels dragging anchors, displacement of mooring
buoys and parted mooring lines are a widespread problem.

0 to 9

(2X Design Storm Frequency)
displacement of mooring buoys, and parted
mooring lines are a common problem.


vessel to drag anchor, a mooring line to
part, or other similar incidents to occur.

Significant erosion, toe scour, wave overtopping, or other problems occur, which can, in a
few locations, threaten the structural stability
of bulkheads, revetments, wharves and other
structures. Structural failures can be expected
in a few locations.

Moderate erosion, toe scour, wave overtopping, or other problems occur, which
can, in a few locations, threaten the
structural stability of bulkheads, revetments, wharves and other structures.
Structural failures can be expected in a
few locations.

c. Other

Significant erosion or flood damage occurs

to facilities within the harbor. In a few locations, the damage is severe and total losses
to some facilities may occur.

Significant erosion or flood damage occurs to

facilities within the harbor.

Moderate erosion or flood damage occurs to facilities within the harbor. Significantly greater damage may occur in a
few locations.


Navigation extremely hazardous.

Navigation is generally hazardous.

Navigation is possible at some risk.


No prudent mariner would remain in this

harbor. Massive damage to vessels and
facilities would be expected and losses
would be catastrophic.

Remaining in or using this harbor would be

hazardous. Virtually no essential activities
could occur and severe damage would be

This is a minimal harbor that supports

few activities, and those inadequately.
From a functional viewpoint, it is barely
superior to no harbor at all.

a. Moored

Damage or losses to moored vessels would

be catastrophic.

Damage or losses to moored vessels would

be severe. Many vessels would be lost.

Any boat that uses this harbor would be

subject to damage whenever wave activity picks up.

b. Harbor

Damage to mooring systems would be

heavy. Total destruction of various elements would be expected.

Damage to mooring systems would be heavy.

Total destruction of various elements would be

Severe erosion, toe scour, wave overtopping, or other problems occur in the harbor.
Structural failures can be expected in many
locations throughout the harbor.

Severe erosion, toe scour, wave overtopping,

or other problems occur in the harbor. Structural failures can be expected in many locations throughout the harbor.

Mooring systems are in poor condition.

Fendering systems, mooring dolphins,
lines, buoys, and other elements are
distressed and heavily worn due to excessive working hand movements of
vessels when secured.

1 Ratings to be based on worst conditions found in the three levels of storms.

Persistent erosion, toe scour, wave overtopping, or other problems occur in the
harbor. Structural failures in locations
throughout the harbor are not uncom-




(2X Design Storm Frequency)




c. Other

Severe erosion or flood damage occurs to

facilities within the harbor. Destruction of
some facilities may be expected.

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures

1 Ratings to be based on worst conditions found in the three levels of storms.

Severe erosion or flood damage occurs to

facilities within the harbor. Destruction of
some facilities may be expected.

Persistent erosion or flood damage to

facilities occurs within the harbor. Many
locations throughout the harbor can no
longer support these facilities because of
the threat of damage.

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures

Table 17. Rating Guidance For: NAVIGATION CHANNEL




(2X Design Storm Frequency)




85 to 100

70 to 84


There are no delays. The largest and

smallest vessels may transit without
broaching or touching bottom. Vessels
experience no difficulties in the entrance.

There are no delays. Vessels experience no

difficulty in the entrance.

There are no delays. Vessels experience no difficulty in the entrance.


There are no delays, in the channel,

within the shelter of the breakwaters or
jetties. The largest and smallest vessels
using the harbor are not limited by insufficient depth or severe wave conditions.

There are no delays in the channel within the

shelter of the breakwater or jetties. The
largest and smallest vessels using the harbor
are not limited by either insufficient depth or
severe wave conditions.

There are no delays in the channel

within the shelter of the breakwaters
or jetties. Vessel operations are not
limited by either depths or hazardous wave conditions.


Vessels generally have no difficulty in the

entrance when seeking shelter in the

Vessels normally experience no difficulty in

the entrance.

Vessels experience no difficulty in

the entrance.


There are generally no vessel delays in

the channel within the shelter of the
breakwater or jetties. Small vessels may
have some problems with wave conditions within exposed parts of the harbor.

There are no vessel delays in the channel

within the shelter of the breakwater or jetties.
The largest and smallest vessels using the
harbor are not limited by either insufficient
depth or severe wave conditions with only a
few exceptions in unusual circumstances.

There are no vessel delays in the

channel within the shelter of the
breakwater or jetties.

1 Ratings to be based on worst conditions found in the three levels of storms.




(2X design Storm Frequency)




55 to 69

40 to 54

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures


Vessels generally have little difficulty in the

entrance when seeking shelter.

Vessels generally have no difficulty in

the entrance when seeking shelter.

Vessels experience no difficulties in the



There are generally few vessel delays in

the channel within the shelter of the breakwaters or jetties, except in a few exposed
locations. Some vessels using the harbor
do not have enough water under the keel to
go safely. Small vessels have some problems with conditions at exposed locations.

There are generally no vessel delays in

the channel within the shelter of the
breakwater or jetties, except at exposed locations.

There are no vessel delays in the

channel within the shelter of the breakwaters or jetties. No vessels using the
harbor are limited by either insufficient
depth or by severe wave conditions.


Vessels generally have some difficulty in

the entrance when seeking shelter. Vessel
entrance may be delayed until flood tide.

Vessels generally have no difficulty in

the entrance when seeking shelter.

Vessels have little or difficulty in the



There are vessel delays, in the channel,

within the shelter of the breakwaters or
jetties. In a few locations the delays can be
significant for larger vessels that do not
have enough water under the keel to proceed safely. Small vessels have problems
with wave conditions at a number of locations. In a few exposed locations conditions may be too hazardous for small vessels to safely venture.

There are some vessel delays in the

channel within the shelter of the breakwaters or jetties. A few vessels that
would normally use the harbor are limited by either insufficient depth or severe wave conditions.

Vessels experience little or no difficulty

in the channel.

1 Ratings to be based on worst conditions found in the three levels of storms.

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures




(2X Design Storm Frequency)




25 to 39

10 to 24


Vessels often have difficulty in the entrance

when seeking shelter in the harbor. Crossing
during ebb tide is seldom a possibility.

Vessels generally have some difficulty

in the entrance while seeking shelter.
Entry may be delayed until flood tide.

Vessels generally have no difficulty in the

entrance when seeking shelter.


There are vessel delays in the channel within

the protected areas of breakwater and jetties
that may continue for a considerable period
before and after the peak of the storm. In
several locations in the harbor the delays can
be significant, especially for larger vessels.
Larger vessel may not have enough water
under the keel to proceed safely. Small vessels have problems with wave conditions
within the harbor and channel before, during,
and after storm peaks. In many locations
conditions may be too hazardous for small
vessels to safely venture.

There are vessel delays in the channel

within the shelter of the breakwater or
jetties leading up to, during, and after
storm peaks. Numerous vessels using
the harbor may not have enough water
under the keel to proceed safely during
the storm. Small vessels generally
have problems with wave conditions
within the shelter of the harbor.

There are occasional vessel delays. A

few large vessels using the harbor may
have to wait for favorable tide conditions
before proceeding. Wave conditions
may limit use of exposed portions of the
channel by small craft on some days.


Vessels generally seek shelter in other

harbors. Entrance is hazardous even during
flood tide. Ebb shoal may be focusing waves.
Flood shoal may be focusing currents.

Vessels often have difficulty in the entrance when seeking shelter. Crossing
during ebb tide is seldom a possibility.
Ebb shoal may be focusing waves.
Flood shoal may be focusing currents.

Vessels generally have some difficulty in

the channel while seeking shelter. Entrance must often be delayed until flood


The channel is hazardous for all vessels for a

long time before and after the peak of the
storm. Throughout the harbor there are normally significant delays after the passage of
the storms before it is again safe to enter or
leave. Many vessels have problems with
wave conditions in the harbor and channels.
In most locations the wave conditions are too
hazardous for small vessels. Ebb and flood
shoal may be influencing wave and current

Delays are common leading up to, during, and immediately after the peaks of
storms. Many vessels using the harbor
may not have enough water under the
keel to proceed safely. Small vessels
generally have problems with wave
conditions throughout the harbor and
channels. In some locations conditions
may be too hazardous for small vessels
to safely venture. Ebb and flood shoal
may be influencing wave and current

Delays are common. Most of the larger

vessels using the harbor have to wait for
more favorable tide conditions before
entering or leaving the harbor. Wave
conditions limit use of the channel by
small craft on many days.

1 Ratings to be based on worst conditions found in the three levels of storms.





(2X Design Storm Frequency)




0 to 9


Vessels avoid the harbor. Entrance is extremely hazardous. Wave steepness makes
small boat broaching a possibility during all
tide phases. Ebb shoal focuses waves.

Vessels generally seek shelter in other

harbors. Entrance is hazardous even
during flood tide. Ebb shoal has an
impact on wave focusing.

Vessels often have difficulty in the entrance when seeking shelter. Crossing
during ebb tide is seldom possible.


The channel is extremely hazardous for all

vessels. Most vessels have problems with
wave conditions within the channels. Flood
shoal impacts wave and current regime.

Long delays are normal and extend

through the period leading up to, during, and immediately after the peaks of
storms. Many vessels using the harbor
will not have enough water under the
keel to proceed safely. Many vessels
will have problems with wave conditions. Flood shoal has an impact on
wave and current regime.

Delays are the normal mode of operation. Most vessels must await favorable
tide conditions before entering or leaving
the harbor. Wave conditions limit use of
exposed portions of the channel by small
craft on most days.

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures

1 Ratings to be based on worst conditions found in the three levels of storms.

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures

Table 18. Rating Guidance For: SEDIMENT MANAGEMENT




(2X Design Storm Frequency)




85 to 100

Shoals that would threaten navigation

safety do not form in the channel.

The channel is stable, does not migrate,

and is not deflected or impaired. Shoals
that would threaten navigation safety do not
form in the channel.

The channel is stable, does not migrate,

and is not deflected or impaired. Maintenance dredging requirements are
minimal and infrequent. T here are no
hidden or dangerous shoals in the channel.


The channel is stable, does not migrate

and is not deflected or impaired. Shoals
that would threaten navigation safety do
not form in the channel.

The channel is stable, does not migrate,

and is not deflected or impaired. Shoals
that would threaten navigation safety do not
form in the channel.

The channel is stable, does not migrate,

and is not deflected or impaired. Maintenance dredging requirements are
minimal and infrequent. There are no
hidden or dangerous shoals in the channel.


Shoaling is insignificant and does not affect harbor navigation or mooring areas. Build-up is very gradual and easy to manage with
widely time-spaced periodic dredging.


The channel is stable, does not migrate

and is not deflected or impaired.

a. Navigation

70 to 84

The project has had no discernible impact on littoral processes. There is no unexpected accretion on the updrift side of the project
and no unexpected erosion on the downdrift side. If there is a sand management plan in place for the project, the amount of material that needs to be moved to maintain shoreline equilibrium is well within the projected amount. Sediment is not being lost from
littoral system (e.g., no offshore dumping of material dredged from the channel).

b. Shoreline

Adequate amount of sediment is maintained to prevent upland structure or

flood damage from a subsequent intermediate level storm. Recovery of beach
to original conditions is expected.

Insignificant sediment loss.

No indication of shoreline distress.


The channel is generally stable, does not

migrate significantly, and is not deflected
or impaired significantly by large storms.
Dangerous shoals generally do not form
in the channel.

The channel is generally stable, does not

migrate significantly, and is not deflected or
impaired significantly by large storms. Dangerous shoals generally do not form in the

The channel is stable, does not migrate,

and is not deflected or impaired. Shoals
or shifting bars are not an important concern since they are minor in size and
area. Channel maintenance requirements are minimal in quantity but occasionally are needed.

1 Ratings to be based on worst conditions found in the three levels of storms.




(2X Design Storm Frequency)




The channel is generally stable, does not
migrate significantly, and is not deflected or
impaired significantly by large storms. Dangerous shoals generally do not form in the

The channel is stable, does not migrate,

and is not deflected or impaired. Shoals
or shifting bars are not an important concern since they are minor in size and
area. Channel maintenance requirements are minimal in quantity but occasionally are needed.


The channel is generally stable, does not

migrate significantly, and is not deflected
or impaired significantly by large storms.
Dangerous shoals generally do not form
in the channel.


Shoaling is evident but has no impact on harbor navigation and is only a minor inconvenience in the mooring area.

a. Navigation
b. Shoreline

The project has had a barely discernable impact on littoral processes. On the updrift side there may be a small amount of accretion
beyond what was expected, but this presents no problem. The downdrift side of the project may be experiencing a small amount of
localized erosion, but it is inconsequential. If there is a sand management plan in place for the project, the amount of sand that
needs to be moved annually to maintain shoreline equilibrium is close to design projections. No important losses of sand from the
system are occurring (e.g., offshore dumping of hopper dredged material).
Amount of sediment maintained is barely
adequate to prevent upland structure or
flood damage from a subsequent low
intensity storm. Beach recovery without
damage is expected.

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures

1 Ratings to be based on worst conditions found in the three levels of storms.

Adequate sediment is maintained to prevent upland structure or flood damage from

a subsequent design storm. Full recovery
of the beach is expected.

Sediment loss is not significant.

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures




(2X Design Storm Frequency)




55 to 69


The channel is fairly stable, does not

seriously migrate, deflect, or become
impaired. Some potentially hazardous
shoals often form in or along the channel, but these are in isolated locations
and can be readily avoided by most

The channel is generally stable and does

not migrate significantly. A few minor
shoals may for in or along the channel, but
these are not a significant problem for prudent mariners.

The channel is generally stable and does

not migrate significantly. Small shoals
form over time and these are removed
from the channel through maintenance
dredging operations that are small in
scale, but are needed on an annual basis.


The channel is fairly stable, does not

seriously migrate, deflect, or become
impaired. Some potentially hazardous
shoals often form in or along the channel, but these are in isolated locations
and can be readily avoided by most

The channel is generally stable and does

not migrate significantly. A few minor
shoals may for in or along the channel, but
these are not a significant problem for prudent mariners.

The channel is generally stable and does

not migrate significantly. Small shoals
form over time and these are removed
from the channel through maintenance
dredging operations that are small in
scale, but are needed on an annual basis.


There is some impact on navigation. Spot shoals may require periodic removal and avoidance by deeper draft vessels in the navigation fairways. Shoaling at docks may require shifting of vessels between maintenance cycles.

a. Navigation

b. Shoreline

The project has had a minor affect on littoral processes. There has been a little more accretion on the updrift side than expected but
this presents only a minor problem (e.g., slightly more channel maintenance dredging due to sand bypassing the end of the updrift
jetty). The downdrift side of the project has experienced some localized erosion, but it can be handled by adding small quantities of
additional sand at the impacted area. There is still enough beach width to provide for recreation and storm protection. If there is a
sand management plan in place for the project, the amount of sand to be moved annually is larger than design projections. Some
sand is periodically lost from the system by offshore dumping of dredged material.
Supplemental beach nourishment would
be needed to prevent upland structure or
flood damage from a following low intensity storm.

1 Ratings to be based on worst conditions found in the three levels of storms.

Sediment maintenance is barely adequate

to prevent structure or flood damage if a
subsequent intermediate level storm occurs.

Adequate sediment is maintained to prevent upland structure or flood damage if

a design storm should occur.




(2X Design Storm Frequency)




40 to 54


The channel tends to migrate so that

care is required to be taken by mariners.
Hazardous shoals and bars are numerous.

The channel is fairly stable and does not

migrate, deflect, or become impaired. A few
potentially hazardous shoals often form in
or along the channel, but are usually in
isolated locations and can be readily
avoided by most mariners.

The channel is stable, does not migrate,

and is not deflected or impaired. Shoals
are a persistent problem in a few sections of the channel. A moderate amount
of maintenance dredging is needed on
an annual basis.


The channel tends to migrate so that

care is required to be taken by mariners.
Hazardous shoals and bars are numerous.

The channel is fairly stable and does not

migrate, deflect or become impaired. A few
potentially hazardous shoals often form in
or along the channel, but these are usually
in isolated locations and can be readily
avoided by most mariners.

The channel is stable, does not migrate,

and is not deflected or impaired. Shoals
are a persistent problem in a few sections of the channel. A moderate amount
of maintenance dredging is needed on
an annual basis.


Shoals are an encumbrance to navigation. Minor loss of facility use occurs between dredging cycles.


The project has had a moderate affect on littoral processes. More accretion than expected has occurred on the updrift side, creating
a problem. (e.g., channel maintenance requirements are increasing because sand is bypassing the end of the updrift jetty). The
downdrift side has measurable erosion over a long length of shoreline, with some pockets of moderate erosion. Trouble spots have
demanded occasional remedial filling with sand. Beach width is barely adequate for recreation and some storm protection. If a
sand management plan exists for the project, the annual movement of sand for maintaining shoreline equilibrium is significantly larger than design projections. Sand may be periodically lost from the system in offshore dumping of hopper-dredged material.

a. Navigation
Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures

b. Shoreline

Supplemental beach nourishment is required to prevent upland structure and

flood damage from a subsequent low
intensity storm.

1 Ratings to be based on worst conditions found in the three levels of storms.

Supplemental beach nourishment is required to prevent upland structure and flood

damage from a subsequent intermediate
level storm.

Sediment maintenance is barely adequate to prevent upland structure or

flood damage if a design storm should

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures




(2X Design Storm Frequency)




25 to 39


The channel tends to migrate significantly so that care is required to be

taken by most mariners. Hazardous
shoals and bars are widespread.

The channel tends to migrate and develop

shoals. Mariners must proceed with caution.

The channel tends to migrate. Shoals

are a fairly widespread problem. Channel maintenance dredging is needed


The channel tends to migrate significantly so that care is required to be

taken by most mariners. Hazardous
shoals and bars are widespread.

The channel tends to migrate and develop

shoals. Mariners must proceed with caution.

The channel tends to migrate. Shoals

are a fairly widespread problem.


Shoaling trends require significant effort by the harbormaster to prevent vessel damage. Significant loss of facility use between
dredging cycles is common.


The project has had a significant impact on littoral processes. There has been more accretion on the updrift side than expected.
Channel maintenance dredging requirements have increased significantly because sand is bypassing the end of the updrift jetty.
The downdrift side of the project is experiencing significant erosion over a long length of shoreline, with some pockets of intense
erosion. Trouble spots have demanded emergency remedial filling with sand after low intensity storms. Beach width is less than
desirable. Recreation use has been compromised and the storm protection properties have suffered. Private property owners have
begun trying to build bulkheads and revetments to protect waterfront property where permitted. If there is a sand management plan
in place for the project, the amount of sand that needs to be moved annually to maintain shoreline equilibrium is much larger than
design projections. Operational or budgetary reprogramming is required to meet project needs. A significant volume of sand may
be lost from the system during offshore dumping of dredged material.

a. Navigation

10 to 24

b. Shoreline

Some structural damage or flooding occurs. Supplemental beach nourishment

is needed to prevent continued damage
and flooding in upland area from a low
intensity storm.

Significant supplemental beach nourishment is needed to prevent damage and

flooding in upland area from an intermediate level storm.

Supplemental beach nourishment is

needed to prevent damage and flooding
in upland area from a design storm.
Chronic sediment deficit is evident.


The channel migrates widely after large

storms. Shifting shoals are common and
dangerous. Great care is required to
negotiate the channel.

Storms cause the channel to shift significantly and shoals are common.

The channel tends to migrate and hazardous shoals appear in numerous

places. Extensive channel maintenance
dredging is needed annually.


The channel migrates widely after large

storms. Shifting shoals are common and
dangerous. Great care is required to
negotiate the channel.

Storms cause the channel to shift significantly and shoals are common.

The channel tends to migrate and hazardous shoals appear in numerous

places. Extensive channel maintenance
dredging is needed annually.

1 Ratings to be based on worst conditions found in the three levels of storms.




(2X Design Storm Frequency)





Shoaling is extensive and management by the harbormaster can no longer prevent navigation conditions from becoming hazardous.
Major loss of facility use between dredging cycles is common.


The project has had a major impact on littoral processes. There is major accretion on the updrift side, which presents a problem
(e.g., intense channel maintenance dredging efforts are needed to offset the sand bypassing at the end of the updrift jetty). These
efforts are not enough to maintain a safe open channel in the aftermath of storm events. There has been serious erosion on the
downdrift side of the project over a long length of shoreline. Trouble spots have demanded emergency filling with sand after low
intensity storms. There is little beach width remaining to provide for recreation and storm protection. Existing dune systems have
been over washed and destroyed. Private property owners have begun trying in earnest to build bulkheads and revetments where
permits for structures can be obtained. Homes and other shorefront structures have been lost in storms and some existing bulkheads and revetments have been destroyed. If there is a sand management plan in place for the project, the amount of sand that
needs to be moved annually to maintain shoreline equilibrium far exceeds design projections. An important volume of sand may be
lost from the system during the offshore dumping of dredged material.

a. Navigation

0 to 9

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures

b. Shoreline

Significant flooding and damage occur

on shore. Significant supplemental
beach nourishment is needed to prevent
damage and flooding in upland area
from a low intensity storm.

Some flooding and damage occur on shore.

Major supplemental beach nourishment is
needed to prevent damage and flooding in
upland area from an intermediate level

Significant supplemental beach nourishment is needed to prevent damage and

flooding in upland area from a design
storm. Large, chronic sediment deficit is


The main body of the channel may migrate dramatically, or close entirely.

Storms cause the channel to shift dramatically or to close. As a minimum, dangerous

shoals are widespread.

The channel is difficult to maintain. Hazardous shoals occur in many places.

Extraordinary maintenance dredging
effort is needed to keep the channel


The channel thalweg may shift, requiring

repositioning of navigation aids and/or
emergency dredging before the channel
can be safely navigated.

Dangerous shoals are widespread.

The channel is difficult to maintain and

there are hazardous shoals in many
places. Extraordinary maintenance
dredging effort is needed to keep the
channel open.


Dredging cycles are repetitive and interfere with normal harbor use. The harbor may not be economically competitive without


The project has had a catastrophic impact on littoral processes. Enormous accretion of sand has occurred on the updrift side,
stretching far upcoast. Intense channel maintenance dredging efforts are needed to offset the sand bypassing the end of the updrift
jetty. Low intensity storms move enough sand to close or seriously impair use of the entrance channel. There has been major ero-

1 Ratings to be based on worst conditions found in the three levels of storms.

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures



a. Navigation

b. Shoreline


(2X Design Storm Frequency)




sion on the downdrift side of the project along vast lengths of shoreline. Trouble spots have routinely demanded emergency filling
with sand and revetment stone following low intensity storms. There are no beaches left at high tide and beach storm protection
properties are negligible. The dune system has overwashed and is almost destroyed. Private property owners have armored the
shoreline with bulkheads and revetments where not constrained by permit processes. Houses have been moved back from the
shoreline and/or abandoned. Numerous homes and other shorefront structures have been lost in storms and bulkheads and revetments have been destroyed. If a sand management plan exists, the annual volume of sand required to maintain shore equilibrium
far exceeds design projections. Huge volumes of sand may be lost from the system during offshore dumping of dredged material.
Structures are ineffective. Major damage
occurs to upland areas. Major beach
nourishment or other remedies are

1 Ratings to be based on worst conditions found in the three levels of storms.

Significant flooding and damage occurs.

Significant supplemental beach nourishment is needed to protect against a subsequent low intensity storm.

Significant supplemental beach nourishment is needed to prevent damage and

flooding in upland area from a subsequent intermediate level storm.

Table 19. Rating Guidance For: STRUCTURE PROTECTION






85 to 100


Wave energy levels on adjacent structures are within design

intent, and nearby structures are fully protected.


No erosion at the toe or adjacent to the structure.


Head reach fully protects structure trunk.

70 to 84

Wave energy passing structure is somewhat higher than

intended, but nearby structures are still fully protected.
Only minor erosion at the toe or adjacent to the structure.
Structural stability is not threatened.


Condition of the head reach has resulted in minor superstructure or wave armor movement or shifting on the trunk,
but the trunk is still considered to be fully protected.



55 to 69

Erosion is clearly evident along the toe or adjacent to the

structure, but has not resulted in damage higher up on the
structure. Structural stability is not seriously threatened.


Condition of the head reach has resulted in minor damage

to the trunk.

40 to 54

Segments of the structure allow enough wave energy to

pass to be of concern. Some minor damage to nearby
structures has resulted.

Nearby structures are suffering moderate damage, but their

functions are not yet compromised.
Moderate erosion along the toe or adjacent to the structure
has resulted in some damage to the cap or sub-structure.
Structural stability is still considered adequate.


Condition of the head reach has resulted in moderate level

damage to the trunk.




25 to 39




Nearby structures have incurred significant damage from

lack of protection, and as a result, their functions have been
moderately compromised.
Significant erosion along the toe or adjacent to the structure
has resulted in significant damage to the primary structure.
Core is exposed or structural stability is marginal. Structure
is vulnerable to heavy damage from subsequent intermediate level or design storm.
Condition of the head reach has resulted in moderate level
damage to the trunk. Trunk receives direct wave attack due
to improper protection from head.

Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures



10 to 24



0 to 9


Nearby structures have incurred major damage from lack of
protection, and as a result, their functions have been seriously compromised.
Widespread erosion along the toe or adjacent to the structure has resulted in cap and sub-structure failures along the
structure. Undermining has occurred and foundations are
unstable. Structure is vulnerable to additional damage from
subsequent low intensity storm.
Condition of the head reach has resulted in major damage
to the trunk. Trunk receives little protection from head.
Nearby structures are being destroyed from lack of protection, and as a result, their functions have been largely lost.
Toe erosion has undermined most the structure, resulting in
massive structural failure. Sub-structure has been seriously
damaged and the crest is below the waterline. The whole
structure is compromised.
Head reach no longer provides any protection to the trunk.


Chapter 6 Functional Rating Procedures


7 How Index Values Are

The BREAKWATER Computer Program
The BREAKWATER computer program was developed to calculate index
values for each reach or subreach and structure in rubble mound structures.
The program accepts all information (including comments) from the
structural and functional inspection forms. The input screens are set up
much like the field forms to simplify the transfer of information from the
forms to the computer. The index values are obtained when creating the
desired reports from the Reports menu. The software has not been modified
to accept nonrubble inspection data that are collected according to the
procedures in this report.

Structural Index
The ratings are used to calculate the SI values as follows.

Cross-Section Component Index

The 0 to 100 ratings assigned by the inspector for the structural rating
categories are weighted as follows to produce an SI for the superstructure,
substructure, and foundation for each reach or subreach:

SP = R3 + 0.3( R1 R3 )[
SB = R 4 + 0.3( R1 R 3)[

R 2 + R3

SP = Structural index for Superstructure


Chapter 7 How Index Values Are Calculated

SB = Structural index for Substructure or for Foundation

R4 = Lowest of the four ratings for the rating category
R1 = Highest of the four ratings for the rating category
R2,R3 = Values for the second and third highest ratings.
(0 All Variables 100)

Reach/Subreach Index
The cross-sectional indexes will be combined as follows to create an SI
for the reach or subreach:

SI = IL + 0.3( IH IL )[


Structural index for the reach or subreach

Lowest of the three rating category indexes
Middle of the three rating category indexes
Highest of the three rating category indexes
(0 All Variables 100)

Structure Index
The SI for a whole structure is determined from the reach and subreach
SI values in the following manner:

%1 S1 %2 S 2 %3 S 3
SI = IL + 0.3( IH IL )[
100 100 100 100 100 100
SI = Structural index for the structure
IL = Lowest of the reach or subreach SIs
IH = Highest of the reach or subreach SIs
%1, %2, %3, ... = Percentage of the structure length occupied by
reaches or subreaches 1, 2, 3, etc.
S1, S2, S3, ...
= SI for reaches or subreaches 1, 2, 3, etc.
(0 All Variables 100)

Chapter 7 How Index Values Are Calculated


Functional Index
After the functional rating forms are completed, the ratings are entered
into the BREAKWATER computer program, which will calculate the FI
values as shown below. Only the ratings for categories within Harbor Area,
Navigation Channel, Sediment Management, and Nearby Structures (within
Structure Protection) are used to produce FI values.

Reach Index
The functional ratings will be combined as follows to create an FI for the

SI = RL + 0.3( RH RL )

[ R2 / 100 + R3 / 100 + R4 + / 100 + ...(etc.)]


FI = Functional index for the reach

RL = Lowest of the functional ratings for the reach
RH = Highest of the functional ratings for the reach
R2,R3,R4,... = Values for the second, third, and fourth, etc., highest
ratings (maximum is 7).
N = Number of rated functions for the reach (maximum is 9).
(0 All Variables Except N 100)

Structure Index
The FI for each reach will be combined as follows to create an FI for the
whole structure:

SI = IL + 0.3( IH IL )

[ I 2 / 100 + I 3 / 100 + I 4 + / 100 + ...(etc.)]


FI = Functional index for the structure

IL = Lowest of the reach FIs
IH = Highest of the reach FIs
I2,I3,I4,... = Values for the second, third, and fourth, etc., highest reach
N = Number of reaches in structure
(0 All Variables Except N 100)


Chapter 7 How Index Values Are Calculated

Condition Index
The CI for a reach or structure is the same as its FI.

Chapter 7 How Index Values Are Calculated


8 Summary and Recommendation

The general intent of REMR Management Systems is to provide
maintenance managers with tools to promote easier and more effective
maintenance and budget planning. This report contains a rational, standard
method for evaluating the physical condition and performance of nonrubble
breakwaters and jetties. The method includes processes to determine
numerical condition and performance ratings that are used to produce an
overall CI, which indicates the relative need for structural repair.
It is recommended that this method be distributed and applied Corpswide. It is further recommended that the method periodically be reevaluated
and refined to incorporate improvements suggested by users.


Summary and Recommendation

Oliver, J., J. Lesnik, D. Plotkin, and D. Pirie, REMR Management
Systems - Coastal/ Shore Protection Structures: Condition and
Performance Rating Procedures for Rubble Breakwaters and
Jetties, Technical Report REMR-OM-24, U.S. Army Construction
Engineering Research Laboratory, Champaign, Illinois, November
U.S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center. 1984. Shore
Protection Manual, Vicksburg, MS.



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3. DATES COVERED (From - To)




Condition and Performance Rating Procedures for Nonrubble Breakwaters and Jetties


Doug Pirie, Stuart Foltz, David McKay, Donald Plotkin, and Joseph Kubinski





U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)

Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL)
PO Box 9005
Champaign, IL 61826-9005




Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

441 G St., NW.
Washington, DC 2031401000




Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.


Copies are available from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.

Within the REMR program is a group of projects dedicated to the development of computerized maintenance management systems for
coastal and waterway navigational structures. The general intent of these REMR Management Systems is to provide maintenance
managers at all levels with tools to promote easier and more effective maintenance and budget planning.
One objective of these REMR Management Systems is to create uniform procedures for assessing the condition of structures, and further to create assessment methods which will allow the condition of structures, and their parts, to be expressed numerically to take best
advantage of the benefits available from the use of microcomputers in maintenance management. This numerical language for expressing the condition of facilities is the Condition Index (CI).
For coastal structures, the CI is determined from a Functional Index (FI) and a Structural Index (SI). The FI indicates how well a structure (or reach) is performing its intended functions, while the SI for a structure or structural component indicates its level of physical
condition and structural integrity. This report describes a procedure for evaluating the condition and performance of coastal structures
and for determining CI values.

REMR Management Systems, civil works, flood control, navigation structures, maintenance and repair, condition rating

NSN 7540-01-280-5500










19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area code)

Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)

Prescribed by ANSI Std. 239.18

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