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The origins and continuing life

One of the true nature of Al-Quran, which distinguishes it from
The Bible, as mentioned above, was that for
illustrates the repetitive assertion about
to the omnipotence of God, Scripture is referring to an
diversity of natural phenomena. In the case of a large number of these phenomena
He also gave a detailed description about how
phenomena was evolved-the causes and
consequences. All these details are worth
note. These statements are contained by
Al-Quran about human beings, are among the most
I was shocked when I read the book for
the first time in its original Arabic. Only the
original alone can explain the true meaning
statements that very often disalahterjemahkan
due to the reasons mentioned above.
What makes these findings so important is
that all of them refer to a lot of sense
not yet known at the time the Quran was revealed to
and a new human-fourteenth-century later proved
entirely in harmony with modern science. In this context
absolutely no need to search around for explanations
which tend to appear fake in several publications and even
in the histories of medical science in which
Muhammad regarded as having the abilities
medical (as well as the Qur'an so-called
containing medical prescriptions, an idea that
not entirely accurate). [1]
Origins of Life
The Qur'an gives a very clear answer to the question:
At what point life begins? In this section I
will submit the verses of Al-Quran, in which
stated that the origin of man is (are) water.
The first paragraph below is also pointing to the formation of
"Do not the Unbelievers see that the skies and it
the earth together, then We separated them and us
made from water every living. Then they would
do not believe? "(Sura 21:30)
Definition of 'produce something from something else'
did not cause doubts. The phrase
could also mean that every living thing is made
of water (as an important component) or that all
living things originated from water. The second meaning is fully
in accordance with scientific data. In reality, life
derived from the nature of water and water is a component
The most important of all living cells. Without water life
becomes impossible. If the possibility of life on
other planets be discussed, then the first question
always: Is there enough water to support life in a place
Modern data lead us to think that living beings
including perhaps the oldest in the world
plants: algae have been found from the period
namely pre-Cambrian time of the oldest inland familiar.
Organisms that are included in the animal world may appear
a bit more later: they emerge from the sea.
The word here translated as 'water' on
the reality is ma '[2] which means both water in the sky
or water in the ocean or any kind of liquid. In this sense
The first water is an essential element for all
plant life
"(God alone), which has lowered the water from the sky. Then
We [3] to grow (of water) in pairs
vegetation is different. "(Sura 20:53)
This is the first reference to a 'partner'
vegetation. Later we will return to the notion
In a sense both of which refer to all types of liquids,
the word is used in the form of non-course to
shows the basic substance that is in the making of all
animal life:
"And Allah has created every animal from water."
(Sura 24:45)
As we shall see later, these words can also
applied to the seminal fluid. [4]
Thus, the statements in the Qur'an on the origin
life, whether it refers to life in general,
elements that gave birth to the plants in soil or
seeds of the animals, all in full conformity with the data
Modern scientific. None of the myths about the origin
common life is considered correct by the person at the time
Al-Quran was revealed to man mentioned in the text
Continuity of Life
The Qur'an refers to many aspects of life in the world
animals and plants. I have been describing all the things
in my work before it is published in
1976 (English edition, 1978). In this study I
want to focus on the space given in
Al-Quran to the theme of continuity of life.
Generally speaking, the comments provided above
breeding (reproductive) plants in the world of nature
more extensive than that refers to the breeding of
animal world. However, there are many statements which
working on the theme of human reproduction, as we will
see below.
Already represents a knowledge that is recognized that there are two
reproductive method in the world of the plants: namely the
sexual and asexual (for example, doubling
spores or menyetek process-which is a special case
growth). Need we note, that the Quran refers
to the parts of male and female plants are:
"(God alone), which has lowered the water from the sky. Then
We grow (of water) in pairs
plants are separated from each other. "(Sura 20:53)
"One of a pair of" a translation of the word zauj
(Plurality azwaj) that the original meaning is "who together
with others to form a pair. "The word is
can also be directly applied to the mating pair (ie,
humans), as well as pairs of shoes.
"And make him all the fruits-dyadic sets
couples. "(Sura 13:3)
This statement means kemaujudan organs of male and
females in all the various species of fruits. This
fully in accordance with the data that is found in that period
much later time with respect to the formation of
fruit, because all types derived from plants
having sexual organs (though some varieties,
such as banana, originated from the flowers that are not
In general, sexual reproduction in the animal kingdom only
worked briefly in the Qur'an. Exceptions in
this is related to humans. Because, like
we will see later in this next chapter,
pronouncements on this topic numerous
and very detailed.
1 The entire contents of the Quran is the provisions
certain about healthy habits such as:
personal hygiene, a ban on drinking alcohol, any provision
such as fasting in Ramadan is also part
clear from these rules. The mention of honey at the
The Qur'an does not include any indication about
special cases in which the honey was useful
for human health.
2 Readers who want to know more transliteration
Arabic into Latin, the Bible should look at the chart,
Quran and Modern Science (French edition).
3 Changes in the grammatical structure of this expression
are common or prevalent in the Qur'an. God is
The first initially referred to indirectly, then text
The Direct link the Word of His Word, because 'We'
clearly means God.
4 Saved by the reproductive glands, seminal fluid contains

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