Socialization Nature Vs Nurture

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Socialization Nature VS Nurture

A lot of our emotion keep have is something we inherit from our

families. It depends on our environment in which we choose how to
express those emotions. The twin studies show how twins can be
praised apart yet be so alike in many ways. Normally twins that are
raised together act just alike in almost every way. But it is true that
they can also act the same even when raised apart. In chapter 4 a set
of twins were separated at birth and were raised in different parts of
the world. Even though being raised in two different cultures the twins
grew up acting and doing some of the exact same things. They both
liked spicy foods, they both wore the same glasses and they both
flushed the toilet before using it. I find it amazing that they would do
those things despite being raised very differently. We all act a little bit
like some in our family. Everyone inherits a trait from someone we
What is self? Self is who we are in our own way and in a way we
act different from others. It is a distinct difference from one person to
another. According to Charles Horton Cooley the Looking-Glass Self is
a description of our self, based on how other people see us. We tend to
act in the way we are seen to others. The mead stage is a clarification
on our relationship between our self and our environment. There are
two core components, which are said to be I and Me. The I is our

acting self, in which we walk, talk, smile, read and speak, where as the
Me is our social self. That is how we act out in society. The
preparatory stage is from birth until about age three. At this point we
are mimicking our family members and other people around us. As we
grow older we begin to realize how to add action and meaning
together. The play stage is from age three until age five. This is the age
when we tend to start acting like other people or play pretend. As kids
we tend to communicate with our friends and family using symbols and
signs. The gaming stage is about age six through age nine. At this age
we learn to appreciate the fact we are involved in relationships. We
also learn to play as a team as well as learn the significance of a
position each team has.
The dramaturgical approach studies interaction as if we were all
on stage. According to Goffmans interpretation it is more dramatic
way. He sees it more as being like an actor on stage. Having to live up
to a high standard. It is how on acts on stage as if they were reading
from a script. Our actions are based on the audiences reaction. Front
stage is where we perform on stage in front of an audience using props
and using different cast members. The back stage is where we prepare
costume changes and gather all the props that will be needed.
Impression management and face-work are used to understand social
behavior by showing how we as people act in society. How we act
based on other reactions. We tend to act a certain way in public to

please other people. For example when you first meet someone you
want to give him or her a good first impression. Which normally isnt
how you usually act. And if we dont hold up to ones liking we tend to
use negative actions or symbols.
Agent of socialization is defined as the different types of people
and in which role they play in our society. School tends to teach
children the values and customs of a larger society. It teaches kids to
stand up for them selves and for their rights. They also show kids a
new way of thinking. Technology has influenced us so much over the
years. It changed the way we keep in tough with friends and family.
Instead of sending a car or calling a house phone and leaving a
message, all we do is use our cell phone to either email or text some
one. Our family communication is always in our hand at any given
time. It is the new way in which we stay socially connected. We can
access the Internet at any time or place.
Total institutions referred to as an institution that regulates all
aspects of a persons life under a single authority. All aspects of life are
conducted in the same place under the control of a single authority.
Any activities within the institution are conducted in the company of
others in the same circumstance. For example army recruits or novices
in a convent. The authorities devise rules and schedule activities
without consulting the participant. All aspects of life within a total
institution are designed to fulfill the purpose of the organization. A

degradation ceremony is where a person is stripped of clothing, jewelry

and other personal possessions. A degradation ceremony is meant to
take away ones values and pride leaving them to think nothing more of
them selves. Another way is to take away ones privileges and rights.
Not allowing them to have a say in society.
Society deals with the elderly in different ways depending on
their culture. Some societies see elders in a very respectable manner.
As to where other societies see elders as difficult and a problem to deal
with. The disengagement theory is when society and the aging person
serve their relationship with each other. Typically the younger member
of the family takes over the role of the aging person. The activity
theory is when the aging person stays active. When one stays active it
helps take control of their health. It controls diseases and other health
issues that may arise from being inactive. They also stay more social in
society. They continue to interact with society instead of stay to them
selves when not active. I believe there is a place for everyone to work.
No matter if you are old or of different races. No one should be seen by
their age but more of their abilities. I agree that not all elders can do
the same job as the young generation but there is a place for us all in
society. Everyone should be treated equally in society.

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