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Nama: Dini Safitri

Kelas : XI-7

Sumatran tiger ( Panthera tigris sumatrae ) is a tiger subspecies
native habitat on the island of Sumatra , is one of six subspecies of tigers
that still survive to this day and is included in the classification of critically
endangered species ( critically endangered ) in the red list of threatened
species released IUCN World Conservation Society . Wild population is
estimated between 400-500 , mainly living in national parks in Sumatra .
Recent genetic testing has revealed the genetic markers unique ,
indicating that this subspecies may evolve into separate species , if
managed sustainably .
Destruction of habitat is the greatest threat to the population today .
Logging still takes place even in the supposedly protected national parks .
Sumatran tigers are the smallest tiger subspecies . The Sumatran tiger
has the darkest color among all other tiger subspecies , the black pattern
width and the distance is sometimes tightly attached . Male Sumatran
tigers have an average length of 92 inches from head to tail , or about 250
cm long from head to toe with a weight of 300 pounds, or about 140 kg ,
while higher than adult males can reach 60 cm . Females have an average
length of 78 inches or 198 cm tall and weighs about 200 pounds, or about
91 kg . Sumatran tiger stripes are thinner than other tiger subspecies .
Sumatran tiger skin color is the darkest of all tigers , ranging from reddish
yellow to dark orange . This subspecies also had more beard and mane
than other subspecies , especially the male tiger . Its small size makes it
easier to explore the jungle . There is a membrane in between her fingers
that made them able to swim fast . Tigers are known to drive hoofed prey
into the water , especially if the prey animal is a slow swimmer . Its fur
changes color to dark green when giving birth.

Sumatran tiger
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Sumatran tiger

Conservation status

Critically Endangered (IUCN

Scientific classification













P. tigris


P. t.

Trinomial name
Panthera tigris sumatrae
Pocock, 1929

Distribution map
The Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) is a rare tiger subspecies that inhabits
the Indonesian island of Sumatra. It was classified as critically endangered by IUCN in
2008 as the population was estimated at 441 to 679 individuals, with no subpopulation
larger than 50 individuals and a declining trend.[1]
The Sumatran tiger is the only surviving member of the Sunda Islands group of tigers
that included the now extinct Bali tiger and Javan tiger.[2] Sequences from complete
mitochondrial genes of 34 tigers support the hypothesis that Sumatran tigers are
diagnostically distinct from mainland populations.[3]

Sumatran tiger in the Melbourne Zoo

Pocock first described the Sumatran tiger on the basis of several skull, pelage and
striping features in which it is distinct from the Indian and Javan tigers. It is darker in fur
colour and has thicker stripes than the Javan tiger.[4] Stripes tend to disintegrate into
spots near their ends, and lines of small dark specks between regular stripes may be
found on the back, flanks and hind legs.[5] The frequency of stripes is higher than in other
Males have a prominent ruff, which is especially marked in the Sumatran tiger. [7]
The Sumatran tiger is one of the smallest tiger subspecies. Males weigh 100 to 140 kg
(220 to 310 lb) and measure 2.2 to 2.55 m (87 to 100 in) in length between the pegs with
a greatest length of skull of 295 to 335 mm (11.6 to 13.2 in). Females weigh 75 to 110 kg
(165 to 243 lb) and measure 215 to 230 cm (85 to 91 in) in length between the pegs with
a greatest length of skull of 263 to 294 mm (10.4 to 11.6 in).[5]
Distribution and habitat
Sumatran tigers persist in isolated populations across Sumatra. [8] They occupy a wide
array of habitats, ranging from sea level in the coastal lowland forest of Bukit Barisan
Selatan National Park on the southeastern tip of Lampung Province to 3,200 m (10,500 ft)
in mountain forests of Gunung Leuser National Park in Aceh Province. They have been

repeatedly photographed at 2,600 m (8,500 ft) in a rugged region of northern Sumatra,

and are present in 27 habitat patches larger than 250 km2 (97 sq mi).[9]
In 1978, the Sumatran tiger population was estimated at 1,000 individuals, based on
responses to a questionnaire survey.[10] In 1985, a total of 26 protected areas across
Sumatra containing approximately 800 tigers were identified. [11] In 1992, it was estimated
that 400500 tigers lived in five national parks and 2 protected areas.[12] At the time, the
largest population was reported from the Gunung Leuser National Park as comprising 110
to 180 individuals.[13] However, a more recent study shows that the Kerinci Seblat
National Park in central Sumatra has the highest population of tigers on the island,
estimated to be at 165190 individuals. The park also was shown to have the highest
tiger occupancy rate of the protected areas, with 83% of the park showing signs of tigers.
In fact, there are more tigers in the Kerinci Seblat National Park than in all of Nepal,
and more than in China, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam combined.[15][16]
Ecology and behaviour
Sumatran tigers strongly prefer forest and use plantations of acacia and oil palm far less
than their availability. Within natural forest areas they tend to use areas with higher
elevation, lower annual rainfall, farther from forest edge, and closer to forest centres.
They prefer forest with dense understory cover and steep slope, and they strongly avoid
forest areas with high human influence in the forms of encroachment and settlement. In
acacia plantations they tend to use areas closer to water, and prefer areas with older
plants, more leaf litter and thicker sub-canopy cover. They avoid areas with high human
activity. Tiger records in oil palm plantations and in rubber plantations are scarce. The
availability of adequate vegetation cover at the ground level serves as an environmental
condition fundamentally needed by tigers regardless of the location. Without adequate
understory cover, tigers are even more vulnerable to persecution by humans. Human
disturbance related variables negatively affect tiger occupancy and habitat use. Variables
with strong impacts include settlement and encroachment within forest areas, logging
and the intensity of maintenance in acacia plantations.[17] Camera trapping surveys
conducted in southern Riau revealed an extremely low abundance of potential prey and a
low tiger density in peat swamp forest areas. Repeated sampling in the newly established
Tesso Nilo National Park documented a trend of increasing tiger density from 0.90
individuals per 100 km2 (39 sq mi) in 2005 to 1.70 individuals per 100 km2 (39 sq mi) in
In the Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, nine prey species larger than 1 kg (2.2 lb) of
body weight were identified including Great Argus Pheasant, Pigtail Macaque, porcupine,
Malay tapir, wild pig, Greater and Lesser mouse-deer, muntjac and Sambar deer.[8]
Major threats include habitat loss due to expansion of palm oil plantations and planting of
acacia plantations, prey-base depletion, and illegal trade primarily for the domestic
Tigers need large contiguous forest blocks to thrive.[17] Between 1985 and 1999, forest
loss within Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park averaged 2% per year. A total of 661 km2
(255 sq mi) of forest disappeared inside the park, and 318 km2 (123 sq mi) were lost in a
10-km buffer, eliminating forest outside the park. Lowland forest disappeared faster than
montane forest, and forests on gentle slopes disappeared faster than forests on steep
slopes. Most forest conversion resulted from agricultural development, leading to
predictions that by 2010 70% of the park will be in agriculture. Camera-trap data

indicated avoidance of forest boundaries by tigers. Classification of forest into core and
peripheral forest based on mammal distribution suggests that by 2010, core forest area
for tigers will be fragmented and reduced to 20% of remaining forest. [19]
Despite being given full protection in Indonesia and internationally, tiger parts are still
found openly in trade in Sumatra. In 2006, surveys were conducted over a seven month
period in 28 cities in seven Sumatran provinces and nine seaports. A total of 326 retail
outlets were surveyed, and 33 (10%) were found to have tiger parts for sale, including
skins, canines, bones and whiskers. Tiger bones demanded the highest average price of
US$ 116 per kg, followed by canines. There is evidence that tiger parts are smuggled out
of Indonesia. In July 2005, over 140 kg of tiger bones and 24 skulls were confiscated in
Taiwan in a shipment from Jakarta.[20]
Panthera tigris is listed on CITES Appendix I. Hunting is prohibited in Indonesia.[7]
In 1994, the Indonesian Sumatran Tiger Conservation Strategy addressed the potential
crisis that tigers faced in Sumatra. The Sumatran Tiger Project (STP) was initiated in June
1995 in and around the Way Kambas National Park in order to ensure the long-term
viability of wild Sumatran tigers and to accumulate data on tiger life-history
characteristics vital for the management of wild populations. [21] By August 1999, the
teams of the STP had evaluated 52 sites of potential tiger habitat in Lampung Province,
of which only 15 were intact enough to contain tigers.[22] In the framework of the STP, a
community-based conservation programme was initiated to document the tiger-human
dimension in the park in order to enable conservation authorities to resolve tiger-human
conflicts based on a comprehensive database rather than anecdotes and opinions. [23]
In 2007, the Indonesian Forestry Ministry and Safari Park established cooperation with
the Australia Zoo for the conservation of Sumatran tigers and other endangered species.
The program includes conserving Sumatran tigers and other endangered species in the
wild, efforts to reduce conflicts between tigers and humans, and rehabilitating Sumatran
tigers and reintroducing them to their natural habitat. One hectare of the 186-hectare
Taman Safari is the world's only Sumatran tiger captive breeding center that also has a
sperm bank.[24]
An 110,000-acre conservation area and rehabilitation center, Tambling Wildlife Nature
Conservation, has been set up on the edge of a national park on the southern tip of
Sumatra (Lampung).[25] On October 26, 2011, a tigress who had been captured with an
injured leg in early October delivered three male cubs in a temporary cage, while waiting
for release after her recovery.[26]
On Feb 3, 2014 three Sumatran tiger cubs were born to a five-year-old tigress [27] in
London Zoo's Tiger Territory, a 3.6m facility to encourage endangered subspecies of
tiger to breed.[28]
Analysis of DNA is consistent with the hypothesis that Sumatran tigers have been
isolated from other tiger populations after a rise in sea level that occurred at the
Pleistocene to Holocene border about 12,0006,000 years ago. In agreement with this
evolutionary history, the Sumatran tiger is genetically isolated from all living mainland
tigers, which form a distinct group closely related to each other. [3]

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