About Life of Budha

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One very interesting discovery that these charts reveal is that there are important sollunar cycles completed

near our 35th and 80th birthdays that I wasn't aware of.
Traditionally four of these events are believed to have been on full moon days, but we
see that Buddha was born and enlightened within two days of a new moon, while the
Dharma Wheel turning and Parinirvana occurred on full moon days as expected. Near
our 35th birthday, a cycle of 433 synodic months and 468 sidereal months comes to
fruition, while our 80th anniversary is one half of a long cycle of 160 years (sidereal is
very exact) and 1979 synodic lunations.
The angles for the charts seem to work quite well and are crucial for a full delineation
of the events, though adjustments of a minute or so might be appropriate. Mars plays
an unusually prominent role in this drama, as you'll see when you compare the charts.
You'll find that at the time of Buddha's enlightenment, there was a transiting
conjunction of Venus and Neptune on his exact natal Venus/node conjunction, and at
the time of his death the transiting MC/IC passed over the positions of Mars in the
home leaving and Dharma Wheel charts, with the full moon also in close hard aspect
to these positions. Mars was sometimes known in ancient India as Yama, god of death,
and Buddha himself seems to have understood Mars as a planet of separation and pain
in his advice to monks, 'There will be a parting and separation from all those who are
dear and loving to me,' should be reflected upon always (Dasadhamma Sutta). Here in
Massachusetts my natal Mars is on the Midheaven, interestingly enough. Buddha used
astrological symbolism extensively in his teaching, showing me that very
sophisticated and advanced psychological astrology is more a rediscovery than a
discovery of us moderns.
Here is an article regarding the work of a Swiss architect who is helping to restore a
temple at Angkor. Sacred art, architecture and geometry are other interests of mine:
Also, congratulations to your Swiss firm Contraves Space for the successful
separation and descent of the Huygen's probe to Saturn's giant moon Titan. Quite an
achievment for everyone involved.
Perhaps there are some folks who would also find charts for Jesus of Nazareth of
interest. Although the Christmas season has passed, Easter approaches, so here is the
chart data that I came up with some years ago and recently checked with your service.
It is based on the research of Dr Ernest L Martin which came out in the 1980's and
which I was alerted to by an article in Sky Telescope, December 1986, pages 632-635,
titled Computing the Star of Bethlehem by Roger W Sinnott. It was Sinnott who first

noticed this Jupiter/Venus conjunction back in 1968 according to the article. A follow
up letter and illustration of the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus was printed in the
April 1987 issue, pages 357-358, from James DeYoung and James Hilton of the US
Naval Observatory.
Jesus birth, 15 June 2 BCE Gregorian, 17 June -1 Julian, 4:35:45 PM LMT,
Bethlehem, Israel, 35e12 31n43, 14:14:57 UT, 10:07:37 LST, JD 1720860.0937145
Jesus baptised, 27 August 28 CE Gregorian, 29 August 28 CE Julian, 9:30 AM LMT,
traditionally near Jericho on the Jordan, 35e27 31n52, 7:08:12 UT, 7:52:18 LST, JD
Jesus death, 5 April 30 CE Gregorian, 7 April 30 CE Julian, 3:00 PM LMT, Jerusalem
35e14 31n46, 12:39:04 UT, 3:53:34 LST, JD 1732112.027130
The death and birth times seem quite accurate, but the baptism time might be refined
with more work. There are many powerful connections between these charts, besides
the unusual exact conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in the natal chart that Matthew and
Luke seem to have delineated the same way, as 'great joy', in their descriptions of the
birth. This conjunction was in close 'hard' aspect to the full moon that day.

Lessons From Lord Buddhas Horoscope

Lord Buddha could be considered an incomparable wise personality born to this world. It is believed that He
was born under the sign Cancer, and constellation Visa. Accordingly, we could draft His horoscope.
If the constellation is Visa, Moon has to be in the 4th house. If it is in the last quarter of the constellation,
Moon would be in the 5th house, which means that it is in Scorpio. But there, Moon is in debility, which
cancels The Raja Yoga and Wisdom Yoga, which couldnt be possible in this horoscope. The other planets
could be positioned as follows.
Viz. Since He was born on a full moon day, Sun has to be opposite to Moon, which means, it should be in
10, that is Aries. The Saturn is in 4, Mars in 7, Mercury in 10 with Sun, Venus in 11 and Jupiter in one. Rahu
(the North Node) too is in one, and so Ketu (the South Node)is placed in 7. Venus being in 11, it is in Taurus,
which would make a person courageous to think far, and work until you get a result.



































Four planets in exalted position, in the 4 square positions in a horoscope is a strong Raja Yoga. When king
Suddodana got down 7 astrologer Brahmins to forecast the future of prince Siddarthe, when his only son and
heir to the throne was born, 6 Brahmins forecasted that he would be a Great Ruler.
According to astrological principles it is said that when Moon and sign lord are weakly placed, the Raja
Yogas are nullified. In this case the sign lord is also Moon. Moon is conjoined with malefic Saturn in
Erashtake position. Moreover, Libra is not a good sign for Moon. The other important point is that, Jupiter,
the lord of the 9th house, which is the Bhava for luck and merit, is in exalted position in one, would make a
person turn towards meritorious deeds. But Jupiter with Rahu in a hostile sign, takes Him away from
comforts in life. In addition, the lord of the 9th house in exalted position would provide a person with supreme
qualities, and isaWisdom Yoga. These facts would have made one Brahmin forecast, that prince Siddarthe
would not be a famous king, but a Buddha.
All the good happenings in the life of Lord Buddha had occurred during the periods of benefic planets and
according to astrological principles. According to the constellation at birth He was born under Jupiters
period. If at the beginning of the constellation, this period would go on till He was 16 yrs old. Prince
Siddharthe was married at the age of 16, and the years prior to that had been spent with all the comforts.
The Saturns period commenced in the 17th year a planet that causes hardships yet it was exalted in 4 here.
The 4th house and Moon denotes mind. As Moon is in Erashtaka (with Saturn) position which is supposed
to be malefic, the Saturns period would not let the owner enjoy marital happiness. This is proved by the fact
that it took 13yrs to have a child. The Mars sub period commenced at the age of 28 and half years. In this
horoscope the planet for childbirth is Mars. So he was blessed with a son at this time.
The lord of the 7th house is malefic Saturn. It is the house for marriage and another malefic is placed there,
with Ketu, a planet, which causes disgust. He was going through the 2nd Erashtake period also at this time.
He had left his family just at the time He had a child. When he came to the sub period of Rahu, He went
through what is known as Dushkara Kriya the six years of extreme ascerciticm the period, in which he
made himself suffer. Saturn creates suffering and Rahu makes a person move from place to place. When the
Jupiter sub period commenced, He realized that, undue suffering is of no use, and selected the middle path,
in which He neither enjoyed comforts nor underwent suffering, as Jupiter is a benefic.
The Lord Buddha attained Enlightenment, at the age of 35, when He was going through the Mercury period.
Mercury being the planet of wisdom, it made Him involve in wise deeds at that time. Suns sub is the best
period for this horoscope as Sun was high up in the sky in exaltation, at the time of birth. The 10th house
being the most powerful of the active houses, with the Sun-Mercury conjunction. Lord Buddha spent the

retreat period called Raining Observances up in Heaven Thavthisa, during this time.
Rahus sub period of Mercury came up at the age of 47. During this period He had conflicts with own people
and spent the observance of rainy season retreat in the Parileiya forest and Veranjara in the city of
Kala. As the sub of Jupiter came up, its exalted qualities were shown. Lord Buddha was presented with
Jethewanaramaya, constructed by spending millions of gold coins, and the observance of rainy season
retreat was spent there.
The main period of Ketu, came up at the age of 52. Ketu is a planed that keeps a person in segregation or
confined to one place due to sickness or some other reason. During this period, He has spent his retreat
season in Jethawanarama and Purwarama. It was during this time, He was disgraced by false allegations
such as killing a woman and hiding the body, which did not suit His age or position. During the same period
the Buddhas sacred body was wounded by enemies.
At the age of 59, Venuss main period came up. The 4th house in a horoscope denotes ones home. Venus
being the lord of 4th, is placed in the 11th house in its owning position. These times had been spent in most
valuable and comfortable houses. But Venus is deadly for Cancer sign and also creates abdominal
problems, for those born under this sign. By the end of Venus, the Ketu sub goes on, and Ketu is a malefic.
At the of 79+ the Lord Buddha faced death with an abdominal complaint.
If prince Siddartha took up the leading kingship as denoted by the 4 exalted planets in 4 square houses in
the horoscope, the world would not have had Buddhism, which is observed by millions of people in the
world. Thousands who attained Nibbana would not have any one to grant them that opportunity. Therefore,
the horoscope of Lord Buddha could be considered as one bearing Wisdom Yoga rather than one having
Raja Yoga.

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