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Wealth Power is a financial empowerment initiative coupled with wealth distribut

ion strategy that is meant to put an end to the deadly scourge of lifetime pover
ty and mediocrity lifestyle. Poverty can turn supposed hero to zero and great me
n to ordinary men, noble men to nobody. As an income avenue, we can change your
whole life for the better.
If you have read Robert Kiyosaki s book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, you know that passive i
ncome is the best kind of income to have. Passive income is basically money that
you earn without having to work for it. Unless you have experience it, this may
sound like some kind of pie in the sky get-rich-quick scheme, but this kind of ea
rning power is for real. In fact, I would reasonably guess that almost every bil
lionaire on earth uses it to keep cash coming in while he or she jets off to par
ties and resorts and whatever else billionaires do. We create an avenue where mo
ney is being contributed to one another through the power of leveraging, thus he
lping one another make a 50:50 indefinite MLM matrix.
Pending withdrawals are credited to beneficiary Bank Account every Friday.
Our automated system is strategized in such a away whereby people will be contri
buting money to you daily across the country.

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