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Warden to the People: “Stop

Sending Money to ‘BS’ Scam

Artists like Phil Russo!”
Phony “Libertarian” Phil Russo Threatens to Turn
Warden over to the Cox Gestapo
April 26, 2010
CSII Press
Tucson Arizona

Over the past few years we’ve all received hundreds of emails from so-called
“Patriot” groups calling themselves We the People, the Tucson Tea Party, Arizona
Smart Girl Politics, Liberty and Prosperity 1776, etc.

For the most part the leaders of these groups “came out of the closet” and decided
to become “activist” subsequent to the election of Barak Obama, whom they
would have us believe is The Great Satan Himself.

Frankly; when it comes to the politics surrounding the Great Border Issues which
divide this country, I go to bed every night thanking God for the election of Barak

For those who Really Want to Protect American Borders, this is what the election
of Barak Obama Has Done For Us:

1. Obama got rid of Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano. He took her out of
Arizona where she could continue to do a Whole Lot of Damage and put
her in charge of Homeland Security where She is Irrelevant.

2. (If Napolitano had remained the Arizona Governor, our two most recent
Favorite Pieces of Legislation, SB 1070 and HB 2281 ending Raza Studies
in Tucson Unified School District, Would Have Been Vetoed!)

3. Obama put Cap & Trade, Healthcare Reform, Financial Reform, etc., at the
top of his Presidential Agenda. Now that two years have passed and the
midterm elections are upon us, Obama has spent all of his political capital
and he’s got No Juice Left for “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” (aka

4. Obama kept John (“Amnesty”) McCain Out of the White House. McCain’s
first order of business would not have been Border Security. It would have
been Comprehensive Immigration Reform. (Amnesty)

This brings me to Phil Russo: Go ahead, Google him. You will find no (or little)
mention of this “Activist” prior to Barak Obama’s election in 2008.

Now Russo calls himself as a “Patriot.”

Now he’s got His Hand Stretched Out Asking You for Money!

Going from a “Nobody” to a “Somebody” and becoming a “Patriot” all at the same
time, simply because he put up a website and called himself one!

Unbelievable! Could Only Happen Here in America!

Meanwhile; while Russo publically touts his opposition to “Government Tyranny”

and his support for “Constitutional Principles,” behind the scenes (where he
hopes no one will see) he’s threatened to “turn over to the authorities” Warden
the Notorious Mexican Flag Burner, for allegedly sending email “Spam.”

Listen Up Russo, and the Rest of You “Patriots” out there who think you know
something about the constitution and “free speech.”

1. “Spam” may be defined as unwanted commercial solicitations. It most

assuredly does not include political commentary.

2. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals just Ruled Against the Raza Sewer Rats
on a similar email issue. Read: Rodriquez v Maricopa County Community
College . You Just Might Learn Something (though, it’s doubtful!)

3. The Ninth Circuit, and Warden the Notorious Mexican Flag Burner both
say: “If you don’t want (like) the political message, than use your Delete
Button (or Block Sender function)


In any event, Do you Really Want to Do SOMETHING to stop Pima County and
Tucson City Open Border Policy?

Then stop talking and do the following:

Please copy the Miranda Wanted Poster, write on the back “Americans are Very
Angry at What You’ve Personally Done to Destroy our Country,” or some other
appropriate words to convey your lawful sentiments, and mail to the following:

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Miranda

3295 W. Bird Haven Place
Tucson Arizona 85745

Tell your friends to Do the Same Thing!

Believe me:

“Chico” Miranda, and the Other Public Officials Who Are Responsible For Open
Border Policy, and bringing 25 Million or More Mexican Illegal Aliens (with their
rape, murder and mayhem) to a Neighborhood Near YOU, Will Get the Message!

Roy Warden

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