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State the contents of the Chart 5500 (Mariners

Routeing Guide to English Channel and North Sea).
Passage Planning : Advice is given on the aspects of
appraisal, planning, execution and monitoring of the
vessels progress with particular attention to use of a 'sea
Routeing : General Recommendations regarding extensive
TSS in operation through the Dover Strait and prominent
focal points. Masters are advised of their legal obligations
under COLREGS rule 10(b) in section (2) of the chart.
Routeing : Specific Regulations such as ships over 300
GRT should be fitted with electronic position fixing
Passage Planning : Special classes of vessels such as
tankers and ships carrying dangerous cargo, and deep
draught vessels and those bound for Europort.
Oil and dangerous cargo : This section contains a list of oil
and noxious substances that require to be reported under
EC Regulations.
Radio Reporting System (through traffic) : Detailed
information is given regarding MAREP ship movement and
reporting method adopted in the Channel.
Radio Reporting Procedure to a port of destination :
Describes the requirement of reporting under UK and
French Regulations, and the contents of the report.
Maritime Radio Services : Details of stations, frequencies
and the times of transmission of specific messages
including navigation warnings, weather reports and storm
warnings. Details of Navtex service is also included.
Radio Beacon Service : Includes illustration of radio
beacons and their groupings, together with effective
range, frequency, service being offered and station
Tidal information : Offshore tidal data with an illustration /
example of the use of co-tidal and co-range lines.
Pilotage service : Boarding information and details of
request for deep sea pilots for respective ports and the
relevant communications required.

Q. Monthly Routeing Chart : The title of the chart reflecting the coverage area,
specific monthly period that the chart refers to, together
with the scale for a given latitude for which the chart
The date and number with the monthly consecutive
number, and the last correction found in the lower border.
Main shipping routes and distances between principal
ports are indicated as black track lines.
Limits of Loadline Zones indicated with specific date and
latitudes, and are presented in pastal colours :Tropical Zone - light green;
Summer Zone - light pink;
Winter Zone - light blue.
The extreme iceberg limit is presented by a broken line
in a pale red colour :
----+----+----+---Maximum limits of pack ice are shown in the same colour
but with a distinctive broken line pattern :..
Ocean currents are presented in 'green' and reflect the
predominant direction of sea-surface currents for the
quarter year prior to the monthly date of the chart.
Constancy being indicated by presentation of lines :
25% - 50% - - - - - ->
51% - 74% --------->
75% - 100% ======>
Where insufficient observations are made, the probable
direction is shown as following : .....
Baile wind rose (refer page 108)
Meteorological Information is also presented by a
number of smaller insets into the chart and include
information on :

(a). Percentage frequency of winds, beaufort force 7 and

(b). Mean air temperature degree F and mean air pressure
in millibars.
(c). Mean sea temperature degree F and dew point
temperature degree F.
(d). Percentage frequency of low visibility of less than 5
miles and percentage frequency of fog, where visibility is
less than 0.5 mile.
Prominent geographic places and landmarks are
indicated with sea passages and respective course
alteration points.

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