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Q1. Please describe the last time you really felt like you pushed your limits.

I was involved in projects as an intern for Bishop consulting, which had various tasks
to perform such as analyzing the trend of sugar commodities, coming up with
shareholding pattern of a conglomerate such as TATA group, analysis of water levels
in Indian states to gauge the state of agriculture. It did made me think out-of-thebox and taught that apart from finances many business problems involve aspects
which may be unknown. The issues requires a holistic approach to come up with
best possible solution.

Q2. Long term career vision.

My long term career vision manage the funds of investor and maximize their
returns. I would ensure that my investment strategies beat the market give them
superior returns. I acknowledge that though there is lot of developments in
information systems to achieve market efficiency but the global trends reflect that
they arent. So I intend to generate returns out of that inefficiency with the
expertise and experience I would be gaining during my course of career.

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