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F5 Partner Central Sign-up

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F5 Partner Central Registration Step-By-Step Guide

Table of Contents
Partner Central Sign Up .................................................................................................. 1
Registration Form 1 ..................................................................................................... 3
Registration Form 2 ..................................................................................................... 4
Reset Password .............................................................................................................. 6
Sign Up w/ an existing account ....................................................................................... 6

Sign up for an account

Do you already have an or Dev Central account (this is different from the
one you used when logging into the old PRC)? If yes then jump to step #8, if not,
proceed to step #1
1. Form 1 - Create a new account on F5 Partner Central
a. Go to
b. Click Sign Up

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c. Establish a username and password

i. make sure you register with your company email address

(personal email addresses will not be accepted)
ii. The Display Name needs to be unique. Similar to the way
you would create a username.
iii. Make sure you remember your username you will be using
this the next time you log in.
d. Click the Next button
If the following screen pops up after you have clicked the Next button Jump to
step #9, otherwise proceed to the next step

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2. Form 2 Validate your contact and company information

a. Fill out Form 2 with valid company and contact information

b. Make sure you use the same company email address as you did on the
previous form.
c. If you do not have a State or Province in your address, you are not
required to fill out the State/Province field.
d. Click Verify Account
3. The following message should now show up on your screen.

4. You are now in the pre-validation stage. Check your inbox for the verification
email and click on the link provided (the window will open in your default
Note: We cannot process your application until you complete this step

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a. The following message will populate when you click on the link

5. You have now successfully submitted your application. F5 will process your
application within the next 48 business hours.
6. If your application is approved, you will receive a similar email as follows

7. You can now login to Partner Central with the username and password you
created in Step 2.c.

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Already have an or Dev Central Account?

8. Go to
9. Click Login
10. Login with your username and password you use to log into or Dev

11. If you cannot remember your password, visit to reset your password.

a. Once your password has been reset, go back to to


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12. Once you are logged in, it will appear as if you are now able to access the
Partner Central site, but that is not the case

13. You need to complete Form 2 of the registration process. Click on the apply
here link to get started

14. The below window will pop up on your screen. Go back to steps 2-7 of these
instructions to complete the registration process.

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