Diyawat Online: Admin Section

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Date: 05-


Admin Section
1. Masters: Add option is not available for all the masters.
2. Register:
2.1 After registering new user message should come link
Thanking for registering with Diyawat, Login details will be send to
Registered E-mail ID.
2.2 After pressing Register button, Form is not clear the data
Means in few field entered Data is showing. (Residence details,
Office Address)
2.3 Business Section (Office Address) is showing after Residential
detail, it should show before it.
3. News & Events: After adding news with image,
3.1 Added image is not showing
3.2 Time is showing 12:00 AM
3.3 Events adding option is not available.
4. Manage Request: Newly register user details.
4.1 Company Name, Type of Business, City (both Residential,
Office) is not showing
(Means User entered Data is not coming)
4.2 Active not selected Users list is not available.

5. Committee Members:
6. De Active Members: is showing Error.
7. Find Business: is showing error.
8. Search Blood: is not working.
9. Gallery : is not working
Suggestion: is not working.

User Section
1. After user login
Admin in, Sign In, Register options (below user name) is
not required.
2. Drop down options : My Profile, My Family Details, My Groups,
Logout is not working.
3. Profile: Change Password, Edit Contact Details is not working.
4. Family:
Adding family members Drop Down for blood Group is
My Family members are not showing.
5. Groups: My groups & Add Groups is not working.
6. Events: View your Events & Add Event is not working.

1. Space between word link MobileNo, Pincode in registration form.

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