Quiz On Modifier

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Patient is seen in the office because of complications with his diabetes and thyroid.
The doctor ordered lab work and performed a detailed history and examination. The
patient also had a skin tag that he asked the doctor to remove from his neck and
was bothersome. What modifier would be used for this office visit?25
Patient presented to the office one week ago (gobal days are 10 days) with a skin
lesion on her scalp. It was excised at that time and sent to the pathologist. The
pathology report came back as malignant and she is here today for a re-excision for
complete removal of the lesion. What modifier would be used for todays visit?58
Patient came into the Urgen Care Facility for ankle swelling, discoloration and pain.
Patient had a collision with another player at softball practice. A two view xray was
taken by our xray technician and it confirmed a trimalleolar ankle fracture. The
ankle was manipulated and a walking cast was applied. The patient is to return next
week for a follow-up visit. The xrays were sent to the radiologist (who is not part of
the Urgent Care Facility) for reading. What modifier would be used for this Urgent
Care Visit?TC
Fifteen days ago the patient went to the Emergency Room for an ruptured appendix.
The patient is here in my office today for redness and inflamation of his arm from a
tattoo that he received a month ago. He has not had any vomiting or diarrhea. He
has noticed some greenish color fluid coming from the inflammed area. He thinks he
has a fever but did not take his temperature. Exam reveals skin of his arm is red,
swelling and warm to touch. I have prescribed an antibiotic and he is to keep the
area dry and apply neosporin 3 times per day. He did recently have his appendix
removed but I do not believe it is related to his surgery. What modifier would the
doctor use for this office visit?24
Dr. Jones performed an emergency hernia repair. The patient returned to his home
town physician, Dr. Smith for follow-up care. How would both doctors report their
If the physician had to stop in the middle of a procedure because the patients blood
pressure was dropping and they could not stabilize it, which modifier would you
Patient comes into the office with ear pain. After further examination it is revealed
the patient has severe cerumen impaction. The doctor removes the ear wax from
both ears. What modifier is used with removal of impacted cerumen for both ears?
This Medicare patient is having laboratory work that Medicare will not reimburse the
patient because the diagnosis does not support the test being ordered. The patient
was informed Medicare will not pay, the patient signed the ABN and wanted the
procedure performed. What modifier would be added to the laboratory code?GA
This 58 year-old male patient is having a out-patient procedure in a Ambulatory
Surgery Center. Prior to the administration of anesthesia the patients blood
pressure becomes elevated and the surgery is cancelled. What modifier would be

Nurse is preparing the patient for his colonoscopy. Patient informs the nurse he has
taken all steps necessary for his prep. The doctor performs the colonoscopy but
after advancing the scope past the splenic flexure the physician must stop the
procedure because the patient did not fully cleanse the large intestine and he is
unable to continue the procedure. What modifier would be attached to the

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