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By Patricia Backora

Millions of tiny children live in a prison of spiritual fear because their

parents are so eager to find reasons to beat them, in the name of
Christ. Proverbs stands alone in commanding children to be beaten.
But it also commands:

1. Fools must be beaten with rods (Prov.26:3) If your pastor got

caught making a fool of himself, would he literally be beaten with a rod
or just rebuked?.
2. A fool should get his mouth slapped (Prov.18:6). Do Gods people
literally slap each other when they say something silly?
3. Hold a knife to your throat if you like to eat a lot (Prov.23:2). Many
grown preachers do like to eat, as their expanding waistlines testify.
Their fork is always in their mouth, never at their throat.
4. Those who disrespect their parents will get their eye picked out and
eaten by a bird (Prov.13:17) How many of you have ever committed
such a sin and received Gods forgiveness for it afterward, while still
keeping both your eyes (because He mercifully set you free from the
curse of the Law)?
5. Thieves shall be required to pay back SEVEN times what they stole,
and fork over everything in their house (Prov.6:30-31). If the deacon
dipped into the church till, would the pastor force him to donate all his
belongings to the church? How many church members enforce this
scripture as rigidly as the spanking scriptures?
6. Simple people who dont have all the answers should get their backs
beaten (Prov.10:13). Jesus praised God for revealing His teachings to
babes instead of wise men (Matt.11:25; Luke 10:21). Solomon taught
that the pursuit of wisdom should be the first priority of a righteous
life, but failed to use it himself sometimes, to his own detriment.
7. Fools should be beaten with a mortar and pestle (Prov.27:22) How
often is this enforced in church today?

Solomons tragic life left a legacy of cruelty, as when his son

Rehoboam threatened the Israelite people with scorpions instead of
the whips his father had used on them (I Kings 12:11). Solomon,
praised by spanking advocates and certain Christian family authors as
the worlds greatest child REARing expert, departed from the Lord in
his latter years when his multitude of wives led him astray into idol
worship. Solomon built child-eating idols (Molech and Chemosh) to
please these heathen women (I Kings 11:7). Children were literally
thrown alive into flames as sacrifices to these satanic gods (Lev.18:21;
20:2). Sacrificing your children to Molech was punishable by being
stoned to death. But this didnt stop Solomon from sponsoring Molech
worship (or worshipping heathen gods himself). So when it comes to
dealing with children (or people in general), who should you listen to,
Solomon or Jesus?

One Israelite Queen Mother lost her position at court because she built
ONE idol in a grove (I Kings 15:13 and 2 Chron.15:16). Solomon
sponsored the building of countless idols, as many as his wives
demanded. But he stayed in power, though its doubtful he ever
repented of this sin.

Jesus said He was GREATER than Solomon (Matt.12:41; Luke 11:31).

Jesus quoted from Moses, the Psalms and the Prophets, but never
from Proverbs. Youll see not one reference to Solomon after Acts.
Stephen mentioned him in Acts 7: 47 as having built the Lord a house
of stone. But Stephen also added that God couldnt be cooped up in
some man-made building, nor could He find rest in places constructed
by men. The works of human hands are imperfect. And so is the
reasoning of humans.

Consider how none of the apostles mentioned Solomon in their

epistles, in which they taught Gods ways to the church, and sought to
help Gods saints grow in wisdom. David was mentioned many times,
as were Abraham, Sarah, even the backslider Lot and numerous
heroes of faith in the Old Testament. These people definitely had flaws
and problems in their lives. But they did NOT sponsor idol worship or
enable others to worship false gods. And none of them wrote treatises
in support of beating little children who dont know their right hand
from their left. Solomon, who wrote many proverbs on beating fools
and children, never once volunteered to be beaten for his own idolatry!

There are multitudes of eminent men and women the Bible. But Jesus
alone is Gods beloved only-begotten Son. HEAR YE HIM (Matt.17:5).

Aside from countless UNENFORCED, neglected, and seldom-preached-

on verses in Proverbs, why arent these other Old Testament passages
enforced in church as often as the spanking proverbs?
1. Lev.20:27: Witchcraft is punishable by stoning to death. How many
Christians read their horoscopes or go to tea leaf readers with no fear
of the pastor stoning them for it (Deut.18:10-12)? Those activities are
sinful and need to be repented of if committed. But unlike ancient
Israel, your secular government doesnt impose a death penalty for
these things.
2. All adulteresses must be stoned (Lev.20:10; John 8:1-11.) Notice,
Christ SPARED and REFUSED TO CONDEMN the woman taken in
adultery, even though others quoted Old Testament scripture to try to
persuade Him to carry out Moses penalty of stoning. Jesus didnt kill
her like the Law commanded. He didnt even paddle her!
3. Loud-mouthed, gluttonous, disrespectful teenagers are commanded
to be put to death (Deut.21:18-21) If church people literally enforced
THIS law, half the teenagers in church would die.
4. Sabbath-breakers must either be killed or cut off from the
congregation of Gods people forever (Ex.31:14). No Christian imposes
these penalties today for working on Saturday, the Biblical Sabbath.

Adults go so much easier on themselves then they do on helpless

children who cant defend themselves from cruel, unjust or excessive
punishment. If a preacher commits adultery, he just might tearfully
confess in front of the church and ask forgiveness, and thats usually
the end of it and Bobs your uncle, so far as other Christians are
concerned. No whipping is administered to reflect the seriousness of
his terrible sin against God, because the preacher (rightly) believes
that if he confesses and forsakes his sin (I John 1:9), that sin is now
under the blood and he shouldnt be spanked for it. Although, life itself
spanks Gods people. Even if they do repent, there might still be
severe repercussions which naturally spring from a sordid sin. Such
sins might trigger financial ruin, illness, broken relationships, etc.
An adulterous husband might end up having to support the offspring of
his affair, causing extra hardship to his lawful wife and their children.
The innocent wife, in turn, might be forced out to work herself to
replace the child-support money her husband must fork out each
month. Her own children are deprived of precious hours of mothering,
and others must care for them. Kids raised by emotionally detached
strangers might suffer emotionally and developmentally. All these spin-
off ramifications might create resentment and marital strain, on top of
the hurt of being cheated on. If the wife cant handle the
consequences of her husbands affair, she might just end the marriage
altogether, take her children and leave. Then the man would have to
work extra jobs in order to to maintain two households in addition to
housing himself in some fleabag studio apartment.

Or, if the wife is the one to commit adultery, and she has a baby from
the affair, even if her husband can forgive her, the temptation will
always be there to resent the other mans kid. In all cases of adultery,
the children involved get hurt and find it hard to maintain the same
level of respect for their straying parents.

An even more tangled situation happens when the wife of one man
commits adultery with another womans husband. In that case, two
whole families get caught in the crossfire of bad consequences.
Sometimes the effects of sin are so devastating the affected
individuals never recover in an entire lifetime!

Sins like these happen on a REPEATED, WIDESPREAD basis in Gods

church, even among so-called leadership. Life itself punishes these
people financially, emotionally, even spiritually, because thereafter
they are prevented from ever reaching the full potential of ministry
God originally planned for them. Why? Because their good name in the
Christian community has been trashed. They have lost their shining
testimony of faithfulness before a critical world which watches for
imperfections in the saints, which would give them an excuse not to
turn to Christ. Sexual scandal in the church gives Gods enemies
ammunition to blaspheme Gods Holy Name (2 Sam.12:14). The
testimony of the adulterous church leader has been ruined before baby
saints who once looked up to them for guidance in how to live a holy
life. Prayer and spiritual warfare which might have gone into
ministering to the difficulties of others must instead be directed to
ameliorating the awful damage done by the adulterers own
catastrophic sins of the flesh. Even when such sinners fully repent
before God and have their sins washed away by Christs blood!
Despite the seriousness of their sin, adulterous preachers dont get
spanked by other people. Not even when their sins sabotage Gods
program of evangelism or ruin the lives of other believers. Adults who
cuss and swear dont get spanked. Adults who gamble away their
familys grocery money dont get spanked. Adults who lose their
temper on the phone dont get spanked. Adults who yell abuse at
other drivers dont get spanked (though they might get slugged if
theres a confrontation). Christian men surf porn sites without getting
spanked. Yet these same self-righteous Neanderthal hypocrites
demand perfection of a tiny child barely out of its mothers womb!

John Wesleys mother allegedly taught that babies as young as nine

months needed to be spanked. The Bible teaches that unweaned
babies cannot be taught the holy precepts of God (Isa.28:9). It is well
known that in olden days, they had no high-tech toddler transitional
foods and weaning might have taken up to two years. Somehow it
seems wrong to punish an infant for crying to alert its caregiver that
its hungry or wet. And apparently, Wesleys mother failed to realize
that growing boys need extra calories. If Wesley dared to sneak a
snack between meals, he was punished, and the servants scolded for
letting him have it. Jesus Himself broke this no-snacking rule when He
stopped by a fig tree to see if fruit was on it (Mark 11:12-13).

Christian family experts love Wesley for making it easier to sell their
spanking manuals. Wesley taught that The Rod should be used to
break the will of a child. But it can also break his heart because of the
humiliating nature of this punishment, especially when its carried to
extremes, or if the child is actually innocent of the offense. Some of
the rods Ive seen in schools and Christian homes were big enough
to shatter bones.

Christians defend spanking proverbs by saying that ALL scripture is

profitable for doctrine, reproof and correction (2 Tim.3:16). But when
you ask them why, in this day and age, it would be wrong to do like
Joshua and wipe out entire populations to grab their land, they say
such barbaric scriptures must be given a spiritual application.
Apparently spiritual application is a canned copout to airbrush brutal
Biblical examples which would land you in jail for literally carrying
them out. The letter of the law kills (2 Cor.3:6). If all other scary
scriptures in the Old Testament are spiritualized away, why is
spanking kept literal, unless its for the convenience of frustrated
parents who need to hit to reassert their power position?
Even if a Christian child who is otherwise obedient and blameless
accidentally spills his glass of milk, he is in danger of being beaten
with The Rod as part of his training. If a child is tired and sulky, or
even looks at his parent the wrong way, hes in danger of getting
worn out with a switch, paddle, or belt. Why the double standard?
Why must every imperfection, every misstep, be answered with such
cruel consequences? Dont these misguided parents fear God, and
how He might treat THEM if they fail to live up to His expectations?

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy (Matt.5:7). The
flip side of the coin is this: Unfortunate are the unmerciful, for they
shall NOT obtain mercy! The same mercy you show others is what you
get back from God. He takes grave offense whenever well-meaning
but deluded parents tell the child: JESUS told me to do this to help
you grow up to love Him. If anything, such a cruel approach to
parental discipline will ALIENATE THE CHILD FROM GOD when he/she
gets old enough to make up their own mind about continuing in the

Gentle admonition should be tried first. Jesus Himself commanded the

disciples to FIRST admonish an erring brother before taking stronger
measures to correct the problem (Matt.18:15-17). No mention of
spanking the offender (presumably an adult). If he repents at the
first, second, or even the third (and last resort) admonition, the
problem is solved and he is to be totally forgiven and restored to
fellowship. No mention of other church members waiting at the church
door with paddles to correct the repentant member! Why should a
tiny child be treated more harshly than an adult Christian who sins
against his brother?

The church at Thyatira had a woman who was teaching Christs

servants to do abominable things. Jesus gave her and her followers
space (time) to repent before casting her into a sickbed as punishment
(Rev.2:20-22). Christian parents dont follow Jesus example in this.
They dont give their children space to repent so they can avoid
punishment. Instead, they fly off the handle and start hitting before
they admonish their children in love and try to win them back to the
paths of righteousness. Often, Christian parents will even lose their
temper and start beating their child before they even get the full story
of what happened!

In many cases, that amounts to a sick power game to exert authority

over the smaller and the weaker members of the tribe, not unlike
savage treatment jungle apes give each other to establish the pecking
order. Other times, the parent is really mad at someone else, or just
embittered about how hard life is and so theyll take it out on weaker
folks who cant defend themselves!

God promised that if you consider your ways (judge yourself) that He
wont judge you and chasten you for your bad behavior (I Cor. 11:31-
32). Why wont Christian parents be just as merciful toward their own
little children, who are not yet mature and sometimes make mistakes?

If gentle admonitions fail and punishing your child IS necessary, all

penalties for disobedience or other offenses should be carefully,
prayerfully tailored to the offense, without causing harm to the child.
Christians are to be both holy and HARMLESS (Matt.10:16; Phil.2:15).
Be harmless as a dove. Do doves go around hitting people?

In I Tim.3:3 and Titus 1:7 Paul taught that Christians are not to strike
anyone. NO exception is made to allow for the corporal punishment of
children. In the Old Testament, where you find the ONLY support for
corporal punishment of kids, youll find no such universal ban on
believers striking people. Instead, the Old Testament abounds with
stonings, bloody battles, collective punishment, grisly executions,
genocide, floggings, mutilation and torture of war captives.

Many contend theyll feel guilty and disobedient toward God if they
dont spank a child for every offense, just because spanking is
mentioned in the Bible. Yet these same people dont feel guilty for
disobeying other Old Testament passages. They dont feel guilty for
working on the Sabbath. They dont fear any consequences for eating
pork and lobster, both forbidden under the Law. They dont observe
ceremonial washings commanded to the Jews. They dont worry God
might go hungry if they dont roast animals on the church altar.

Just as Paul warned Christian slaveholders that they also had a Master
in heaven to fear, so God warns Christian parents that they also have a
Parent in heaven Who is watching their lives to see if Gods fruits of
kindness and mercy are blossoming in their lives as they deal with
their own tiny little children. Christians WILL have to give an account
of how they raised the most vulnerable members of their family when
they finally answer to their Maker for what they did (Rom.14:12).

Take a warning from the Unmerciful Servant (Matt.18:23-35). That

lowlife owed his master a billion bucks, so it was a miracle he got
forgiven at all. Then he turned around and sued the pants off a work
colleague who owed him fifty cents. If a Christian repeatedly begs God
to forgive him for REAL sins, then goes and whips his tiny toddler for
making a mess in the kitchen, hes REALLY in the doghouse with God.

If a so-called follower of Christ withholds mercy from the least of

Jesus loved ones, hes also done it unto Him (see Matt.25:40). Hurt
one of Gods precious babies and it would be better if a millstone were
tied around your neck and you were drowned in the depths of the sea

When I was bullied as a youngster, teachers caved in to social pressure

and started blaming ME, breathing threats of corporal punishment
down my neck for being different. Teachers and bullies alike were
churchgoers who went to get their phony religious fix at least once a
week. Every single morning theyd quote some sanitized verse out of
the Bible and say an insincere prayer to feel better about themselves.
No wonder I doubted both the goodness and existence of God, even
though Id prayed for salvation at the age of twelve.

So many young people in cruel Christian homes leave as soon as

theyre old enough to land a low-paid job and live on their own. Some
desperate kids, twelve or barely older than that, might flee in the dead
of night and hop on a bus to go somewhere, anywhere, to get away
from the beatings and verbal abuse they suffered at home. How many
kids are sleeping in some dangerous alleyway or under a bridge
because their so-called parents hit first and asked questions later?

Some survivors of religious child abuse grow up to be agnostics who

arent quite sure about God and Jesus anymore. Others turn into
hardened skeptics and atheists because they want nothing more to do
with the faith (empty, legalistic religion) of their parents, or anything
associated with it. All those castaway kids know is they never were
treated with tenderness or understanding, just beaten and shouted at
like a dog.

If these abused kids manage to survive these rough years, they will be
emotionally scarred for life. They will have trouble forming a family of
their own or even showing affection toward others, because
gentleness, an essential fruit of the Spirit (Gal.5:22), was not shown
toward them by misguided Christian parents whose only solution to
problems was to train up their children with a strap. Only by a
restorative miracle in their souls can such injured children be made
whole and free to love and know the REAL Christ of the Bible, Who is
meek and lowly in heart (Matt.11:29).
You get the same amount of mercy you mete out to others. No more,
no less (Matt.5:7; Luke 6:38). Treat tiny precious souls like crap and
mercy and grace will be in short supply when you need it from God.
God may not send an avenging angel down from heaven with a rubber
hose, but He WILL allow painful trials and tribulations to come into
your life to correct you and wake you up to realize how much it hurts
to live without love, kindness and patience being shown toward you.
Why do cruel Christians inspect their kids soul for a tiny speck of dust
but refuse to see the logjam in their own life (Luke 6:41-42)?

And how do I feel about these so-called experts on the Christian

family who push the paddle as THE means of remedying all problems
in their childs life? These wolves in sheeps clothing sell the Christian
quackery that their readers (who are ALREADY doing it anyway) want
to hear: that its perfectly fine to whip little babies and toddlers who
are barely aware that theyre alive in this world, who only want to be
cherished and loved. Children who are trying to find their feet to
stand, and only want someone to show them the way.

These heartless authors of religious child abuse techniques teach you

that babies need to be spanked even before theyre out of diapers.
They teach you to use paddles of all sizes, belts, switches, and your
hand to strike fear into children of all ages, for each and every offense
or dish-washing accident that occurs. They teach that all other ways
to discipline are forbidden or of the devil because they arent
mentioned in Scripture. Then why on earth dont they tell adults that
it isnt okay to pay a traffic fine with a Swipe Card, that instead they
ought to let some judge sentence them to be flogged with X-number of
stripes (Deut.25:2)? Their inconsistency is glaringly obvious.

Those child-beating ministers of darkness hide behind the highly

exalted priesthood of the father as a cloak for their sins of abuse and
spiritual pride.
Christian family experts insist that the child CANNOT reconcile with a
Holy God without the mediation of the dad offering up strong, tearful
(often crocodile) prayers on their behalf. The child is NOT encouraged
(allowed) to pray for forgiveness until the father okays it, always
AFTER a sufficiently hard beating with the implement of his choice! In
his darkened heart, hes afraid Jesus might forgive that child first and
wash his sin away (if it WAS a sin instead of an accident). Then hed
feel like a cruel creep if he was to take a child freshly spring-cleaned
inside and beat the crap out of him to correct him. By dictating just
WHEN Jesus is allowed to forgive the child for wetting his bed or
leaving the cap off the toothpaste, the father is overstepping the
bounds of his paternal authority and intruding on Gods territory.

What crass presumption! Paul writes in I Tim.2:5 that there is only

ONE Mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus. Fathers
who tell the child theyve got to wait until their backside is blistered
before they pray are really saying, Move over, Jesus, Ill be the
mediator, and the paddling hasnt happened yet, so God isnt allowed
to forgive MY brat yet.

Nowhere do you read of Temple priests assigned the ministry of

paddling offenders. There were teaching priests, priests in the musical
ministry, priests who offered up the incense of praise and worship.
Even when corporal punishment was necessary, it was the ELDERS OF
THE CITY who would administer the beating (Deut.22:18). In this ONE
reference, its an adult man who gets whipped for claiming his wife
wasnt a virgin when he married her. In the dark days of the Old
Testament, women got the short end of the stick. Wise King Solomon
said you couldnt find one wise woman out of a thousand (Eccl.7:28).
But did it ever occur to that male chauvinist that its men who start
and fight all the wars in the world?

Throughout history subjugated segments of society have had virtually

no rights to a dignified existence. Back in the good old Bible days,
women accused of sexual offenses were guilty till proven innocent. If a
wife accused of having been a non-virgin bride protested her
innocence, the burden of proof was on her to save her own skin. If
tangible evidence of her innocence could not be found, she got stoned
to death for playing the whore in her fathers house (Deut.22:21).
Even though the husband would be whipped and fined if the
bloodstained honeymoon sheet was dug out of his in-laws attic to
prove his wifes innocence, the punishment didnt happen because
hed humiliated his wife. Only men mattered. The brides father, who
viewed his daughter as an economic asset devalued through false
accusation, would have been dishonored in the eyes of the community,
and his family name tarnished. Having his son-in-law publicly beaten
and fined was a face-saving measure for his particular clan.

No similar law threatening capital punishment forced males to forego

sex before marriage, so long as other mens wives werent involved.
Judah had a one-night stand with his daughter-in-law, then threatened
to burn her alive (Gen. 38:24).

These draconian examples are in Gods Written Word! If you insist

PART of the Old Law is binding on New Testament believers, then its
ALL binding on you (Gal.3:10). And BTW, its if you dont keep ALL the
Law, youre under its curse. So if ALL the Law is binding, why doesnt
the church stone non-virgins? Its a safe bet that more than a few
Christian brides arent virgins when they marry Husband no. 1. So if
the church doesnt make an issue of this like they did in Moses day,
why does the church teach Solomons spanking scriptures?

Think of it. Why dont newlyweds present their bedsheets to the brides
father, aside from the fact theyd be guilty of stealing from a hotel
room? Why dont you see more Christian men taking whippings for
questioning their wives premarital virginity? Why arent more
bedsheets spread out before the church elders for closer inspection?
Why dont Christian girls ride side-saddle today to prevent internal
injuries when their horse bucks or hops over the fence? Since most
Israelite girls were married off by their families, losing their virtue
through some accident (or being born without one) could result in the
death penalty! The Old Covenant was a covenant of FEAR, and THE
AN IMPERFECT COVENANT, an idol worshipper who sponsored Molech
worship (I Kings 11:7). Molech was the evil god that ate children

Christians who still insist that Solomon was the worlds wisest child
REAR-ing expert had better take off the blinders and read their Bibles
more carefully. If you knew a modern-day preacher who worshipped
satanic idols which devoured children as burnt offerings, would you
listen to his advice on how to keep your child out of the fires of hell?
Its a no-brainer!

Christians are all gung-ho about using a paddle on kids, but where is
their feces paddle to use for personal sanitation when they cant find a
gas station toilet and have to go behind the bushes (Deut.23:12-14)?
Thats the ONLY paddle mentioned in all the Bible, and only in the KJV!
Why isolate just ONE precept out of ONE lone book out of the Old
Covenant as perpetually binding, and discard all other Old Testament
laws and admonitions? Those who insist that Christians MUST spank
children and discipline them no other way, cherry-pick just ONE
isolated verse here and there out of ONE book of the Bible, Proverbs.
They seize upon selected scriptures that validate their position (bend
over!) and never apply them to their own butt. That way they feel
better about battering their own vulnerable, defenseless child.
Even the self-righteous Pharisees enjoyed watching other Jews foul up,
just so they could claim superiority over them and rebuke them for
being imperfect. And as for YOU being the one to decide when to
allow your believing child to pray for forgiveness, HES ALREADY
FORGIVEN! As your Christian child walks in the light as Christ is in the
light, he or she already enjoys fellowship with Christ and other
believers, and the precious blood of Gods Son washes ALL his or her
sins away (I John 1:7). So why should a Christian dad want to hang
onto their childs guilt long enough to carry out a paddling and do
other things to prove what a wonderful priest he is? Ego gratification
has no place in Gods church, or in the homes of its members!

Beware that you do not seek to supplant Christs position as High

Priest in the life of even your tiniest members, or youll be guilty of
causing a little one to stumble. Your trusting little child, who knows no
better than to believe every word you say, will see YOU as the god-
figure in his life, an angry bear whos always watching him like a hawk
for slip-ups, poised to pounce on him with a paddle. For that youll fall
under Gods wrath (Matt.18:6). Christ will NOT tolerate any rivals in
Gods position of that ONE High Priest in heaven Who ever lives to
make intercession for Gods people (Heb.7:25). God will NOT share
His glory with anyone (Isa.42:8). Least of all a pretend priest who
cant wait to get to the BOTTOM of the matter because his heart isnt
right with God. King Herod tried to steal some of Gods glory and he
ended up as worm food (Acts 12:22-23).

When someone says, I am Christ to you, or You can only reach

Jesus through me because Im your covering, alarm bells should go
off immediately. That is the ANTICHRIST (instead of Christ) spirit at
work, not the Holy Spirit. The only mention of any creature being a
COVERING is a very negative one (Ezek.28:14). The devil was once a
covering spirit, as an anointed cherub in heaven. Beware of casting off
the garment of humility and portraying yourself as a godlike figure to
be feared and fled from by your own loved ones. Beware of forgetting
that you are yet unperfected and still in need of Gods grace and
mercy. Do NOT fall for this lie that your leadership role in the family
exempts you from having to receive Gods rebuke or correction.
Beware of demonic deception which comes in the form of Deeper Li e
teachings in books, DVDs, seminars, and videos.

Spanking teachers resort to hidden spiritual mysticism interpretations

of various scripture passages where they appeal to the believers
obligation to grow by suffering like Christ did. And theyll tell you that
you must deny yourself by never objecting to anything authority
figures teach or tell you to do. Children arent supposed to even
question any order daddy gives them, contrary to I Thes.5:21 which
tells believers to PROVE ALL THINGS. Children are supposed to obey
their parents IN THE LORD, and you cant do something IN THE LORD
if Gods Word spells it out as a blatant sin. Obviously, if the childs
parents tell them to steal a candy bar, the child is free to pray about
that to see if God gives him peace about it. In such a case, the child is
free to disobey!

Christian dads who listen to spanking teachers do their utmost to force

their children, sometimes even their wives, to share in the sufferings
of Christ. Theyll impose over-regulated, highly regimented, semi-
ascetic lifestyles on their family, which causes weariness, fear, tedium
and exhaustion. The professed priesthood of abusive Christian men
makes them feel far less guilty about inflicting pain on their own loved
ones! And they claim to be leading their family in The Way of the
Cross by having to suffer with them!

You appropriate Gods forgiveness by faith. Forgiveness, like every

other benefit of the Cross of Calvary, was provided long ago.
Colossians 2:13 reads HAVING FORGIVEN you all trespasses. That
denotes a perfectly completed forgiveness already accomplished in the
past! If your child is a believer, or under the age where theyre aware
of sin and its consequences, that child would pass right into heaven if
they were to die. God is far more merciful than bullying Christian
priests who pick on kids who cant flee their terror.

Some Christians find the ministry books, C.D.s and videos of

spanking authors titillating because they dont know the wickedness
that is in their own heart. This stuff comes close to Christian
pornography, for it puts undue emphasis on punishing certain areas of
a childs body to turn him into a holier person. Colossians 2:23
teaches that severity on the body does NOT instill holiness into a
person. That is a doctrine of the devil.

Neither Jesus nor any of the apostles EVER taught anyone to strike
anybody else for any reason. If spanking were so important, why is
this doctrine missing from the gospels and the epistles? Jesus taught
that little children are the essence of His Kingdom (Mark 10:14).
Despite the fact that Christian family experts demonize little children
as tiny imps who need to be frequently beaten in order to crucify their
fallen flesh and grow more Christlike.

These authors are raking in a big pile of money off the misery they
impose on little children through their rigid, twisted teachings. They
have gotten rich by promoting Old Testament doctrine at the expense
of the grace and mercy taught by Jesus Christ Himself.

One day these cruel, money-hungry authors who got rich from these
evil doctrines of devils (I Tim.4:1; 2 Pet.3:2-3) will stand before God
and see their dirty, dangerous work go up in flames. The Great Judge
will say to them, Depart from Me, ye who work iniquity.

Psalms 103:10: The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and
plenteous in mercy.
9 He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever.
11 For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy
toward them that fear him.
12 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our
transgressions from us.
13 Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that
fear him.
14 For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.


Click below to read my satire The Punitive Paternal Priesthood

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