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Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science (MFCS)


(10 hours)

Logic: Propositional Logic, Some computing applications, Predicate logic, Formal proofs in
propositional logic, Completeness of predicate logic. (T1)

(13 hours)

Rings and Modular Arithmetic: The Ring Structure, Ring Properties and Substructures, The
Integer Modulo n, Ring Homomorphism and Isomorphism.
Boolean Algebra and Switching Functions: Switching Functions (CNF, DNF)
Algebraic Structures, Semigroups, Monoids, Groups, Coding Theory: Algebraic Structures,
Semigroups and Monoids, Definition, Examples, and Elementary Properties, Homomorphism,
Isomorphism, and Cyclic Groups, Costes and Lagranges Theorem, Elements of Coding Theory,
Hamming Metric, Parity Check and Generator Matrices, Group Codes, Hamming Matrices, Counting
and equivalence, Cycle index.
Finite Fields: Polynomial Rings, Irreducible polynomials. (T2)

(10 hours)

Basics of Graph Theory: The degree of a vertex, Paths and Cycles, Connectivity, Trees and forests,
Bipartite graphs, Euler tours.
Matching: Matching in bipartite graphs, Matching in general graphs.
Connectivity: 2-Connected graph, and Subgraphs, The structure of 3-connected graphs, Mengers
Theorem. (T3)

(10 hours)

Planar Graph: Topological prerequisites, Plane graph, Planar graph: Kuratowskis theorem
Colouring: Colouring maps and planar graphs, Colouring vertices.
Flows: Circulations, Flows in Networks
Hamilton Cycles: Simple Sufficient conditions, Hamilton cycles and Degree sequences. (T3)

(12 hours)

Probability & Stochastic Process: Probability measure, Conditional probability, Random variables,
Conditional expectation, Law of large numbers, Discrete & Continuous random variables,
Stochastic Processes, The Poisson Process, Birth & Death Process, Markov chains- Discrete &
Continuous. (T4 & T5)

Text Book:
T1. Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists, John Truss, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education
Asia.(Article 2.1-2.3, 7.1-7.2)
T2. Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, An applied Introduction, Ralph P. Grimaldi, B. V.
Ramana, 5th Edition, Pearson. (Article 13.1-13.4, 14.1-14.2, 15.1-15.5, 15.7, 15.9-15.10,
T3. Graph Theory, Reinhard Diestel, 3rd Edition, Springer. (Article: 1.1-1.6,1.8,2.1-2.2, 3.1-3.3,
5.1-5.3, 6.1-6.2,10.1-10.2)
T4. Probability, Statistics, and Queuing Theory with computer Science Applications,
A.O. Allen, Academic Press (ELSEVIER), Indian Reprint
T5. An Introduction to Probability Models, S. M. Ross, Academic Press (Elsevier-10th Edition),
Indian reprint.

Reference Book:
R1. Logics for Computer Science, Arindama Singh, 2nd Edition, PHI
R2. Modern Applied Algebra, G. Birkhoff & Thomas C. Bartee, Mc Graw Hill
R3 Introduction to Graph, D. B. West, Prentice Hall
R4. Graph Theory with Application, J. A. Bondy & U.S.R. Murty, Elsevier.
R5. Stochastic Modeling & the Theory of Queues, R.W. Wolff, Prentice Hall
R6. A first Course in Stochastic Process, S. Karlin & H. Taylor, Academic Press

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