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Answer the following (ECE)



a) Abhay runs into Abdul, a friend, at a supermarket. The two men greet each other
and exchange a few words before taking leave. (dialogue)
21/2 M
b) Priya goes to the head of her department with a request for a days leave. (dialogue)
21/2 M
a) Write a short note on A Shadow (in 250 words ).

Write a short note on Nanotechnology (in 150 words)

21/2 M
21/2 M

III. a) Write a E-Mail application letter in response to an advertisement for the post of
Maintenance engineer in a well known oil and gas company. Refer only briefly to your
educational qualifications, and work experience in the body of the letter and say that you are
attaching your CV and testimonials for the companys reference.
21/2 M

b) Write a note on water : The elixir of life. (in 250 words)

21/2 M

Answer the following (EEE)



a) Abhay runs into Abdul, a friend, at a supermarket. The two men greet each other
and exchange a few words before taking leave. (dialogue)
21/2 M
b) Priya goes to the head of her department with a request for a days leave. (dialogue)
21/2 M
a) Write a short note on Vikram Sarabhai (in 250 words ).

21/2 M

Write a short note on Cloud computing architecture(in 150 words)

21/2 M

III. a) Write a E-Mail application letter in response to an advertisement for the post of
Maintenance engineer in a well known oil and gas company. Refer only briefly to your
educational qualifications, and work experience in the body of the letter and say that you are
attaching your CV and testimonials for the companys reference.
21/2 M

b) Write a note on water : The elixir of life. (in 250 words)

Answer all question ( each one caries marks )

21/2 M



Fill in the blanks in the sentences with words having positive connotations chosen
from those in brackets.
He is a _____ lawyer. ( notorious, well known)
There was a ____ breeze blowing ( cold , cool)
I am fortunate I have a ____ where I am always welcome. ( home, house).
There was a look of ______ on her face. ( concern , worry)
My aunt put her _______ arms around me. (fat, plump)
Match the following expressions used by a caller and receiver on the telephone.


a. Hello

- Yes, it is. How can I help you?


b. Is this 271490737

- She will be back after lunch


c. Can I speak to Dr.Mehta, Please.. - You are welcome.


d. Could you tell me when she

Will be back , please
10. e. Then I would like to
Leave a message..
11. f. Thank you

- Good Morning
- I am sorry, but Dr.Mehata is not in
the office now.
- Certainly

Fill in the blanks in the sentences below using the appropriate forms of the verbs.

12. I______ for an NGO in Gwalior. (Work, simple present)

13. There _____ three crows on the branch. ( be, Simple past)
14. The boys _______ table tennis. (play, Past continuous)
15. Both the rice and curd _____ fresh and tasty ( be simple past)
16. Bose ____ Kanada fluently. (speak simple present)
17. It is not dark. (Add a question Tag)
( )
a. is it?
B. is not it ?
c. isnt it?
d. doesnt it
18. Kranti repaired the clock. ( add a question Tag)
( )
a) didnt he? b. did he? C. does he?
D. doesnt he?
19. There is a ____ shop on the campus.
( )
a. stationery
b. stationary
c. palate d. fare
20. Everyone said that the courts verdict was _____
( )
a. fair
b. fare
c. free
d. lose

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