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Annotated Bibliography

Anonymous. "Why I Carry a Gun." Things Get Hectic: Teens Write About the Violence That
Surrounds Them. Ed. Philip Kay, Andrea Estepa, and Al Desetta. Youth
Communications. Rpt. in Violence. Ed. Bryan J. Grapes. San Diego:
Greenhaven Press,

2001. Teen Decisions. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 29

July 2016.
The main argument is that you need guns to protect yourself. The point of this article is to
explain why we need guns for our protection. The topics covered are gun protection and
why it is necessary. If someone asked me what this source was about I would tell them it
was about needing a gun to protect yourself.
This is a useful source. This will go with my other source I have on using firearms for
self-defense. This information is reliable. This source is biased because it is talking about
the circumstances of one man. The goal is to stop the negativity about guns and show
how they are positively used.
This source was very helpful to me. It will show that people need firearms to stay safe
and that they do not just cause violence. This has changed how I think about the topic
because I have never heard it from this viewpoint before.
"Baton Rouge shooting: 3 officers killed, suspect dead." CNN Wire 17 July 2016. Opposing
Viewpoints in Context. Web. 24 July 2016.
The main argument of this source is describing the terrible acts that happened to the
police officers in Baton Rouge. The real reason this article was written was to inform the
public about these horrible acts a man has done to these men who were upholding the rule

of law in their city. I would say this article is an explanation of the tragic shooting on
officers on July 17.
This source is very useful. It will work very well with my previous source #6 and will
also go well with my source about the shooting of a man by police in Baton Rouge by
police just a few days before this. This information in this source is quite reliable because
it was gathered from people within the police department of the shooting. This source
does not seem to have any bias in it. The goal of this source is to inform the public.
This source was very helpful to me. It will help shape my argument because it gives even
further background information than my previous article on this topic, and it will shed
light on the real problems our country faces, not gun. I will most certainly be able to use
this source in my research paper. It has had little effect on how I think about my topic
since I just had a similar article on the same subject.
Burrus, Trevor. "Face It: Guns Are Here to Stay." New York Daily News 7 Jan. 2013. Rpt. In
Guns and Crime. Ed. Nol Merino. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press,
2015. At

Issue. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 13 July 2016.

The main arguments in this article are that guns are impossible to be banned, people with
concealed weapon permits cause little to no crimes, several examples where people with
concealed permits used their gun to stop or prevent a massacre, and data on how many
people on average per year use their gun in self-defense. The main point of this article is
to prove guns are here to stay and the best approach is to strengthen the regulations and
permits required to obtain a gun.

This article is a very useful source. It will go great with my first source I wrote about,
Gun Ownership with Stricter Controls Could Reduce Gun Violence. These articles are
nearly identical even down to the statistics which will prove my data is correct. This
information is very reliable because I found this source on an online database and this
source seems to be objective. The goal of this source is to prevent further out-burst about
gun control and offer a reasonable solution.
This source was very helpful I can use it to give examples of mass shootings were
avoided because someone with a permit used their firearm properly and saved the lives of
several. This has changed my thoughts on my topic because I did not believe that so
many people have used guns to defend themselves every year and that there were actual
cases where people used their firearm to stop a mass shooting because the news never
seems to report on good things like this.
Carleo-Evangelist, Jordan. "Gun Laws Do Not Inhibit Gun Violence." Gun Violence. Ed. Stefan
Kiesbye. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2008. Contemporary Issues Companion. Rpt.

"Guns and Crime: The Great Debate." 2004. Opposing

Viewpoints in

Context. Web. 1 Aug. 2016.

The main arguments in this article are about how we need to create gun control without
actually overstepping our right to bear arms. The point of this source is to come up with a
reasonable set of regulations to reduce gun violence by people and not affect the second
amendment. If I had to explain this article to someone I would say its about gun violence
and how to prevent it without putting to many restraints on people.

This is a useful source. This will go great with the sources I have for my last key point
about reducing gun violence. This information is reliable. This source is objective. The
goal of this source is explain and inform the audience.
This source was helpful to me. This helps me shape my argument because it states that
we cannot go against the second amendment but we do need to have some regulations to
keep guns out of the wrong hands. I can use it in my paper to argue that there are ways
for gun control without taking away our constitutional right.
"Court Rulings on Firearms." Gun Control: Restricting Rights or Protecting People? Sandra M.
Alters. 2011 ed. Detroit: Gale, 2011. Information Plus Reference Series.

Viewpoints in Context. Web. 24 July 2016.

The main topic of this source is all the different court cases on gun control and the
outcomes. To inform the reader of the decisions made by the courts on previous cases
concerning the topic of interest, gun control. This source is about the views of the court
system on the second amendment.
Yes, this will be one of my most useful sources in my entire paper. This will be the
foundation of my argument so I have yet to find other articles it will go with. Yes, this
information is very reliable because it has come from a published academic journal. No,
this source is not biased it is completely objective because it is just stating the facts about
court cases. The goal of this source is to provide a wealth of information on the topic of
gun control.
This source is very helpful to my research. It will be extremely helpful showing that our
justice system has stood behind the constitution time after time because it was made for a

reason. I will be able to utilize this source in my research project. I now know why we
have the second amendment and why it is so important.
Goldberg, Jeffrey. "Gun Ownership with Stricter Controls Could Reduce Gun Violence." Guns
and Crime. Ed. Nol Merino. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2015. At

Rpt. from "The Case for More Guns (and More Gun Control)." Atlantic (Dec.


Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 13 July 2016.

This article talks about how banning guns in the U.S. is nearly impossible because there
are way too many guns to locate and seize. It also says that stricter gun control would be
a better option to reduce the number of incidents with gun violence but, we cannot truly
do anything to stop it completely. They recommend longer waiting times, anyone with
suicidal to be banned from getting a gun, and the biggest point was probably to make
more people obtain a concealed weapon permit to own a gun.
This source would be very useful it goes perfectly with my topic and the main point I am
trying to prove. I think this source will go along very well with other sources I choose.
This information is very reliable and it is not biased. The goal of this source is to use
statistical data to prove certain forms of gun control would be in the best interest for the
country and banning guns and changing the second amendment would be useless do to
the large number of Americans who privately own firearms.
It not only gives good statistical support to back my argument but, hit has information on
how you could prevent issues with firearms and how they are not necessarily a bad thing.
I can use key points from this article and show data that proves many Americans who

carry reduced the amount of burglaries and muggings. Also I can show the difference in
the crime rates between those who have concealed weapons and those who do not.
Harwood, Richard. "Gun Control Will Reduce Lethal Crime." Gun Control. Ed. Helen Cothran.
San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2003. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "America's
Unchecked Epidemic." Washington Post National Weekly Edition (8 Dec.

Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 31 July 2016.

The main arguments are that handguns are the major source of gun violence in our
country and we should have stricter laws on them. To inform and persuade the reader.
The topics covered in this source are the death rates and violence and handguns. I would
say this article is about violence and death.
This is a useful source. It will go well will my other sources specially to show the other
side of the story. The information is very reliable. This source is objective. The goal of
this source is to show that handguns are bad.
This source was helpful to me. This will just provide extra information if I need to add
length to my paper. I can use this source to show why it would be a good idea to ban
handguns. This has had no effect on my outlook of my topic.

Holley, Peter, Wesley Lowery, and Mark Berman. "Three officers killed, three injured in Baton
Rouge shooting." Washington Post 17 July 2016. Opposing Viewpoints in
Context. Web.

24 July 2016.

The main argument of this article is the three officers that were shot by a gun man shortly
after a man in Dallas shot several police in the area during a big protest. The objective of
this article is to inform the readers about the murders of our police officers who were

wrongfully killed in the line of duty. The topics covered in the report were the shooting
and where is happened, then it went on to explain the reactions of government officials in
Baton Rouge, and finally it talked about the officers who were killed and how long they
served their community.
Yes, this source is very useful because it is one of the main reasons that threats of gun
control are being made because people are shooting cops. This will go great with my
other sources on this shooting and the article about the Dallas shooting. This information
is reliable because it is on a very notable database. This source is not biased at all it is
very objective it is just stating the facts of what happened on that day. The goal of this
article is to inform the reader about the horrible police shooting that happened in Baton
This source was very helpful to my research and it will provide a foundation for an
argument in my paper. This will help shape my argument by proving my point that people
are crazy and it is not the guns causing the violence because this man was so crazy he
killed cops just because he used a gun doesnt mean that other Americans should suffer
consequences for his actions there should have been a system in place to keep this man
from purchasing firearms as he was clearly not sane. This report has definitely changed
my outlook on this topic.
Miller, Judith. "Treasure the Second Amendment, but Ban Assault Rifles."
2012. Rpt. in Guns and Crime. Ed. Nol Merino. Farmington Hills, MI:

Press, 2015. At Issue. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 13 July

The main argument is that the American people should have the second amendment right
to bear arms but, should not have the right to own assault rifle or semi-automatic firearms
or high capacity magazines. The point is to demonstrate that without these weapons
available to people they will not have weapons strong enough to perform a mass
shooting. If someone asked me about this article I would tell them that the author is
arguing for the government to ban combat weapons to reduce mass shootings.
This source is useful. It provides many different solutions to gun violence. This will work
well with sources # 1 & 2. It will add a new way to solve this important topic. This
source is very reliable and objective. The goal of this source is to persuade.
This source is very helpful to me because I can use the information in here to show yet a
new reason why gun control should be stricter not banned. I can use this to show that
majority of the people would like to keep guns in America but finds an alternative
solution instead of just banning has given me a new outlook on how to reduce gun
Pollack, Harold. "What we can do about gun violence." The American Prospect 27.1 (2016):
104. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 31 July 2016.
The main arguments in this source are the different ways that can reduce gun violence.
The point of this article is to show that gun violence can be avoided by the methods in the
reading. The topics covered are the several different things the government can regulate
to reduce the chances of gun violence happening again. This article is about prevention of
gun violence.

This source is very useful. This will go great with my sources for reducing gun violence
and increased testing and regulations. This information is reliable. This source is
objective. The goal of this source is to persuade and also to inform.
This source was helpful to my research. This helps shape my argument by giving me the
tools I need to prove my side of the topic. I can use this source in my research paper to
show the types of effective ways we can limit gun violence and maybe even one day
prevent it from ever happening. This has had no effect on my personal view of the topic.
"Public opinion on Gun Rights vs Gun Control, 2000-2015." Gale Opposing Viewpoints in
Context. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 24 July
This is a source showing polls of people in the country on the control or gun rights
argument. The point of this source is to show what the American people want on the
major topic and how it has changed over the past few years. The topics covered are gun
control and gun rights and the percentage of Americans who want one or the other.
Yes, this source will be very useful. It will go well with all my other sources in the paper
because it shows how the people stand on this highly debated topic. This information is
very reliable. This source is not biased. The goal of this source is to show peoples opinion
on the topic.
This source was very helpful. It will be used more to give background information and
explain to the reader how people feel about the subject. I can use it as a statistical piece of
information. This source has had no change on my opinion of the topic.

Schaus, Michael. "There Is a Problem with Politics, Not Guns, in the United States." Gun
Violence. Ed. Nol Merino. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2015. Opposing
Viewpoints. Rpt. From "Guns Don't Cause Gang ViolenceDemocrats Do."

2014. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 18 July 2016.

The main argument of this article is that gun control is not what is causing violence its
the government politicians. The point the author is trying to get across is that the reason
there is so much violence is because of a corrupt government. The schools are terrible as
the say some cannot read and write in the 8th grade, everyone is very poor, and the author
even compared Chicago to being the next Detroit.
Yes, this source is useful because it gives solid evidence that bad governing practices
leads to violence. This source will go well with all of my other sources. The information
in this source is very reliable because I got it from a reputable online database. This
article is to show whats really causing the violence problem in Chicago and in America.
This source was very helpful to me because it can help me shape my argument that guns
are not necessarily the main issue and its really the government. I can use this source as
evidence because this is whats happening in Chicago already. This has changed how I
think about my topic because I now think that the government is the major problem.
"Second Amendment - U.S. Constitution - FindLaw." Findlaw. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 July 2016.
This source is just about the second amendment of the Constitution. The point of this
article is to tell me what the second amendment is and to explain it. If someone asked
what this article is about I would tell them it is about the second amendment and how it
protected the right for citizens to bear arms in our country.

This is a very useful source and it will help me greatly. This source goes with the entire
topic of my paper. Yes, the information is reliable. This source is objective. The goal of
this source is to inform the audience about the second amendment.
This source was very helpful to me. This source helps shape my argument because it is a
document our government is based on and it agrees that no one shall infringe on our right
to bear arms. I can you this by quoting the actual amendment and they going into great
detail about it and explaining why it is correct. No, it has had no effect on how I think
about my topic.
"Self-Defense Against Crimes." Gun Control. Ed. Tamara L. Roleff. San Diego: Greenhaven
Press, 1997. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 31
July 2016.
The main arguments of this source are the statistics of people using firearms in selfdefense against certain crimes. The point of this source is to show the good that guns can
do in deterring crimes. The topics covered are a few different types of crime and how
many people used firearms in self-defense when someone tried to perform the criminal
This source was extremely useful. It will go well with both of my other sources on selfdefense. This information is reliable. This source is objective. The goal of this source is to
provide statistical evidence about my topic.
This source was very helpful to me in this difficult research process. This helps shape my
argument that more and more crimes are being stopped with a firearms and that the guns
are actually used for more good than bad. I can use this source in my research paper to

show statistics of the number of lives firearms save. It makes me feel even safer with
guns being legal in our country.
Willis, Tiffany. "Better Gun Control Would Reduce Gang-Related Violence." Organized Crime.
Ed. David Haugen, Susan Musser, and Michael Chaney. Farmington Hills, MI:
Greenhaven Press, 2014. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "Who Arms

Gangs?: Responsible Gun Owners." 2013.

Opposing Viewpoints in

Context. Web. 18 July 2016.

The main arguments in this article are how many people try to solve gun violence all at
once but there are several different ways we need to be approaching it. The real problem
is how easy it is for criminals to get guns especially through gun shows. This article
shows how gangs are the cause for most gun related violence in the country and they all
get their guns legally.
This source will be very useful in my paper because it is yet another reason to show that
guns are not the problem. It goes very well with source #4 because they relate very much
in the fact that they both have evidence that guns are not the problem. This information in
the article is extremely reliable and the goal of this article is to make people see the
bigger picture and not be closeminded and this that guns are the problem in this country.
This source was very helpful for me. I can use it to help shape my argument by using
gang violence as a way to show that we need to put more controls on people and not
guns. I can certainly use this source in my research paper and it has definitely changed
my outlook.

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