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Volume 2, Issue 4 September 2009

If I then, your
Lord and Teacher,
have washed your

John 13:14-15
feet, you also ought
to wash one an-
other’s feet. For I
Lutheran Bible Translators have given you an
example, that you
also should do just
Si je parle les langues des hommes, et même celles des as I have done to
anges, mais que je n’ai pas l’amour, je suis un cuivre qui you.
résonne ou une cymbale qui retentit.” 1 Corinthiens 13:1
If you get our email updates, you already know, but for those of you who
don’t: We’re in France! We departed on August 5th for Chambéry which
is in Southern France between Lyon, France and Geneva, Switzerland. • Praise God for a smooth flight
Saying goodbye to our family and friends was hard, but we are so excited
and for His provision in many
to be here!
ways to get us here!
We are both taking classes at l’Institut Français des Alpes (IFALPES),
just a 5-10 minute walk from our apartment. One of us takes class in the • Praise for all of YOU! For
morning for four hours and the other takes it in the afternoon. Whoever your support during our com-
is not in class takes care of the kids. We do this five days a week. Cara missioning, encouraging emails
began classes on August 17th and Kory will begin August 31st (this is to and letters and your giving, all
ensure we’re at different levels and therefore taking class at different
of which keep us going!!
times– Cara studied French in high school so she began a little earlier to
get a refresher). • Praise for many here who have
What is class like? Well, I (Cara) have only been in class for a week so helped us out– from friends we
it’s a little hard to say, but so far I know that the teachers speak only in met while in class at Dallas to
French. In my level, they explain the same thing in a couple of different bank workers, cashiers, recep-
ways so that if we don’t know a vocab word here or there, we still can get
Pray For Us...
tionists, etc. who are patient
the idea. The emphasis is on oral comprehension and speaking, but we with our minimal French.
do a little writing, grammar, and reading as well. There are more stu-
dents in each class right now (about 15) because it’s summer, but usually • Pray for good health– yes,
it’ll be more like 10 per class. In my class right now, there are students this is Europe, but there are
from 9 different nations on 5 different continents!
new germs here!!
Outside of class, we are adjusting to living life as the French do. We
walk a lot more (2.5 miles a day, on average)- from grocery stores to • Pray for our adjustment to
school to the bank and so on. We eat a lot of baguettes and cheese :) We life in France– that we get into
see mountains instead of corn fields. We open windows and dress coolly a good schedule, be flexible,
because we do not have air conditioning. We dry our clothes on a line and get plenty of rest.
and heat up our food on the gas stove. We are surrounded (obviously) by
the French language so we constantly struggle to understand and to • Pray for our language
speak. The understanding part is a lot easier than the speaking part, at learning– that we would soak
this point. it all in, be bold in trying to
speak it, and that we would
What about that vehicle?
have a good sense of humor.
In general, LBT has a policy that all set-up costs must be raised by the Pray also for opportunities for
time missionaries leave for the field. In our case, an exception was made Sam and Lucy to be exposed
because we would be spending a year to a year and a half in France
to the language.
where we do not need a vehicle. However, those funds will need to be in
place by the time we get to Cameroon. If you want to contribute, please • Pray for the Nizaa, the lan-
make a check out to LBT and put “Fay Vehicle” in the memo line. We
guage group we may work
have about half of what we need ($20,600 to go)!
with in Cameroon.
Enjoy the following picture montage of our life since moving
to France:
From top to bottom, left to right: Kory and Sam on our flight from
Chicago to Frankfurt; Lucy hanging out in our new apartment; Cara
and a sleepy Lucy enjoying the new views; The back of our school,
IFALPES, with a view of the French Alps; A street scene in Chambéry.

You can see more pictures at our picasa site ( or read about our adventures on our
blog ( Also, we’re on Facebook and Skype (e-mail us if you would like to talk on Skype), so be sure
to keep in touch! Lastly, note our new mailing address. The mission of
Bien à vous, LBT is to help
bring people to
Kory, Cara, Sam, et Lucy faith in Jesus
Christ by making
the Word of God
Write to us at: Send financial support to: available to those
Kory et Cara FAY Lutheran Bible Translators who do not yet
11, Rue de la Libération P.O. Box 2050 have it in the lan-
73000 Barberaz Aurora, IL 60507-2050 guage of their
FRANCE (Make checks out to Lutheran hearts. For more Bible Translators and write Fay information on ministry or Fay Vehicle on the LBT go to
memo line)

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