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August 23 - December 16, 2010
Fall, 2010


Instructor: Diane Di Tucci

Semester hours: 3; Lecture Hours: 3; Lab Hours: 0
Class Location:
Phone: 618-222-5382
Toll Free in Illinois: 1-800-222-5131
Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays: 8:00 to 9:25 AM & 10:50 to Noon
Office: IS-2100

Assignments and Due Dates can be found in Assignments and the Calendar buttons on
WebCT. If you have any questions on finding these buttons and using them, please contact
your instructor as soon as possible. Assignments must be completed by the Due Dates


This course will teach students to create web pages using HTML, and DHTML. They will
create multimedia web pages with hypertext links, tables, frames, and forms. They will also
be exposed to cascading style sheets, JavaScript programming, and dynamic content and


CIS 125 or CIS 181 and CIS 160 or CIS 164 or file management and internet browser


1. Create and design a Basic Web Page

2. Create and design a Basic Web Site
3. Apply Properties for Web pages (color, background, text & font)
4. Create absolute and relative links
5. Publish Web pages
6. Choose images for the Web site
7. Create basic tables and forms
8. Create Cascading Style Sheets
9. Create a web site with sound, video and applets
10. Create a well formed valid XHTML document
11. Create basic JavaScript
12. Create an animated web page
13. Create rollover, menus, filters and transitions
14. Create a drag and drop shopping cart


HTML and XHTML, Comprehensive, 5th Edition, by Patrick Carey; Publisher: Course
Technology, 2009
ISBN 978-1-4239-2546-0

1 GB USB Drive or larger. Also called Flash Drive or Thumb Drive.


The final grade in this will be based on the following requirements:

• Written exams Test 1 will be worth 50 Points. Test 2 will be worth 60 Points. The
Comprehensive Final exam will be worth 60 Points. [Total = 170 Points possible]
• Homework Requirements Students must complete the weekly Tutorial assignments
in order to gain a good understanding of XHTML. The weekly assignment will be
given at the completion of each Tutorial. Tutorial Assignments #1-4 & 5-9 will be
worth 20 points each. Students must also complete the Intro, the Server and Project
Proposal Activities which are worth 20 points each. The Course Evaluation is worth
10 Points. [Total = 230 Points possible]
• Project Students will complete a project to demonstrate an understanding of
XHTML elements. The project is worth 100 points and is due on the final day of
class. [Total = 100 Points possible]
• Assignments must be submitted by the posted Due Date. With special permission a
student may get a 2 day extension; however, the total possible points will be reduced
by half.
• Attendance. Students are expected to be complete all assignments by the Due Date.
Students are expected to log into this course each week. Failure to do this can lead to
the student being dropped. If a student misses 3 assignments, that student may be
dropped for lack of participation.

EXAMS 170 Points

Note: Total number of Points will change if assignments are modified.
A = 93% to 100% = A
B = 84% to 92% = B
C = 75% to 83% = C
D = 65% to 74% = D
E = below 65% = F

Assignments may be modified to meet the needs of the students. This means that the total
number of points for this class may be changed. If unusual circumstances arise, students
must contact the instructor for a possible 2 day extension. Points possible for this 2 day will
be reduced by 50%.

Assignments and Due Dates can be found in Assignments and the Calendar buttons on
WebCT. If you have any questions on finding these buttons and using them, please contact
your instructor as soon as possible.


Failure to log into this course each week is considered excessive absence. I suggest you login
to WebCT several times per week. You are responsible to check availability and deadlines
of all assignments, test, exams, and projects.

College Policy: If you are absent, you must show your instructor that your absence has
been for a good cause. If you are absent more times during the semester than the number
of times the class meets per week, you may be dropped from the course at the discretion of
the instructor. When a student is dropped by an instructor with an effective date before the
midterm date of the class a W will be recorded. When a student is dropped for non-
attendance by an instructor with an effective date after the midterm date, the instructor
will have the prerogative to assign a grade of F or W or WF.


Special Services. Students with disabilities who believe that they may need
accommodations are encouraged to contact the Special Services Center at 618-222-5368 to
ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.

Student Learning Outcomes. The assessment of student learning is an integral part of the
educational experience at Southwestern Illinois College. To this end, the faculty continually
assess student learning to improve student success. Occasionally you will be requested to
participate in college-wide and discipline specific assessment activities. Please take these
assessments seriously. The data that is collected will provide valuable information to
faculty and will be used to improve student learning at SWIC.
Academic Dishonesty-College Policy. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to
cheating, plagiarism and forgery, failure or refusal to follow clinical practice standards,
and soliciting, aiding, abetting, concealing, or attempting such acts. Plagiarism is defined as
the act of representing the work of another as one’s own. Plagiarism may consist of
copying, paraphrasing, or otherwise using written or oral work of another without proper
acknowledgment of the source or presenting oral or written material prepared by another
as one’s own.


Attendance Policy
College Policy. If you are absent more times during the semester than the number of times
the class meets per week, you may be dropped from the course at the discretion of the

College Policy. An official withdrawal form must be completed and signed by students
wishing to be removed from a class. The student should initiate the withdrawal process at
the Admissions and Records Office. Students should not assume they are withdrawn from
a class in good standing if they do not attend the class. Contact the Admissions & Records
office for the last day to officially drop a class. If a student is withdrawn after midterm,
they may be assigned a W or a WF.

Tardiness/Late for Class

Tardiness may be dealt with as a nuisance activity as addressed in the Student Conduct
Code; individual instructors may establish additional penalties for tardiness.

Written Reports/Homework Assignments/Late Work/Failure to Follow Instructions

In order to receive full credit, assignments must be turned in on time; individual
instructors may establish additional penalties for late assignments.

Failure To Take Test

Students should not expect to make up a test that is missed; individual instructors will
determine the penalty for missed tests. If a student misses a final exam, a 0 may be assigned
for the final exam.

Phones/Pagers in Classroom
No phones/pagers are allowed in class; all phones/pagers should be turned off prior to
entering the classroom. Failure to follow this policy will be considered a student disruption
under the Student Conduct Code.

Unauthorized Computer Use in Classroom

Unauthorized computer use, including accessing the Internet and checking email during
class, can be considered a disruption under the Student Conduct Code.
Cheating/Academic Dishonesty
College Policy: Academic misconduct including, but not limited to, cheating, plagiarism,
and forgery; failure or refusal to follow clinical practice standards; and soliciting, aiding,
abetting, concealing, or attempting such acts; may result in one of the following being
imposed by the Vice President for Student Development:Â Disciplinary Reprimand,
Probation, Social Probation, Suspension, and Expulsion.

Cheating: Working on a class assignment with others, including student tutors, when the
instructor has not said that such collaboration activity is permitted. (While it is permissible
to have general discussions about course work, unless your instructor tells you otherwise,
any work you hand in must be a result of your individual effort and not the result of
collaboration or plagiarism.)

Plagiarism: Failing to enclose quotations in quotation marks, failing to cite a source, or

incorporating another’s work into your own.

Special Services
Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in the class are
encouraged to contact the Special Services Center at 222-5368 as soon as possible to ensure
that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.

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