Charles I and Power Over England: Petition of Right

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Charles I and Power over England

Charles I King of England many discussions with Parliament and very rarely did
Parliament agree with Charles. Parliament and Charles had many fall outs and
proved not better than his Father James the first.
Charles had many demands for taxes and Parliament refused his request, Charles
made many Promises to Parliament and eventually Parliament issued his a small
amount of money, but Parliament Issued a set of rules if Charles demanded money
like this again. The rules were know as the Petition Of Right (1628) the rules went
like this

Petition Of Right
No raising or lowering taxes without Parliament's Permission.
Nobody to imprisoned without a fair trail.
No royal troops to be billeted ( forcing People to give board and
lodging to Soldiers).
No Martial Law (The king could not use his army to run the country)

Charles I and Parliament

As I said Charles In 1628 Charles was presented with the Petition of Right
a declaration of the rights and liberties of the subject", which he
reluctantly agreed to. However, in 1629 he dissolved Parliament again,
imprisoned its leaders and ruled without a Parliament from 1629 to 1640
after the petition of Right was issued Charles still demanded a tax increase
and Parliament refused any other demands. Charles was known for keeping
promises and issued many threats towards many MP's. One of his first acts
was to dissolve parliament in 1625, and again in 1626. Parliament also
became extremely angry towards Charles due to his love with the Catholic
Religion at that time many MP's were part of the Church of England and
many others Puritans. Also Parliament became very dissatisfied when
Charles Married Henrietta Maria who was French and came from a catholic
background. Charles also had a problem with ship taxing many people
disliked him for this and many parts of the Navy turned to Parliament so
they took control over the sea. So in the end Charles became so dissatisfied
with Parliament he decided to rule without calling Parliament to his
attention Charles ruled for 11 years without Parliament and was helped by
his two advisors Thomas Wentworth took control of Ireland while Charles
was away. Then you had William Laud Archbishop to convert the Scots to
the Church of England which the Scots were not happy with and rebelled
against William and pushed back him eventually the Scots took Durham and
Northumberland and the Scots demanded bribes from Charles if he wanted it
back Charles at the time did not have money and had Parliament to deal
with. Parliamentarians And the Scottish put there forces together to push
back the royalists Parliament one the battle a took Northumberland and
Durham. This battle was known as the Battle of Marston Moor (1644). A year
later on the 14th of June 1645 Parliament had a new improved Army and
destroyed the main battle grounds Charles commanded. After nearly three
years of conflict, this was the decisive battle of the Civil War. Only about
4000 Royalists escaped the field, most of whom were either cavalry or senior
officers . The main royalist Army which Charles the first controlled was
literally destroyed by parliamentarians. In 1649 Charles was trailed and was
convicted and Executed for treason towards Parliament. Charles II dissolved
a ruled until he died and Parliament is reinstated when he died. Before
Charles the I James I Created Parliament it wouldnt of been Tudor because

before James was Elizabeth I who ruled without Parliament.

The Petition Of Right (1628)

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