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1) Tell me about your work environment and your roles and responsibilities?
2) What are your daily activities????
3) What are the different stages of your environment in your organization??
Mainly we have 5 stages of environment.
i)Development Mode
ii) Testing Mode
iii) Stage Mode
iv) Pre Production Mode
V) Production Mode
The above are depending on organization the modes will be there..
4) Different types of log files?
Generally we have 3 types of log files in Web Sphere
1 JVM Logs(SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log). WAS writing formatted messages to the Streams
SystemOut.log . If the application code uses print() that messages are also written in to the SystemOut
log and SystemErr.log
SystemOut.log is used to monitor the health of the Application server.
SystemErr.log contains the Exception stack trace information, that is useful when u r performing the
problem determination.
Location:-<profile-home>logs/server1/SystemOut.log and SystermErr.log
2).Process Logs(Native Logs) The stderr and stdOut stream are written by native modules are
redirected to the native logs native_stdOut.log and native_stdErr.log.
Location:<profile-home>logs/server1/ native_stdOut.log and native_stdErr.log.
3) Service Logs
The service log is a special log to written the history Web Sphere application server activities .
The log is nothing but activity.log , which contains the information in the form of binary format.
5) What is SIB?
SIB(Service Integration Bus) is a service, which establish a message-oriented communication between
2 end porint. When u create a bus and add it to the server it will give the default message engine to
store the message type requests..

6) What is Single Sign On?

Web applications that use J2EE FormLogin style login pages, such as the administrative console, require single signon (SSO) enablement. Only disable SSO for certain advanced configurations where LTPA SSO-type cookies are not
When u login once with the user name and password in to the web application , it doesnt ask the user credentials for
processing if u interact with other modules in that application.

7) What is SSL? How to enable SSL?

SSL(Secure Socket Layer) which establish a secured oriented communication between 2 end points it
may be 1) browser to web server 2) web server to application server 3) application server to LDAP
After configuring the SSL certificates to the web server or application server or LDAP Server . When
ever u enable the Global Security the SSL is automatically enable
8) Configuring SSL using ikeyman???
When u execute the IKEYMAN it will open a tool to generate the certificates in the form of jks keys. So
u have to generate 2 types of key 1)key.jks 2)trustkey.jks file. And copy these 2 into ETC folder of WAShome
2) click the any of available server and in that webcontainer-tranportation chanins and configuring both
SSL certificate to them..
9) Different types of Authentication Mechanisms?
There are 2 types of Authentication Mechanisms in WAS
1 LTPA- Light Weight Third Party Authentication Protocal
2)SWAM- Simple Websphere Authentication Mechanism
10) What is the default SOAP connector port of Deployment Manager??
11) What are the different user roles?
Mainly there are 4 types of user roles
1) Adminirator- He can administer anything in the console
2) Configurator:- He can configure and delete the servers and nodes and resources
3) Operator:-He can start and stop the servers and applications
4) Monitor: He can monitor the activities of servers and applications
12) Checking JVM status in your environment using any tool or manually??
Generally we using the GCTool(Garbage Collector) to monitor the JVM Status
13) What is the tool you are using to monitor your performance?? How to monitor performance using
Tivoli Performance Viewer??

If you want to monitor a module through Tivoli Performance Viewer , you have to add that module to
Tivoli performance viewer.. It will shows the performance modules in the form of Graphs
14) What are the different JDBC providers???
The JDBC Drivers are different Vary from Data Bases. Generally we have 2 types of Provides for
Oracle 1) Oracle JDBC Provider
2) Oracle JDBC XA Provider
15) What are the different JMS providers???
Default Message Engine Provider and Web Sphere MQ message Engine provider
16) What are the JDK versions supported by different versions of WAS???
JDK 1.2 and 1.3 and 1.4
17) How many ways to federate a node??? What is the command used to federate??
We can federate a node in 2 ways
1) Through admin console of DMGR- if u want add a node through admin console of DMGR you
must know the host name of that node and the SOAP connector address of the application server of
that node.
2) Through command prompt of Node:- If u want add a node at command prompt of Node , u must
know the host name of DMGR and the SOAP address of DMGR
And issue the command addNode localhost 8879
18) What is the script file to take backup and what are the contents in the backup configuration??
19) What are the types of clusters and their differences?? When you are go for Horizontal cluster and
Vertical Cluster???
There are mainly 2 types of clusters in Web Sphere
1) Vertical cluster:- The cluster members are in a single machine node or different nodes in a single
machine. It will be useful when the process if failed.
2) Horizontal Cluster:- The cluster members are in different nodes on difference machines.It will
be useful when the system is failed
Compared to the both vertical and Horizontal clustering Vertical clustering will provide the better
20) What are the Web Servers you have been using and how many Web Servers configured in your
IBM HTTP Server and Sun one or IPlanet, we can any webserver

21) What the differences are between WAS 5.x and WAS 6.x????
1) There are 2 installation software for DMGR and Application Server in V5 , Where as in V6 there is
only one installation software for DMGR and Application server.
2) The plug-in installation is a part of Application Server installation in V5 , Where as in V6 there is a
separate installation from Application server installation.
3) The WLM(Work Load Managament) process is reside in DMGR in V5 , Where as in V6 WLM
process is reside in DMGR and Application Server and WebServer.
4) If u want perform update application in cluster environment , you have stop all the nodes and
servers in that cluster environment in V5 , Where as in V6 there is a concept called ROLLOUT
UPDATE which updates the application on cluster, it will stop and update the each node at time
and synchronize the configuration. Through which the application is available if updations are
5) In V5 there is no concept called Profiles, in that they will call server instance. But in V6 there is
profile which share a product binaries to give one or more servers.
22) What is a Deployment Descriptor??
Deployement Descriptor will contains the web application information and resources..
23) With out opening a box how can you know the status of a Web Server???
Issue the command
Telnet webserver1 9080
If it is started in that IP address, then it will give the message like successfully connected
If it is not started in that IP address , then it will give the message like connection failed..
24) How can find out port nos???? And in which file they are available???
Issue the following command
It will gives the port numbers which are listeningand available.
25) How can we list daily used top 5 commands in Linux??? Tell me 5 commands which are using
Issue the following command
History -5
It will gives the mostly recent used commands
26) What is a Verbose Garbage Collection??? Have you configured it???
If any Java Object is not refered by any of its members. We can configure through the admin console
Click on server->server infrastructure->Process Definition->Java Virtual Machine Enable the
Verbose Garabage Collection check box
27) What is the script to configure a resource???

28) What is a IBM Utility Collector????

COLLECTOR , is a tool which collect the information about your environment and Os and the version
of softwares and version of JDK and configuration into a single .jar file. When you send this jar file
to IBM support team they will send an patch for ur environment.
29) How to set a CLASSPATH in WAS???
There is no need to set the class path for WAS
30) How can you find out a particular port in Linux???
Netstat | grep 9080
31) What is Replication Domains????
replication domains that are used for replication by the HTTP session manager, dynamic cache service,
and stateful session bean failover components


1) What are your daily activities?
2) What are the Issues you are faced???
3) How can you apply fix packs????
Before installing the fix pack , we want the know the current fix pack version for that u need to issue
the VersionInfo command.
When you have fix pack in that there Is a command called UPDATEINSTALLER, when u click on
that one it will the Web Sphere path and The fix pack path. When u have given, it will be successfully
If you want to know whether the fix pack installed successfully or not , issues the VersionInfo
command it will give the current fix pack version to that applications server.
4) In which scenarios you are going to use version command???
When u r going to install the fix packs only we need to issue the versionInfo command
5) What are the versions of WebSphere Application Server you are used???
In my organization we using 5.1 and 6.1.1 ND..
6) Differences between Jdk 1.5 and Jdk 1.6????
Check the Java docs..

Blore Local Company

1) How many servers

2) How many team members

3) Performance monitoring tool
We can it is Performance Tool or IntraScopeValley
4) Ticket monitoring tool
We can say it is Mentis and we can say what ever u want
5) Severity levels
There are mainly 3 types of severity levels
1.-> Level 1- we have to check and give feed back to that issue with in 2 hours..
2-> Level2- we have to check and give feedback to the client with in 1 day or 2 days
3-> Level3- we have to check and give feed back with in 48 hrs to 4 days.
These levels based on the SLA(Service Level Agreement ) between client and organizations.These are
vary from one org to another organization.
6) WebSphere version
We can say it is V6.1.0.0 or any version which u know
7) Process of migration process
Adding the features of older version of Webspere features to the new Version of Websphere
8) What is the role of admin in the migration process
Adding the existing old version of Websphere node into the new version of websphere environment
9) Thread dumps purpose
The use of Thread dump will generate one text file ,which contains the information about each thread
which is running, By using this text file we can identify if any thread is hung or using any resources
processing from long time etc. If we found any thread is hung , we can delete that manually by using
kill command
Ex; kill 11( here 11 is the process id)
10) Garbage collector purpose
If any Java Object is not refered by any of its members. We can configure through the admin console
Click on server->server infrastructure->Process Definition->Java Virtual Machine Enable the
Verbose Garabage Collection check box
11) Plug-in purpose
Plug-in will establish a communication between web server and the application server. The plug-in
will route requests among the available of application server by using routing algorithm. Default it is
using Round-Robin routing algorithm. The information of routing and the servers and the application
details will stored in the plugin-cfg.xml file.
12) Roles and responsibilities of plug-in

Plug-in will establish a communication between web server and the application server. The plug-in
will route requests among the available of application server by using routing algorithm. Default it is
using Round-Robin routing algorithm. The information of routing and the servers and the application
details will stored in the plugin-cfg.xml file.
13) Types of clusters
There are mainly 2 types of clusters in Web Sphere
3) Vertical cluster:- The cluster members are in a single machine node or different nodes in a single
machine. It will be useful when the process if failed.
4) Horizontal Cluster:- The cluster members are in different nodes on difference machines.It will
be useful when the system is failed
Compared to the both vertical and Horizontal clustering Vertical clustering will provide the better
14) Role of Deployment Manager
Deployment will administers the application servers which are added into its cell.
15) If Deployment Manager not available what is the effect
Even if Deployment Manager(Dmgr) is not available also, there is no effect to the application servers,
that will work fine.
But If any configuration changes that occurs at dmgr level, then there is a problem occurs application
16) What is your WebServer
Mainly web servers are handles


1) What is the flow of your web page(Web Application flow)
Main theme with network deployment is distributed applications. While the "flow" of an application
remains the same, there are significant additions to runtime of an application. Note the "Load balancer"
this allows for multiple HTTP servers, users point there browsers to the load balancer and their request
will be work load managed to an HTTP Server. Once the request hits one of these HTTP Servers, the
HTTP Server plug-in will load balance the request between the application servers that it is configured to
serve. Once the request enters the application server, the flow is identical to how it was in Express and
Base. The Java clients requests to EJBs can also be work load managed so that the requests do not all hit
one application server.
2) What is difference between WebServer and Application Server?
1. Web servers will provide the runtime environment for web application nothing but will execute
only SERVLET AND JSPS. Where are Application Server will support Web Applications and
EnterPrise applications.

2. Web servers will process the requests coming from HTTP protocol only. But Application server
will process requests coming HTTP, FTP and UDP protocal requests.
3. Web server are mainly used to serve the static content. But Application servers are used to serve
the dynamic content
4. When you are using the web server we can only fetch the data from Data Base and We cant update
the data into Data Base. But in application server we can fetch the data from Data Base as well as
we can update the data into Data Base.
5. Web servers does not support the transaction, cache support , But application server server does.
6. Web server does not providing the services like JDBC,JMS. But Application server will provide
the services in J2EE.
3) What are the contents in EAR file??
The EAR file is a combination of web application (servlets,jsp,html,css) and EJB class files.
4) How Application Server Recognizes EAR file???
When we deploy an application into the Application server , the configuration will store in that server.
It will recognize when the request coming for that application.
5) What is the purpose of Virtual Host?
Virtual host is a configuration unit which makes single machine resemble multiple host machine. Each
virtual host have one logical name and one or more DNS(Domain Nme System).
6) What are the types of Virtual Hosts??
Default we have 2 types of Virtual host.
1. Admin host- Used to access the admin console
2. Default host-Used to access the application which is reside in the application server.
7) If I change Virtual Host Name how it will be recognized??
It will recognized through the IP address of that virtual host DNS name
8) What is a Resource Adapter??
It can provide application access to resources such as DB2, CICS, SAP and PeopleSoft. It can provide
the communication between application in Web sphere and the resource which out side of web sphere.
It uses EIS(Enterprise Information Systems) tool it interact with the DB2,CICS etc. It implements the
J2C(Java 2 connector API)
9) What is ACA?
10) What is the difference between Java Beans and Enterprise Java Beans?
11) What is the purpose of Web Services and different types of Web Services??
12) What is JNDI? And what is the purpose of the JNDI?
JNDI is the Java Naming Directory Interface, which mainly used to look of an Object from the pool.

13) How can we connect with Database???

Generally we can connect to the data base by using JDBC Service.
14) Types of JDBC Drivers and their differences
For oracle we have 1. ORACLE JDBC THIN DRIVER


Thin driver, a 100% Java driver for client-side use without an Oracle installation; can be used
with applets and applications. Its a types 4 driver.
OCI driver for client-side use with an Oracle client installation; can be used with applications .Its
a type 2 Driver.

15) To start services while boot up where can we place in UNIX?

16) What is ITIL?
ITIL stands for Information Technology Infrastructure Library. ITIL is a one type of service agreement
between client and our organization.


17) What are the resource providers??
For oracle we have 1. ORACLE JDBC THIN DRIVER


Thin driver, a 100% Java driver for client-side use without an Oracle installation; can be used
with applets and applications. Its a types 4 driver.
OCI driver for client-side use with an Oracle client installation; can be used with applications .Its
a type 2 Driver.

18) How to configure JDBC?

Resources->new->select type of Data Base and select the type of JDBC Provider
19) What is your environment?
20) What are the versions you are using???
5.x and 6.x
21) What is the difference between WAS 5.1 and 6.0?
6) There are 2 installation software for DMGR and Application Server in V5 , Where as in V6 there is
only one installation software for DMGR and Application server.
7) The plug-in installation is a part of Application Server installation in V5 , Where as in V6 there is a
separate installation from Application server installation.
8) The WLM(Work Load Managament) process is reside in DMGR in V5 , Where as in V6 WLM
process is reside in DMGR and Application Server and WebServer.
9) If u want perform update application in cluster environment , you have stop all the nodes and
servers in that cluster environment in V5 , Where as in V6 there is a concept called ROLLOUT
UPDATE which updates the application on cluster, it will stop and update the each node at time
and synchronize the configuration. Through which the application is available if updations are
10) In V5 there is no concept called Profiles, in that they will call server instance. But in V6 there is
profile which share a product binaries to give one or more servers.
22) What is the clustering purpose and why we need it???
Cluster is a group of servers. We are clusters for improve the performance and the response time of
the request. In Web sphere we have 2 types of clusters 1.vertical cluster . the cluster is located in the
same machine and it will handle process fail over
2) Horizontal clusters- The cluster members are in different machine, it will handle over the system
fail over.
23) What is the reliable feature in clustering??
Reliable in clustering means it a horizontal cluster. Adding more numbers of server of machine into the
24) What are the types of profiles and their differences?? What is the difference between Application
Server profile and Custom profile?
There are 4 types of profiles
1. DMGR profile
2. Cell profile
3. AppServer profile
4. custom profile

The difference between appserver profile and custom profile is when u have created the app server
profile we may wish to add to dmgr profile .but when u have created the custom profile we must and
should add to dmgr profile.
25) What is the Installation procedure of application in WAS???
We can install in 2 ways
1.GUI mode.. we have to navigate set of windows.
2 Silent installation- we have to generate one response.txt file. We need to execute
Install options respose.txt silent.
26) Procedure of database connectivity
Resources->new->select type of Data Base and select the type of JDBC Provider
27) SSL procedure
1.Security->SSL-> create new JSSE repository based the key.jks and trustkey.jks file
2. Application server->server->web container transportchains->WCInboundAdminSecure->SSL
Inbound channel->configure our ssl ceritificate
3. Application server->server->web container transportchains->WCInboundDefaultSecure->SSL
Inbound channel->configure our ssl ceritificate
28) How to find out a particular file where it is exists (file path) in LINUX???
Find command is used to find a file
29) How to find out a particular folder where it is exists in LINUX?
Netstat will displays the port are currently using
30) How to tune oracle parameters
31) What could be the first cause of Application Server failure???
The first cause of application server is it may be the JVM failure or The JIT(Just In Time compiler)
32) If we are not able to access Admin Console in Linux, how can you configure?
Through the command prompt
33) What are 403 and 404 errors in WAS?

403 Forbidden

The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the
request SHOULD NOT be repeated. If the request method was not HEAD and the server wishes to
make public why the request has not been fulfilled, it SHOULD describe the reason for the refusal in
the entity. If the server does not wish to make this information available to the client, the status code
404 (Not Found) can be used instead

404 Not Found

The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the
condition is temporary or permanent. The 410 (Gone) status code SHOULD be used if the server knows,
through some internally configurable mechanism, that an old resource is permanently unavailable and has
no forwarding address. This status code is commonly used when the server does not wish to reveal exactly
why the request has been refused, or when no other response is applicable.
34) What is the purpose of Node Agent?
Node Agent is a process which establish communication between Dmgr and Application server. If any
configuration changes occurs at the DMGR level, the Node Agent Process will update that
configuration changes to the application server level by using synchronization. The Node Agent will
check both DMGR and Application server configuration for every 1 min..
35) How to increase pool size?
In the connection pool settings
36) What are the connection pool properties?
37) What is batch policy/ patch policy??
38) If you are assigned a new environment, how can we find out particular file where they are exists?
39) If you are assigned a new environment, if you get some problem how can you find??
40) What is the sequence of steps happened when client requests????
Main theme with network deployment is distributed applications. While the "flow" of an application
remains the same, there are significant additions to runtime of an application. Note the "Load
balancer" this allows for multiple HTTP servers, users point there browsers to the load balancer and
their request will be work load managed to an HTTP Server. Once the request hits one of these HTTP
Servers, the HTTP Server plug-in will load balance the request between the application servers that it
is configured to serve. Once the request enters the application server, the flow is identical to how it
was in Express and Base. The Java clients requests to EJBs can also be work load managed so that the
requests do not all hit one application server


1) What are the enhancements in version 6.x?

Nothing but differences between V5 and V6
2) What is the WebServer you are using and purpose of the WebServer?
Web severs will providing the runtime environment to the Web applications. Instead of giving burden
to the application server the web server will process the web application requests like servlets and Jsp
request it will give the static web pages as response
3) If I entered a URL in the browser what will be the process flow of the request???
We can troubleshoot the above problem like this
1. First we need check whether the host of application server is started or not..
2. Then we need to check whether that application is started or not. We can see the SystemOut.log
file in the application server log file also..If not start that application.
3. Then first give the request from the application server port(9080).If it is working fine. Then the
problem with webservers..
4. Then we need to check whether the web server is started or not.. for that give http://localhost/ in
from browser, if it gives welcome page of the web server, then there Is no problem with the web
server , then the problem is plug-in Check the configuration for plug-in, check it once..
4) What is the purpose of the Plug-in file and what it contains?
Plugin-cfg.xml will contains the information like servers name, application uri,virtual hosts, plugincfg.xml file path and plug-in logs.. location..
5) What is the deployment procedure of application after receiving a EAR file from the development
team? Where we will place the EAR file?
When we have installed an application that will be stored in the Installed Apps folder on <WASHOME>
6) What is WLM (Work Load Management)?
Distrubuting the load among the available of servers is called the WLM. We can achieve through the
7) What is a profile? What are the different types profiles?
Profile will provide the runtime environment to the application server. It uses Product files and the
user files to provide the run time environment to the application server.
There are 4 types of profiles
1DMGR profile
2Cell profile
3AppServer profile

4.custom profile
8) What are the different types of JDBC drivers? Difference between Type II and Type IV driver?
For oracle we have 1. ORACLE JDBC THIN DRIVER


Thin driver, a 100% Java driver for client-side use without an Oracle installation; can be used
with applets and applications. Its a types 4 driver.
OCI driver for client-side use with an Oracle client installation; can be used with applications .Its
a type 2 Driver.

9) How Application Server can recognize whether a particular file is WAR file or EAR file?
The applications are which we have deployed that will be stored the Installed Apps folder of that
application server. Through which it identifies and serve the requests
10) What is EJB container?
EJB container will provide the runtime environment for the EJB. It will process and it will give the
respose to EJBs requests.
11) What is WEB container?
Web containe will provide the runtime environment for web application nothing but will execute only
What is the difference between JACL and JYTHON scripts?
12) How can you check the disk usage in LINUX?
We need to issue the following command to know the disk usage
DU(Disk usage)
13) How can you check a particular port (Ex: SOAP connector port) status in LINUX?
There is a command called
Netstat |grep 8881
It will shows that 8881 port is listening or not
14) How can you check a process status in LINUX?
I think the command is
PS(it will list the all process which are currently running)


1) What are your daily activities?
2) How can you do trouble shooting??
Generally we have the
3) What are the versions you are supporting?
4) What are the differences between V5.x and 6.x?
5) What is the purpose of wsadmin scripting tool? How can you install the application through
6) How can you enable Global Security? What are the parameters to enable Global Security?
7) What are the steps we need to take care while configuring Data Source for Database Connectivity?
8) How the request will be processed when client entered URL in the browser?
9) What are the types of profiles in version 6.x?
10) What is custom profile?
11) What is managed node and unmanaged node?
12) What is the JDK Version v6.1 supports?
13) Which version of WebServer you are using???
14) What is the purpose of WebServer?
15) What are the types of clusters?
16) How many nodes in your environment?
17) What is session persistence and how can you manage session persistence?
18) How your write the crontab command in LINUX (sequence)?
19) What is the significance of Virtual Host?


1) Tell me about yourself briefly?
2) What are the roles and responsibilities?
3) What are the WAS versions you have been worked?
4) What are the enhanced features in version 6.x over 5.x?
5) Have you worked on production support?
6) How can you handle the tickets in your organizations?
7) What is the ticket monitoring tool you have been using?
8) What are the issues you have been faced and how you have solved them?
9) What is a WLM? Have you configured it any time?
10) How can you find memory leak? How can we overcome this?
11) If an object is in active a long time how can you overcome this problem?
12) Have you involved in performance tuning? How can we tune?
13) If there is an application it is not have been responding properly in clustered environment how can
you find out that particular problem?
14) How can you federate a node?
15) What is a Garbage collector?
16) Have you configured SSL? Do you have idea how it will works?
17) What is a profile? What are the different types of profiles?

18) What is DMGR profile?

19) How can you take backup in WAS?
20) If you use backupCongig.bat while taking the backup it will stops the running process instances
right? Without stopping the server how can we take backup? Do you have any idea?
21) How can you analyze verbose garbage collector data?
22) What is the command to see the CPU utilization in Linux?
23) How many members are there in your team?
24) What is session management how can you enable session management in WAS?
25) How can you improve the no of requests to a particular server process? After restarting the server
where could be the changes reflected?
26) What is the mechanism you have used for WLM?

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