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PBI Global: Two Lessons in 3 Moments

By Marie Himes & Andrea Gambino

Lesson 1 Compelling Question: What is PBI Global?

Become familiar with the PBI Global process
Build competency using WeChat and Quip
Develop understanding of how to support students during the PBI Global process
Preparing Learners
(5 minutes) Novel Ideas Only What does learning look like in each photo? (Separate lists for
photos A, B, & C)
Interacting with Text/Concept
Credible Sources
PBI Global Intro Film
Spires, H., Himes, M., & Lyjak, E. (2016, July/August). Connecting classrooms to the
future: Developing cross-cultural understandings through project-based inquiry. Literacy
Today, 26-27.
(10 minutes) Reading with a Focus In small groups use the Credible Sources to answer your
groups Reading Focus Question:
a) What is PBI Global?
b) Why use inquiry-based learning in the classroom?
c) How does PBI Global further cross-cultural understandings among learners?
(10 minutes) Collaborative Poster (w/rubric) Each member of the group uses a different
marker to write and sign his or her name to the completed poster; components = (1) the
groups Reading Focus Question, (2) Ten-Word Summary responding to the groups question
(3) 1 illustration + 2 symbols related to the groups question response, (4) 2 words describing
learning or learners in the PBI Global process
Extending Understanding
(5 minutes) PBI Global Response Video What are the benefits of using PBI Global with your
students? In partners, create and post a short video in response to this question.

(10 minutes) Tech Tool Setup (1) Download and log in to WeChat; create WeChat groups for
PBI Global planning teams and (2) Log in to Quip; share PBI Global folder on Quip.

Novel Ideas Only

Photo A

Novel Ideas Only

Photo B

Novel Ideas Only

Photo C

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