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Contact: Brooke Tait

Tel. 555-555-5555


September 12, 2015

Utah High School Students Swim Against 12-Time Olympian Dara Torres to Fight Meningitis
Nearly all deadly meningitis cases can be prevented through vaccinations
SALT LAKE CITYDara Torres, 12-time Olympic medalist, will tour Utah state swimming
against selected high schools to educated families about the deadly disease meningitis. In just 24
hours meningitis can kill unvaccinated teens. Because of this short amount of time, Torres will
swim 24 races against 24 races in 24 difference high schools.
According to the Utah Department of Health, about two thirds of Utah moms are unaware about
meningitis vaccines and 80 percent of all cases are bacterial, which are life threatening within 24
hours. Meningitis is prone to teens. Every child is recommended to receive a meningitis vaccine
at age 11 or 12, followed by a second vaccine-booster at age 16.
Torres will race Nov. 18- Dec. 22. She will speak with a nurse from the National Association of
School Nurses and Local Utah mother Frankie Milley a 20+ year advocate for meningitis
vaccines after losing her son to the disease. They will speak about the importance of getting
teens immunized and keeping them healthy.
As a mom, I want to help change these statistics. As part of Voices of Meningitis, I want to help
prevent children and teens from this deadly disease, said Torres after swimming in a series of
swim events in Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago and New York.
There are so many things we cannot prevent, Milley Said. We can prevent this. We need to
spread the word about meningitis vaccines to keep out kids healthy.
For more information go to:
Follow the hashtag on social media: #24hourdisease
To sign up students go to:
The mission of the Utah Department of Health is to protect the public's health. It promotes
healthy lifestyles and prevents illness, injury, disability and premature death. Additionally, the
department goal is to help the public access adorable and quality health care.

The Voices of Meningitis is a group of school nurses that educates and supports parents and
survivors of meningitis. It tells stories of parents who lost their children to meningitis as well as
inform families about the importance of staying up-to-date with vaccinations and talking to their
healthcare providers.

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