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Jennifer Stooke-Crosson Sun at 10:35 PM

Hi John!
Okay, just finished looking at your blog! I love the page about you and
your background teaching in Hong Kong! I taught in Mainland China in
a "village" of a million or so people called Xiamen! The spellings are
different according to which map you look at! LOL! But only did it for a
summer. I like the page on your reflections....
Here's my thoughts and "2 cents"....use or disregard what works or
doesn't for you! Also, just to warn you I am a bit of an over achieving
OCD type person so get very detailed. Take no offence as I only offer
to help not criticize.
1) Intro page- you wrote Queen...change to Queen's ---simple typo I
2) Might I suggest (as you stated you are using the blog as an ongoing
portfolio for your Master's) that you create separate pages:
Master's 800 -Self-Regulation inquiry (or whatever the specific name
is for the course) and put there the stuff that you wrote about what you
hope to achieve through the course.
-under that page you can add sub-pages:
. Goal setting: upload your feed from course that you posted (this will
show your original goal) and as you move through the course you
might find that it becomes more refined so may include also revisions
under this sub-page or choose to have another sub-page called
revisions to goal. You could add to this page or fist page goal setting,
what specific ways you are going to go about achieving this goal. Ie)
what specific strategies are you going to focus on as there are many!
What monitoring skills you are going to personally employ to achieve
the goal, how you are going to monitor your strategies etc.
.perhaps separate your pages to be very specific for the benefit of
prof. to know where to go to see exactly what she's looking for. For
example add a sub page under Master's 800 called reflections

So it might look something like this:

Page 1: Intro
Page 2: about me/background
Page 3: Master's 800- self reg: state purpose of course here or why
you're interested in it.
.sub page 1 under 800: Assignments and reflections:(upload them)
and upload any feedback from others you have received.
.sub page 2 under 800: Goal for final project
.sub page 3 under 800: Revisions and monitoring....this is where I
might specifically break down goal into objectives as I think you want
to narrow your specific strategies you are going to study,
what you are going to use as "your personal" monitoring strategy(s),
what you are going to create i.e.) rubrics on assessments of use of
strategies, student self assessment forms, teaching of strategy lesson
etc. You may wish to include feed back from peers from course that
helped you refine your goal.
.sub page 4 under 800: professional literature....this was one of the
assignments so upload them and add to them as you work through
your goal. Add you tube vid's or on-line articles....this shows the
diversity in your resources.
.sub page 5 under 800: Strategies and worksheets: this is where
you can upload the strategy worksheets you have developed i.e.)
through using a helping site like rubistar4teachers (this is a rubric site
that you can create assessment pages for students) or any other sites
you come across that you can find that you can make worksheets on
the lessons on the different strategies you are going to teach the
students (creep my blog for sites).
.sub page 6 under 800: Final Project
Like I said please don't feel that you need to use any of suggestions. I
just think it might make it more

clear for the prof and your readers like me to have clearly defined
pages. That's just how my brain works! Cheers! Dam just looked at
time.....I'm late for date with friend!v LOL!
bye for now!
Jen C.

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