QPLC Meeting Minutes of 14 July 2016 FINAL

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14 July 2016 - Monthly Meeting Minutes


This meeting was held at the Queens Pride House on Thursday July 14, 2016 and was started at 7 PM. The attached
sign in sheet to record club members and guest attendance was circulated at the meeting. The July edition of the
Pride Mark newsletter (see attached) was distributed at this meeting. Present at the July 2016 Queens Pride Lions
Club Board and Regular monthly meeting were Guests, Charter, and Regular club members:

20K1 PDG Lion Barbara Moody Central Brooklyn Lions Club Member
QPLC President Lion Ralph Gonzalez
QPLC 1st Vice President Lion Jacob Berelowitz Past Club President
QPLC Treasurer IPP Lion Michael Crossfox QPLC Immediate Past President
QPLC Secretary Lion Nathan J Perry
QPLC Membership Chair Lion LD Clepper
QPLC Member Lion Oliver Hummel
QPLC Member Lion Virgil Medina
QPLC Member Lion Sonia Roman QPLC Calendar Keeper
QPLC Member Lion Neal Stone

The July QPLC Board and Regular monthly meeting agenda was circulated and the meeting was called to order by
President Lion Ralph at 7:23 PM. All present stood to honor the United States and to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
QPLC President Lion Ralph, who is also the QPLC immediate past Secretary, presented the July QPLC Pride Mark
newsletter to substitute for the Secretarys report to membership for July. He also let all the members know that
the Pride Mark newsletter would be published each month, not only serve to inform the public about our service
projects and to mark our club history, but to also serve as a tool in membership recruitment.
QPLC President Lion Ralph then introduced PDG Lion Barbara and thanked her for helping him get Lions Quest
moving in 20K1, MD20, and for her wonderful District Training. He then invited PDG Lion Barbara to speak. PDG
Lion Barbara gave an important and informative speech regarding membership retention and the recruitment of
new members. She said let your meetings be enjoyable. She also offered her personal congratulations to QPLC
President Lion Ralph for his new MD20 appointment as statewide Lions Quest Chair and gave her thanks to the Lions
Club for opportunities to serve. Also, she impressed the importance of club leadership, proper club administration,
and of having decided in advanced (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Vice President) club leadership succession and also described the
advantages her guidance offers.
PDG Lion Barbara also shared her insights for each of the club officers and club directors positions and duties. Then,
she individually performed the induction ceremonies, swearing in the incoming team of officers, as listed above (but
not in that order.) Later, QPLC President Lion Ralph later presented PDG Lion Barbara with gifts in appreciation for
her service and for her being a Lions paragon.
At 8:12 PM QPLC President Lion Ralph called for the Treasurers August financial report to the membership. QPLC
Treasurer IPP Lion Michael submitted the attached report and informed the membership that he can access online
banking only after securing credentials. QPLC President Ralph asked that QPLC Treasurer Lion Michael work together
with QPLC Secretary Lion Nathan so that online banking credentials can be secured by the next monthly meeting in
order to prepare and present an accurate August financial report to the membership. QPLC Treasurer IPP Lion
Michael completed his report to the membership.
QPLC President Ralph next called for the Membership Chairs monthly report to the membership and asked how the
membership can help in the mission of recruitment. As immediate past club Treasurer, QPLC Membership Chair Lion
LD Clepper reported the successful transference of the QPLC financial records to the 2016 -2017 QPLC Treasurer IPP

Submitted by: QPLC Secretary Lion Nathan J Perry
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14 July 2016 - Monthly Meeting Minutes

Lion Michael. QPLC Membership Chair LD Clepper stated that he was excited to start his new role as Membership
Chair. He asked that discussions be held to determine how the membership can help in recruitment. QPLC President
Lion Ralph and QPLC Membership Chair Lion LD Clepper agreed to have a telephone conversation for further
discussion to be reported on at the August 2016 monthly meeting.
The topic of discussion turned to military veterans. QPLC Membership Chair Lion LD Clepper suggested that the
QPLC start membership recruiting efforts with local veterans groups in our community. He reported that he had
spoken to certain members of a gay veterans group that he is affiliated with outside of the QPLC and they expressed
interest in knowing more about our club, Lions, and membership. He said we need something to follow through to
get them to act. He also expressed his concern for the outdated, uncoordinated, and incomplete information
disseminated through queenspridelionsclub.org and the QPLC Face Book page and urged fast action in coordination
and updating. PDG Lion Barbara and QPLC President Ralph reminded the membership that LCI has a veterans
program which may include waiving of one time fees and reduced membership dues. QPLC Membership Chair Lion
LD Clepper completed his report to the membership.
QPLC President Lion Ralph called for a report from the Clothing Drive Service Project Committee. QPLC Charter
Member Lion Oliver reported that there was confusion in organization and that no efforts have been made. He
further reported that Lion Stanley M Reed has resigned as Chair of the Committee and that also, he himself is
resigning from the committee. The membership decided that they want to see this service project continue. QPLC
President Lion Ralph called for a volunteer to fill the Committee Chair vacancy. Discussion was held and the
membership decided to discuss this mater at the August monthly meeting. QPLC Charter Member Lion Oliver
completed the Clothing Drive Service Project Committee report to the membership.
QPLC President Lion Ralph called for QPLC Secretarys Report. QPLC Secretary Lion Nathan reported that he would
be publishing the Pride Mark newsletter each month. He asked for the membership to participate in creating content
for the newsletter. QPLC Secretary Nathan proposed the formation of a Media Committee that will be responsible
for the coordinated, unified, and timely dissemination of information to the members of the QPLC by publishing the
Pride Mark monthly, by creating, publishing, and maintaining a relevant up to date website at
queenspridelionsclub.org, by creating and publishing a club calendar, and by creating events and postings for
publication to the QPLC Face Book Page and Twitter feeds.
QPLC Secretary Lion Nathan reminded the membership that a new Lionistic year has begun and it is once again time
to pay dues. Discussion revealed that some members who paid in January for the whole year were not properly
credited in the QPLC Membership Role. It was decided that QPLC President Lion Ralph, QPLC Secretary Lion Nathan,
and QPLC Treasurer IPP Lion Michael will work together in order to correct the club records regarding which
members are current with 2016 2017 membership dues in order to have an accurate August financial report to the
membership. PDG Lion Barbara reminded the membership of the pro-rated dues structure for new members. QPLC
Secretary Lion Nathan reported that QPLC Member Lion Steve Barry was in hospital for treatment related to
leukemia. The membership expressed a desire to visit QPLC Member Lion Steve. (Sadly, QPLC Member Lion Steve
Barry passed away in late July.)
QPLC Secretary Lion Nathan reminded the membership that QPLC Member Lion Steve was working on, completed,
and submitted a design to the membership for our club pin. QPLC President Lion Ralph explained that a minimum
order of $200 is required to produce the pin. He further explained that our club pin is actually a fundraising effort.
QPLC President Lion Ralph informed the membership that each member can buy 5 pins for $10. Each member can
then sell the pin at whatever price they can fetch to anyone they can. The QPLC member then returns the collected

Submitted by: QPLC Secretary Lion Nathan J Perry
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14 July 2016 - Monthly Meeting Minutes

monies to the club. Discussion was held and it was decided to add the words New York to the bottom of the
submitted pin design.
QPLC Secretary Lion Nathan collected $48.00 from the membership and guests present via pass the hat. QPLC
Treasurer IPP Lion Michael verified the amount collected, accepted, and took custody of the funds from QPLC
Secretary Lion Nathan for deposit into the clubs checking account at New York Community Bank as part of the QPLC
Administrative Fund. QPLC Secretary Lion Nathan completed his report to the membership.
QPLC President Lion Ralph Gonzalez called for the report from the QPLC Calendar Keeper. QPLC Member Lion Sonia
reported that she is excited to start her role. She explained her vision for and the importance of an accurate up to
date calendar for the membership. She asked that mark the date requests for the club calendar be sent to her.
She stated that she also will monitor the MD20 and 20K1 calendar of events. QPLC Member Lion Sonia suggested
that we could be crocheting or something while we have our meeting to make up membership packets or bags to
give to those in need or something like that. QPLC Treasurer IPP Lion Michael announced that he has been working
on a central repository (20k1lions.org) for all district calendar events. He will report further at the August monthly
meeting. QPLC Member Lion Sonia completed her report to the membership.
QPLC Secretary Lion Nathan revisited the creation of the Media Committee as described above. Discussion was held.
It was decided that QPLC Secretary Lion Nathan and QPLC Member Lion Sonia will co-chair the newly created Media
Committee. Other members of the Media Committee include QPLC Treasurer IPP Lion Michael, QPLC Membership
Chair Lion LD Clepper, and ex officio member QPLC President Lion Ralph.
QPLC President Lion Ralph asked the membership to participate in any committee. There should be a committee
for each service project we undertake. He asked QPLC Charter Member Lion Neal to get involved with Lions Quest.
QPLC Charter Member Lion Neal was also asked to chair and accepted to head up the Clothing Drive Service Project
Committee. QPLC President Lion Ralph asked that the membership get a jump start planning in the Charter Night
Celebration Committee. Information was transmitted and discussion was held regarding committees and the need
to participate.
PDG Lion Barbara was very informative in offering her insights on various subjects throughout the entire meeting.
PDG Lion Barbara accepted token gifts of appreciation from the Queens Pride Lions Club and she extended an
invitation to attend one of her club meetings in Brooklyn. A motion to adjourn was made, seconded and passed.
QPLC President Lion Ralph adjourned the meeting at 8:53 PM.

Submitted by: QPLC Secretary Lion Nathan J Perry
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