Parent Volunteer Note

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2 August 2016

Australia Zoo Excursion

Dear Parents

On Wednesday 17 August, Year One students and their teachers will be travelling to Australia Zoo to see
and learn about the animals and their habitats. In English and Science this term we have been learning
about animals and the habitats in which they live. This excursion allows for students to learn from hands on
and real life experiences and also lets them see the tailored animal enclosures/habitats that are specific to
their needs. This will allow students to develop a deeper base of knowledge to help complete associated
classroom tasks.
When: Wednesday 17 August, 2016
Depart School: 9:00am
Arrive Back: 2:40pm
Where: Australia Zoo, Beerwah
Cost: N/A
What: Students will take their school bags (or a smaller backpack) containing a full packed fruit break,
lunch and afternoon tea; just like a normal day. No food will be purchased from the zoo. Please do not
send money with your child.
Students must be wearing their school sports uniform, school hat and sunscreen.
We would love to have parent helpers. Please fill out the slip below and return if you would like to be come
along. We only need 7 parent helpers per class and unfortunately because of safety of students, younger
siblings cannot attend alongside parents. This is a school policy, thank you for your understanding. Each
teacher will draw 7 names out randomly for a fair result and parents will be notified if they are selected. All
parents who would like to be considered must have completed a volunteer pack at the front office.
If your name is not drawn, please do not offer to pay for yourselves and attend as an extra parent. We are
working with a specific child/adult ratio and appreciate your understanding.
Please fill out the attached permission form and asthma management plan and return to your
With thanks
Shai McLady, Alana Moffat, Sharni Green and Chantelle Burl
(Year One Classroom Teachers)

I ___________________________ would like to volunteer as a parent group leader for the Australia Zoo
excursion. I understand that siblings cannot attend and I will have responsibility for a small group of Year
One students in my care.

Childs Name _________________________________

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