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Preface ix
One Hundred Years of Latin American Music Scholarship:
An Overview 1
Helena Simonett (with Michael Marcuzzi)

Part One. Academic Lineages,

Disciplinary Canons, and Historiographies
Introduction 69
Javier F. Len

1. Music Research in South America 75

Ral R. Romero

2. Between Folklore and Ethnomusicology: Sixty Years of Folk

and Vernacular Music Studies in Colombia 94

Carlos Miana Blasco

3. Popular Musicology in Latin America: Synthesis of Its

Accomplishments, Problems, and Challenges 120

Juan Pablo Gonzlez

4. The Construction of History: The Charango

in the Collective Memory of Mestizo Ayacucho 146

Julio Mendvil

5. Decline or Progress? Eighteenth-Century Music

and Nineteenth-Century Nationalism 161

Alejandro Vera

6. The Bambuco, Hybrid Knowledges, and the Academy:

A Historical Analysis of the Persistence of Coloniality
in Latin American Musical Studies 194

Carolina Santamara-Delgado

Part Two. Popular Music, Style, and the Social

Construction of Genre
Introduction 215
Javier F. Len

7. Notes for a Prehistory of Mambo 221

Rubn Lpez-Cano

8. I Got Phrasing: Changes in Sambas

Melodic Rhythm, 19171933 250

Carlos Sandroni

9. Singing Difference: Violeta Parra and Chilean Song 258

Rodrigo Torres Alvarado

10. The Nuevo Cancionero Movement: A Change of Paradigm

in Argentine Folklore 279

Claudio F. Daz

Timba, Rumba, and Appropriation from the Inside 303
Iigo Snchez Fuarros

12. Gender and Brazilian Popular Music: A Study of Female Bands 318

Rodrigo Cantos Savelli Gomes and Maria Ignz Cruz Mello

Part Three. Alternate Genealogies, Marginal

Ontologies, and Applied Ethnomusicology
Introduction 331
Javier F. Len

13. Myth, Music, and Dance: The Chicomexochitl 343

Gonzalo Camacho Daz

14. Indigenous Music and Identity: Musical Spaces

of Urban Mapuche Communities 356

Jorge Martnez Ulloa

15. Brazilian Ethnomusicology as Participatory Ethnomusicology:

Anxieties Regarding Brazilian Musics 379

Angela Lhning

16. Applied Ethnomusicology: A Critical History

of Indigenous Music Studies in Mexico 393

Marina Alonso Bolaos

17. Metamorphosis of Afro-Brazilian Performance Traditions: From

Cultural Heritage to the Entertainment Industry 406

Jos Jorge de Carvalho

Contributors 431
Index 441

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