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I am analyzing Christopher Columbus and his extracts from his journal.

Columbus first landed in

Guanahami, an island in the Bahamas. He then traveled to different islands like Ferro and island
in the Canaries. He described the inhabitants as all young and of fine shapes, very handsome;
their hair not curled but straight and coarse like horse-hair, and all with foreheads and heads
much broader than any people I had hitherto seen; their eyes were large and very beautiful; they
were not black, but the color of the inhabitants of the Canaries. With this in depth description of
the natives, Columbus seemed to admire them for their looks as well as their craftsmanship. He
admired the way they used their resources to create canoes that were able to contain as much as
forty men.
His plans for all the inhabitants he came in contact with were to convert them as
Christians in order to follow the demands of the Queen and King. For later, they can be used as
servants and somewhat as slaves. He also planned to use them as a source of navigation to direct
him to where all the gold, silver and valuables were located.
Columbus and his mens voyage to the New World lasted about two months of sailing the
seas from September to October. I believe the reasoning behind why Columbus and his men
agreed to such a long dreadful journey was because they wanted fame and fortune. I say this
because he had asked all the natives he encountered about any whereabouts of gold or silver. He
was also promised by the king and queen a ten percent distribution of whatever valuables he
sought out. Encouraging him to say yes to this voyage.
Ever since Columbus first saw the other he had an idea of ruling over them. For
example on the 14th of October he wrote I could conquer the whole of them with fifty men,
and govern them as I pleased. This shows that he thought of himself as a superior human, above
the rest of them because of the way they were dressed and the difference of language. Although
he admired their characteristics and way of living he thought of them as the other. That they
werent intelligent enough to compare to him because of how differently both lived and the fact
that they wore much less clothing than him had a great impact on his thoughts and reasoning.

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