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1. giddy [gdi] adj.

feeling silly, happy, and excited, or showing this feeling;

giddy with
Ex) She was giddy with a curious piece of news.
2. turquoise [t:kwz] [UN, CN]. a valueable greenish-blue stone or a jewel
that is made from this
3. no (such) luck [spoken]. used to say you are disappointed because sth good
that you hoped would happen did not happen
Ex) Have you Sunday off? No such luck.
4. scribble [skrbl] [vt]. To write sth quickly and untidily; scribble down
5. exasperated [gz:spretd] [adj]. very annoyed and upset;
exasperated with
6. offending [fend] [adj. only before N]. the thing that is causing a problem;
the offending
Ex) She scribbled an exasperated note to her head saleswoman, Everything in
this display case, price, Hoping just to rid of the offending pieces, even if at
a loss.
7. scrawl [skr:l] [vt]. to wirte in a careless and untidy way, so that your words
are no easy to read; SYN) scribble
Ex) She was shocked, though, to discover that, because the employee had
read the 1/2 in her scrawled message as a 2, the entire allotment had
sold out at twice the original price.
8. relatively [reltvli] [adv]. sth that is relavtively small, easy etc is fairly small,
easy etc compared to other things
9. ethnlolgy [enli] [UN]. The scientific study and comparison of different
races of people; anthropology, sociology
Ex) It belongs to the relatively new science of ethnology.

10. huddle [hdl] [vt,vi]. If a group of people huddle together, they stay very
close to each other, especially because they are cold
or frightened; huddle together/up

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