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JUNE 29, 2016

Define Humanities
Humanities is a discipline that refers to the collective ideologies, practices, experiences, and
perceptions of a community of people expressed in many forms to unfold their views and
sentiments about their existence for instance, which are affected by factors in the environment
that they are living, the society that they grow up in, the happenings in their lives that molded
them to be who they are today. Said in other terms, it is mans way of appreciating the beauty
that lies within them and as those that are created in the world they live.

Scope of Humanities
Broad in its sense, Humanities covers a very wide area of discipline. From simple lines, shapes,
styles, notes, words, and ideas to sophisticated abstract art works, sculptures, architecture and
paintings, different forms of literary works, theories, laws, propositions of renowned scholars
and academicians, and religious beliefs of various philosophers. This body of knowledge has
gone far as humans advance themselves to cope with the unending changes the world has. Arts,
Literature, Music, Dance, Theatre. Humanities has been and will always be life.

Differentiate Humanities from the sciences

Humanities and sciences, though are both detrimental to ones development, are not the same
vis-a-vis. Humanities reflect what is personal to a person. His own feelings, perceptions, as well
as insights are of concern of humanities.
The experiences internal to one that he expresses in any way he thinks possible, which means
without regard of his output, is the very heart of humanities. It is qualitative in nature, which
denotes that it does not have a structured system. Its exactness cannot be quantified.
On the other hand, science is a systematic body of knowledge that involves a process organized
to facilitate its consistency and precision. Most processes involved in science can be measured
and its laws and theories are clearly established to have ordered instructions.



JUNE 29, 2016

What is Art?
Art is everything that exist to reveal an expression of ideas, and feelings and creation from a
discovery. As a big part of our lives that we sometimes tend to overlook, art has shaped our
minds to be creative, to be free, to let go of the things that might harm us if we push ourselves
too much.
Art is an expression of love, of hate, of misery, and anything that someone has to convey to
others. Theatrical performances, fashion and interior designs, embroidery and crochet,
sculptures, architectures, patterns, dance and music, and ornaments. These are forms art is being
communicated and revealed.
Art has something to do with us, our imagination, and our cognitive processes to establish all of
the things in our minds. This is not always beautiful, but it doesnt matter as far as the artist can
convey what he wants to say.

Difference between art & nature

Art and nature are closely related but there is always a difference between the two. Art is manmade and nature is an existing real creation. Though artists may base their works from nature, art
is never nature.

Discuss Beauty.
Beauty is someones perception of the goodness of the thing that radiates to him. Beauty
however is never the same for two persons. The beauty of an art masterpiece has always different
judgments as to its elegance and significance to the theme. Beauty is a delightful feeling of
perfection one can see in a particular object or work. Someones insight for beauty is also based
to his/her frame of reference. As time passes by, where improvements are almost near to
excellence, standards for beauty are also raised. In the end, what matters is the expression and
appreciation of beauty whether it is coming from different perspectives.

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