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Formation of Learning - Lesson Plan

Cody Elmer

Social Studies

Google Earth Pen Pals

Grade 2

Standards and Learning Application

Social Studies:
2.2 Students demonstrate map skills by
describing the absolute and relative locations
of people, places, and environments.
Reading informational text
2.9. Compare and contrast
2.10. Read and comprehend technical text
2.2. Write informative text
2.6. Produce and publish digital work
4. Communication skills
5. Communication strategies
12. Applying language skills
1. Creativity and innovation
2. Communication and collaboration
3. Research and information fluency
6. Technology operations and concepts

Student friendly targets:

Look at maps of both locations
Whats the same and whats different?
Use keywords on map
North, south, east, west
Launch Google earth
Navigate through Google earth
Write email
Ask questions

PBL/Service Learning idea. How will students apply the knowledge and skills in a meaningful way? What is
the product or service to be created? Which creativity system will be taught and used decision making, problem
solving, invention, investigation, experimentation, or systems analysis?

Students will be able to:
Use Google earth
Compare and contrast landscapes
Employ a wide range of strategies to communicate

What informative and summative assessments will be used to show mastery of the targets?
rough draft email to teacher
Present findings about email response
format an email
and research
add recipient and subject
compare and contrast locations
spelling and grammar
share interesting facts
Fist of 5 for locating Google earth
use technical terminology
Share 1 similarity and one difference with class
Brainstorm questions to ask pen pal

Learning Dispositions
How can you set up the climate of the class to
support the learning targets?

What personal and intellectual habits of mind are

needed to meet the learning targets?

Create groups including a variety of learning types

Music playing from the different region
Dress up in cultural dress
Computers user friendly

Seek Accuracy
Imagine and Innovate

Acquisition of Knowledge
Declarative Knowledge
Students will learn that .

Procedural Knowledge
Students will learn how to

Organize information
Facilitate class discussion and students take notes
on what is unique about where they live
Construct meaning
Their town has identifying mountains, rivers, lakes,
landmarks, and other characteristics around

Shape knowledge
Use a safe and protected email to communicate
Internalize information
Communicate with students who live in different part
of the world

Reasoning skills & Materials

What reasoning skills need to be taught to help
extend and refine the new knowledge?

What materials, equipment, and technologies are

needed and can enhance the learning targets?

Map skills

Internet access
E-pals (
Google earth
Venn diagram

Error analysis

Into (Disposition & Informative Assessment)

Instant Activity: Watch introduction video from the classroom in another country.
Spiral: Last class we discussed what is unique about where we live how can we find out
what is unique about where another person lives? What questions should we ask?
Anticipatory Set:
Show the students the location of their town using Google Earth
Ask the students to identify mountains, rivers, lakes, and other characteristics

Through (Knowledge

& Reasoning skills)

Demonstration / Model

As a whole class, open Google Earth on one computer.

Teach the students the different tools and how to navigate in Google Earth (e.g., zoom, tilt, turn)
Show students their school building in Google Earth
Give handout with longitude and latitude of our school and partner school
Give handout of Venn diagram for comparing similarities and differences of their town and partner schools

Practice / Activity

Students go to their computers and launch Google Earth

Students navigate through Google earth to locate their houses

Students use longitude and latitude to locate partner school

Students take notes about similarities and differences of the landscape of their town and partner
schools town

Beyond (Application & Closure)

Students fill out their Venn diagram from the notes they have taken
Students will write an e-mail to their e-Pal about the similarities and differences
between their locations.
Students will ask their e-Pal questions about life in their town and whether they have
visited landmarks students identified using Google Earth.
Communication between e-Pal will continue throughout school year to discuss culture
and traditions.

Assessment (summative)


Does the e-mail have a recipient and a subject?

Is proper grammar and spelling used to write the e-mail?

Does the student ask relevant questions based on the comparison conducted using Google Earth?

Venn diagram:

Did the students use Google Earth to compare the landmarks in both locations?

Are the similarities and differences clearly identified?

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