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Barbara Harley-Bishop

W6A1 INTA212RP P01

Professor Grefe
03 August 2016

Reflection and Compilation

Justifying the Solution

I developed my concept for this project by finding a series of activities aimed at
bringing about a set of clearly specified objectives within a defined time period
and with a defined budget. My design goals for this project were to work with the
client to facilitate design and decorate the space that reflects not only the clients
taste and style, but also their principles, lifestyle, and achievements. Another goal
of mine was to take the interior and re-imagine it into both an artistic vision and a
fully-functional space. My passion for the interior design of this home is to
develop timeless yet livable work of art. Working on my schematic plans led to
revising many of my design decisions. After working on the plans I realized I
needed to have plenty of natural light shining through in areas like the living room
and home office. Also, the clients child was autistic so I wanted to make the
home safe, comfortable and calming for all who lives in the home.

For example while choosing colors for furniture, walls, flooring and etc. I wanted
to make sure I used cool colors to bring a peaceful essence into the home. The
home needed to have plenty of space for the child to have freedom so he could
be himself. The home was also built to be a sanctuary for the client to come home
to and relax.
The home was designed to be effective and serve the primary purpose of the
space. The rooms were also designed to be useful, comfortable and efficient.
Beauty enriches the senses, lifts the spirit and gives pleasure to the eye. It is
personal. It is subjective. It expresses the clients taste. I was driven to find out
ways to make the clients home more inviting and pleasing to eye.

I have learned so many things in this class that will be so useful in the future. The
schematic floor plans were great practice because they are designs that are
created to generate ideas related to the space planning of a design. They
improved my understandings of the space I was working with and where to put
rooms so that they accommodated the client. Another useful lesson I learned in
this course was residential codes. Residential codes are the best route to a safe
and happy home. Residential codes address many of a societys most important
concerns, including public health and safety, and environmental protection.
Because they are developed by a democratic and deliberative process that applies
improvements incrementally, the Residential codes also address cost efficiency
and investment value.

Sketching is very important when creating a design. By means of drawing rough

lines and shapes, I began to use that spark of creativity within me to come up with
interesting concepts that can be the initial foundation of the next great design
work. My pen and notebook in hand was a great communication tool. Through
rough sketches or just showing up my sketchbook, I can easily describe what i do
and my creative process for an instant client work.
Even though I only mentioned a few, I believe all the tools and exercises in this
course have prepared me well for an entry level position at a interior design firm.

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