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MAY 2012

"We learn by example and by direct experience
because there are real limits to the adequacy of
verbal instruction."
Malcolm ladwell
Loco troubleshooting and quick remedial action is one of the prime
objectives of loco pilots.
I on behalf of Mr P.K.JAIN CEE/BBS and Mr.KASINATH DRM/WAT take pride in
producing and presenting this ELECTRIC LOCO TROUBLE SHOOTING TRAINER.
Designed and fabricated in-house with most of released equipment from
condemned loco as a process of recycle.
is primarily to give practical training to loco pilots in troubleshooting loco defects
experienced on line. Another objective of the system is to educate loco pilots about
the new technology equated in electric loco.
The loco troubleshooting trainer is used to train loco pilots in
troubleshooting techniques and thereafter take remedial actions.
This User Documentation is an overview of the features and operation techniques.
Considering all modifications and new technology equated in electric loco we have
designed this loco trouble shooting trainer. One of the salient feature of this ELECTRIC
LOCO TROUBLE SHOOTING TRAINER it is equipped with both conventional type
(relay based) and Microprocessor(MPCS) equipment, and works in either mode .Faults
can be generated in both the modes, thus loco pilots can get practical training and
troubleshooting technics for both conventional and microprocessor equipped locos
Recently introduced Vigilance Control Device in electric loco has also been provided
in this trainer for training loco pilots about its features, operating system and isolating
Recent upgradation in pneumatic circuit in electric loco is Triplet pneumatic panel.
ELECTRIC LOCO TROUBLE SHOOTING TRAINER was also been provided with triplet
pneumatic panel for training loco pilots its operating system location of isolating coc etc..,
ELECTRIC LOCO TROUBLESHOOTING TRAINER has an Instructor Panel from where any
fault in the loco sub-system can be generated. It simulates the faulty symptoms and the
trainee should identify the corrective action by following a systematic process, thus
experience gained will be helpful in future for taking corrective action while working on

Hopping this ELECTRIC LOCO TROUBLE SHOOTING TRAINER is more worthwhile in

teaching better driving and troubleshooting technics for loco pilots and Asst loco pilots.

With regards,

Changes made to loco equipment:

MP: Conventional loco MP was taken and spare cams are modified and used in MPCS
1. MP traction side close interlock.
2. MP Braking side close interlock.
3. MPJ forward side close interlock.
4. MPJ reverse side close interlock.
5. Two interlocks MP + & MP -position close.
6. MPS 2 interlocks for MPS-1 position close and MPS-2 position close.

BL Board: Apart from interlocks used in conventional loco for BL, BLDJ, BLRDJ, BLCPD,
BLCP, BLVMT additional interlocks are provided in each switch and used in MPCS circuit.
RSB: Apart from interlocks used in conventional loco for switches HPH, HVSL1, HVSL2,
HMCS1, HMCS2, HVRH additional interlocks are provided as per requirement in MPCS
DRUM CONTACTS: CTF1, CTF2, CTF3, REVERSER1 and REVERSER2 additional interlocks
are provided and used in MPCS circuit.
PUSH BUTTON SWITCHES: All push button switches BPT, BPP, BPR, BP1DJ and BP2DJ
additional interlocks are provided and used in MPCS circuit.
SAFETY RELAYS: For all safety relays QOP1, QOP2, QOA, QRSI1, QRSI2, QLM internal coil
was changed and DU relay coil provided and one N/C interlock used in conventional loco
circuit and one N/C interlock for each relay is used in MPCS circuit.
Q30 RELAY: Original AC coil is replaced with DU relay coil and used in conventional loco
QCVAR RELAY: DC coil is used and relay supplied with 110V DC supply through CR relay
N/O interlock which energises after 3 after DJ is closed.
EMC: For all EMC contacts C101, C102, C103, C105, C106, C107, C108 and C118 one
additional auxiliary interlock provided and used in MPCS circuit.
EPC CONTACTS: For all EPC contacts LC1, LC2,LC3, LC4,LC5 and LC6 two additional N/O
interlocks provided and used one in MPCS circuit and one for Ammeter and Voltmeter
deviation. One additional N/O interlock provided for C145 and used in MPCS circuit.
SMGR: Apart from conventional loco interlocks spare cams are modified for GR0, GR 132, ASMGR between notch, ASMGR on notch interlocks
provided and used for MPCS circuit.
MOTORS: Instead of 30HP MVRH, 35HP MVMT motors
motors were been used for power saving. MPH was not
kept in service since TFP tank not provided.MVSL1,


MVSL2, MVSI1 and MVSI2 are controlled by EMC contacts provided in panel outside of loco.
ALL auxiliary motors were given 415V 3phase AC supply. ARNO was not kept in service.


TFP: Transformer tank and core were removed and all other parts of transformer are
provided including CGR, GR SMGR, TFP bushes, RGR,
RPGR, RPS, conservator etc.

CAB METERS: A4, U5 and U6 meters are modified and internal resistance was removed.
Line voltmeter internal coil was replaced with TM voltmeter coil and 110V DC supply was
given and made it to represent 25KV OHE


New equipments provided:

Original loco circuit was been modified to create different trippings and also to make
the system work as a loco since no OHE (25KV) provided and also to minimise the power
consumption, to make the system work both in conventional loco circuit and MPCS circuit.

Changeover switch provided to change the working of loco from MPCS to

Conventional type. One reverser was taken its
drum and fixed contacts are removed and 96
auxiliary interlocks are provided for changeover
of input signals from MPCS circuit to
conventional loco circuit and vice versa.

DIODE PANNEL: All the output signals of MPCS and

conventional loco are fed to diodes in diode panel provided
behind MPCS UNIT and a common output is taken to
equipments, thus output from both circuits are separately fed
to equipments and are made to work in either mode.

INSTRUCTOR PANEL: Instructor panel is provided with toggle switches, NR, MPCS display
unit and LED panel. Instructor can create faults in loco
circuit like OPERATION A tripping, OPERATION B tripping,
2 tripping CCPT melting, CCA melting, CCDJ melting, CCLC
melting, QOA dropping, QOP1 dropping, QOP2 dropping,
QLM dropping, QRSI1 dropping, QRSI2 dropping, TLTE etc.

DIMMERSTAT: One dimmer stat of 230v , 2AMPS rating is provided

and mechanically coupled to SMGR to achieve regulated voltage as
per SMGR notches and this regulated voltage is used for simulation
of TM Voltmeter and Ammeter deviation. This regulated voltage is
further stepped down using step-down transformer to get millivolts
power for TM voltmeter and Ammeter.
Another tapping from dimmer stat is given to a cab fan motor which
drives the PG sensor of SPEEDOMETER thus speedometer made to

CIRCUIT BREAKERS: Circuit breakers are provided for all motors for safety, in case any
overcurrent flows in motors to minimise further
damage to motors and circuit. For motors MVSL1,
MVSL2, MVSI1, MVSI2 circuit breakers are provided in
EMC panel provided outside the loco. For motors
MVMT1, MVMT2, MVRH circuit breakers are provided in
TK Panel.


EMC panel: One EMC panel with 12 EMC contacts

provided outside the loco. 415v AC supply taken from
main supply is controlled in this panel. Top row 2
contacts for MVSL1 and MVSL2. Second row 2 contacts
for MVSI1 and MVSI2. Third row 2 contacts made
parallel and to control all the supply which comes into
the loco. Fourth row 2 contacts one for CP1 and one for
CP2 which are provided outside the loco model room.

QDJ-RELAY: Since VCB auxiliary interlocks are limited QDJ relay is provided for extra
interlocks to use in different circuits. QDJ-Relay energises when VCB closes and its
interlocks are used in contacts circuit, CR Relay circuit, Line voltmeter circuit and signal
conditioning unit 3 circuits.
CR-RELAY: It is time lags relay its interlocks closes after 4 after closing DJ. Its interlocks
used in Q30 relay coil and QCVAR relay coil circuit. After closing CR-Relay Q30 and QCVAR
relay energises and C118 de-energises.
Q6-RELAY: This relay energises after 6th notch of SMGR. Its interlocks are used in QOP1,
QOP2 relay circuits and EVPHGR circuit.
QMPH-RELAY: This relay is used in place of QPH as no tank and core is provided for TFP
and MPH is not made to work. This relay energises immediately after DJ closing and only
when HPH is on position 1 or 3. Its interlock is used is DJ control circuit.
QEMS-RELAY: This is an emergency stop relay its normally closed interlocks are provided
VCB circuit and Panto circuit. After pressing of BPQEMS switch on DRIVER DESK this relay
energises opens its contacts on VCB circuit and panto circuit thus VCB opens and panto

SPM-RELAY: Provided under frame of loco under CAB-2, this relay energises immediately
after BL unlocked. Relay gets de-energised after taking notch i.e., after extinguishing of
LSGR. Its normally close interlocks are used in Speedometer circuit after relay de
energises a single phase AC motor gets feed and it rotates thus speedometer deviates.


New Technology Equated:

1. MPCS: Microprocessor based FAULT DIAGNOSTICS AND CONTROL SYSTEM is latest
technology implemented in WAG5, WAM4, and WAG7
locomotives. MPCS unit was provided and faults were
generated so that loco pilots know its trouble shooting
technics. Many features provided in MPCS can be
explained with live demonstration like display of OHE
voltage, TM currents, Voltages, Auxiliary voltage status of
isolations etc.,

2. VCD: Vigilance Control Device is a microprocessor based device been provided in

all locomotives and been supplied by
firm. Replica of the VCD is designed in
house with available relays and with all
features as per original VCD and installed
in this trainer.

3. TRIPLET PNEUMATIC PANEL: Triplet pneumatic

panel is the new technology been implemented in
electric locos in pneumatic circuit, this panel is
provided in the trainer so that practical working of
the pneumatic system can be explained to loco


Modifications included:
All modifications issued by RDSO were been included.
1. AC MVRF: modification providing AC MVRF in place of DC MVRF.
2. Modification sheet no. ELRS/MS/0261: Modification in DBR control circuit to prevent
opening of C145 contactor with snap action in case of energisation of QF1, QF2 and
3. Modification sheet no. ELRS/MS/0298-2000: Introduction of delay in the starting of
3rd compressor motor in order to improve the reliability of Arno as well as
compressor motors.
4. Modification sheet no. ELRS/MS/0330: provision of CTF3 contact in C145 circuit.
5. Modification sheet no. ELRS/MS/0336: Provision of auxiliary interlock no 9-10 of
SMGR in series with existing interlock no 89-90 on QV62 branch to avoid RGR
overheating/burning due to closing of DJ/VCB in case of GR in between 1 and 0
6. Modification sheet no. RDSO/2009/EL/MS/0383: provision of LED indication near Q50
relay for indicating status of C145 contact.
7. Modification sheet no. RDSO/WAG5/32: modification in QRS feeding circuit.
8. Modification sheet no. RDSO/WAM4/205: modification to provide
AMMETER/VOLTMETER for metering on 6P combination locomotives.
9. Modification sheet no. B/TRS/RB/MOD/2000-2001/001: ACP circuit for auto
regression and auto flasher with beep in case of chain pulling.
10.Modification sheet no. WAT/TRS/MOD/1/84: Provision of HLS switch to isolate the
signalling circuit to leading loco when trailing loco or middle loco made dead.
11.Additional BP coc modification.
12.Provision of Oil Trap Chamber in TFP exhaust pipe.


Working of different Equipment:

VCD: An in-house designed and developed VCD unit using timers and diodes
is provided in this loco
model. The VCD unit provided in this model will be an
exact replica of the real VCD and will
have all functional controls.
1. VCD main switch is provided back side of Loco Pilot seat near HLS switch.

VCD main unit is provided back side of relay panel near TFVT.

One LED is provided beside VCD cab unit, it blinks when VCD vigilance cycle resets
to zero and will glows continuously when VCD is in supress mode.


QVCD relay provided beside HVCD switch.

LP pedal switch provided between PSA and PVEF.

SA9 and A9 pressure switch provided bottom of window shutter in cab LP side.

VCD works in Conventional loco mode only, it will not work in MPCS mode hence to
be put-off while working in MPCS mode.

VCD bypass switch provided near VCD main unit.

Working of VCD:
1. For working of VCD put MP on 0 apply SA9/A9 put the VCD switch (toggle switch)
ON, VCD now works and it will be in supress mode.
2. Release SA9/A9 now VCD will be in vigilance cycle.
3. VCD vigilance cycle will automatically get reset on
a. Operation of MP i.e., on progression, regression, taking first shunt.
b. Pressing VCD pedal switch or PSA.
c. Pressing acknowledge push button switch on VCD cab unit.
d. Pressing horn switch.
e. Application or release of A9/SA9.
4. After 60 if any of the resets not done warning cycle level 1 will start and warning
led will start blinking.

After 8 of warning cycle if any of the resets not done warning cycle level 2 will
start with buzzer sound.

6. Finally after 8 of warning cycle level 2 Penalty brake will be applied by energising
QVCD relay resulting auto-regression of SMGR and de-energising of IP valve.
7. Penalty brake will get reset by putting MP on 0 and pressing Reset push button
switch on driver desk.
Note: Circuit diagram and cable index for VCD circuit enclosed.


For deviation of TM voltmeters and Ammeter one dimmer stat of 230V, 2Amps rating was
taken and its shaft mechanically coupled to SMGR notching Wheel.
The regulated voltage is fed to 230/110V TFVT transformer and the transformer output is
again stepped down to milli- volts using 6V-0-6V transformer and is converted to DC.
This Mili-volts DC supply through PC-8 relays given to TM voltmeter and Ammeter and also
to signal conditioning unit of microprocessor.
Thus ammeters and voltmeters deviate as per the SMGR notch. If the notch increases the
meters show higher value and vice versa.
Note: Circuit diagram and cable index enclosed.
For deviation of Speedometer, constant voltage tap from dimmer stat was taken and
connected to a cab fan, through a relay interlock which closes when LSGR extinguish. Cab
fan blades were removed and speedometer PG comb is fitted to rotor shaft. PG senor is
fitted on body of cab fan and adjusted so that if the cab fan rotates comb of PG rotates and

the speedometer deviates. An additional condenser is kept in parallel to original condenser

using a time lag relay to achieve more starting torque with low voltage. An additional
weight is provided on shaft to achieve controlled speed.
Thus the speedometer starts deviating after taking notch.

Pneumatic circuit:
Two CPs are installed outside the loco model room and MR1 and MR2 reservoirs are
provided near by the CPs. One governor (RGCP) provided near MR2. CP1 and CP2 contacts
close and open as per the pressure near MR2.
Air Dryer is provided between MR2 and MR3. Working of air dryer is controlled by RGCP
provided near CPs. CCAD and ZAD provided nearby Air dryer.
Pipelines are connected from different equipment to Triplet Pneumatic Panel. The below
mentioned Pneumatic equipments are included in Triplet Pneumatic panel.
C3W distributor valve, BP C2relay valve, BC C2relay valve, VEF, RGCP, RGEB, P1, P2, SWC,
MU-2B, F-1 selector valve, IP electro valve, VEAD, airflow measuring valve, R6 valve and
Additional BP coc provided in CAB-2. For VCD circuit 3 nos pressure switches provided in
CAB-2. One on BP sensing circuit, one on SA9 sensing circuit and one in Horn circuit.


Circuit Description:
CHBA BA MCPA CIRCUIT: MCPA, BA, CHBA, UBA, ECC and LECC are provided as per
WAG5 loco circuit. CHOS interlock are provided in the circuit so that when CHOS put to
MPCS mode supply to CCPT, CCLS, CCA, CCDJ will cut off, and BA supply will extend to
MPCS CCPT. Microprocessor will work. When CHOS switch put to Conventional loco mode
BA feed will extend to CCPT, CCA, CCLS and CCDJ. In this mode BA supply to
Microprocessor will cut off.
In series to fuses CCPT, CCDJ, CCA, and CCLS toggle switches are provided. When these
switches are switched off trouble of particular fuse melting will be experienced.
Relay output from CHBA is given through CHOS switch to QV61 and I-71 of microprocessor
and signal conditioning unit of microprocessor.
QEMS is an emergency stop relay; Positive feed from BA is given to QEMS relay through
BPQEMS. When BPQEMS pressed relay QEMS energises and its N/C interlocks on PT and DJ
circuit will open and DJ trips and panto lowers.
PANTO CIRCUIT: Positive feed for panto circuit is taken through change over switch
(CHOS), so that feed is maintained to VEPT while working in both conventional loco mode
and MPCS mode. Positive feed is given through QEMS relay N/C interlock. Relay QEMS is an

emergency stop relay which gets energised when Loco Pilot Press BPQEMS switch which is
provided on Driver Desk. On energising QEMS relay feed to VEPT drops thus Panto Lowers,
VCB opens since QEMS relay N/C interlock provided on VCB circuit.
When ZPT kept in 1 position PT-1 raises, in addition Input signal (I-5) will be high to the
microprocessor when operated in MPCS mode. When ZPT kept on 2 input signal (I-6) will
be high to the microprocessor.
Note: Panto 2 not provided physically but all other circuit operations will be as is when
ZPT kept on 1.
Positive feed to VEPT is given through HLS switch and Toggle switches provided on
Instructor panel. Instructor can create a trouble of rear panto not rising by switching OFF
toggle switch and Loco Pilots can be asked for trouble shooting. HLS circuit on VEPT branch
can also be explained.
Here in MPCS mode positive feed to VEPT is not given from O-2 of microprocessor as per
latest circular given by RDSO.
When trainer is working as conventional loco signal at I-5 and I-6 will be low as changeover
switch interlocks will be in open condition.
VEF CIRCUIT: Additional interlock is provided in PVEF switch and when working in MPCS
mode positive feed will extend to microprocessor through PVEF interlock and signal at I-42
will be high when PVEF is pressed. While working as conventional loco positive feed
through CCPT fuse and BL interlock and PVEF interlock and QRS N/O interlock electro valve
gets energise. In RB through CTF1, CTF2, CTF3 and QV64 interlocks VEF will get energise.
Two diodes one in MPCS circuit and one in Conventional loco circuit are provided to isolate
the non-working circuit form getting back feed. Thus VEF will work in both conventional
loco mode and MPCS mode. One toggle switch provided in instructor panel when switched
ON electro valve VEF will not energise.


DJ CONTROL CIRCUIT: One toggle switch provided in series with each relay QVMT1,
QVMT2, QVRH, QVSL1, QVSL2, QVSI1, and QVSI2. Toggle switches are also provided in
Q44, Q45, QPDJ, C118, Q118 relays coil circuit. Both relay and Toggle switches will change
to MPCS circuit or Conventional loco circuit as per position of CHOS.DJ control circuit cable
connections are done as per WAG5 conventional loco circuit. For MPCS input and output
signals following modifications are:
1. One spare N/O interlock in BL switch taken, positive feed given and is connected to
I-48 of Microprocessor.
2. One additional N/C interlock in BP1DJ provided positive feed is connected through
BP1DJ N/C interlock further BLDJ N/O interlock and given to I-0 of Microprocessor.
3. One additional interlock of BP2DJ and BLRDJ are connected in parallel and positive
feed given to I-1 of Microprocessor.
4. Positive feed trough DJ N/O interlock is given to I-35 & trough BV N/O interlock is
given to I-55.
5. Positive feed from C118 N/C interlock is given to I-63.
6. I-64 is given direct positive feed and no QLA relay was provided.

Feed from O-0 and O-4 is connected to additional N/C interlock of QOA and to all
Safety relays additional interlocks in series. Other end of N/C interlocks given to
inputs of Microprocessor. QOA to I-49, QOP1 to I-50, QOP2 to I-51, QRSI1 to I-52,
QRSI2 to I-53 and QLM to I-54. I-54 and I-65 are shorted as no QPDJ is provided in
MPCS mode. Further O-1 feed after safety relays N/C interlocks is connected to VCB
through N/C interlock of QEMS and N/O interlock of C118 and toggle switch INST

8. O-1 is connected to C118 coil through a blocking diode and a toggle switch INST
9. The following input signals are used in DJ control circuit. I-2 for QVMT1, I-3 for
QVMT2, I-4 for QVRH, I-22 for QVSL1, I-25 for QVSL2, I-21 for QPH, I-13 for QVSI1
and I-14 for QVSI2.
CP CONTROL CIRCUIT: For closing of CP contacts in conventional loco mode cable
connections are given as per WAG5 loco circuit. For closing of contacts in MPCS mode the
following changes are made.
1. One additional N/O interlock for both BLCP and BLCPD are provided and MPCS
Positive feed is extended to I-74 of MPCS. When BLCP/BLCPD are closed signal at I-74
will be high.
2. O-8 and O-46 are connected through blocking diodes to HCP switch and further to
C101, C102 and C103. O-8 for closing of C101 and C102, O-46 for closing of C103.
3. One additional N/O interlocks for C101, C102, C103 are provided and are connected
in parallel. Positive feed will extend to microprocessor and signal at I-18 will be high
when any of the CP contacts closed.
Note: In MPCS circuit cable no 073M and 074M are shorted in SB of CAB-2 as no RGCP
is provided for MPCS circuit.

BLOWERS CONTROL CIRCUIT: For closing of Blower contacts in conventional loco mode
cable connections are given as per WAG5 loco circuit. For closing of contacts in MPCS
mode the following changes are made.
1. One additional N/O interlock is provided in BLVMT and MPCS positive feed is
extended to I-15 of Microprocessor when BLVMT put on.
2. One additional N/O interlocks are provided for C105, C106 and C107 for feedback
signal to Microprocessor. Feedback of C105 to I-23, feedback of C106 to I-56 and
C107 to I-66.
3. Two additional Interlocks are provided in HVRH, HVMT1 and HVMT2.

Interlock Closes in switch

1 and 3
0 and 3
1 and 3
0 and 3
1 and 3
0 and 3

MPCS input
signal high

4. O-5(output of microprocessor) is connected to C107 coil through blocking diode and

a toggle switch INST C107. O-6 is connected to C106 coil through blocking diode and
a toggle switch INST-C106. O-7 is connected to C105 through blocking diode and
toggle switch INST C105.
5. One additional N/O interlock provided in C145 and is connected to MPCS to I-68. For
feedback of C145 closing.
6. O-47 is connected to C108 coil through one Blocking diode.
LINE CONTACTOR CONTROL CIRCUIT: For closing of Line contacts in conventional loco
mode cable connections are given as per WAG5 loco circuit. For MPCS mode the following
changes are made.
1. One additional N/O interlock are provided for all Line Contactors and made parallel
and connected to I-61 for feedback signal for microprocessor.
2. Additional two interlocks are provided in HMCS1 and HMCS2 and connected as
mentioned below.
a. In HMCS1 position 1 and 2 close interlock, in HMCS2 position 1 and 4 close
interlock are provided and parallel connected and given to I-62.
b. In HMCS1 and HMCS2 Position 1 close interlock are provided and connected in
series and connected to I-60.
3. Positive feed from N/C interlock of BPQD is given to I-44.
4. O-26 from MPCS is connected to HMCS through blocking diode and HVSI1. O-27 is
connected to HMCS2 through blocking diode and HVSI2.

5. One toggle switch in circuit of each line contactor is provided in instructor panel.
6. BPQD is provided on Driver desk. Positive feed through N/C interlock connected to I44. BPQD is bypass switch when QD acts in MPCS loco.
Q50 CIRCUIT: Q50 relay is called supervising relay. In conventional loco it gets energised
only when CTF, Reverser, C145 are moved to proper position as per MP. For conventional
loco mode cable connections are given as per WAG5 loco circuit. For MPCS mode the
following additional interlocks are provided.
1. MPCS Positive feed through BL N/O interlock is given to MP, MPJ and MPS interlocks.
2. In MP 5 Nos spare cams are modified and used in MPCS circuit.
a. MPJ forward interlock, the cam is modified so that its interlock closes when MPJ
put to forward position and supply extends to I-32 of Microprocessor.
b. MPJ reverse interlock, the cam is modified so that its interlock closes when MPJ
put to reverse position and supply extends to I-27 of Microprocessor.
c. MP Running interlock, the cam is modified so that its interlock closes when MP
put to traction position and remains close until MP is put back to 0 positions
and feed extends to I-30 of microprocessor.
d. MP Braking interlock, one spare cam is modified so that interlock remains closed
in all positions in braking side of MP and the feed extends to I-34 of
3. MPCS positive feed is connected both through J1 and J2 forward side close interlocks
connected in series and to I-28 of microprocessor. Thus feedback of J1, J2 are thrown to
forward direction is given to microprocessor.

Similarly through reverse side close interlocks feed to I-36 is given.

5. Through CTF1, CTF2, CTF3 running side interlocks feed is extended to I-31 for feedback
of CTF thrown to running side.
6. Similarly to I-33 for braking side feedback.

7. Feed from O-10 is extended to J1 and J2 forward NC4 valve coil through blocking diode
and toggle switches in instructor panel.
8. Similarly from O-11 to J1 and J2 reverse NC4 coil. From O-12 CTF1, CTF2, and CTF3
running side NC4 coil. From O-13 to CTFs Braking side NC4 valve coil.
9. From O-15 feed is extended to C145 through blocking diode and toggle switch.
10.From O-22 feed is extended to IP coil through QVCD and HVCD interlocks
Thus supply to J1, J2, CTF1, CTF2, CTF3, and C145 is extended and feedback to
microprocessor is obtained.
SMGR CONTROL CIRCUIT: Conventional loco SMGR control circuit is given as per WAG5
circuit. For MPCS circuit the following input and output signals are connected.
INPUT signal: One spare cam of MP is modified so that its interlock closes when MP
put on O in both traction and braking side or BPP pressed and feed extends to I-26 of
Microprocessor. One spare cam of MP is modified for its interlock to close when MP put on
- in both traction and braking side or when BPR pressed feed extends to I-29 of
Four numbers spare cams of SMGR are modified to get the feedback signals to

ASMGR-On Full notch
ZSMS N/O Interlock
ZSMGR N/C interlock


OUTPUT Signal: O-16 from MPCS is feed to SMGR Down coil through blocking diode, SMGR
(1-32) interlock and through toggle switch INST REG for regression of SMGR. O-14 from
MPCS to SMGR UP coil through blocking diode, SMGR (0-31) interlock and toggle switch
INST PROG for progression of SMGR. O-17 through blocking diode is connected to EVPHGR
and O-39 to SON (buzzer).
SANDERS AND QRS CIRCUIT: Conventional loco sander and QRS circuit is connected as
per WAG5 circuit with a minute change of provision of toggle switch INST RGEB in QRS
relay branch. For MPCS circuit the following changes are done.
a. In MPCS circuit RGEB is not provided instead MPCS 700 is shorted to 155/1M and
through toggle switch INST RGEB connected to I-45.
b. One additional N/O interlock is provided in PSA switch MPCS 700 feed is given
through this interlock to I-43.
c. O-23 and O-25 through blocking diodes connected to VESA1 and VESA2.

NOTCH REPEATER CIRCUIT: No changes are made in NR circuit except NR of CAB-1 is

provided in instructor panel.


SHUNTING CONTACTOR CIRCUIT: Only 5 Nos shunting contacts are provided in loco.
For conventional loco circuit CCPT feed through SMGR (20-32) interlock given to MPS
interlocks one closes in MPS position 1 and other in MPS position 2. From MPS position 1
close interlock through blocking diodes feed given to S14, S15, S16 and from MPS position
2 close interlock through blocking diodes feed given to S24 and S25 shunting contacts.
For MPCS circuit 2 additional interlocks in MPS are provided and MPCS 700 feed through
these interlocks and through blocking diodes given to shunting contacts.
Signalling circuit: Signalling circuit for conventional loco operation is connected as per
WAG5 circuit with minute change of providing one blocking diode in path of LSDJ, LSRSI,
For MPCS circuit MPCS 700 feed through additional N/O interlock of BPT is given to I-77 and
through Tell-tale fuse and change over switch is given to I-59.
The following outputs through blocking diodes connected to concern LEDs in both CAB-2
LED set and Instructor panel LED set.

Output Signal

LED Indication

SIGNAL CONDITIONING UNIT CIRCUIT: This circuit is designed for deviation of CAB
meters as per SMGR notch. And in MPCS circuit for measuring of TM volt and Ammeter.
One Dimmer stat is mechanically coupled with SMGR nothing wheel so that tapping of
dimmer stat increases with SMGR notch. This regulated AC supply is given to a 6-0-6 volts
step down transformer and is converted to DC using diodes and this Milli Volts is given to
TM voltmeter and Ammeter.
The regulated milli volts supply is given through relay interlocks of QM1, QM2 QM5, and
QM6. Circuited is designed such that A2 ammeter deviates only when LC4 closes and
ammeter deviates in opposite direction when in RB mode. The same milli volts supply is
given to signal conditioning unit of microprocessor. Similarly when LC5 closes QM5 relay
will energise and U5 meter will deviate and U6 meter deviates through QM6 relay.
QM1 and QM2 relays will energise when loco in RB and when C145 closes.

SIGNAL CONDITIONING UNIT 3: This circuit is designed for QCVAR, Q30 and input signal
to MPCS. CCBA feed through 003 cable and QDJ N/O interlock is given to CR relay. CR relay
is a time lag relay and its interlocks close after 3 after DJ closes. CCPT feed through 700
and through CR N/O interlock through INST Q30 switch is given to Q30 relay. Relay Q30
internal coil is changed and DU coil is provided. Q30 relay will energise 3 after DJ closes.
Similarly QCVAR relay will energise after 3 of closing DJ and C118 de-energises.
Positive feed through QDJ interlock given to UA meter which indicates the OHE voltage.
Same feed is given to signal conditioning unit -3 as input signal of Auxiliary voltage. From
battery charger through CHOS switch feed is given to SCU-3 as analog input to measure
charger voltage for microprocessor.

QOA CIRCUIT: In loco QOA relay drops whenever any earth fault occurs in Auxiliary
circuit. Here to create fault this circuit is modified. One toggle switch for each motor is
provided and one end of toggle switch is connected to particular motor EMC contact cable
and second end of all toggle switches are looped and connected to QOA relay through
HQOA switch. Thus when a particular toggle switch switched ON, QOA relay energises and
DJ opens after trouble shooting and isolation of particular motor QOA will de-energise.
QOA relay will be bypassed when HQOA is kept on 0. Toggle switches are provided for
When Toggle switch QOA MVMT2 put ON QOA relay energises after closing DJ and when
contact C106 closes. After trouble shooting and when HVMT2 kept on 0, QOA will not drop.

QOP1 AND QOP2 CIRCUIT: Toggle switches QOP TM1, TM2, TM3 one end of switch
connected to LC1, LC2, LC3 NC4 valve coil cable and other end of switch are looped and
through Q6 N/O interlock and HQOP switch connected to QOP1 relay. When QOP TM1
switch closed then feed from LC1 coil will extend to QOP1 through Q6 relay and QOP1
relay target drops. Thus trouble of QOP1 dropping is created. Same circuit is followed for
QOP2 for TM4, TM5, and TM6.
Note: Relay QOP1 or QOP2 will act only after 6th notch of SMGR.
ACP CIRCUIT: For conventional loco ACP circuit is connected as per Modification sheet no
B/TRS/RB/MOD/2000-2001/001. For MPCS mode ACP circuit not kept in service. I-76 and I78 are shorted Positive supply given. Toggle switch HPAR provided nearby HLS switch.
Positive feed through HPAR switch is given to I-70 of MPCS. When HPAR switched ON auto
regression will be supressed.
CONTACTS FOR MVSI MVSL: In loco MVSI, MVSL motors are not provided with EMC
contacts, but create a fault of these motors not working EMC contacts are provided and
are controlled through toggle switch provided on instructor panel and for MPH QMPH relay
provided. When toggle switch on instructor panel switched OFF, these motors will not
rotate causing tripping as per sequence. C111 and C222 are contacts for CPs provided
outside Model room to maintain pressure continuously. These contacts are controlled by
RGCP governor provided near MR2 reservoir. C333 and C444 are contacts provided in 3
415V AC supply. Both these contacts are connected parallel, these contacts closes only

after DJ closes and 3 AC supply will extend to the Motors, TFVT, Battery Charger and
Dimmer stat. thus 3 AC supply will extend to loco only after closing DJ.
QLM QRSI1 QRSI2: In loco these relays energise when over current flows. Here to create
a fault through these relays some modifications are done. The coil inside the relay is
replaced with DU type coil. Battery positive feed through QDJ relay is given to Toggle
switches INST QLM, INST QRSI1, INST QRSI2 and directly connected to concern relays.
When any of these switches switched ON, concern relay energises and DJ trips.
QDJ RELAY: This relay energises when DJ closed and its N/O interlocks are used in
different circuit.
Q6 RELAY: this relay energises when SMGR in between 6 to 32 notch. Its interlocks are
used in EVPHGR circuit QOP1 and QOP2 circuit.

Preparation to do before energising:

1. Put the HBA switch OFF. See that all contacts in EMC panel provided outside the loco
are in open condition.

Put the Change-Over Switch

(CHOS) handle to require position
i.e. put it to top side for conventional
loco operation and bottom side for
MPCS loco operation. Check that all
contacts are closed properly as per

3. For conventional loco operation remove MPCS CCPT fuse

and put all other fuses intact. For MPCS loco operation put
MPCS CCPT fuse and remove CCA, CCPT, CCLSA, CCDJ,
CCLS fuses.

4. Put the Mains Supply Switch to ON position.


Put all the Circuit Breakers provided in EMC panel and also in TK panel to ON

6. Put HBA switch to ON.

7. Contacts MVSL1, MVSL2, MVSI1 and MVSI2 will be closed.
8. Switch ON Toggle Switch for CPs provided in EMC panel. CPs will start and pressure
will start building up.

9. Further continue the operation as a normal loco.

NOTE: For power saving switch OFF circuit breakers of MVMT1, MVMT2,
MVRH, MVSL1 and MVSL2. These motors will not work but all other
operations will be normal.

Normal Working and Trouble Creation in conventional

loco mode:
Normal working: See that CHOS switch is in UPWARD direction and MPCS CCPT removed
condition. See that
RS and MR pressure are above 6Kg/cm2.
1. Put ZPT to position-1.
2. Close BLDJ and press BLRDJ/BP2DJ.
3. Q45 energises and through its N/O interlock Q44 energises. Through N/O interlock of
Q44 on VCB coil branch C118 energises and through its N/O interlock and through
all safety relays N/C interlocks feed extends to VCB coil and VCB closes.
4. Once VCB Closed through its N/O interlock relay QDJ energises. Through N/O
interlock of QDJ positive feed extends to CR relay (time-lag relay) and CR relay
energises but its N/O interlock closes after 3. Through N/O interlock of CR relay Q30
and QCVAR relay energises. After energising of QCVAR C118 gets de-energised.
5. When the relay QDJ closes through its N/O interlock EMC contacts C333 and C444
closes and 415V AC supply extends to CHBA and QV61 relay energises and LSCHBA
6. Release BLRDJ/BP2DJ after extinguishing of LSCHBA. After realising of BLRDJ/BP2DJ
Q45 de-energises and feed to Q44 will be maintained through Q30 N/O interlock.
7. When Q44 gets energised feed to Q118 is maintained through QVSL1, QVSL2 and
QMPH. Here QVSL1 and QVSL2 cables are shorted to make the system work normal
even when motors circuit-breakers were switched off (for power saving). Relay
QMPH (sequential type) provided in place of QPH as no oil is present in transformer.
8. Once VCB closed blower motors MVSL1, MVSL2, MVSI1, and MVSI2 will start rotating.
9. Switch ON BLCP/BLCPD CP contacts C101 and C102 will close and after 5 contact
C103 closes.
Note: Only one defective CP is provided inside trainer which will not work and it is
provided only to show the trainee location of CP. CP provided outside the room will
work and builds up pressure.
Creating Faults in DJ Control Circuit:
Toggle switches are provided in Instructor panel to create faults in different stages. For
normal working all toggle switches are to be kept in OFF position and to create fault
particular toggle switch to be switched ON.
ICDJ: Impossible to close DJ/VCB.
Switch ON any of the following toggle switches to create an ICDJ trouble.

Toggle switch

Fault Generated
Fault of CCPT melting will be
Fault of CCDJ melting will be generated
Q118 will not energise.
Q44 will not energise.
Fault of QPDJ not closed will be
C118 will not energise and VCB will not
Note: While checking the condition of fuse by Trainee, instructor may switch ON
the LECC switch so that
LECC will not glow and trainee will assume that
Fuse melted and will take necessary action.


OPERATION A: LSDJ goes out but glows again before LSCHBA goes out.
Switch ON toggle switch QCVAR. QCVAR relay will not energise. Trouble
HQCVAR kept on 0.

vanishes when

LSDJ FLICKERS: LSDJ flickers if any of the safety relays energises. To create such fault
switch ON the toggle
switches as mentioned below.
Toggle Switch
Fault Generated
QLM relay energises.
QRSI1 relay will energise.
QRSI2 relay will energise.
OPERATION B: LSDJ and LSCHBA go out but LSDJ glows with in 15 and DJ open.
To create this fault Switch ON toggle switch Q30. Q30 relay will not

OPERATION O: VCB opens within 15 after closing BLVMT.

To create this fault switch ON toggle switches mentioned below.
Fault Generated
DJ trips as if QVMT1 not picked
DJ trips as if QVMT2 not picked
DJ trips as if QVRH not picked
OPERATION 1: VCB opens immediately after taking one notch.

Toggle Switch

To create this fault switch ON toggle switches mentioned below.


Toggle Switch


Fault Generated
DJ trips as if QVSI1 not picked
DJ trips as if QVSI2 not picked

OPERATION II: VCB opens after taking 6 notches.

To create this fault switch ON toggle switches mentioned below.

Toggle Switch

Fault Generated
C105 will not energise.
C106 will not energise.
C107 will not energise.


Toggle Switches and corresponding faults generated are mentioned in table below.

Toggle Switch








QD1, QD2


QOP1-TM1, TM2, TM3
QOP2-TM4, TM5, TM6
TM1, TM2, TM3
TM4, TM5, TM6


ACP, RGEB, Q52, Q49

Fault Generated.
CCA Fuse melted.
CCLC fuse melted.
CCLS fuse melted.
PT-1 will not rise.
No fault since PT-2 not provided.
LSCHBA does not extinguish.
QMPH will not pick up.
Motor MVSL1 will not work as CMVSL1 will not energise.
Motor MVSL2 will not work as CMVSL2 will not energise.
Motor MVSI1 will not work as CMVSI1 will not energise.
Motor MVSL1 will not work as CMVSI2 will not energise.
J1 will not be thrown to forward direction. LSB remains
J2 will not be thrown to forward direction. LSB remains
J1 will not be thrown to reverse direction. LSB remains
J2 will not be thrown to reverse direction. LSB remains
Concern CTF will not be thrown to running position.
Concern CTF will not be thrown to braking position.
C145 will not energise and LSB remains glowing in RB.
LSP glows with Auto Regression and auto sanding.
QOA drops after closing BLVMT.
QOA drops after closing BLCP/BLCPD.
QOA drops after MP kept on P.
QRS relay will not energise and SMGR does not
SMGR will not progress/ regress.
QOP1 drops after 6th notch.
QOP2 drops after 6th notch.
LC1, LC2, LC3 will not close.
LC4, LC5, LC6 will not close and corresponding meters
A4, U5, U6 will not deviate.
LSDJ will not glow.
LSGR will not glow.
LSRSI will glow.
VEF will not energise.
No action circuit will be designed later.


Working and Trouble Creation in MPCS loco mode:

NORMAL WORKING: See that CCPT, CCDJ, CCA, CCLSA CCLS fuses are removed, MPCS
CCPT fuse intact and CHOS switch kept in down direction.
Working and faults creation for MPCS loco mode is same as is for conventional loco mode
except that there will be no effect by switching ON the below mentioned toggle switches.



Note: Here in MPCS loco mode the below mentioned modifications are not in service.
1. ACP circuit.
2. VCD circuit.

HLS modification.


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