Environmental Speech Example

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Good morning ladies and gentlemen, First of all I would like to thank God for
His grace that we can be together here. God have given us mandate to take care of
our earth as we know it on the book of Genesis. We all know about our earth has
recently damage by human race. Global warming, climate change, greenhouse
effect, glacier-melting, and others and who is going to stop this other than us.
Environment is the place that we live, the place that keeps us survive, and what will
we do if there isnt place to live? In relation with this cases I would like to deliver a
speech with topic time to care about the environment
Human society is playing vital role in degenerating the natural environment
which in turn negatively affects the lives on this planet not only human. Based on
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported that scientists were
more than 95% certain that most of global warming is caused by increasing
concentrations of greenhouse gases and other human (anthropogenic) activities.
And what cause the greenhouse effect is carbon emission which comes from
another of human action like vehicle. And what will happen next to our environment
if we dont start caring the environment? First is that there will be extreme weather
and climate change, second is that the sea level will rise because of the rises of
temperature and the melting of glacier, third is that it will effect our ecological
system that refers to the rises of CO2 which will result in the extinction of many
species and reduced diversity of ecosystems, fourth is that extinction of human race
because of natural disaster, disease, and reduce of food chain because of the failure
of crop or plant as the source of animal food. If we dont start caring about the
nature or about the environment that will lead us into bad things including
extinction. God have trusted us to keep the earth save but in reality until now we
only do the opposite. It is time for us to change while He is still giving us time. We
can do that by simple action like planting tree to reduce the emission of carbon,use
less vehicle like public transportation to reduce the usage of oil, thowing trash at its
place , doing recycle for trash, not throwing plant waste in the river, if we start that
that we have a chance to survive.
The Conclusion of my speech is start care about the environment now or
there will be no environment at all

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