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Q.1 What type of substances would make better permanent magnets , ferromagnetic or
ferromagnetic ?
Q.2 Which point defect in crystals of a solid does not change the density of the solid ?
Q.3 Name an element with which silicon would be doped to give n- type semiconductor ?
Q.4 Name the non - stoichimetric point defect responsible for colour in alkali halides. ?
Q.5 Which point defect in crystals of a solid decreases the density of the solid ?
Q.6 What makes the crystal of KCl to appear sometimes violet ?
Q.7 Silver crystallizes in a face centred cubic unit cell . Each side of this unit cell has a
length of 400 pm . Calculate the radius of the silver atom. (Assign the atoms just touch each
other on the diagonal across the face of the unit cell . That is each face atom is touching the
four corner atoms).
Q.8 Copper crystallizes into an fcc lattice with edge length 3.61 x 10-8 cm. Calculate the
density of copper .( Given atomic mass of Cu = 63.5 g/ mol , NA = 6.022 x 1023 mol-1 )
Q.9 Chromium metal crystallizes in a body centred cubic lattice . The length of the unit cell
edge is found to be 287 pm . Calculate the atomic radius of chromium ?
Q.10 The edge of the face centred cubic unit cell of aluminium is 404 pm. Calculate the
atomic radius of aluminium atom ?
Q.11 An element has a body centred cubic structure with a cell edge of 288 pm . The density
of the element is 7.2 g/ cm3. Calculate the number of atoms present in 208 g of the element .?
Q.12 (i) What change occurs when AgCl is doped with CdCl2 ?
(ii) What type of semiconductor is produced when silicon is doped with boron ?
Q.13 Silver crystallizes in a face centred cubic unit cell . If the radius of the silver atom is
145pm , what is the length of each side of the unit cell ?
Q.14 Tungsten crystallizes in a body centred cubic unit cell . If the edge of the unit cell is
316.5 pm , what is the radius of tugsten atom ?
Q.15 Copper crystallizes into an face centred cubic unit cell . If the radius of copper atom is
127.8 pm , Calculate the density of copper metal .( Given atomic mass of Cu = 63.55 u, NA
= 6.02 x 1023 mol-1 )
Q.16 Iron has a body centred cubic unit cell with a cell edge of 286.65 pm . The density of
iron is 7.874 g/cm3 . Use this information to calculate the Avogadro number. (Atomic mass of
iron= 56 g/mol)
Q.17 The density of lead is 11.35 g/cm3 and the metal crystallizes with fcc unit cell .
Estimate the radius of lead atom (Atomic mass of lead = 207 g/mol , NA = 6.02 x 1023 mol-1 )
Q.18 Aluminium crystallizes in a cubic close packed structure . Radius of the atom in metal
is 125 pm .
(i) What is the length of the side of the unit cell ?
(ii) How many unit cells are there in 1cm3 of aluminium ?
Q.19 The well known mineral fluorite is chemically calcium fluoride . It is known that in one
unit cell of this mineral there are 4 Ca2+ ions and 8F- ions and that Ca2+ ions are arranged in
fcc lattice . The F- ions fill all tetrahedral holes in the face centred cubic lattice of Ca2+ ions.
The edge of the unit cell is 5.46 x 10-8 cm in length . The density of the solid is 3.18 g/cm3.
Use this information to calculate the Avogadro number.(Molar mass of CaF2 = 78.08 g /mol)

Q.20 The density of copper metal is 8.95 g/cm3 . If the radius of copper atom is 127.8 pm , Is
the copper unit cell a simple cubic , a body centred cubic or face centred cubic structure.
(Atomic mass of Cu = 63.54 g/mol , NA = 6.02 x 1023 mol-1 )
Q.21 An antifreeze solution is prepared from 222.6g of ethylene glycol C 2H4(OH)2 and 200g of
water. Calculate the molality of the solution. If the density of this solution be 1.072 g/ml , what
will be the molairity of the solution ?
Q.22 (i) State Raoults law for a solution of volatile liquids ? How does Raoults law become a
special case of Henrys law ?
(ii) 1.00g of a non electrolyte solute when dissolved in 50g of benzene lowered the freezing
point of benzene by 0.40k. Find the molar mass of solute.(K f for benzene=5.12Kkg/mol)
Q.23 Why is vapour pressure of a solutioln of glucose in water lower than that of water ?
Q.24 State Raoults law for solutions of non-volatile solutes ?
Q.25 Explain why a solution of chloroform and acetone shows negative deviation from Raoults
law ?
Q.26 Non-ideal solutions exhibit either positive or negative deviations from Raoults law. What
are these deviations and why are they caused ? Explain with one example for each type.?
Q.27 What is meant by positive and negative deviations from Raoults law and how is the sign
of mix H related to positive and negative deviations from Raoults law ?
Q.28 State how the vapour pressure of a solvent is affected when a non volatile solute is
dissolved in it ?
Q.29 The vapour pressure of water is 12.3 kPa at 300k . Calculate the vapour pressure of a one
molal solution of a non volatile , non ionic solute in water ?
Q.30 Urea forms an ideal solution in water. Determine the vapour pressure of an aqueous
solution containing 10% by mass of urea at 4 o C .
(Vapour pressure of water at 400 C = 55.3mm Hg )
Q.31 Define the following terms :
(i) Isotonic solutions
(ii) vant Hoff factor
Q.32 Explain boiling point elevation constant for a solvent or Ebullioscopic constant ?
Q.33 State the condition resulting in reverse osmosis?
Q.34 Of 0.1 molal solutions of glucose and sodium chloride respectively which on will have a
higher boiling point ?
Q.35 18 g glucose , C6H12O6 (molar mass =180 g/mol) is dissolved in 1kg of water in a sauce
pan . At what temperature will this solution boil ?
(Kb for water =0.52 K kg/mol , boiling point of water of pure water = 373.15 K)
Q.36 A 1.00 molal aqueous solution of trichloroacetic and CCl 3COOH is heated to its boiling
point . The solution has the boiling point of 100.18 oC. Determine the vant Hoff factor for
trichloroacetic acid (Kb for water = 0.512 k kg/mol)
Q.37 The molecular masses of polymers are determined by osmotic pressure method and not by
measuring other colligative properties. Give two reasons.
Q.38 Find the boiling point of a solution containing 0.520 g of glucose C 6H12O6 dissolved in
80.2 g of water (Given kb for water = 0.52 Km-1) ?
Q.39 At 300k 36g of glucose C 6H12O6 present per litre in its solution has an osmotic pressure of
4.98 bar . If the osmotic pressure of another glucose solution is 1.52 bar at the same
temperature , calculate the concentration of the other solution
Q.40 Calculate the boiling point of one molar aqueous solution . Density of KBr solution is
1.06 gmL-1. (kb for H2O = 0.52 K kg /mol , atomic mass K=39 , Br= 80 ) ?

Q.41 A solution prepared by dissolving 1.25g of oil of winter green (methyl salicylate ) in 99.0 g
of benzene has a boiling point of 80.31 oC. Determine the molar mass of this compound (Boiling
point of pure benzene 80.10oC , and Kb for benzene = 2.53o C kg mol-1 )?
Q.42 What mass of ethylene glycol (molar mass 62.0g / mol) must be added to 5.50 kg of water
to lower the freezing point of water from 0o C to -10.00 C ? (kf for water = 1.86 K kg mol-1 )
Q.43 Calculate the amount of sodium chloride which must be added to 1 kg of water so that the
freezing point of water is depressed by 3 K .
(kf for water = 1.86 K kg mol-1 atomic mass of Na = 23 , Cl = 35.5)
Q.44 A solution of urea in water has a boiling point of 373.128 K. Calculate the freezing point of
the same solution ( Kf for water = 1.86 km-1 Kb for H2O = 0.52 Km-1)
Q.45 0.1 mole of acetic acid was dissolved in 1 kg of benzene .Depression in freezing point of
benzene was determined to be 0.256 K. What conclusion you can draw about the state of the
solute in solution ? (Kf for benzene= 5.12 km-1 )
Q.46 Calculate the mass of ascorbic acid C 6H8O6 to be dissolved in 75g of acetic acid to lower
its melting point by 1.50 C .( Kf for acetic acid = 3.9 K kg mol-1)
Q.47 100 mg of a protein is dissolved in just enough water to make 10.0 ml of a solution . If
this solution has an osmotic pressure of 13.3mm Hg at 25 0 C , What will be the molar mass of
the protein ?(R=0.0821 L atm mol-1k-1 and 760mm Hg = 1 atm )
Q.48 Calculate the freezing point depression expected for 0.0711 m aqueous solution Na 2SO4. If
this solution actually freezes at -0.3200C , what would be the value of vant Hoff factor ?
( Kf for water = 1.86 oC mol-1 )
Q.49 Calculate a temperature at which solution containing 54 g of glucose (C 6H12O6 ) , in 250g
of water will freeze (Kf for water = 1.86 k kg mol-1 and molar mass of glucose = 180g/mol )
Q.50 A solution containing 8g of a substance in 100g of diethyl ether boils at 36.86 0C , whereas
pure ether boils at 35.600C . Determine the molecular mass of the solute ?
(For ether , Kb=2.02 K kg/mol )
Q.51 A 5% solution (by mass) of cane sugar in water has a freezing point of 271 K . Calculate
the freezing point of 5% (by mass) solution of glucose in water . The freezing point of pure
water is 273.15 K
(Molar mass of cane sugar = 342 g/mol and molar mass of glucose = 180g/mol )
Q.52 Calculate the mass of a non volatile solute (molar mass 40 g/mol) which should be
dissolved in 114g of octane to reduce its vapour pressure to 80%
(Molar mass of octane =114g/mol )
Q.53 The boiling point elevation of 0.30g acetic acid in 100g benzene is 0.0633 k . Calculate
the molar mass of acetic acid from this data . What conclusion can you draw about the molecular
state of the solute in the solution ?( Given that k b for benzene = 2.53 K kg /mol )
Q.54 Calculate the depression in freezing point of water when 20 g of CH 3CH2CHClCOOH is
added to 500g of water . (Given Ka =1.4 x 10-3 , Kf = 1.86 K kg mol-1)
Q.55 The freezing point of a solution containing 0.2g of acetic acid in 20.0g of benzene is
lowered by 0.450C. Calculate (i) molar mass of acetic acid from this data (ii) vant Hoff factor .
(For benzene , Kf = 5.12 K kg /mol) . What conclusion can you draw from the value of vant
Hoff factor obtained ?
Q.56 A solution of glucose (C6H12O6 ) in water is labeled as 10% by weight . What would be the
molality of the solution ? ( Molar mass of glucose = 180g/mol )
Q.57 A solution of glycerol (C3H8O3) in water was prepared by dissolving some glycerol in 500g
of water . This solution has a boiling point of 100.42 0 C. What mass of glycerol was dissolved to
make this solution ? ( kb for H2O = 0.512 K kg mol-1)

Q.58 Calculate the freezing point of an aqueous solution containing 10.50g of MgBr 2 in 200g of
water (Molar mass of MgBr2 = 184g ) (kf for water = 1.86 K kg mol-1 )
Q.59 Calculate the boiling point of a solution prepared by adding 15.00g of NaCl to 250.0g of
water ( Kb for H2O = 0.512 K kg mol-1 , Molar mass of NaCl = 58.44g )
Q.60 At 300k , 36g of glucose (C6H12O6 ) present per litre in its solution has an osmotic pressure
of 4.98 bar . If the osmotic pressure of another glucose solution is 1.52 bar at the same
temperature , calculate the concentration of the other solution ?

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