8th Grade Science Course Syllabus Extended

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8th Grade Science

Course Syllabus/Guidelines for Success

Instructor(s): Robyn Davis and Brandi Baylor
Location: Room 809
School Phone: (770) 229-3739
Email Address: robyn.davis@gscs.org/brandi.baylor@gscs.org
Website: www.robyns-nest-809.weebly.com
Welcome! Science is an exciting subject that helps us better understand what is happening in the world
around us. This course will challenge students. Therefore, they should have a positive attitude about learning,
remain organized, work hard, and develop a willingness to think critically. Throughout the year, students will
work independently as well as collaboratively.
Textbook Reference/Resource: Georgia Glencoe Science - Grade 8
Course Description: 8th grade science is an exciting course! It is designed to give students the necessary
skills to transition from the elementary physical science curriculum to the high school physical science
Physical Science examines the nature of matter and energy. This course is designed as a survey course of
chemistry and physics that provides students with insight on how the world around them works. Some major
concepts of physical science include the nature of matter, the forms and transformations of energy, the
relationship between force, mass, and the motion of objects, the wave nature of sound and electromagnetic
radiation, and the characteristics of gravity, electricity, and magnetism as major kinds of forces acting in
nature. Students will be encouraged to use the scientific inquiry process through hands-on investigations and a
science project.
Additionally, students will use a variety of means to learn including, but not limited to, laboratories, research,
projects, technology (web 2.0 tools), blogging and current news in the sciences. This course is also designed to
provide the information needed for future academic success.
Course Outline:
First Semester:

Second Semester:

Scientific Habits of Mind/Science and Engineering Practices

Scientific Method/Engineering Design Process
Science Fair/Engineering Project
Scientific Habits of Mind/Science and Engineering Practices
Scientific Method/Engineering Design Process
Electricity and Magnetism
Waves, Light, and Sound
Force, Motion, and Simple Machines
Georgia Milestones Review and Testing

Grading Scale: The following grading scale has been adopted by the Griffin-Spalding County Board of
A: 100 - 90

B: 89 - 80

C: 79 - 73

D: 72 - 70

F: Below 70 (Failing)

Grading Practices: Students will receive progress reports at mid nine-week period and a report
card at the end of each nine-week grading period. All grading averages are cumulative until the end of
the year. The final numerical grade for the semester is a cumulative average of the following:

Assessments - 50%

Daily Assignments - 30%

Midterm/Final Exam - 20%

Three composition books (2 interactive notebooks, 1

Lined, loose-leaf graph paper
science fair)
Pens/Pencils (blue or black ink only)
Scientific calculator
Colored pencils, markers, or crayons
Bottle(s) of glue
Lined, loose-leaf notebook paper
Index cards
USB Drive
Ear buds/headphones
Three-ring binder (students can use for other classes)
Standard and metric ruler
Household materials for students science fair/engineering project
Behavior Expectations: Students are expected to arrive to class on time with necessary materials for class,
to strictly adhere to laboratory safety procedures, to actively participate in class investigations, and to assist in
keeping the classroom orderly and neat. The following are five classroom rules that students will follow
throughout the year:
Follow directions quickly.
Raise your hand for permission to speak.
Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.
Make smart choices.
Keep your dear teacher(s) happy!
Work Ethic/Scholarly Behaviors: At Carver Road Middle School, we strive to promote academic
excellence, acceptable values, and favorable attitudes that will enable our students to adapt to the everchanging world expectations. Students should be held accountable for their own learning and actions.
Carver Road Middle School is the Home of Scholars and Champions! What is a scholar? A scholar is defined as
one who attends a school or studies under a teacher. Characteristics of a scholar are the following:

Thirsts for knowledge

Demonstrates independence
Sees from different perspectives and cultures
Asks good questions
Accesses multiple sources of information

6. Sets goals
7. Develops relevant and realistic goals
8. Saves important information
9. Ponders big ideas
10. Utilizes digital media strategically and capably

Attendance: Regular school attendance is indicative of a positive attitude toward learning and self-discipline.
Therefore, it is in each students best interest to attend school every day. In the event of an absence, it is
the students responsibility to retrieve any missed handouts and assignments from the While
You Were Out box upon their return to school. Students are given two days per absence to submit
missed assignments. In the event of an extended absence, the student should schedule a tutorial appointment
with the teacher. If the student is absent on the day that a project is due, it is due the day the student returns to
school. Students can also send a message via Google Classroom or the class website regarding missing
assignments, or they can email the teacher. It is always best to make plans to come before or after
school to pick up make up assignments and/or to receive assistance with missing assignments.
Instructional time will not be used for make up work.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy: Carver Road Middle School is committed to moving students
forward in a 21st century learning environment. In order to initiate this plan, the school will allow students to
bring their own electronic devices for instructional purposes. The teacher will indicate days in which students
are permitted to utilize electronic devices to support their educational activities and maintain academic
integrity in their work at all times. If a student is caught using an electronic device without permission or

inappropriately, the device will be confiscated. Carver Road Middle School procedures regarding electronic
device misuse will be followed.

Students should return the BYOD Policy statement and have the policy on file with the school. ALL BYOD
policies will follow the Griffin-Spalding County School System Electronic Device Policy.
Tutorial: Please schedule a time for tutorial sessions if assistance is needed. Sessions should be scheduled at
least 24 hours prior to the date of the session. Afternoon tutorial sessions are more convenient for the teacher.
Homework: Homework is assigned Monday - Thursday each week. It is due at the beginning of class,
unless otherwise noted. It should be completed prior to entering the class and is considered late once all
papers have been collected. If homework was left at home or if it is incomplete, students will be assigned a
working lunch time and will be required to attend.
Academic Integrity/Cheating/Plagiarism: At times students will be placed in groups for the purpose of
cooperative learning. However, tests, quizzes, and other assignments should be completed individually.
Students found cheating or unfairly assisting other students during an assessment will lose all credit on the
assessment. Students may collaborate on lab reports, but they may not copy other students
work. If found cheating, both students will lose credit for that assignment. Both, plagiarism and cheating
will not only result in zero credit for an assignment, but an office referral.
Final Advice: You can succeed in this class if you follow these key steps.

Complete assignments.

Develop effective study habits.

Remain organized. Complete missing assignments after an

absence as soon as possible.

Ask for help when you need it -- you may ask questions during
class or after class.

Take advantage of opportunities to improve your grade

corrections, retests, etc.

Have a positive attitude about science. Work hard and think

************************************************ Cut Here ********************************************************

I have read and understand the policies and procedures for Ms. Davis and
Mrs. Baylors science class.

Parent Name (print): _________________________________ Home Number:



Email Address: ______________________________________ Cell Number:



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