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622 F.

2d 651
6 Media L. Rep. 1454

Mildred AEBISHER and Muriel Gruff, Plaintiffs-Appellants,

Bernard RYAN, individually and in his official capacity as
Principal, Oldfield Junior High School,
Harborfields Central School District, et
al., Defendants-Appellees.
No. 691, Docket 79-7591.

United States Court of Appeals,

Second Circuit.
Argued Jan. 23, 1980.
Decided June 2, 1980.

Nancy E. Hoffman, New York City (James R. Sandner, New York City,
on brief), for plaintiffs-appellants.
Lawrence W. Reich, Garden City, N. Y. (Wager, Winick, Ginsberg,
Ehrlich, Reich & Hoffman, Garden City, N. Y., on brief), for defendantsappellees.
Before OAKES, VAN GRAAFEILAND and NEWMAN, Circuit Judges.

The issue in this case is whether appellees, public school officials, have
violated the First Amendment rights of appellants, public school teachers, by
reprimanding them for speaking to the press. We believe that appellants' claims
of First Amendment violations created genuine issues of material fact which
precluded the granting of summary judgment in appellees' favor and reverse the
judgment summarily entered below.

Appellant Muriel Gruff has been a tenured teacher at Oldfield Junior High
School in the Harborfields Central School District, Harborfields, New York,
since 1971. On June 16, 1977, a fourteen-year-old female student attacked Mrs.

Gruff as she attempted to expel the student from her classroom for disorderly
conduct. The student dragged appellant into the hallway, scratching and
beating her about the face until passersby came to her rescue. Mrs. Gruff
suffered facial scratches and scalp wounds and allegedly permanent injuries to
her neck and thumb. As a result, she did not return to Oldfield to teach for the
remaining four days of the school year.

Shortly following the assault, a reporter for The Long Islander, a local weekly
newspaper, telephoned Mrs. Gruff concerning the incident. Mrs. Gruff
discussed it in general terms without revealing the age or identity of the student.
The reporter also contacted appellant Mildred Aebisher, who is a tenured social
studies teacher at Oldfield as well as the president of the teachers union of the
Harborfields Central School District. Mrs. Aebisher discussed the incident with
the reporter without revealing the student's identity.

On June 30, 1977, the news report that spawned this litigation appeared in The
Long Islander.1 The article accurately reflected the substance of the reporter's
conversations with appellant and also with appellee Robert Johnson, the
Superintendent of the school district.

When appellants returned to Oldfield Junior High in September of 1977, they

were summoned separately to the office of the school principal, appellee
Bernard Ryan. Ryan stated that in his view appellants had acted
unprofessionally and with poor judgment in discussing the attack with a
reporter. At subsequent meetings on October 11, 1977, Ryan delivered to each
appellant a letter criticizing that appellant's conduct as unprofessional.2 These
"letters of reprimand", as the parties have termed them, have been placed
permanently in appellants' personnel files.

Following unsuccessful attempts to have the letters removed from their files,
appellants consulted an attorney. On December 8, 1977, the attorney wrote to
Ryan, Johnson, and all the members of the school board, also appellees herein,
informing them that appellants viewed the letters of reprimand as infringements
of their constitutional rights and their statutory rights under the New York
Education Law. On January 6, 1978, Superintendent Johnson, replying on
behalf of all appellees, stated that appellants had not been disciplined and that
the District disagreed with the conclusions contained in appellants' letters.

Appellants then filed the present action under 42 U.S.C. 1983 and 1985,
alleging conspiracy to violate and violation of their First Amendment free
speech rights and their Fourteenth Amendment due process rights. They sought

declaratory and injunctive relief, the removal from their files of the October 11,
1977 letters, formal public apologies from all appellees, and monetary damages.
Appellees moved to dismiss the complaint pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 12(b)(6)
for failure to state a claim. Finding that the essential facts were not in dispute,
the district judge treated this as a Rule 56 motion for summary judgment and
granted the motion, holding that appellants' comments to The Long Islander
were "sufficiently connected to daily school affairs so as to justify the minimal
discipline imposed . . . ." We conclude that the foregoing largely undisputed
chronicle of events raised other factual issues that should not have been
resolved in such summary fashion.

We begin our discussion of the applicable law by noting the traditional

reluctance of federal courts to intervene in conflicts that arise in the daily
operation of the public schools. Only where those conflicts "directly and
sharply implicate basic constitutional values" is intervention warranted.
Epperson v. Arkansas, 393 U.S. 97, 104, 89 S.Ct. 266, 270, 21 L.Ed.2d 228
(1968); see Wood v. Strickland, 420 U.S. 308, 326, 95 S.Ct. 992, 1003, 43
L.Ed.2d 214 ('1975); East Hartford Education Association v. Board of
Education, 562 F.2d 838, 856, 857 (2d Cir. 1977) (en banc) (reversing panel
majority). Although public school teachers may not be required to forgo their
First Amendment rights as a condition of employment, Tinker v. Des Moines
School District, 393 U.S. 503, 506, 89 S.Ct. 733, 736, 21 L.Ed.2d 731 (1969),
their free speech rights are not absolute. Givhan v. Western Line Consolidated
School District, 439 U.S. 410, 99 S.Ct. 693, 696, 58 L.Ed.2d 619 (1979). When
those rights are at issue, the court must balance "the interests of the teacher, as
a citizen, in commenting upon matters of public concern and the interest of the
State, as an employer, in promoting the efficiency of the public services it
performs through its employees." Pickering v. Board of Education, 391 U.S.
563, 568, 88 S.Ct. 1731, 1734, 20 L.Ed.2d 811 (1968); see Givhan v. Western
Line Consolidated School District, supra, 439 U.S. at 414, 99 S.Ct. at 696.

The district judge adopted this balancing test as the proper standard for
evaluating appellants' claims and proceeded to strike the balance in favor of
appellees. He did this largely by belittling the prejudicial effect of the letters of
reprimand. He found that the letters constituted a minimal restriction of
appellants' freedom of speech, that they would not seriously affect appellants'
job security and professional reputation, that they did not greatly disturb
appellants' life, liberty, or property, and that injury was inflicted more upon
appellants' pride and dignity than against their person or property. In substance,
the court accepted appellees' contention that the letters of reprimand were
merely expressions of Ryan's personal opinion or dissatisfaction and did not
constitute an actionable restriction on appellants' right to speak.


When appellees' counsel urged that contention during oral argument in this
Court, he was asked why, if the letters of reprimand had so little meaning and
effect, they were not removed from appellants' files, thus obviawting the need
for this costly litigation. The refusal of the school district to take this simple
step indicated to the Court that the presence of the letters in appellants' files
might be more prejudicial than appellees were willing to concede. Our concern
was intensified by Mrs. Gruff's testimony on deposition that Ryan himself had
described his letter to her as an "official reprimand" and had told her "in a very
threatening tone" that if she ever went to the press again, he would be very
angry. We were led inevitably to the conclusion that the case was not ripe for
summary disposition and that it should be returned to the district court for
further development of the facts.


Where the use of coercive power is threatened, First Amendment rights may be
violated by the chilling effect of governmental action that falls short of a direct
prohibition against speech. Reporters Committee for Freedom of Press v.
American Tel. & Tel. Co., 593 F.2d 1030, 1052 (D.C.Cir.1978), cert. denied,
440 U.S. 949 (1979). The exercise of First Amendment freedoms may be
deterred almost as potently by the threat of sanctions as by their actual
application. NAACP v. Button, 371 U.S. 415, 433, 83 S.Ct. 328, 338, 9
L.Ed.2d 405 (1963). Guided by these admonishments, we reverse. We remand
the matter to the district court so that it may factually determine the practice
and procedure relative to the so-called letters of reprimand and the practical
effect and consequence of their presence in plaintiffs' employment files. If the
facts as found indicate that the letters and Ryan's comments have a chilling
effect sufficient to trigger First Amendment inquiry, the district court must then
ascertain the facts necessary for application of the Pickering balancing test. The
matter is remanded to the district court so that the parties may develop a record
in support of their disparate contentions.


Reversed and remanded.

The article read in full as follows:

Greenlawn Suffolk County police report they are investigating an alleged
assault upon an Oldfields Junior High School teacher by a 14-year old female
Harborfields superintendent of schools Dr. Robert Johnson, said this week that
the student had been suspended "immediately" after the incident which
allegedly occurred on Thursday, June 16.

According to the Second Precinct police, the art teacher, Mrs. Muriel Gruff
pressed charges against the student after the incident. The name of the student
is being withheld because of her age.
Mrs. Gruff said that the student was "disruptive in the classroom," and had been
asked to leave. According to Mrs. Gruff, the student refused to leave and the
teacher says that she then attempted to direct the student out of the room. The
alleged assault then took lace according to the report.
"She grabbed my hair and bent me over in half with one hand, and ripped at my
face and head with the other," Mrs. Gruff said. "We ended up in the hallway,
where a passing student attempted to stop the girl from scratching me. Then
one of the other teachers intervened and was able to stop her," she added.
On Monday, 10 days after the incident Mrs. Gruff said she is still under "a
doctor's care" from injuries resulting from the alleged assault.
Mrs. Mildred Aebisher, a teacher in the same school, and the president of the
United Teachers of Harborfields said:
"The community should be alerted to the fact of increased violence in our
school." Mrs. Aebisher charged that this same student had previously
threatened another student with scissors in the science room during the past
By law, according to Mrs. Aebisher, the school officials can only suspend a
student for five days and the principal has to request psychological work-ups.
"Since there were less than five school days remaining until the end of the
school year," said school Superintendent Johnson, "the required hearing before
school authorities was not held."
The school authorities say they are waiting for a counselor's report on the
female student's behavior to determine if she will be returning to the same
school in the fall.
Mrs. Gruff said she "holds no malice toward the student," but believes the
student needs help. Mrs. Gruff said she had later been told of other incidents
involving school children with this same student.
According to Superintendent Johnson, this is the "first incident of the type" that
had been reported involving the girl.
"Teachers should be alerted to behavioral problems of the children and be

taught to deal with them," Mrs. Gruff said, adding, that she is concerned about
the "safety of the other students."

Mrs. Gruff's letter reads as follows:

Dear Mrs. Gruff:
The (student's name deleted) case is a very sensitive issue and I realize that you
are aware of this perhaps more than anyone else. I deplore and regret the
hostile, unprovoked attack on you by a student. The school will never condone
nor fail to respond properly to such reprehensible behavior. However, your
decision to discuss this case with a newspaper reporter is a separate issue and,
in my opinion, reflects extremely poor judgment and indiscreet professional
As I described to you at our meeting earlier in September, your decision to use a
public forum to express your viewpoints had a negative impact in at least two
significant areas. First, it interfered with a child's and parents' right to
confidentiality. Even though you avoided using the child's name, the incident
and the people involved were well known to several hundred other people on
the day of the occurance (sic), thereby making anonymity through public media
virtually impossible. Second, it interfered with school officials who were
attempting to establish a trusting relationship with a child's parents in an effort
to arrange for proper treatment.
Your reasons for using a newspaper to express your feelings in such a sensitive
matter do not seem plausable (sic). You were advised by me and by your
chairperson of all actions taken prior to your departure for summer vacation. At
no time did you communicate to the principal, the superintendent or the Board
of Education your feelings that school authorities were not pursuing the case
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Bernard E. Ryan, Jr.
Mrs. Aebisher's letter read as follows:
Dear Mrs. Aebisher:
The incident in June in which one of our teachers was physically attacked by an
Oldfield student is a very sensitive issue requiring the most judicious treatment.

Your decision to discuss this case with a newspaper reporter, in my opinion,

reflects extremely poor judgment and indiscreet professional behavior.
As I described to you at our meeting earlier in September, your decision to use a
public forum to express your viewpoints had a negative impact in an least three
significant areas. First, it interfered with a child's and parents' right to
confidentiality. Even though you avoided using the child's name, the incident
and the people involved were known to several hundred other people on the
day of the occurrence, thereby making anonymity through public media
virtually impossible. Second, it interfered with school officials who were
attempting to establish a trusting relationship with a child's parents in an effort
to arrange for proper treatment. Third, it misinformed the community on a
potentially volatile issue by claiming, "the community should be alerted to the
fact of increased violence in our school." As you pointed out, you based this
claim on one child's behavior.
As Mr. DeGregario, N.Y.S.U.T. Representative, pointed out, had you
communicated your feelings directly to the Principal and verified your facts,
this issue might have been avoided.
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Bernard E. Ryan, Jr.

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