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Writing something? A guy magically appears in front of me. Magically, meaning I have no idea when he got there. He
seems to have sat in front of me while I was thinking of what to write. I ignore the guy. Perhaps hes not really talking to
But I am. He suddenly says in an English accent, a husky one. I am what? I do not understand. He may be talking on the
phone via headset.
No, Im not. He smiles. Its a smile that stretched forever. He has perfect white teeth and glowing looks. Yes, glowing. He
isbrighter than anyone else in the library. Who has black hair like that or silver eyes? Is he blind? Look at that jaw-line
and that stubbly beard. Is he 18? Is he 25? Im sure hes photoshopped.
Im flattered. He leans forward, looking at me directly. What the hell is up with this guy? Is he really talking to me?
Yes, I am. He leans back, stretching his arms and fixing his white jacket without breaking eye-contact.
Excuse me? I finally ask.
Are you thinking of what to write? he points at my laptop. Way to pop someones bubble.
Yes. I say quietly.
Writing something long?
I only shrug. I only write shorts when Im bored. Theres nothing interesting about my shorts. They are just plain short
stories just to pass time and because writing something long is only when Im at home.
The guy only nods as if Id already answered his questions. He then relaxes on his chair and sighs, looking at me, no
studying me. I feel like the air conditioning broke as I blush from the heat. It is the heat right?
Write something about The guy rubs his hands on his chin as if thinking of something, adventure.
Adventures? No. I shake my head. Adventures take a long time, journeys, like epics. What is this guy on about?
Hmm He raises both his eyebrows. Then are you limited to Love stories?
Horror. I correct him and see his eyes widen like he was rarely shocked in life.
Whoa. He chuckles, nice.
Here I am, engaging in a conversation with a complete stranger. He has pulled me in, without any effort, from the look of
it. I snap back into reality and remember what every parent has told their child. Dont talk to strangers. I place my
notebook back in my bag ready to leave. I dont want to talk to this person any longer.
But I do. He smiles.
I said, He lifts both his hands emphasizing. I do.
Do what? I ask, curiosity got the better of me. He says very random things, it baffles me.

Talking. I want to talk with you. He is now looking serious.

I dont, so please. I was ready to leave when he laughed uncontrollably.
You dont get it do you? He asks me; for sure this time really, he was asking me.
Get what? Why do I keep asking questions if I dont really want to talk with this guy? Dont answer. I dont want to
know. Goodbye.
Write this. He stretches his arms. Write what happened here. Its freaky, is it not?
Yeah right, horror mode, I thought. He suddenly snickers once more.
What if Im a ghost and that is why I can hear your thoughts. He suddenly said.
OK, you wanna play?!?! I scream inside my head.
Yes, please. He smiles again.
Easy, you can read how I look and guess my questions. There must be a camera somewhere. Calm down. Repeat what I
say, anta wa hontouni sugoku hen da yo.
Something that sounds like Chinese. He looks straight into my eyes.
ITS JAPENESE I pause, bewildered. What do I say? I clear my throat and decide to ask a very precise, well-thought-of
and clearly pieced together question that would explain everything, h-how, exactly ?
Because Im a ghost. He answers, clinically.
No. I stare blankly into space. There are ghosts, but hes not a ghost. The only way for him to know my thoughts, is if he
is me.
Most definitely. He shrugs.
Man, all this awkward talk is making me hungry.
I know, right? He replies to my thoughts as if Id said them then and there.
If you are me I began. Then I am you.
Youre a dude.
Youre a girl.
How can I be a dude?
Fine. He then walks away, into the Literature section and out of sight. Another one sits in front of me. It is a girl.
You can change genders?! The discovery is astounding and I lean towards her as I study her reaction.
The girl only looks at me awkwardly. She then hurriedly leaves, obvious of my invasion of personal space. The same guy
peeks from where he disappeared. Youre supposed to follow me.

Gawkily, I grab my things and follow the guy who is now giggling at his own pathetic sick joke. We walk upstairs where
only faculties can enter. Windows were all shut. I see three more students sitting in a circular table.
Alright, we dont have much time. He says and I begin to think Ive set myself up for something stupid. I almost bolt for
the door when he laughs. Im not going to murder you or anything.
I was thinking of something worse. I put emphasis on the word to know he read my mind wrong. I was thinking he
would harass me and images appear in my head as a smirk appears on his face.
Cant really say it out loud. He says without looking at me. Good thing as well since my head is red as a tomato. He
motions for me to sit on a boring gray chair near the window. Here, he gives me a some sort of device. It was square
with round corners, as big as a memory stick for computers. It had a small switch at the side, always carry this with you.
I examine the device while he explains what its for. Apparently, it will make me less susceptible to mind reading. The
switch was labeled with on and off on opposite ends. He says my mind was open and its only fair that I had protection.
His salesman talk worries me and he picks up on it immediately.
Its for your own good. I hear him say with a tinge of uneasiness. I swear, Im not lying.
I say nothing. I only think.
I-its more complicated than that He begins to answer whatever I think of immediately, almost ranting about things.
Im not going to sell it to you, its safe, it will not damage electrical equipment, there are three of us in the campus who
can, just take it and listen to me, are you listening, STOP IT! He almost lunges at me, only stopping himself as soon as I
flipped the switch on the device. Fear begins to reveal itself but not because of his anger. His voice rang and echoed
throughout the room, I feel everyone downstairs heard it. He takes notice of his erratic breathing.
What just happened? I sit stiff on the chair, thinking any movement would break him. A few seconds roll buy and he
seems to calm himself down.
Its not just for you, he began, its for us as well.
Perhaps another thirty seconds went by, I cant hear your thoughts anymore. He pointed at the device, which was
turned on.
Oh, I thought I already asked the question. How so?
Imagine, loud music damages eardrums, he walks over to me, open minds, damages our skills.
Okay, but why do you need to bring me in this creepy place?
Had to make sure, he shakes his head, and gestures his hand all over the place. and boy was I... I hear something
about being alone with someone would make it worse or being in confined spaceI did not understand the rest of it.
Realizing my mind left the room, he snaps his fingers and waves his hand in front of my face.
You need to change its batteries every month well supply you with some. He raises his hand to stop me from talking
You read my mind just now. I jiggle the activated device. I was about to complain how I wouldnt spend money on
batteries. Its not working.
I guessed. He smiles. Be careful, some mind readers dont have devices, so they would probably end up killing you.
Are you serious? I gawk at his face.
Yeah, youre lucky I found you. He scratches his head, seemingly unsatisfied with something. Keep it with you at all
times because you might end up like he stops himself, youll be fine.

I never got your name.

Not important. He walks to the door, ready to leave. I hope she doesnt write about this.
I wont. I reassure him.
What? He turns around. Confusion is splattered on his face.
I can keep secrets. I lie. I wont write about this.
But I didnt say I hear him mumble and look at me. And that was that. He leaves the room.
I place the device on my pocket and stayed a few more minutes before going back home.

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