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AMELIA KARLINA. 2016. The Personality of the Main Character in the Roman
Poil de Carotte by Jules Renard. Essay. French Language Study Program, The
Faculty of Language and Art, State University of Jakarta.
The background of this research is the importance of understanding the
personality of individuals for future educator. One of the way is learning by
literary work especially roman, through the characters shown. This study aims to
understand and to identify the personality of the main character in the roman Poil
de Carotte by Jules Renard. This research is a qualitative-descriptive research
using data analysis technique by Miles and Huberman, which includes data
reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification. Moreover, the
researcher also uses psychology of literature approach in analyzing the personality
of the main character. The analysis is done by observing the personality through
personality structure by Sigmund Freud, which divides the personality structures
in three, such as Id, Ego, and Superego.
Based in the results done, stated that there are twenty-three citations which
characterize the personality of the main character. This result shows that the
personality structure of Poil de Carotte consist of Id, Ego, and Superego. These
three personality structures are giving influence to the personality of the main
character, Poil de Carotte. Id and Ego is the most dominant personality structure
which influence the attitude and the personality of Poil de Carotte. Id inside Poil
de Carotte contains a huge disappointment at the antipathy of Madame Lepic to
him. Ego acts as the executor which obey a desire, so that Ego helps Id in
realizing the desire of Id. Whereas Superego works for controlling the diverge
attitudes of Poil de Carotte. From these three personality structures, show that the
personality which formed inside Poil de Carotte is stubborn, rebel, jealousy, and
Key Word: Personality, Psychology of Literature, Character and Roman.

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