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What its like being a PlutonianPlutonian people are created from a deep wounding.

The deep, soul shattering wounding happens

when we are still an infant, maybe even before we are born. Plutonian people are born into
plutonian environment. Most of the time, the Plutonian child was not wanted or planned. There is
usually a deep sense of resentment, negligence or family secret tied to Plutonian children. The
Plutonion child usually stands for something which the family refuses to face. The energy of it all is
felt when we are still in the womb.
The wounding is usually in the nature of very early emotional, physical abandonment, power
struggles, sexual and physical abuse. The most painful part of it all is the perpetrator of these
energies is done by the same people who were to look after and nurture us. This makes the
wounding cut that much deeper and felt that much sharper.
Ironically; Plutonian are born hardwired with a built in defense system. The system detects bullshit,
lying and can cut through the deep motivations and intentions of peoples hearts. Most of the
time this defense system does not sit well with the Plutonian environment of the broken and the
neglected child; so in order to survive the child learns to hide their true feelings and senses and
learns to either suppress them or use them to create a whole inner realm which they can only
escape to.
The energy is contained within the childs inner realm can become too intense. The intensity
can be best explained by understanding what Pluto stands for. Pluto in Greek Mythology is ruled by
Hades- god of the underworld. It rules, intense power struggles in all areas of life, either sexual
domination or suppression sex is seen as a tool for Plutonians; not to mention plays into much
of power struggles in relationships. Death in the literal, emotional, psychological and spiritual levels
as well as the much needed energy of transformation and healing. With all the darkness of the
energy also comes with the redemption of healing and transforming and using the power granted
by Pluto for positive means.
A child that is not allowed to own and express their Plutonian power has a higher risk of being taken
over by these intense energies with a deep sense of pain, isolation and depression because as they
grow up these energies that are still not understood and accepted by society and families.
Most Plutonions are deep thinkers and can sense and detect what really lies under anything.
Because of the laserlike intensity to be able to see things what it is and accept it without any
hindrances; Plutonions have very few friends. But the friends they do have matters.
Plutonions exude intensity, unspoken allure and sexuality. In relationships; they will always play
with power struggles in all areas; however if the intentions of the partner is seen by the Plutonion
as caring and honest Plutonions can learn to share their power and even learn to accept their
partners power.
Intuition and even psychic ability can run deep within a Plutonion and they are always confronted
with the need for intimacy yet afraid of losing their autonomy.
Plutonions need for intimacy and autonomy creates inner conflict. From a young age; there will
always be the lure of belonging to a group; to be understood and accepted but almost always the
environment is unwilling to accept the intense probing and truth revealing behaviors of Plutonions.
As the famous Swiss psychologist Carl Jung stated that one can really never be part of a group and
be an individual. One must choose. Carl must have been a Plutonion.
Betrayal and trust are the same sides of a coin for Plutonians. Not disclosing information is seen as
betrayal. Trust is always earned; yet Plutonions are the most loyal once they deem you trustworthy.

The most interesting challenge for Plutonions is whether or not they can heal their past and inner
wounding to ultimately learn to use the Plutionion energy to help others. Plutonions if they can heal
themselves can also help other heal if they are experiencing a Pluto transit in certain areas of their
lives. Because if this ability; power is usually given to a developed Plutonion. This can be a life
calling if one is able to break free from their inner demons. Many Plutonions are healers, doctors
and shamans and psychoanalytical psychologists.

Even if they keep their mouth shut, there is a lot of strong emotional projection from the pluto person
and people can sense it. If a PP walks into a room, unless the PP is being very careful not to attract
attention- that person is noticed by almost all others in the room; emotional and personal energy
I think what scares people are two things- for one they sense that the PP will sometimes go through
hell if need be to accomplish what they want. For good or bad, with or without ethical or social
consideration. If someone is not good at sizing people up then they might assume the worst and only
see ruthlessness. But most PPs incorporate a lot of social and ethical considerations into their wants
The second is that I think PPs can often size people up pretty well and can see right off exactly what it
is the other person wants to hide about themselves. Yes, deep intuitions. And I think when they do the
other person knows it on some level and it scares the heck out of them. Most people are a little
terrified of transformation. But most PPs I know like it.

Anyone embodying plutonic qualities often appears as a stranger -- and sometimes, a threatening
stranger -- to the greater populace still asleep inside the notion that they will live forever.

For deep seated anger, hatred and mistrust that arises up from within and from others to sting you over
and over again. Releases fear of the darkness in one's self or another, using the energy to purify and
transform. For those who are heavy on the art of self sabotage - if there are three choices, one
absolutely positive, one alright and one bloody awful, they are apt to choose the absolute most
damaging one every time! An excellent essence for those with Scorpio/Pluto

Aconitum - A powerful toxins cleanser, removing the results of long term negative thinking from all the
energy bodies including the aura. This essence is especially helpful for those with Scorpio and or Pluto
strong in the natal horoscope as well as those undergoing intense transits of Pluto.

Black Crescent Butterfly - Excellent for those born with a "Hades Moon" I.E. Pluto in hard aspect to the
Moon in the natal chart or by transit. Finding comfort and healing through accepting that darkness is
an opportunity to retreat from the world and initiate self-healing. HADES MOON: THE PLUTO-MOON
In my natal chart I have what is called a 'Hades Moon' through my Pluto-Moon conjunction. Judy Hall
has an excellent book about this particular subject: 'The Hades Moon: Pluto in Aspect to the Moon'
(Amazon Preview)
With this conjunction, the aspects (or energies) of both are enhanced:
"The Pluto-Moon combination brings in a greater level of awareness, and a deeper connection to the
unconscious, instinctual forces than the Moon alone. This combination has a peculiar intensity about
it. An urge, often compulsive, to explore the taboo areas of life where others fear to tread."
"As such, Pluto is rarely welcomed by those on whom he comes to call, much less accepted as a
valued part of the psyche. For most people, the Pluto archetype is repressed way down below the
conscious level where it forms part of the individual, and the collective, shadow.
"However, the archetype also has a richness and depth which can only be contacted through the
subjectivity and interiority of the solitary, inward path. In this expression of the archetype, solitude and
seclusion produce inner strength and breadth of purpose. This is the creative archetype, the one that
recognizes the many deaths that go into renewal and rebirth. Here is the artist, the counselor, the
therapist, and the surgeon. One of the major strengths of the positive Pluto archetype is that, familiar
with the dreams and images of the inner world that link to the collective unconscious, it rarely fears the
transition known as death. Indeed, the Pluto archetype positively welcomes any kind of death or
ending as a chance to grow into something new or deeper. This is Pluto as destroyer, just as Shiva
with his endless dance to keep chaos at bay, is also destroyer and creator at one and the same time.
This "god" is the creation-preservation-destruction cycle of life itself." - Judy Hall

Pluto opposition Jupiter

The opposition of Jupiter and Pluto shows questioning of social ideology. You challenge dogma by
asserting your own views, which may often be out of step with those of society. Autocratic attitudes
and a lack of humility can cause a loss of popularity. This is a powerful placement for Jupiter, the
planet associated with religious and philosophic issues. You may have much to offer in correcting
social injustices

Why Pluto Dominant People or Plutonians are extremely private?

This is the question asked by most of the people when they meet someone who is
a Pluto dominant also called as a Plutonian. The answer is, thats the way they just
are or its just their nature because of the pain they went through in life. They faced
rejection repeatedly so they think that when you get to know their darker side they
are afraid that you will reject them also. Another reason is that, they dont want to
reveal themselves as you may use it against to them someday. They are prone to
changes and think that he might have a good for now but, things will eventually
change somehow and you might use everything you know against them to lose
power over something.

Joe (not his real name) who is a Plutonian with Venus ,Mercury , Mars and his Pluto
in scorpio in the sixth house, hes very secretive about the way he works and very
obsess about promotion and the power of being an authority in the work
environment. Although he is friendly and has a lot of friends to hang out with, but
no one knows the deeper side of him. When you ask about personal questions, he
tends not to answer it and change the topic. He confessed that he doesnt reveal
himself because he is afraid that anyone might figure out his weakness and use it as
a blackmail or to control him. This is true for Pluto-scorpio dominant person
because of the pain they experienced when someone broke their trust.
Sometimes they might lie or tell other stories to captivate you on thinking that you
know them very well. But, they are just wearing a mask of lies in front of you to
defend their privacy. While speaking with you it may seem like its normal but they
are already analyzing you whether you are trustworthy or not. A red alarm will ring
in their mind when you keep pushing yourself that youre are worthy of these
Plutonians trust, they might just play along or wont talk to you ever again. These
people have a powerful instinct and common sense that when youre revealed your
secrets to these Plutonians, you need something from them, thats their trust and it
will never happen.
I will reveal myself to you, and I think you might reveal everything to me in
return type of approach will not work with these people as they see you as a
potential threat in their privacy. Although sometimes the Pluto dominant person
already proclaims that you are his or her best friend in this world he or she might
keep secrets from you depends on how he sees you as a person. You can share you
own pluto-scorpio experience whether you are this person or you know someone
who is pluto-scorpio in the comment section.
Do you have any experience with someone Plutonian or you have a story to share?
You are welcome to write a comment in the comment section.

Every chart has different planet patterns.

Results may vary depending on the whole chart
and planets combinations. Consult an Astrologer
if you are experiencing any negative effects of
this aspect!Yes, Please Analyze My Chart Now!
AstrologyNatal ChartNatal Pluto



Seraphic Siren

Astrologer, Philosopher, Tarot Diva, Love Compatibility Guru, Astrology

Reading Addict, Horoscope Junkie, Past Life Believer, Numerology
Enthusiast, Psychic Readings and Predictions Fanatic, Life Mysteries
Investigator, Empath, Life Coach, Homebody, Techno Geek, Milk-Tea
Lover, Crystal Healing Stones Collector, Asian.

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January 13, 2015 4:59 pm

Hi siren i have read all of your blog topics and i find it very interesting, my friend of mine told me
thati have a pluto scorpio in my natal chart you are right i do not trust anyone easily unless you
are my friend. Sometimes im not comfortable if someone is questioning my personal life though
whether you are my work colleagues, neighbor etc.. Unless you are my family or a close friend.

January 13, 2015 5:05 pm

Keep it up and continue yo share your astrology experience, You might also help others as well to
understand their personality and their connections to the stars. More power to you pretty
astrologer. Hehehe

Seraphic Siren

January 14, 2015 6:41 am

Yes, all Pluto dominants hold on to their privacy like its a matter of life and death. Though it
depends whether Pluto is in hard or soft aspect. If it has a hard aspect it may intensify their Pluto
energy but, if other planets have a soft aspect to it, it may enhance plutos energy and blend
together with the certain planet.

Seraphic Siren

January 14, 2015 6:41 am

Im glad to know you like my articles ^_^


March 12, 2015 4:25 pm

It feels like a lose/lose. Like, if I dont share my back story, people will just think Im weird and
wont know why. And if I do share my back story, people will understand why Im weird, and
wont want to deal with someone with so much baggage. Or worse, theyll tell me that I should
just get over it, or move on. That shit is deep, yo. You cant just pull those roots out..

Seraphic Siren

March 12, 2015 4:45 pm

Thank you for sharing kyle! You are not weird you just need to surround yourself with likeminded people. Pluto dominants find it hard to get over or move on because the pain is their
motivation or their sense of living. Though after you overcome everything and finally moved on
you will see yourself as a better person, like a Phoenix reborn from ashes and flies high into the

Gustavo M.

March 27, 2015 10:46 am


I from Brazil so sorry about my english.

As a plutonian, with pluto in scorpio in the first house of my chart, I could not agree more with
your post. I never understood why I keep telling lies to the people arround me about my
personality until I started to learn about astrology. This mask that you describes in your article just
works as protection. Sometimes I just feel like the people will hurt me with the information that I
try to hide. I can track back some experiences that put my in te position to hide those personality
deepness because of the fear to be hurt. So as I keep estudying astrology I see how its a
powerfull tool that can help me to show me more to the people arround me and how I can develop
this into a balanced aspect. Thank you for the post

Seraphic Siren

March 27, 2015 1:00 pm

Hello Gustavo,
Thanks for sharing your experience and feelings as a plutonian! Astrology really helps you
understand why you have this kind of personality that you cannot explain. It is simply your
character based on your natal chart the time you were born. You said you keep information about
yourself because people around you might hurt you. It is true because society is cruel about the
pluto dominants experience and life choices that other people could not deeply understand. Pluto
does everything to survive in life, and they do everything they could even the darkest one because
it is their nature. You could trust your few friends who is not egoistic because, they are the ones
who are not judgemental and accepts you for who you are. If you have more things to share and
questions to ask you may join our astrology forum.


March 29, 2015 12:33 am

Thank you Seraphic Siren for the kind response.
I just joined the astrology forum.

Seraphic Siren

March 29, 2015 7:57 am

Thank you for your participation! You could start by introducing yourself in the forum. Feel at
home, you may share anything you know there or ask us.


May 29, 2016 2:18 am

Hello again
I only have scorpio asc and pluto scorpio in my natal chart, so i thought i wouldve been venusian
or saturn since am taurus sun n venus with capricorn in other 3 planets.. Its so funny to find out
that im a pluto dominant,
After reading sooooo many articles about plutonian, i finally know my personality better, like i
dont like anyone who tried to get into my room with or without permission, my room is my holly
Now i know why i keep lying to my besties about my personal life, so if they read about this
plutonian or the darkside of scorpio rising, they simply said that its not me AT ALL, idk why they
just believe me, so i guess Im really succesful in that matter lol

Seraphic Siren

May 30, 2016 4:08 pm

Thank you for sharing your thoughts Aprie! Pluto dominants are good at hiding their real

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Seraphic Siren documents her astrology forecast, research, insights, and experiences in
this small space she considers a personal diary. She educateshow astrology works and
provides modern astrological insights. She loves to interpretby means of story or
anecdote which develops a mental picture to the readers.
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Bilo bi suludo priati o Plutonu a ne priati o seksu, koji se razlikuje od arhetipski
Lavovskog radosnog, zavodnikog, raskonog, otvorenog seksa, to bljesne kao

munja u kratkom strastvenom momentu. Plutonske spoznaje na ovom polju su

drugaije. On je spor, zahtevan, pa uputajui se u ovakav odnos, to je kao da
plutate u nekom inter prostoru izmedju ovog ovde i nekog drugog sveta, to je
iskustvo jedne simbolike smrti, akt kreacije i destrukcije u jednom. Izraenog
erotizma, dramatian i magian u isto vreme, seksualni ivot Plutona je uvek pun
dogadjaja, jer nee dozvoliti da im seksualna tenzija opadne ispod odredjenog nivoa,
esto razornog i opsesivnog. Ponekad ih jak libido i elja za dominacijom mogu
nagnati da se ponaaju manipulativno u odnosu na partnera, da budu zahtevni, ili se
deava obrnuta situacija u kojoj se neko drugi nad njima tako ponaa. Dosezanje
prave ljubavi, mogue je samo kroz odnos koji traje, a nikako kroz esto i agresivno
menjanje partnera, kojim osoba odbacuje svaku mogunost da se vee usled straha
od odbacivanja. Za njih veza sa drugom osobom predstavlja neodoljivu snagu koja
prevazilazi granice linosti i vodi i fizikom i transcedentnom iskustvu.
U zdravstvenom smislu svi plutonijanci su izloeni bolestima upravo zbog toga to
niko ne moe tako duboko da potisne traumatina iskustva iz ivota kao oni. U sebi
sahranjuju sve svoje emotivne rane, bes, ljutnju, ljubomoru, stid, ponienja, zavist
Moda e vam onako usput, nekad rei kako nemaju nikakvih problema i zaista e
to misliti i tako se oseati, jer su sve svoje i to posebno one najvee probleme gurnuli
tako duboko u sebe da ih sunce istine samo od sebe nikada nee ni okrznuti! I dok
sve to fermentira u njihovoj podsvesti, oni samo ekaju dogadjaj, osobu, momenat,
smrt koja e ih naterati da ipak shvate nemo svoje moi, slabost svoje snage,
isfrustriranost svoje energije i proeprkaju po odbaenim aspektima svoje linosti.
Bolesti kada se kod njih jave one su jake, prelamajue ali kratko traju usled njihove
jake vitalne energije i snane konstitucije, i uvek e se nakon bolovanja dii mnogo
jai i zdraviji nego to su bili. Kod njih prehlada nije nikada kaljucanje ili laki nazeb,
ve prava virusna infekcija, grip nije grip ve pneumonija, a glavobolje nisu prolazne i
lake, ve su to migrene za padanje u nesvest koje neprekidno traju po tri dana i
vie Jer Pluton je ekstreman! Vie puta im je ivot bio u pitanju, privlae na sebe
opasnost kao i sve udne likove koji im kad tad mogu zakomplikovati ivot. Ali oni to i
ele Kada tonu, onda tonu polako, dugo i duboko sugestivno i fatalistiki
primoravajui sopstveno telo da prevazidje granice ljudske izdrljivosti i snage, i da
se isceli.
You are interested in the deeper and darker sides of life and the human psyche, you cannot be
comforted with a lie because truth is your highest value. You are raw. You are blunt. You don't
sugarcoat. You keep it real. You don't deny your own dark side. You don't conceal the ugly sides
of life. You can see right through other people. You have extreme psychological intuition.

Constantly transforming and refining yourself, you are not afraid to destroy something to have
something better blossom out of the fertile grounds of destruction. You are not afraid to let go, to
start anew, to reinvent. Nobody goes through more personal deaths and rebirths than you do.
Constantly hitting rock bottom and then rising like a phoenix out of its own ashes, you will be
more wise and beautiful than before, after every single transformation.
Nothing is scarier to you than vulnerability, which can leave you being quite paranoid, obsessive,
even manipulative - because you know your own darkness, you also see it in others and expect
them to see it in you. But there is nothing you want more than utter intimacy on all levels.
You are not blinded by physical posessions, status,... you know that what is truly important is
what you take to the underworld - the soul. The soul and all its wisdom. The naked soul,
completely truthful and vulnerable. The soul you see in everyone else but are scared to show
I want you to know that you don't have to be afraid. Those who deny and suppress their dark sides
have less control over it. You might be more openly blunt and dark, you might think you are
different, "fucked up". But you have nothing to hide. You have complete control over your
darkness by exposing it into the light of consciousness and visibility. Your soul is pure only when
you dare to show it completely.
You might not know it, but it's a rare thing to look at yourself with the same level of honesty that
you do. You see your dark sides. You bring them into the light of consciousness.
You look like the serpent but you are the innocent flower underneath.

Plutonians just want a soul connection. It's that simple. The kind of sex
where you lose control of your "self" or your physical body. The kind
where you are one and even more than being as one, you are outside
yourself even.. its about kundalini sex.

It's all about resistance--or not. Passion in the sexual sense itself
is a dance of resistance and surrender. The friction of those two
forces are what causes ecstasy. (To resist completely is to be
raped.) This is a good thing to remember, for it applies to all
Plutonian dilemmas. Some degree of resistance is expected to
make the process work, but you will not resist this force, so if you
won't give up some of your will, you are in essence letting yourself
be violated. (Your choice.)

n day life, though, I could not stand my own magnetism. The attention was scary.
I was so shy, I could not speak to anyone outside my immediate family or a

couple close friends without blushing. I hated attention (Leo ascendant conjunct
Saturn in Leo from the 12th). I was raised in a Catholic school and community
that asserted the idea that this power I had, these things I did with myself, were
dirty and wrong. A part of me could not accept this as true. But, shame was
huge. This created an inner battle throughout my formative years that cultivated
into the strong willed independent thinking person I have become. I just could not
believe that I was dirty. My curiosity superseded it all.
Pluto transited exact on my stellium around age 13. At that time, I was raped and
lost my beloved Grandmother to pancreatic cancer. Overcoming this early trauma
has helped me find depths within myself that make it possible for me to bridge this
world into the unseen world and manifest healing space for other people. As I
heal myself, I heal others. My third house mimicry gives me the ability to be with
another person and co-experience the root cause of their hurt. The trauma from
my past carved out a path into my limbic system that as I heal myself, I create a
trail that I can retrace whenever I need to get back there. I retrace these steps
when I hold my patients so that, like a tuning fork, their systems can recalibrate.
I love the feeling of being with another person like cookie monster loves cookies.
The shame I felt in my youth has transformed into self actualization as I practice
meditation and continuously wake up into the bliss of existing simply in the
moment. My self play has become a ritual of self care that culminates into
communing with a great sense of peace and nothing and shadows that dance
behind my eyes. Sometimes, I even get to merge with a white light and have
whole body orgasms while dreaming.
Tantra, Kundalini, yes. Sex is sacred territory to me. Now, at 37, I am being
patient. I refuse to have sex without love. Saturn has got my back for now,
slowing me down. I welcome the temperance, a respite from my passions.
Ultimately, I would love more than anything to merge with a partner intimately
The story of Pluto or Hades is a complex and dark one. There are many parallels here to make,
Pluto was a planet and then had its planetary status taken away, Pluto took Persephone away from
Demeter, and in your personal chart, it will show that which you need to transform or take away or
what you will transform for others. And if you have Pluto in a significant position in your birth chart
or in aspect or relationship to your personal planets or points, well, you probably had your
childhood taken away so, so you know the power of Pluto.
I see Pluto as the God of transformation; He destroys everything on your path which obstructs
Consciousness. Pluto, aka Hades, is the God of the underworld. He is equal in power to his brothers
Zeus (Jupiter), Poseidon (Neptune) and few are granted access to the underworld and above hell,
except for Mercury.
Pluto takes the life out of a party, the giggle out of a person of any age. While Saturn is considered
the planet of maturity, I think there is a maturity which is gained from surviving a Pluto transit. If
you live with Pluto in a significant place in your chart, like being in relationship or aspect to one of
your personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars), one of your angles (Ascendant, Nadir,
Descendant, and the MidHeaven) or your nodes, well, then you probably also grew up rather early
and had to deal with some of the less than desirable aspects of life. I consider people with such
placements of Pluto to be Plutonian people (the same applies with the other outer planets). One of
the hardest things for a Plutonian person to understand (without the help of astrology) is that they
are agents of change whether they say or do anything or not! A Plutonian person can walk into a

room and people in the room will have an immediate visceral, mostly unconscious experience of
something deep in the room.
Plutonian people can act and feel like a Scorpio personality. Others will share their deepest darkest
stories with you and then at the end say, I never share this with anyone. If you had a dime for
every time someone said that to you, you would be a very wealthy person indeed! Plutonian people
make great therapists and facilitators (add Chiron into the mix and you have a facilitator/teacher of
transformation like many of us born in the mid 60s), helping to unstuck people and guiding them
on their path of self awareness.
Many people and some astrologers say the outer planets are too far away from us to have a
personal bearing, especially Pluto. I would tend to agree and especially in regards to the vast
majority of people, but when Pluto is in relationship with a personal planet, nothing remains the
same and all parts of self are transformed. One experiences a trial by fire and gains a resiliency in
emotions (when in aspect to the Moon), or ones values and self esteem (Venus) are always in a
process of transformation, or one has deeply explorative probing communication (Mercury) or you
become a master warrior (Mars) because of the ways in which you could not defend yourself as a
child, or maybe you become a Svengali or Rasputin (Sun) to coerce and manipulate others or
because you learned that as a survival mechanism, while on a higher level of expression this same
person could be someone who shows others the way to transformation.

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