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A completely-mixed treatment reactor has an influent flow with a concentration of 150mg/L of

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and a flow rate of 380 L/min. The reaction is 1st order with a constant
rate of 0.4/hr. Determine the required detention time and the reactor volume to achieve an
effluent concentration of 20 mg/L. (Ans. a. TR = 16.25 hr. V = 114 m3)

2. A trial configuration of a hand- move sprinkler system has a lateral running down slope form a
mainline along a constant grade of 0.005m/m. the design operating pressure of the nozzle is 310
kPa. The trial length of the lateral results in a distance of 400m between the first and the last
sprinkler. Determine maximum allowable head loss to friction as m/m. Allowable pressure
difference between sprinklers is 20%. (Ans. 0.021m/m)

Assuming a deoxygenating constant of 0.25 d-1, calculate the expected BOD5 if the BOD3 is 148
mg/L. (Ans. 200mg/L)

4. A rectangular sedimentation basin is to be designed for a flow of 1.0 mgd (million gallons per day)
using a 2:1 length: width ratio, an overflow rate of 0.00077 fps (feet per second), and a detention
time of 3.0 hr. What are the dimensions of the basin? (Ans. W = 32 ft.; L = 64 ft)
5. An ion exchange resin is used to remove nitrate from a water supply with the ionic concentrations
shown below. The total resin capacity is 1.5 equivalents per liter of resin.

(a) Do the Anions and Cations balance? (b) What volume of water can be treated with each liter
of resin? (Ans. a. balance, b. 833 Liters)
6. Design a facultative lagoon for a temperate climate when the flow rate is 3800 m 3/d and the BOD5
is 200 mg/L. Use these steps:
a. Select a reasonable depth.
b. Calculate the surface area based on the BOD5 areal load.
c. Calculate the volume and hydraulic detention time.
d. Calculate the volumetric loading (kg BOD5/ (1000 m3-day)).
e. If degradation in a facultative lagoon can be modeled as a first-order process with a degradation
rate of 0.2 day-1, what will be the effluent concentration from the lagoon?
(Ans. a. 1.5m, b. 10 ha., c. 40 days, d. 5 kg BOD5/1000 m3-day, e. 22mg/L)
7. The pressure at the lowest bottom point of a clear well is 13.2 psi. What is the total water depth
of the clear well at its lowest point? (Ans. 30.5 ft)
8. An empty atmospheric storage tank is 8 feet in diameter and 32 feet high. How long will it take to
fill 90% of the tank volume if a pump is discharging a constant 24 gallons per minute into the tank?
(Ans. 7 hours and 31 minutes)

9. The long pipe is filled with water. When valve 1 is closed, p2-p1 = 12 psi. When the valve is open
water flows at 10ft3/s, p1-p2 = 25 psi. What is the friction head loss between 1 and 2 for the flowing
condition? (Ans. hL = 85.4 ft)

10. The basin in Wahootchies water plant measure 60 feet long by 40 feet wide by 8 feet deep. The
flow through this plant is 4.1 cuft/sec. What is the detention time? (T = 1 hour and 18 minutes)
11. Water is flowing in an open channel at a depth of 2m and a velocity of 3m/s. it then flows down a
contracting chute into another channel where the depth is 1m and the velocity is 10m/s. assuming
frictionless flow, determine the difference in the elevation of the channel flows. (Ans. 3.64m)

12. A 20mm dam pipe forks, one branch being 10mm in diameter and the other 15mm in diameter.
If the velocity in the 10mm pipe is 0.3m/s and that in the 15mm pipe is 0.6m/s, calculate the rate
of flow in cm3/s and the velocity in m/s in the 20mm dimeter pipe. (Ans. 129.6 cm3/s, 0.413 m/s)

13. A hydro-electric power plant has an effective head of 250m. If the flow rate of 16 m3/s can be
maintained, determine: (a) total power input to the turbine assuming a hydraulic efficiency of
98% and (b) the pressure difference across the turbine. (Ans. a. 38 MW; b. 2.4 MPa)
14. Determine the pressure loss in a 100m long, 10mm dimeter smooth pipe if the flow velocity is
1m/s for: (a) air whose density 1.0 kg/m3 and dynamic viscosity 1 x 10-5 N-s/m2. (b) Water whose
density 1000 kg/m3 and dynamic viscosity 1 x 10-3 N-s/m2. (Ans. a. 320 N/m2, b. 158 kN/m2).
15. A right circular cylinder of radius ro and a height ho with axis vertical open at the top and filled
with liquid. At what speed must it rotate so that half of the area of the bottom is exposed? (Ans.
w = (2/ro)*sqrt(gho))
16. Laboratory tests indicate that the volatile content of the raw sludge was 77% and after digestion
the content is 41%. What is the percent reduction of the volatile matter? (Ans. 80%)
17. What is the mixed liquor suspended solids concentration given the following?
Initial weight of filter disk = 0.45 gms
Volume of filtered sample = 60 mls
Weight of filter disk and filtered residue = 0.775 gms
(Ans. 5,417 mg/L)
18. A wastewater treatment facility has three primary clarifiers available for use. They are all circular
clarifiers with a radius of 40ft and a depth of 8ft. The design engineer wants you to maintain a
primary clarification detention time of approximately 3.5 hours. How many tanks will you need to
use if the plant flow rate is approximately 2MGD? (Ans. 3.62 hours)
19. For the dimension given below, determine the average velocity (HLR) and the hydraulic retention
time. (Ans. 17.2 m/day; 4.19 hours)

20. Estimate the area needed for bar racks given a city population of 150,000. Use the following
assumptions. Peak of 2.8, demand of 150 gal/capita-day, limiting approach velocity of 0.8 m/s.
(Ans. 3.5 m2)

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