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Crisis of Governance in Pakistan: Need for reforms and institution building

South Asian countries have had democratic governments installed but the state of governance has become a matter of serious concern nowadays.
The present situation of Pakistan is also not very good. Today, Pakistan is engaged in the deadly war against terrorism. The country is facing
food and energy crisis, political turmoil, inflation, poverty and unemployment. The root cause for all these crises is the lack of good governance.
Crisis of governance has also hampered government plans to tackle crises. On the other hand, good governance is a prerequisite for social
harmony, political stability, economic prosperity and certainty about future. Therefore, need of hour is the developing and strengthening of
various public institutions through. Development activities under the governance sector should revolve around knowledge management,
organizational restructuring, institutional reforms, judicial reforms, law and order, professional development, and service delivery.
The concept of good governance has not emerged from outside mankinds experience throughout the ages. It is based on a lesson from history
which records both the downfall of nations resulting from bad governance, and also lessons of how nations have risen to great heights as a
consequence of good governance.
General Reforms
1. Strengthening Institutions not individuals - but empowering individuals to participate in the process of improvement for sustainability.
2. Decentralization of Power - from the center but also from the elite politicians and feudal lords for ensuring grass root improvements.
3. Right person for the right job continuous professional development throughout for accountability and sharing of responsibility.
4. Sustainability by building on success The trend in Pakistan is to abolish the previous governments good efforts and re-invent the step which
causes hurdles in sustainability.
5. Governments should build on previous success irrespective of whose initiative was it for sustainability in governance.
6. Learning from likeminded countries and cultures as opposed to western systems. Pakistan has inherited the system from the British and have
continued to follow the same system which has caused problems in managing it due to lack of knowledge and capacity of human resources.
Culture and tradition play a role and perhaps Pakistan can better learn from similar developing countries like Malaysia as opposed to European
countries which have been the case in the past.
7. Respecting and accepting diversity. Encouraging and promoting diversity as strength for attaining success. Creating and respecting diversity
as a dividend not divide.
7. Urbanization in rural areas to manage and facilitate population. Too much migration in urban cities for employment causes issues of
management and population influx. Rural areas should be developed in order to maintain and encourage good governance through
8. Do it Yourself (DIY) As opposed to waiting for donors and other agencies to help us in various sectors which perhaps in normally
considered a hindrance as donors have their own set objectives. A mindset that will be difficult to change but possible through strong
campaigning. Spreading the notion of Khudee / Self Actualization and believe in onself.
9. Efficient system for delivery of public goods
and services should be introducted through computerization and establishing performance-based criteria for delivery of basic public goods and
Institutional Building
Institutional Building is the creation or reinforcement of the capacity of an organization to generate, allocate and use human and financial
resources effectively to attain development objectives, publicor private.
Institutional Development Is typically aimed at Improvingand strengthening the following:
Internal organizational structures.
Management systems, Including monitoring and evaluation.
Financial management (Budgeting & Accounting,Auditing, Procedures) and planning systems.
Personnel management, staff development, and training.
Inter-institutional relationships.
Institutional structures of sub sectors or sectors; legal framework.
Institutional Building of various governmental institution :
improving the efficiency, timelines, and effectiveness in judicial and police services;
supporting greater equity and accessibility in justice services for vulnerable poor;

Improving predictability and consistency between fiscal and human resource allocation and mandates of reformed judicial and police
institutions at the federal, provincial, and local government levels.
Improving professional competence through modern training to counter present-day challenges
Bringing accountability in the system by forming an independent commission to oversee police functioning
Bringing change in traditional policing system by strengthening community policing system
Local government reforms
There should be improvement in functioning of local government through increasing budgetary allocation accountability over funds and
annual auditing through independent auditors and through maximizing peoples participation.
Laws must be made to minimize dministrative control of the state.
For ensuring transparence, parliament proceedings must be made public and easily accessible to all.
People must be allowed to attend except in extraordinary circumstances

Noelle Easton

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