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1)Determination of Influence of Air Ratio on Combustion

The objective is to determine the combustion temperature for a given mixture of
combustible gas at a given pressure and determining the influence of air ratio on
reaction temperature.

Air flow rate=8833.3 kmol/hr
We get the following result :

Now,Change the air flow to 100%, 200%, 300% and 400% excess air

Air flow rate=17666.6 kmol/hr (At 100% excess):

Air flow rate=26500 kmol/hr(At 200% excess)

Air flow rate= 35333.3 kmol/hr(At 300% excess)

Air flow rate= 44166.6kmol/hr(At 300% excess)

Schematic Diagram:

Real Life Decision:

If a turbine vendor requires a combustion temperature limit of 750C maximum for
the blades of the

turbine to last 3 years of service, what would be the air flow required using the
given gas?

The air flow rate we get is 3.136e4 kgmol/hr

Schematic Diagram

2). Determination of Equilibrium Yield Using a Gibbs


The objective is to determine the multireaction equilibrium yield of benzene
reaction using a Gibbs Reactor operation unit in HYSYS.
1. Is the process exothermic or endothermic?
2. Find the energy required for cooling the reactor and yield of
Cyclohexane And Methyl Cyclopentane?


The process is exothermic because the temperature exceeded to 4990C

Schematic Diagram:

2)The energy required for cooling reactor is 5112kW and the Yield we get is
shown in table (lb/hr) :

Schematic Diagram

3). Develop a table for Saturated Steam


The objective is to develop a table for saturated steam at various temperature and
pressures using
the property table utility.


4). Introductory Compressor Working

The objective is to introduce a small reciprocating compression system working and
to calculate the
power required for compression of a given service.

Power required for compression of a given service is 706.9kW

Schematic Diagram

5.Modelling a real separator in hysys

Using Ideal Seperator

What is the vapor fraction and molar flow of vapor product stream?
What is molar flow of light liquid ?
What is molar flow of heavy liquid ?

Add Carryover effect in it

What is the vapor fraction of vapor product stream?

What is the rate of liquid carry over ?

Using carryover correlation

What is vapor fraction in product stream ?

What effect does when input mesh thickness about 100mm ?

Result: (Using Ideal Seperator)

The vapor fraction and molar flow of vapor product stream are 1 and 17890
The molar flow of light liquid is 6846 lbmole/hr
The molar flow of light liquid is 465.8lbmole/hr

Result: (Add carryover effect)

The vapor fraction of vapor product stream is .9982
The rate of liquid carry over is 6813 lbmole/hr .

Result: (Using carryover correlation)

The vapor fraction in product stream is .8608
The increase in vapor fraction of vapor product stream which is .995

Schematic Diagram:

6.Dynamic Depressurizing:

1).Size the vessel:

What height you will get?

What Diameter you will get?

2).Blowdown Valve Sizing:


Heat flux mode: adiabatic

Valve parameters:
Valve Equation=Fisher
Operating Condition:
Max CV step size=5


When heat loss model is none,simple and detailed(Zero insulation)?

What Cv is calculated ?
What is the final temperature of the vessel?

1).Result: (Vessel Size Calculated)

Height :
Diameter: 1.219m
2).Result for Blowdown Valve Sizing: (Model set to none)

Cv calculated is .8048 USGPM

Final Temperature is 187.3 0F

Result: (Heat loss model set to simple)

Cv calculated is .5916 USGPM

Final Temperature is 179.3 0F

Result: (Heat loss model set to Detailed (Zero insulation))

Cv calculated is .8116 USGPM

Final Temperature is 187.4 0F

Schematic Diagram:


Initially our air flow rate is not in excess so we get higher temperature since we
increase flow rate our temperature become start decreasing because air flow rate is
in excess so they lower the temperature inside our reactor and also we loss our heat
due to excess air .

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