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Chapter 12 Conflict Management

Lesson 1 What is conflict?

Conflict any clash of ideas or interests
Sources of Conflict
Values and expectations
Recognizing the Signs of Conflict
Others Behavior
Avoiding Conflict
Pick your battles
Respect different opinions
Take a break
Lesson 2 Communicating during Conflict
Conflict Cycle
about conflict

Response to
Consequences of
response to conflict

Body language communication done by the body rather than by words.

Lesson 3 Resolving Conflict
Negotiation the act of discussing the issues of a conflict to reach an agreement.
Compromise - a solution to a conflict I which each side gives up something to reach a
Collaboration a solution to a conflict in which both sides work together to get what they want.

A good mediator has the following:

1. special training
2. objectivity
3. understanding
4. ability to control the situation
mediation a process in which another person call a mediator listens to both sides of the conflict
and then offers solutions to the conflict.
Peer Mediation is mediation in which the mediator is of similar age to the people in the
Lesson 4 Conflict at School
Being teased at school you could
1. ignore it
2. make a joke
3. confront the teaser
bully a person who constantly picks on or beats up smaller or weaker people.
Intimidation the act of frightening others through the use of threatening words and body
What should you do if you are being bullied?
1. ignore the bully
2. talk to the bully
3. stand up to the bully
4. report the bully
Conflict with teachers:
1. Pick the right time and place.
2. stay calm.
3. focus on solving the problem.
Lesson 5 Conflict at home
Conflict with Parents:
1. rules
2. responsibilities
3. expectations
4. difference of opinion

Conflict with Siblings:

1. sharing possessions and space
2. jealously
3. age differences
sibling rivalry competition between siblings.
Lesson 6 Conflict in the Community
Conflict with Neighbors:
1. be tolerant
2. communicate
3. compromise
Lesson 7 Conflict & Violence
Violence physical force used to cause damage or injury
Aggression any act or behavior that is hostile or threatening to another person
Conflict can lead to Violence
1. lack of communication
2. aggression
3. anger
4. group pressure
Controlling anger
1. take a break
2. exercise
3. talk to someone
4. stop & think
5. get help

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