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Unit 5 Reflections

William Park OL73 August 2, 2016

Reconsider career choices/courses I should take in grade
11 to prepare me for my career
In Unit 2, I considered the option of becoming a Sports Medicine Doctor because I
think that it is a job that suits me and I would enjoy doing. This is still my mind-set and I would
like to stick with this occupation.
In order to receive a Canadian Academy of Sports Medicine (CASM) diploma and
become a sports medicine doctor, one must first receive a baccalaureate degree. For this
baccalaureate degree, one can study any major, but it is preferred to study a science such as
biology or chemistry. They must then complete 3-4 years of a Medical Doctor Degree program
and complete post-graduate training in a specialty program.
To help successfully finish these programs and become a sports medicine doctor, it is
important to choose high school course in grades 11 and 12 wisely. You must pass all required
courses in grades 9-12 (e.g. planning 10), preferably with high marks, and it is recommended by
the University of Alberta that students complete the following courses: English Language Arts
12, Biology 12, Chemistry 12, Mathematics 12 and Physics 12. The requirements should be
slightly different for IB students, but I was unable to find these requirements.

Overall course reflection of my experience in Planning 10

Overall, I think that the Planning 10 course was a positive, useful investment of my time.
There were some bumps in the road, where I was stressing out about the assignments or confused
about what I am supposed to do, but I persevered and in the end it was worth it. That is the point
of Planning 10, to teach us how to deal with situations and come out on top. In the future, the
knowledge that I attained from this course will help me out tremendously, and I am glad that I
was able to experience it.

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