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Research Project

Apple ll - 1977

Steve Jobs added the colours to the logo to reflect the Apple lls
superior colour output

Apple lll - 1980

The next iteration of the Apple computer for business was created
primarily to computer to compete with business computing
companies like IBM

Apple llE - 1983

The Apple keyboard was built into the computer and did away with
the numeric keypad

Apple llC - 1984

The Apple llC represented Apples first attempt at both a portable

computer and out of the box functionally

Macintosh - 1984

The Macintosh was the computer that started it all and

demonstrated product features that most of us take for granted

Macintosh Plus - 1986

The Plus version of the Macintosh originally featured the beige as the
original Macintosh but in 1987 was changed to the warm gray
Platinum color that would characterize Apple computers for years
to come

Macintosh SE - 1987

Space for an internal hard disk and advanced SCSI support were
some of the selling features of the SE

Apple IIC Plus - 1988

With this model, Apple did away with the 5.25 floppy in the Apple II
line and switched over completely to the 3.5 floppy

Macintosh SE/30 - 1989

The SE/30 sported the capacity for expandable RAM and a 1.44mb
floppy disk drive as standard

Macintosh Classic - 1990

The classic was an adaption of Terry Oyamas and Jerry Oyamas

Macintosh 128k design

Macintosh Classic II - 1991

This Macintosh has a speaker cutout on the left side for better sound
and came out with two cases

Apple Macintosh LC 500 - 1993

The Apple Macintosh LC were sold as Apples upper low end

computers for the mid 1990s

Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh

(TAM) - 1997

12,000 of these were produced. Apple didnt make any more in

order to make the product seem more exclusive

Imac G3 Tray-Loading, Bondi Blue

Apple completely revolutionized the desktop computer industry. The

Imac G3s were available in various colors. Johnathan Ive, the
designer who was later the mastermind of the Cube, designed the
Imac G3

Imac G3 Slot-Loading Indigo

The other model set the standard for the rest of the Imac G3s with a
slot-loading CD rather than a tray-loading ROM

EMAC - 2002

The Emac was made available as a cheaper option to the

educational market than the Imac

Imac G4 - 2002

The Imac G4 was produced from 2000-2004 and represents the first
iteration of Apples desire to slim down the components necessary
for an out of the box personal computer experience

Imac G5 - 2005

The Imac G5 lacked the swivel functionality of the G4 but

introduced the behind-the-wheel component design principle
that characterized future Imac designs

Imac ( Intel Based ) Aluminum 2007

The current Imac models have packs have all the necessary
components to the operation of the behind the monitor in a perfect
realization of slim design

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