Energy Systems - Fire Safety and Hvac Assignment: Rashika Dhillon 3 Year - B Roll No - 26

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Rashika Dhillon
3rd year B
Roll no - 26

(A) TWO types of load assessments are normally carried out in the electrical field. One is done during the design
stage when the electrical designer needs to determine the size of conductors and rating of electrical
equipment for a new installation. The other is carried out to an existing building that is already equipped
with electrical infrastructure but may require an assessment to carry out improvement works or additions to
its existing load; in the case of the latter it is known locally as a Load Detail. We shall consider the guidelines
outlined for a Load Detail as these criteria can also be used for new installations though with a few minor
adjustments.When evaluating the operating load requirements for a commercial facility the electrical load
within the building can be arranged into the following broad categories:

Small Power and Special User Equipment
Building Services Equipment

Whilst the design of lighting systems is outside the scope of this Guide, it should be noted that average
lighting levels of approximately 500 lux would usually be considered satisfactory in a general office
environment. Given the efficacy of modern fluorescent lamps, it can be shown that an average level of 500
lux can be achieved with an electrical input of approximately 18 w/m.
In some areas of a building are likely to have higher load requirements. For example speciality lighting such
merchandise lighting in retail establishments
medical treatment areas
operating theatres
The impact of these should be evaluated on a case by base basis.
These areas, when part of a large building, often represent a small fraction of the total area and therefore
have a small or negligible effect on the overall electrical capacity required from the lighting system.
For broad planning purposes, taken over the whole of a large building a unit load of 18-20 watts/m is quite
Small Power and Special User Equipment:
Small power and user equipment would generally consist of items which would be plugged into socket
outlets or may be permanently connected. Most of which is equipment not usually selected by the Building
Services Designer but brought into the building by the occupants.
In modern office environments this is often a very controversial and exaggerated figure. Many users have an
expectation of load which rarely, if ever, materialises.
The actual requirements vary widely throughout a building. From some areas having virtually no small power
to other areas such as Financial Trading Rooms or Computer Rooms which have relatively high unit loading.
Across the whole of a typical commercial office building however, a design allowance for a connected load of
40 w/m would generally be more than adequate for small power. If special areas exist with known loads,
the higher load should be used for the areas affected.
For example, a large computer room a unit load of 450-500 watts/m may be required and a dealing area in
a financial organisation may require 90-100 watts/m.
Building Services Equipment:
Ventilating and air conditioning apparatus can represent 40-50% of the total building load in modern air
conditioned buildings.
These loads should be determined by the project mechanical engineer and are affected by:
the nature of the building fabric
fresh air requirements
internal heat gains from:

Typically, the cooling requirement is approximately 3 tons of refrigeration per 11000 ft. This would usually
represent an electrical load of approximately 45-50 w/m but must be checked for each project.
In electrically heated buildings the required load must similarly be calculated by the project mechanical
engineer. Since the heating and cooling loads are not usually considered only the larger of the two should be
used for system calculation.
The evaluation of lift requirements must be performed by a lift specialist who, on the basis of the building
population, should determine the number, speed and capacity of lifts.
A large tall building may have several hundred kilowatts of lift equipment installed. Of particular interest to
the electrical engineer however, is the fact that peak lift loads can be considered short time loads and their
impact on overall building demand discounted (but not ignored).
The starting current of a large lift motor must be evaluated for potential effects on system voltage.
Additionally, the nature of solid state speed controllers commonly used today may create disturbances on
the distribution system, particularly when the lift load is a large percentage of system capacity as in a small
building or when operating on a standby generator.
All equipment to be used in each category must be listed and the following information must be acquired:
Equipment Name
Phase (Single Phase or Three Phase)
Operating Current

1. Tidal power is non-polluting, reliable and predictable.Tidal barrages, undersea tidal turbines like wind turbines
but driven by the sea and a variety of machines harnessing undersea currents are under development. Unlike wind
and waves, tidal currents are entirely predictable.
Tidal energy can be exploited in two ways:
By building semi-permeable barrages across estuaries with a high tidal range.
By harnessing offshore tidal streams.
Barrages allow tidal waters to fill an estuary via sluices and to empty through turbines. Tidal streams can be
harnessed using offshore underwater devices similar to wind turbines
2. Solar energy is the technology used to harness the sun's energy and make it useable. Today, the technology
produces less than one tenth of one percent of global energy demand.
Many people are familiar with so-called photovoltaic cells, or solar panels, found on things like spacecraft,
rooftops, and handheld calculators. The cells are made of semiconductor materials like those found in
computer chips. When sunlight hits the cells, it knocks electrons loose from their atoms. As the electrons
flow through the cell, they generate electricity.
On a much larger scale, solar thermal power plants employ various techniques to concentrate the sun's
energy as a heat source. The heat is then used to boil water to drive a steam turbine that generates
electricity in much the same fashion as coal and nuclear power plants, supplying electricity for thousands of
3. Geo-thermal energy
The heat from the earth's own molten core can be converted into electricity. This core consists primarily of
extremely high temperature liquid rock known as magma. This "geothermal" heat circulates within the rock
or is transferred to underground reservoirs of water, which also circulate under the earth's crust. Because of
the near limitless ability of the earth to produce magma, and the continuous transfer of heat between
subsurface rock and water, geothermal energy is considered a renewable resource.
Geothermal electricity generation technologies consist of either "flash" technology or "binary" technology.
With flash technology, water from 300 to 700 degrees Fahrenheit, but still in liquid form, is piped from its
highly pressurized underground reservoir into a geothermal facility. Once this super-heated water is
released, it flashes into steam that then drives a conventional turbine generator. With binary technology,
underground reservoir waters of lower temperatures are used for flashing. Heat from geothermal water is
transferred to a second (binary) liquid, which flashes into vapor upon heating, and that vapor is used to drive
4. Wind energy

The terms "wind energy" or "wind power" describe the process by which the wind is used to generate mechanical
power or electricity. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power. This mechanical
power can be used for specific tasks (such as grinding grain or pumping water) or a generator can convert this
mechanical power into electricity to power homes, businesses, schools, and the like.


Depending on the occupancy, M.O.E.F.A. system or automatic operated system shall be provided in the building.
Every building more than 15m in height shall provide both I.e. M.O.E.F.A & A.F.A.
Manually operated Electrical fire alarm system
Automatic Fire Alarm System
Residential & office buildings between 15m & 24m in height may be exempted from installation of automatic fire
alarm system if local fire brigade is well equipped to face the emergency up to 24m.
ONe has to manually operate the glass in M.O.E.F.A.S.
M.O.E.F.A.S. requires a special person or separate person to operate.
Section: As per section 7.9 of part IV of NBC. (8 of Appendix A)
Different types of detectors are provided as per the risk involved in the area.
Zones are made as per the risk or as per the floor.
2way communication system to be provided which will help to contact from ground floor to specific floor or viceversa.
Mike on every floor has to be provided.On mike instructions can be given as per situation.
Manual call points, automatic detector & public address system shall be interlinked.
Detectors shall be installed as per IS 2189/ 1988
(B) Standard Fire Alarm System Components
Most fire alarm systems consist of the following components:
Fire alarm control panel the system hub monitors inputs and system integrity, controls outputs and relays
Primary power supply primary power for your fire alarm system is usually supplied in the form of 124V or
240V AC from the power company.
Secondary (backup) power supply backup power supplies usually consist of lead-acid batteries used to
power the system in case the primary power source fails.
Initiating devices these are your activation stations, and can be manual (pull stations) or automatic (smoke
Notification appliances notification appliances are things like flashing lights, strobe lights, horns, speakers,
etc. that actually let people know of the danger in your building.
Building safety interfaces these are things like exit lighting, ventilation systems, etc. that make it easier for
people to get out of the building once a fire has started.
Initiating Devices
There are two types of initiating devices: manual and automatic.
Manual initiating devices break glass station, buttons, pull stations and the like are all considered manual
initiating devices. They should be located near the exits of your building and should be easily accessible,
identified and operated.
Automatic initiating devices there is a pretty wide variety of automatic initiating devices out there,
including heat detectors, smoke detectors, flame detectors, CO detectors, water flow detectors, etc. These
will all sense changes in the environment and react automatically in the event of an emergency. New
innovations in automatic initiating devices use cameras and computer algorithms to analyze visible effects of
fire and movement in ways that other detection devices cant.
Notification Devices
Notification devices are arguably the most important parts of your fire alarm system. Notification devices
can use audible, visible, tactile, textual and even smell-based stimuli to alert the people in your building of
fire. The most common types of notification devices are audio-visual, with a horn, bell or siren and flashing
or strobe light combo.
Building Safety Interfaces
More and more, advanced building safety interfaces are being introduced that make escaping from burning
buildings safer and easier. Examples of building safety interfaces include:

Magnetic smoke door holders these use wall- or floor-mounted electromagnets controlled by the fire alarm
system magnetically hold doors in the open position. On command from the fire control (or failure of the power
source), the doors close automatically and restrict the passage of smoke from one area to another.
Duct smoke detectorsduct smoke detectors are designed to sense smoke moving through your ducts and
will shut off fans and close dampers to prevent the smoke from moving to other parts of the building.


The amount of water in the fire storage tanks is determined by the hazard level of the project under
consideration. Most building codes have at least three levels, namely, Light Hazard (such as schools,
residential buildings and offices), Ordinary Hazard (such as most factories and warehouses), and High Hazard
(places which store or use flammable materials like foam factories, aircraft hangars, paint factories,
fireworks factories). The relevant building code lists which type of structure falls in each category.
The quantity of water to be stored is usually given in hours of pumping capacity. In system with a capacity of
one hour, the tanks are made large enough to supply the fire with water for a period of one hour when the
fire pumps are switched on. For example, building codes may require light hazard systems to have one
hours capacity and high hazard 3 or 4 hours capacity.

The water is usually stored in concrete underground tanks. It is essential to ensure that this store of water
always remains full, so it must have no outlets apart from the ones that lead to the fire pumps. These tanks
are separate from the tanks used to supply water to occupants, which are usually called domestic water
tanks. Designers will also try and ensure that the water in the fire tanks does not get stagnant and develop
algae, which could clog the pipes and pumps, rendering the system useless in a fire.
Every property to be protected by a fire protection system needs sufficient water which should be available
at all times to fight the fire. The static storage is provided at the ground level and terrace level of the
building by means of water storage tanks. The storage is provided generally in such a way that the municipal
water supply is first received in the fire static storage tank from where it overflows to the domestic
tank. This holds good for overhead storage too. Thus water will always be available in the event of a
fire. The capacity of the underground storage is generally based on at least half an hour's stock of water at
the rated draw-off by the fire pump.
This tank also serves the purpose of a holding capacity into which water from tankers can be poured through
an arrangement of a fire brigade breaching.
A logical deduction for the capacity of the water tank will be arrived at through the following steps:1. The
largest single fire suppression water demand in the entire plant will be determined; In this case, th efoam
fire system for the oil storage area (Tank farm) is the largest single consumer of firefighting water.2. The
volume of foam concetrate required to put out the fire will be calculated using NFPA 11 recommended
application rates and time.3The volume of water has a direct relationship with the volume of foam
concetrate. Therefore the discharg eof water will be deduced using this relationship.4.The water discharge
for the foam system is equal to the "largest single fixed fire suppression demand" and therefore by applying
the NFPA 30 standard (Referenced), the capacity of the water tank will be deduced

Fire pumps are usually housed in a pump room very close to the fire tanks. The key thing is that the pumps
should be located at a level just below the bottom of the fire tank, so that all the water in the tanks can flow
into the pumps by gravity
Like all important systems, there must be backup pumps in case the main pump fails. There is a main pump
that is electric, a backup pump that is electric, and a second backup pump that is diesel-powered, in case the
electricity fails, which is common. Each of these pumps is capable of pumping the required amount of water
individually - they are identical in capacity.
There is also a fourth type of pump called a jockey pump. This is a small pump attached to the system that
continually switches on to maintain the correct pressure in the distribution systems, which is normally 7

Kg/cm2 or 100 psi. If there is a small leakage somewhere in the system, the jockey pump will switch on to
compensate for it. Each jockey pump will alSo have a backup.
The pumps are controlled by pressure sensors. When a fire fighter opens a hydrant, or when a sprinkler
comes on, water gushes out of the system and the pressure drops. The pressure sensors will detect this drop
and switch the fire pumps on. But the only way to switch off a fire pump is for a fire fighter to do this
manually in the pump room. This is an international code of practice that is designed to avoid the pumps
switching off due to any malfunction in the control system.
The capacity of the pumps is decided by considering a number of factors, some of which are:
the area covered by hydrants / standpipes and sprinklers
the number of hydrants and sprinklers
the assumed area of operation of the sprinklers
the type and layout of the building
Horizontal split case
pumps are the most commonly used type of pump. This is due to their ease of access to all working parts,
availability of various sizes, ability to efficiently move large amounts of water, and their long term
dependability. This type of pump requires a water source that provides a positive suction pressure.
The functionality of a Vertical split case pump is similar to that of a Horizontal split case pump with the
exception of the vertical orientation of the pump and motor. The vertical motor placement offers the
advantages of less required floor space and the protection of the motor against potential flooding
conditions. This type of pump also requires a water source that provides a positive suction pressure.
Vertical in-line
THESE pumps also have a vertical motor orientation. Generally these are smaller, compact pumps requiring
less space than other pumps. They are suited for applications with limited space for a pump room. Another
benefit includes in-line mounting that generally does away with the need for special pads or foundations. A
drawback to the in-line pump is that the entire driver unit must be removed to perform maintenance or
repairs. A positive suction pressure is required for this type of pump.
Unlike the previously discussed fire pumps the Vertical turbine pump does not require a water source that
provides a positive suction pressure. As such, this type of pump is able to operate without priming. The
typical supplies for these pumps are underground tanks or wells. When operating, these pumps force water
up through the column pipe to the pump discharge.
An End suction
pump is considered a horizontal pump. NFPA 20 - Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire
Protection defines End suction pumps as follows: A single suction pump having its suction nozzle on the
opposite side of the casing from the stuffing box and having the face of the suction nozzle perpendicular to
the longitudinal axis of the shaft. Similar to the Vertical turbine pump, the water flowing through an End
suction pump makes a 90 radial turn from suction to discharge.


THE elevator (or lift in the Commonwealth excluding Canada) is a type of vertical transport equipment that
efficiently moves people or goods between floors (levels,decks) of a building, vessel or other structure.
Elevators are generally powered by electric motors that either drive traction cables or counterweight
systems like a hoist, or A set of lifts in the lower level of a London Underground station.
The arrows indicate each elevator's In agriculture and manufacturing, an elevator is any type of position and
direction of travel. pump hydraulic fluid to raise a cylindrical piston like a jack. conveyor device used to lift
materials in a continuous stream into bins or silos. Several types exist, such as the chain and bucket bucket
elevator, grain auger screw conveyor using the principle of Archimedes' screw, or the chain and
paddles/forks of hay elevators
(a) For design of lifts factors to be considered are
(b) Population or no. of people who require lift service.

(c) Handling capacity or maximum flow rate required by the people.

(d) Interval or quality of service required.
Floating population may also be there to counterfeit the effect of late coming persons. 100% population as
calculated from floor occupancy basis to be adopted as total population to be served, during peak hours.
The number of passenger lifts and their capacities, that is load and speed,required for a given building depend on
the characteristics of the building.The most important of these are:a ) N u m b e r o f f l o o r s t o b e s e r v e d
b y t h e l i f t ; b) Floor to floor distance;c) Population of each floor to be served ,andd) Maximum peak demand:
this demand maybe unidirectional, as in up and
down peak periods, or a two-way traffic movement.
Methods of calculating the traffic handling capabilities of lifts were first devisedfor office buildings. In due
course detailed modifications were devised to suit
other applications without altering the basic principles. The application to
office buildings is still the most frequently used. A lift installation for office building is normally designed to
populate thebuilding at a given rate and the three main factors to be considered are:a ) p o p u l a t i o n o r
t h e n u m b e r o f p e o p l e w h o r e q u i r e l i f t s e r v i c e . b) handling capacity of the maximum flow rate
required by these people.c) interval or the quality of service required.
The first point to be ascertained from the eventual occupier is the total building
population and whether this is likely to increase in the future,
If a definite population figure is unobtainable an assessment should be madefrom the net area and probable
population density. Average population density can vary from about one person per 4 m2 toone person per
20 m2. It is essential, therefore, that some indication of theprobable population density should be obtained
from the building owner. If noindication is possible (a speculative development for example) population
inthe region of 5 m2 per person for general office buildings is usually assumed
Quantity of service
No of people to use the lift system in the defined period of time is the handling capacity, and is the quantity of
The number of occupants vary according ot the purpose of the building- residential, commercial, institutional
The quality of accommodation
more space for occupant for more prestigious spaces.
Estimation of population Building type Estimated population
Hotel 1.5-1.9 persons/room
Flats 1.5-1.9 persons/room
Hospital 3 persons/room
School 0.8-1.2 persons/room
Office (multiple) regular 10-12 sqm. net area/room
Office (multiple) Prestigious 15-25 sqm. net area/room
Office (single) Prestigious 8-10 sqm. net area/room
Office (single) Prestigious 12-20 sqm. net area/room
Quality of service
Actual average waiting times i.e., the time period between the instant of passenger arrival until the instant
of time of the arrival of the lift is the indicator of the
quality of service.
The lesser the average waiting time of a passenger the better the service.
20 seconds or less excellent system
25 seconds good system
30 seconds satisfactory system
40 seconds poor system
50 seconds unsatisfactory system

(A) Internal heat gain can be :-

Heat generated by the people: The people inside the room generate lots of heat. The heat dissipated by working
people is more than from sitting people.
Heat generated by the electrical appliances: Heat is generated by electrical appliances like lights, motors,
coffeemakers, electronic equipments, etc. should also be considered for heat load calculations, which is also called
cooling load calculations.
In buildings such as office buildings, commercial stores, shopping centers, entertainment halls etc much of
the overheating problem during the summer can be caused by heat produced by equipment or by a high
level of artificial lighting.
When there are a large number of occupants or clients their metabolic heat can also add to the problem. In
residential buildings the cooling needs are significantly lower. The main reasons are the lack of large
equipment and the relative ease of applying natural cooling strategies such as ventilation and shading.
The use of energy efficient lighting, domestic appliances and office equipment reduces the cooling load. The
boilers and the hot water tanks should be carefully insulated. In this way not only is their energy efficiency
improved, but heat flow to the internal spaces is minimized as well.
Electrical appliances and equipment should be placed in positions in the building from where it will
relatively easy to expel the heat produced through natural ventilation.
The building size and shape can quickly narrow down the available HVAC system choices. High-rise buildings
are not often well-suited for packaged direct expansion (DX) rooftop equipment because of the long
distances that the air must be transported. In split DX systems, the allowable distance between the
components of the refrigeration loop is limited to ensure reliable operation. Chilled-water systems,
however, are ideal for applications where the refrigeration equipment is centrally located within a building,
or among a campus of buildings, and the cooling loads are remote.
The desired location of HVAC equipment within the building can also impact the selection. If the owner or
contractor does not want equipment located outdoors, it can be located in basements, in penthouses, or in
equipment room(s) for each floor. If there is limited space inside the building, the HVAC system may be
located on the roof, in a separate building alongside the main building, or even at a remote location.
`are designed to make an architectural statement. It may be hard to make that statement with a cooling tower on
the front lawn or packaged DX units in every window


These requirements may differ from building to building, or may be prioritized differently due to differing
building functions. For example, desired background-noise levels are much different in a classroom than they
are in a manufacturing assembly area. Humidity-control requirements are much different in a supermarket
than they are in an office building.
all basements shall be separately ventilated.
Vents with cross sectional area not less than 2.5% of the floor should be spread evenly around the perimeter
of the basements.
A system of inlets and outlets at the basement floor level and smoke outlets at the basement ceiling level
must be provided.
Inlets and outlets should terminate at groung level with breakable stall boards or pevement lights should be
in apoistion in a easily accesible to fire brigade personnel for rescue purpose and should be clearly markes
smoke outlet or air inlet near the opening.
Staircase of basement should be enclosed type having fire resistance of not less than 2 hours
Stairase should be situated at the periphery of the basement & open on the ground level in open air.
Communication with the basement should be through a lobby provided with the fire resistance and self
closing doors of atleast for 1hour rating.
The staircase should be so provided that all occupants without having travelled more than 18.50 meters
could access it.

A single intake duct may serve all basements , but each base and compartments thereof shall have separate
smoke outlet ducts.
Mechanical smoke extractor for the smoke venting system should be provided from the lower level and
should actuate with the heat sensitive detectors or sprinklers installed.
If the area of the floor exceeds 750-sq.m. It should be separated into compartments not exceeding tha
above specified area by means of wall having fire reisistance of not less than 2 hours.
The firewalls should be so erected that it does not exceed a distance of 40 meters.
If floors have sprinkler system,the above-mentioned area can be increased by 50
(A) Climate is the average weather condition of meteorological variables such as
atmospheric pressure,
precipitation in a place over long periods of time, the standard average period being 30 years.
The climate of aregion is determined by the climate system consisting of five components namely:
atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere.
The climate of a location is affected by its latitude, terrain, altitude and water bodies1-4 The design of
pleasant buildings that ensure physiological comfort of users is achieved only through an understanding of
the climate and environment (the adjacent system) and the human responsive systems For instance in a long
dry season associated with cold and dry harmattan wind, high temperature range andintense sunlight. The
climate calls for design solutions that can vitiate the cold and biting winds while providing a cool respite
from the intense heat of the mid-day sun. The impact of solar heat is enormous and has to be contended
with in achieving comfortable interiors.
The climate calls for design solutions that can vitiate the cold and biting winds while providing a cool respite
from the intense heat of the mid-day sun. The impact of solar heat is enormous and has tobe contended
with in achieving comfortable interiors.
It became necessary create trend towards sustainable settlements which are to be:
Eco system focusing on harmony between buildings and the surrounding environment of Mother Nature.
Conservation of both natural and built environment .
Giving priority to the adaptation and re-use of recycled building materials and components.
Minimizing the consumption of energy used in buildings and for travel between essential activities of the city .
Giving priority to the adaptation and re-use of recycled building materials and components.
Passive solar buildings aim to maintain interior thermal comfort throughout the suns daily and annual cycles whilst
reducing the requirement for active heating and cooling systems.
so that, during the day ,natural light provides effective internal illumination.
The orientation of the larger face of the building towards north south direction is considered to be the best as it
avoids the deeply penetrating rays of east and west .It avoids heating up of the larger side at evening time
maintaining temperature balance.
. Windows are the most common way to admit daylight into a space. Their vertical orientation means that they
selectively admit sunlight and diffuse daylight at different times of the day and year.Three ways to improve the
amount of light available from a window: Place window close to a light colored wall. Slant the sides of window
openings so the inner opening is larger than the outer opening. Use a large light colored window sill to project light
into the room.
Skylights are often used for daylighting. They are horizontal windows placed at the roof of buildings. FIG.1Light
tubes also called solar tubes, placed into a roof and admitting light to a focused area of the interior. These somewhat
resemble recessed light fixtures in the ceiling
Ventilation is the movement of air within a building and between the building and the outdoors. Control of
ventilation is most subtle yet important concerns in building design.
. (+)ve and (-)ve wind pressures around different building configurations

(B)Following are the softwares that can be used in building simulation for climate responsive architecture
Climate Consultant
It is a simple-to-use, graphic-based computer program that helps architects, builders, contractor, homeowners, and
students understand their local climate. It uses annual 8760 hour EPW format climate data that is made available at
no cost by the Department of Energy for thousands of weather stations around the world. Climate Consultant
translates this raw climate data into dozens of meaningful graphic displays
You can easily draw in the floor plan of your house, then click and drag windows to their best location on each wall.
You can add trees and neighboring buildings and see an animation of sun shadows moving across your building. You
can select from lists of standard wall and roof construction or you can input custom details. You can add high mass
to temper indoor temperatures. Various other Passive Heating and Cooling options are available including
ventilation, evaporative cooling, and passive solar heating. You can add Photovoltaic Panels and Solar Hot Water
Collectors. HEED can automatically download climate data for thousands of locations around the world. Many kinds
of Building Energy Performance data are displayed including bar charts that show how close your building is to Zero
Net Energy.
HEED- home energy efficient design
This new easy-to-use Design Tool starts by automatically creating a reference house that meets Californias 2013
Energy Code. Then it creates a second home that is about 30% more Energy Efficient. one can design and compare
up to nine different homes. HEED shows graphics of how much energy and money and carbon one can save by trying
various new Design options or by making Remodeling changes to ones home.


Advant Navis Business Park is aiming to achieve prestigious Gold rating under LEED from US Green Building
Council, which will make this project as one of the most environmental friendly projects envisaged right from
the design stage and will be one of the few commercial projects in India to achieve LEED Gold certification.
This project reinforces our commitment to sustainable development through cutting edge green
technologies to deliver eco friendly projects. The towers are designed to cover only 19% of the ground
leaving rest of the ground area for shaded landscape courts with water bodies & plants, which helps to
reduce the ambient temperature. Use of heat reflective glass, highly efficient air conditioning system, BMS,
LED lighting, occupancy sensors, lux sensors & dimmable ballasts, etc., are some of the other key
technologies to intelligently conserve energy consumption without affecting the comfort of the occupants.

If, for example, the number of occupants in the office increases, the fresh air intake of the HVAC system will
increase automatically keeping CO2 levels within control. However, in the case of reduced occupancy the
intake of the fresh air is reduced and blower speed is modulated based on occupancy, leading to
conservation of energy. There is a heat recovery unit which utilizes the difference between HVAC systems
recycled air and the cool outside air to optimize the energy usage for air conditioning. However if the unit
becomes a net consumer of energy as the temperature difference becomes smaller, it is wiser to stop the
heat recovery units wheel to conserve energy. All this is done by the intelligence built into Building
Management System implemented at Advant Navis.
By using these and other technologies, Advant Navis helps enhance countrys Green initiatives and set
standards for LEED certified green buildings in the nation. At Advant we realize that construction of Green
buildings is the only way forward for preserving the planet for our future generations to enjoy and also
provide a safe, secure and a comfortable environment for the occupants of our buildings. Our Green building
initiatives will not only help in saving huge operating energy costs of up to 30-40% to benefit our clients but
will go a long way in creating awareness about cost benefits of energy conservation through sustainable
Sharing the occupancy information with the HVAC, Access Control and Surveillance; HVAC needs this
information to control the speed of the blower to save energy, whereas Access Control and Surveillance
needs this information from security perspective to trigger cameras in the vicinity. This sharing of
information improves the intelligence level of each component. An access control may think that there is
nobody in the sitting area since everybody, who entered, has exited from the building. However if someone
has entered the building by tailgating and has not exited will be traced by the occupancy sensor. This
information is very useful also whenever there is need for complete evacuation of the premises in the case

of any calamity or disaster. At that point of time it is important to change the flow of air in certain zones in
HVAC, so that the fire can be contained within the impacted zone

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