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Project Based Learning About

Garbage Enzyme

We started our Project Based Learning on the 18th of January 2010. Our
PBL this time is about Garbage Enzyme. Below is the list of activities that we
did for the PBL:

1. Do a research on Garbage Enzyme in the internet.

2. Conduct an interview with a person who has made garbage enzyme
before. Write a report and take a video of the interview. Before that,
prepare a list of questions for the interview.
3. Create an advertisement about any product that can be used with
the garbage enzyme. Then, act it out and record it on video.
4. Make a pamphlet about garbage enzyme.
5. Create any other activity of your own about garbage enzyme.

Before this, we did not even know or hear anything about garbage
enzyme. But, after it was introduced by our English teacher, Madam
Sawaran, we started to gain a little knowledge about this enzyme. We were
surprised at how these enzymes can make a big difference to our world that
is to reduce global warming and protect the ozone layer. It also has benefits
for us, such as saving more money.

We conducted an interview with Madam Chang’s mother, Madam Liew

Nyuk Fah on 23th of January 2010. On the 6th of February, on behalf of her
mother, Madam Chang demonstrated to us the ways of making the garbage
enzyme. It is a very easy process.

We have made an advertisement based on the product that we have

chosen, which is shampoo. We typed out the advertisement and used catchy
words to make our advertisement more interesting and convincing.

Besides, we have made a pamphlet about garbage enzyme. We took

some pictures and information from the internet and pasted it in our
pamphlet. We were also asked to create any other activity of our own about
garbage enzyme, and we created a song. We composed the lyrics ourselves
and recorded it using laptop. We are very proud and happy for being able to
create our own song by ourselves.

In a nutshell, we hope that garbage enzyme can be used widely by

people all around the world. People should realize the negative conditions of
our planet Earth and should take actions to overcome this situation. And one
of the ways to do this is by using garbage enzyme. Everyone should know
the importance of these enzymes as it can reduce global warming as well as
protect the ozone layer. Together we make Earth a better place to live for
our future generations.

Reported by,

Christal Asong, Amily Jong, Angel Jupirik, Connie A’an and Mohammad

3 Tekun,

Kolej Tun Datu Tuanku Haji Bujang, Miri.


This year, we started our Project Based Learning (PBL) earlier than last two years. Our
project this year is about garbage enzyme. As usual, we did this project in groups. Our group
members are Cynthia Shera, Dayang Ayuni Diyana, Apphia Glingie, Natasha John and Nazihah
Mohammad. We think this project is the easiest compared to the other projects we had done.
However, we had to do a lot of research about garbage enzyme. By doing this project, we
knew what garbage enzyme was all about. We even learnt how to make garbage enzyme. It is
very easy to make them and it is good for the earth as it helps to reduce global warming.

We had to do a pamphlet, an advertisement, an interview and activity group that we

had to come up with something different than the other groups. For the activity group, we
decided to do a jigsaw puzzle with the pictures that relate to garbage enzymes and nature.
We had so much fun preparing the jigsaw puzzle.

For the interview, we interviewed Dayang Ayuni’s sister, Dayang Aliaa, about her
experiences on doing and using garbage enzyme. She had been practising garbage enzyme for
many years. We even recorded a video of her demonstrating on how to make garbage
enzyme. We interviewed her because she has a lot of experiences. She had been doing many
products such as drinks and detergents, from the garbage enzyme which she made. She said it
was a safe and a natural way to clean the floors or the households by using the detergents
that was made of garbage enzyme because it does not contain any chemicals.

As for the pamphlet, we did it by using the software called, Microsoft Publisher. It
took just a few days for it to be done. In the pamphlet, we did mention about Dr Rosukon, the
founder of garbage enzyme. We also did put some pictures on how to make garbage enzyme.
Overall, the pamphlet is about garbage enzyme and stuffs that are related to garbage

Next, the advertisement. Madam Sawaran asked us to do an advertisement to promote

our products to our friends. Our group advertised our products which is shampoo that was
made by using garbage enzyme. It was fun because we got to create our own product.

In conclusion, we really had so much fun doing this project. We get to know more
about how to save the earth and with this, we get to appreciate and love our earth more. We
did have some difficulties during the process of doing this project. Our group members consist
of hostel and day scholar students, so, we did not get our hands on the computer with the
internet all the time. We also hope that our garbage enzyme works!
Reported by,

Dayang Ayuni Diyana,

3 Tekun 2010


On 23rd January, we were asked by Madam Sawaran to do a Project Based

Learning on Garbage Enzyme. My groups consist of 4 persons, Devinna, Fildza,
Syafiqah and including myself, Easther as a group leader. We need to do a few
tasks which are interview, advertisement, pamphlet and an extra activity.

For our interview, we interviewed Madam Sawaran’s aunt, Madam Kulwant.

The interview took place at Promphret Villa, Interhill, Miri. The interview took about
1 hour starting from 3 o’clock to 4 o’clock. Madam Kulwant also did showed us how
to make garbage enzyme using the kitchen wastes she had collected a week before.
She also kept a lot of garbage enzyme at her home and used it in her everyday life.

As for our advertisement, we created an advertisement on beauty products.

These beauty products consist of shampoo, body wash and facial cleanser. As fo our
pamphlet, we make a pamphlet on the definition on garbage enzyme, the thing that
we need and how to make it. As for our extra activities, we make toondoo movie. It
is all about garbage enzyme and how to make it.

To conclude, we had fun making all of these activities. Before, we did not
know anything about garbage enzyme. But, after doing all of this projects, we got to
know many new and interesting things about garbage enzyme. Furthermore, it is
cheaper and it is nature-friendly because it does not harm the environment. So,
from now on, we are going to use this garbage enzyme in our everyday life for the
sake of our Mother Nature.

Reported by,

1. Easther
2. Devinna
3. Fildza
4. Syafiqah
Report on Project-Based Learning(PBL) 2010: Garbage Enzymes

On 18th January 2010, we were asked to start on our PBL which is about
Garbage Enzymes. Our group members consists of Charles Setia, Mohamad Najib,
Shaqil Firdaus, Mohamad Hafizuddin and Edaloa Pangau. We did research on the
internet and we found a lot of useful information which would help us in the making
of our pamphlets, advertisement, role-play and our extra activity which is making
the garbage enzyme. Before this project started, none of us had ever heard of
garbage enzymes. We were quite puzzled when Madam Sawaran introduced the
term “enzymes”. We were also quite disgusted when she mentioned the word
“garbage”. But, we were amazed when we discovered the usefulness of the
multipurpose substance and it is actually a cleaning agent. At first, our new
classmate who is Mohamad Najib did not know what the PBL is all about but now he

We started our research on the 20th January at the computer lab in our
school. We surfed the internet. We found plenty information regarding garbage
enzymes. Thanks to all these websites, we managed to finish our pamphlet and
advertisement perfectly but we did of course, contribute our own ideas for the

In this project, we interviewed Madam Lau Meng Ngo, who is the

mother to Lilian Ung and Cynthia Ung of 5 Cekal and 1 Tekun resepectively on 6th
February 2010. We asked her a few questions regarding her experience in making
these garbage enzymes and how much it has eased her daily life. She also helped
us by demonstrating the ways to make them. The information that we got from
Madam Lau Meng Ngo helped us to complete the project.

For our advertisement, we created a product of our own which is made from
garbage enzymes. The product that we created was a lipstick which we named
‘Gaga SNECH’. Before the advertisement was completed, Najib lost his pendrive so
he e-mailed it to Charles. When we reached the computer lab, we could not go
online to download the file.

For our extra activity, we made a garbage enzyme. We made it on the 5th
February 2010 and it is scheduled to be ready on 5th May 2010. Now, Najib took the
garbage enzyme home and keep it until it is ready. We also created a crossword
puzzle related to garbage enzyme.

As a conclusion, we learned a lot of things regarding garbage enzyme and

also we gained a lot of ICT skills from this Project-based learning. We hope there will
be more interesting Project-based Learningin the future.

SNECH 3 Tekun 2010 (Charles, Najib, Hafiz, Shaqil & Edaloa)

Report of Report Garbage Enzyme

On 23rd January 2010, we were divided into seven groups by Madam Sawaran.
My group members are Angela, Avineda, Carolyn including myself, Aida. We were
told to do Project Based Learning about Garbage Enzyme. We told to do a few tasks
which are pamphlet, interview, advertisement and an extra activity.

First, we had to do research about the garbage enzyme before we start the
other activity. After we did the research, we were asked to conduct an interview
with people who had experience making it. We were very worried that we cannot
find anyone to interview. Luckily, there was one teacher in our school which was
Miss Lai. We were so grateful that we have her because it will be easy for us to ask
her for the information. She told us that she had a whole lot of garbage enzyme at
home and she even has an enzyme which can be drunk. The drink is made out of
lime skin which is good for our body. It is like a health drink. We were amazed of it.

Next was the pamphlet. It must have information about garbage enzyme, the
benefits and how to make it. The reason we made the pamphlet was so that all the
information about the garbage enzyme are easy to read and we wanted to make it
simple. It was our first time making a pamphlet. We felt that it was really hard but
actually it was just a piece of cake.

Besides, we also need to do an advertisement about a product which we

create ourselves. Hence, we had to promote that product in a creative way and the
product must be useful to us. For the extra activity, we made a word puzzle about
what we had done and about garbage enzyme. It was really fun making the word
puzzle because it was our own masterpiece and it is original.

As a conclusion, all the tasks were not that easy but we loved it because we
had gained new experiences. We knew that garbage enzyme can save the earth by
reducing pollution. Furthermore, it is not expensive or maybe free because it was
made our own. It is also safe to use because it is non-toxic, no chemical added plus,
eco-friendly. So, start making garbage enzyme to save our Mother Earth.
Reported by

1. Aida Nurizzah
2. Angela Juan
3. Avineda Neville
4. Carolyn


For our first Project Based Learning (PBL) for the year 2010, we were given
the title Garbage Enzyme. We formed a group of five students and our group
members were Mohammad Zulqara’nain, Mohammad Fitri, Leeroy Shah,
Mohammad Yusry and Mike Bradley, leaded by Mohammad Zulqara’nain.

Our first task was to make a research on garbage enzyme. Our teacher,
Madam Sawaran had booked the computer lab for us to start and complete our
research. Our group managed to get the research done on the same day. Most of
the information we got was taken from internet.

Then, we moved on to our next tasks were to create an advertisement about

our garbage enzyme product and pamphlet on garbage enzyme. We went to the
computer lab for the second time. To complete our tasks, we used our research and
internet as our reference. We had created a role play for our group’s advertisement
which will be presented by us.

Our two final tasks were to conduct an interview and plan an extra activity
for this project. We prepared questionnaires for our interview. We interviewed Mr.
Tony anak Janin on the 19th February 2010 which was on Friday. It took place at
Pustaka Miri at 1.50 p.m. We took pictures of the interview because we were short
of camera’s memory. For our extra activity, we had conducted a survey on garbage
enzyme. We managed to get two respondents for this survey.

As a conclusion, we had learned much about garbage enzyme through this

project. We are also in the process of making our own garbage enzyme.

Reported by,

Mohammad Zulqara’nain (Leader)

Mohammad Fitri
Leeroy Shah

Mohammad Yusry

Mike Bradley

Report on Garbage Enzyme

This year for our Project Based Learning (PBL), we were assigned to do on
garbage enzyme , a solution to recover from global warming . Our tasks are to
create a pamphlet on garbage enzyme, create a product from garbage enzyme
advertise it , and create our own interesting activity.

We were also asked to interview someone who is using garbage enzyme in

their daily life. We interviewed our Principal, Miss Hashimah and asked the help of
parents of our school’s students to demonstrate how to create garbage enzyme.

First of all, we started our project by conducting a research on the internet

and books to gain more information on garbage enzyme. Most of us had never
heard about garbage enzyme and it was something new and interesting for us. We
went to the computer lab a few times to complete our work. After gathering
enough info, we used it to complete our tasks.

For the product,our group came up with the idea of a shampoo. Our product’s
name is Enzyme Magical Shampoo. It is great for hair growth and rich in vitamins
and minerals which is good for the hair. To advertise our product, we created an
eye-catching advertisement.

As for our group activity, we create a jigsaw puzzle of the ingredients needed
to create a garbage enzyme. We used a java-powered software which is
downloaded by Nico on the internet and easy to use.

Overall, we enjoyed the whole project and had learnt a lot of amazing stuffs.
Reported by,


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